A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2593 Martial Law

July 20th, sunny.

In the early morning of this morning, residents on the north bank of the Thames, Newgate Street and Newchange Street who liked morning exercises still got up early for morning jogs.

Most people who do morning exercises in this area have a habit of heading towards the junction of the two streets.

Because one of the world's five major religious shrines, St. Paul's Cathedral, a famous tourist attraction in London, is located here.

This magnificent church with a history of more than 1,600 years and an ill-fated fate has long become a landmark building and is also the greatest pride of the residents here.

I pass by here every morning during my morning exercise and take a look at this magnificent building, which is pleasing to the eye even without going in.

However, people who were doing morning exercises this morning were surprised to find that the street intersection that usually has the highest concentration of people was under martial law today.

It was only six o'clock in the morning, and there were already more than 20 police cars and dozens of policemen standing ready.

This has never happened before, and people doing morning exercises were immediately confused.

"Hi Jamie, good morning, what's the situation over there? Why is martial law imposed?"

"Good morning Evie, actually I don't understand either. I was going to ask about the situation just now, but those damn police turned out to be as vicious as a vicious dog. I'm sorry, I was really scared by them."

"Fake, what is going on? I have lived here for fifteen years and it has never been like this. What happened today?"

"Even if there are special circumstances, we should be notified in advance?" Iwei said.

"That's true, but in fact none of us received the notice. Ivan from the fast food restaurant just said the same thing as you. We think there must be an emergency, maybe a murder!"


"Jamie, don't say this nonsense. If those mad dogs hear it, they will sue you for spreading rumors and causing trouble. Besides, I don't think it's what you said."

In this way, even if a murder occurs, so many police officers will not be needed. There must be other reasons."

There are many confused residents like Jamie Ivey, but no one knows what is going on.

A few daring residents approached the police to ask questions, but they were all turned back by the police with dark faces.

A Times reporter named Wharton is also a resident of this area.

When this guy heard the news, he suddenly became excited. He picked up his camera and recording equipment and was about to go up to inquire, but was pulled back by a familiar neighbor.

"Wharton, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to ask them why they have to block the highway, which will cause great inconvenience to our travels."

"Oh, dear Wharton, I advise you not to be impulsive. You don't know that several people have tried to argue with the black-faced policemen before, but they were all kicked out. One policeman even had his hand on his gun. , you must not be impulsive, based on my experience, something big is going to happen in that area today."

Walton scoffed at his neighbor's advice.

"Don't worry, I'm a reporter, they don't dare to do anything to me."

"I have not broken any laws. If they dare to be rude to me, I will definitely expose them. Even the top leaders of their police station cannot afford to suffer the crime."

"No, no, no, Wharton, the situation today seems to be different from usual. I advise you not to go."

"Don't worry, I'm measured. Just wait for my good news. I'll figure it out. Maybe, this will be the big news today!"

Neighbors ask for advice

If you don't move, just shake your head and give up.

Wharton was high-spirited, strode to the street with the equipment, and walked straight to the first blockade.

When we were still fifteen meters away from the blockade, two black-faced policemen came up to us.

"Sir, this place is blocked. Please leave immediately." The policeman said politely.

"Hey Mr. Police, what's going on here? Why is there a blockade?" Wharton asked.

"Sorry, no comment, please leave."

The policeman's face was gloomy and scary, but Wharton was not afraid at all.

"No, no, no, I am a nearby resident. Your behavior has caused panic to us, so you must explain clearly." Wharton said forcefully.

"I'm sorry, today's situation is special. I can't make any explanation. Please leave." The policeman was indifferent.

Wharton also frowned: "Mr. Police, Britain is a country based on the rule of law. Your behavior has caused panic to us legal citizens. You have the obligation to explain clearly. This is also your responsibility."

"Please leave."

The policeman replied coldly, obviously losing patience with Wharton.

"What's your attitude?"

"I emphasize again that this is your obligation. Similarly, we citizens also have the right to know. You must explain clearly. I am a reporter from The Times. Now I am asking you in the name of a resident and a reporter. I hope you will give an explanation to the residents. , otherwise, I will expose you, and I think you should know how serious the consequences will be."

Journalists really are not afraid of the police.

Especially Wharton, he is a competent reporter. In order to dig out first-hand information, he has to talk to all kinds of people every day.

Among them, the ones with the most contact are the police.

Therefore, he has taught himself a lot of legal knowledge and mastered the laws and regulations. He can easily navigate the gaps in the law, so he is not afraid of the police.

What he said is correct. As a member of the public, he does have the right to know. With this basis, no matter where he goes, he is the reasonable party. In this case, he must be unreasonable and unforgiving.

Although the police have the power to enforce the law, Wharton knows that they are also wary of reporters.

Over the years, many senior police officials have been exposed by reporters due to their speech issues and have been ruined. If there is one industry that the police do not want to interact with the most, it must be their reporters. Therefore, Wharton is a strong group in front of the police.

He believed that these two black-faced policemen would tremble when they heard that he wanted to expose them.

But today he was disappointed.

Not only were the two policemen not afraid, but they gave him extremely disdainful looks.

"Sir, I'm warning you one last time. Please leave immediately. Otherwise, we don't mind taking coercive measures against you," the policeman said.

"Fuck you, you are depriving me of my human rights. I am also warning you. Explain to me immediately, otherwise I will not only expose you, but I will also sue you. Ai Ai, what are you going to do? Fake, stop, you can't Do this to me, I'm a reporter, you can't do this."

Wharton was still chattering, and the police, who had already lost their patience, took immediate action.

Two strong white men held Wharton's arms on the left and right. Wharton's thin body was completely unable to resist in front of them.

Wharton suddenly felt his feet leave the ground, and then quickly approached a police car. Although he roared and threatened, it could not change the reality at all.

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