A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2592 Chicken Soup for the Soul

The Satellite of David is in Lu Fei's hands.

The Xiao family generously supported Lu Fei, but the situation is still unclear.

Lu Fei came together with the Thomas family again, and even moved his family into the Thomas family's nest.

All this is bad news for the Robert family, and they have to be nervous.

"Look, guys, things are going very badly for us right now and we have to be extra careful."

"David, we have to get it back. Before we are sure, we can definitely fall out with Lu Fei. On the other hand, we have to be on guard against the Xiao family, who is eyeing him. The Thomas family can't live in the community either, so we must be nervous. Ten million Don’t give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of us.”

"For our family, now is the most critical moment. We must unite as one. Three of the five seven-star knives are in our hands. The satellite of David that we have been searching for for decades has also been found. I believe that this It is the Lord who helps us and gives us direction."

"As for this crisis, it is the Lord's test for us. If we survive this crisis and withstand the test, our family will surely soar into the sky. So, don't be discouraged. This is just a battle, and we, Wade, hope The tribe of Arabia, and our great Robert family, have never been afraid of battle."

"Our family has emerged from battles. Although there are some troubles this time, it is still a good opportunity for us to be glorious again. Come on, guys, I believe that with our strength and fighting spirit, we will definitely achieve the final victory."

The patriarch poured down chicken soup for the soul, and everyone was as excited as if they had been given chicken blood. This is the ability of leadership.

"Wade, I will send a few people over overnight to help you. I will give you three days. You must investigate the purpose of the Xiao family and the Thomas family."

"In addition, for Lu Fei's wedding tomorrow, you must make Lu Fei trust you more and let him know that among the three of our families, we are the only ones who

The family is his most loyal partner. Only by cooperating with us can he get more benefits. "The patriarch said.

"Yes, I promise to complete the task." Wade promised seriously.

The patriarch nodded with satisfaction: "Go ahead and do it boldly, young man. You will be the cornerstone of our family's future. Among the younger generation, I am most optimistic about you. I know you will not let me down."

When the patriarch said this, Wade's eyes filled with excitement, his chest clapped loudly, and he promised again and again.

"Very good. Also, Lu Fei said that he will explain to you tomorrow. No matter what the situation is, you must report it to us as soon as possible so that we can respond as quickly as possible."


At this moment, the second elder Jesse's phone rang again.

Jesse is specifically responsible for external intelligence, but underneath him, there is also a huge information network and intelligence chiefs. Generally, they will not report directly to him unless there are special circumstances.

It must be very important for the phone call to reach him directly, so as soon as the phone rang, the patriarch also stopped the chicken soup for the soul, and everyone looked over.

Jesse answered the phone calmly, but after listening to a few words, Jesse's expression became serious.



"Are you sure?"

"Okay, I understand. You continue. Remember, this is a critical moment. You must be alert and not relax for a second. From now on, you can report to me at any time."

After hanging up the phone, Jesse stood up seriously.

"Jesse, what happened?

asked the clan leader.

"Strange, so strange. According to reliable information, the Xiao family suddenly stopped all actions. On the surface, our crisis has been temporarily resolved. But just because the incident happened suddenly, I feel that something is wrong."

After Jesse finished speaking, the others also frowned.


"how so?" .??.

"The Xiao family has been preparing for so long, why did they suddenly stop? This will cause them a lot of losses. Why is this?"

The elders talked a lot, and the clan leader also frowned.

"Everyone, don't be too nervous. It's good news for our family that they stopped. Although this matter is a bit abnormal, don't pay attention to it. No matter what their purpose is, we are already prepared. The soldiers will come to cover up the water and earth, but as long as we don't relax, we won't be afraid of all their schemes."

"Although they have temporarily stopped, we still cannot relax. From now on, we must be in a state of combat readiness at all times. Only in this way can we ensure nothing goes wrong."



After the patriarch finished speaking, he looked at Wade on the screen.

"Wade, do you think the sudden behavior of the Xiao family has anything to do with Lu Fei?"

Wade nodded: "I think so too. The Xiao family mobilized a large number of manpower to support Lu Fei, which is abnormal in itself. And their sudden stop at this time may have a direct relationship with Lu Fei. I suspect, It is very likely that there will be a big deal between the Xiao family and Lu Fei, please give me some time, within three days, I will definitely investigate what is going on, and it will be clear by then."

"Okay, go ahead and do it boldly, we will fully support you."

The clan leader explained again

A few words ended the video call.

In front of the patriarch, Wade made a solemn promise, but after hanging up the phone, Wade suddenly frowned.

The three days were very tense for Wade, and he was not sure.

The reason why he dared to promise to the clan leader was because he believed that the Xiao family's series of scandalous operations were directly related to Lu Fei. Lu Fei said he would give him the answer tomorrow. Maybe from this aspect, he could get some valuable information. .

After smoking a cigarette, Wade washed his face and came to the living room.

Gene and Carter were still waiting in the living room.

"Is there any progress?" Wade asked.

Carter stood up quickly: "Boss, we have received news that another group of people came to London tonight. These are also the backbone of the Xiao family, but their quality is much higher than during the day."


"How many people are there?" Wade asked.

"At least thirty people."


Wade gasped.

What a generous gesture!

What on earth is the Xiao family going to do?

What is the quarrel between Lu Fei and them that makes them worthy of such an effort?

After listening to Carter's report, Wade, who had just relaxed a little, became nervous again.

After hesitating for a few minutes, Wade finally did not report to the clan leader.

"Carter, Gene, this is a critical moment. Please work hard and continue to find out information."

"The people sent by the family to assist you are already on the way. I promise the clan leader that they will find out clearly within three days. Don't let me down!"

"Don't worry, boss, we promise to complete the task."

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