A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2591: Reluctant to bear the child but unable to trap the wolf

Seeing the photo sent by Wade, the patriarch of the Robert family, who had been calm for decades, was no longer calm. He was as excited as a child.

"It's it, it's it, it's it, Wade, tell me, where did you get this photo?"

Wade breathed a sigh of relief and told the story of the video with Lu Fei in detail.


"You mean, this thing is in Lu Fei's hands?" the clan leader asked.

"I think it must be, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to come up with this look. Moreover, I can guarantee that this is the trump card in Lu Fei's hand."

"We were investigating his affairs and he knew about it. I think he just showed it to me on purpose to remind me not to do anything detrimental to him."

"I know Lu Fei, I'm sure this must be the case."

"Also, it's not surprising that he was able to take out Christine's grandfather's handwritten Bible and mastered it. I'm even sure that all of Christine's grandfather's relics are in his hands." Wade said. .??.


After listening to Wade's words, the excitement in the hearts of the clan leader and elders gradually calmed down.

The patriarch frowned and shook his head: "We have been searching for Christine's relics for decades without any news. Why can he be found? This is unfair to us!"

"Wade, do you think it's possible for Lu Fei to trade the Big Star with us?"

Wade was stunned for a moment and said, "I'm not sure about this."

"In my opinion, there should be no problem. Everyone knows that Lu Fei is an extremely greedy person. As long as the chips are right, he will definitely trade. Even the Seven-Star Sword can be traded, why not the Star of David? What's more, even if he knows The satellite of David is very important to us, and we don’t necessarily know its true purpose, so anything is possible.” Second Elder Jesse said.

Wade shook his head: "That's not necessarily true. Lu Fei is an extremely cunning person. Previously, he keenly sensed that we were preparing to deal with him, so he directly showed us his cards. It is obvious that he has been guarding against us from the beginning to the end."

"The reason why he has no scruples in trading the Seven-Star Sword with us is because the Star of David is in his hands. With the Star of David, he can still restrict us. To him, this is a talisman. How could he trade his trump card?" Woolen cloth?"

"So I think the possibility is really unlikely, but no matter what, knowing that the satellite of David is in the hands of Lu Fei is super good news for us, isn't it?"

"Of course, I will never give up. Next, I plan to continue to get closer to Lu Fei and try my best to

Let him trust me, I think, sooner or later we will get what we want, but before that, we must not show our hostility to him, otherwise, we will never get the Star of David in this life. "

After Wade finished speaking, the conference room fell into silence for a while.

Wade is right. Knowing that the Big Star is in the hands of Lu Fei at least gives them hope. This is definitely good news for them.

However, the family has spent countless costs searching for the treasure for decades, and now they have clues but cannot get it back. This is too painful.

But after carefully weighing the pros and cons, the clan leader and elders finally believed that what Wade said was right.

Now we can only do what Wade said.

It might be possible for someone else to suppress him with strong methods, but this person is Lu Fei. They know Lu Fei's temper very well. If they really push him to death, they would rather be broken than destroyed. In that case, , the Robert family completely gave up hope.

"Okay, just do as you say."

"By the way, tomorrow is Lu Fei's wedding. Wade, you can make your own decision and add more gifts we have prepared for him. There is a saying in China that is right. If you don't want to let your children go, you won't get married. The Star of David is very important to our family. It is too important to allow any loss. As for our loss today, sooner or later we will get it back a hundred times a thousand times."

"Yes, patriarch." Wade said.

"Also, what's going on with the Xiao family? I heard that their family sent more than a hundred business elites to attend Lu Fei's wedding. This is definitely not normal. Why didn't you report it?" Speaking of this, the patriarch's His face darkened again.

"Master Patriarch, this is not my mistake, because you only understand one side. Many things happened today, not just the Xiao family's situation."

"At the same time as I received this news, I also received another news. After Lu Fei and his family came to London, they actually stayed in the Thomas family's manor. This is so weird."

"I'm going to investigate everything and report back to you."


The elders were furious after hearing this.

"He and his family actually lived in the Thomas family's lair?"

"How could this happen? How dare he?"

"Oh God, Wade, you are right, this is absolutely abnormal. Do you understand what is going on?" Jesse shouted.

Wade shook his head slightly: "Not yet. That's why I called to test Lu Fei. Lu Fei has already admitted it himself. As for the reason, he said he will let me know tomorrow." Seeing the photo sent by Wade, he calmly The patriarch of the Robert family for decades was no longer calm. He was as excited as a child.

"It's it, it's it, it's it, Wade, tell me, where did you get this photo?"

Wade breathed a sigh of relief and told the story of the video with Lu Fei in detail.


"You mean, this thing is in Lu Fei's hands?" the clan leader asked.

"I think it must be, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to come up with this look. Moreover, I can guarantee that this is the trump card in Lu Fei's hand."

"We were investigating his affairs and he knew about it. I think he just showed it to me on purpose to remind me not to do anything detrimental to him."

"I know Lu Fei, I'm sure this must be the case."

"Also, it's not surprising that he was able to take out Christine's grandfather's handwritten Bible and mastered it. I'm even sure that all of Christine's grandfather's relics are in his hands." Wade said.


After listening to Wade's words, the excitement in the hearts of the clan leader and elders gradually calmed down.

The patriarch frowned and shook his head: "We have been searching for Christine's relics for decades without any news. Why can he be found? This is unfair to us!"

"Wade, do you think it's possible for Lu Fei to trade the Big Star with us?"

Wade was stunned for a moment and said, "I'm not sure about this."

"In my opinion, there should be no problem. Everyone knows that Lu Fei is an extremely greedy person. As long as the chips are right, he will definitely trade. Even the Seven-Star Sword can be traded, why not the Star of David? What's more, even if he knows The satellite of David is very important to us, and we don’t necessarily know its true purpose, so anything is possible.” Second Elder Jesse said.

Wade shook his head: "That's not necessarily true. Lu Fei is an extremely cunning person. Previously, he keenly sensed that we were preparing to deal with him, so he directly showed us his cards. It is obvious that he has been guarding against us from the beginning to the end."

"The reason why he has no scruples in trading the Seven-Star Sword with us is because the Star of David is in his hands. With the Star of David, he can still restrict us. To him, this is a talisman. How could he trade his trump card?" Woolen cloth?"

"So I think the possibility is really unlikely, but no matter what, knowing that the satellite of David is in the hands of Lu Fei is super good news for us, isn't it?"

"Of course, I will never give up. Next, I plan to continue to get closer to Lu Fei and try my best to

Let him trust me, I think, sooner or later we will get what we want, but before that, we must not show our hostility to him, otherwise, we will never get the Star of David in this life. "

After Wade finished speaking, the conference room fell into silence for a while.

Wade is right. Knowing that the Big Star is in the hands of Lu Fei at least gives them hope. This is definitely good news for them.

However, the family has spent countless costs searching for the treasure for decades, and now they have clues but cannot get it back. This is too painful.

But after carefully weighing the pros and cons, the clan leader and elders finally believed that what Wade said was right.

Now we can only do what Wade said.

It might be possible for someone else to suppress him with strong methods, but this person is Lu Fei. They know Lu Fei's temper very well. If they really push him to death, they would rather be broken than destroyed. In that case, , the Robert family completely gave up hope.

"Okay, just do as you say."

"By the way, tomorrow is Lu Fei's wedding. Wade, you can make your own decision and add more gifts we have prepared for him. There is a saying in China that is right. If you don't want to let your children go, you won't get married. The Star of David is very important to our family. It is too important to allow any loss. As for our loss today, sooner or later we will get it back a hundred times a thousand times."

"Yes, patriarch." Wade said.

"Also, what's going on with the Xiao family? I heard that their family sent more than a hundred business elites to attend Lu Fei's wedding. This is definitely not normal. Why didn't you report it?" Speaking of this, the patriarch's His face darkened again.

"Master Patriarch, this is not my mistake, because you only have a partial understanding. A lot of things happened today, not just the Xiao family's situation."

"At the same time as I received this news, I also received another news. After Lu Fei and his family came to London, they actually stayed in the Thomas family's manor. This is so weird."

"I'm going to investigate everything and report back to you."


The elders were furious after hearing this.

"He and his family actually lived in the Thomas family's lair?"

"How could this happen? How dare he?"

"Oh God, Wade, you are right, this is absolutely abnormal. Do you understand what is going on?" Jesse shouted.

Wade shook his head slightly: "Not yet. That's why I called to test Lu Fei. Lu Fei has already admitted it himself. As for the reason, he said he will let me know tomorrow."

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