A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2596 Excited

Several luxury motorcades passed by in succession, and the residents watching the excitement kept exclaiming.

At this time, there were not only local residents around, everyone spread the news by word of mouth, called friends, and a large number of curious people came from all directions.

St. Paul's Cathedral is under martial law and luxury cars worth tens of millions of euros are everywhere. This gimmick is really attractive.

But people don’t understand why there are no reporters covering such a big scene.

Those reporters usually have noses as sharp as cats. There was so much excitement happening here today, why didn’t any reporter come to report it?


No, one of them, Wharton, went there. Unfortunately, he was taken away by the police and has not been released until now.

Of course, this is just people's curiosity. They don't really care whether there are reporters to interview. What they want most now is to find out what happened over there and what excitement will happen next.

The previous fleet was all luxury business vehicles. Soon after the fleet entered the venue, people finally discovered something different.

A black Lamborghini Coupe roared slowly towards the car. When they saw the license plate number from a distance, someone immediately exclaimed.

"Buy it. I know this car. It's the car of the famous movie star Santos!"

"Oh my god, I didn't expect that my idol would also come here. I really want to go find him and sign an autograph!"

"Bill, please pull me down. If you go over now, you will be taken away by the police with black faces. I dare to bet you. If you don't believe it, just go and try it."

"Hey, don't say those useless things. I feel that our previous guesses were all wrong. If the leader of China comes to visit St. Paul's Cathedral, how can he invite Santos?"

"He is just an actor at best and has no qualifications to get close to the leader of China. I think today's protagonist is either a big shot in the entertainment industry or a super rich man."

"Well, you said

Yes, but I prefer the latter. For such a big event, people in the entertainment industry do not have the ability to do it. He should be a super rich man. "

"Hey, stop arguing. Look, there's another car. I know this car. It's the car of the great director Hollington."

"And, look, that's Chelsea star Rashid's McLaren."

"And this one, this is supermodel Kelly's luxury car, and that one."

After the convoy of luxury cars passed, private cars drove over one after another.

There are all kinds of supercars, off-road vehicles, and extended commercial vehicles, and most of them have license plates with familiar celebrities.

Football stars, movie directors, actors, supermodels, etc., etc., it was really a gathering of celebrities. The residents who watched the excitement were screaming one after another and completely excited. At the same time, people were even more looking forward to who the protagonist of today was.

The arrival of so many big names must not be ordinary people. Unfortunately, they don't get any inside information. Don't you think it's annoying?

At this time, a khaki classic Rolls-Royce car slowly approached.

Seeing this car, the onlookers widened their eyes, opened their mouths to the extreme, and were all shocked.


"This, is this the royal family's classic car?"

"That, it seems you were right, it should be the one you mentioned."

"Yes, yes, this classic car is the only one in the world. Look, isn't it Prince Jason in the car?"

"Oh my God, Prince Jason came here in person. Who on earth has so much energy?"

"not only

Prince Jason, look who is the beauty next to the prince? "

"Oh my god, is this Princess Caroline?"

"God, doesn't Princess Caroline rarely attend social occasions? Why is she here?"

"Crazy, crazy, I'm going crazy, God, please tell me, what's going on inside, I'm really going crazy."

The arrival of the royal family's classic car brought the residents' emotions to a climax, and also brought more mystery to the already mysterious front.

Different from the outside, the outside of St. Paul's Cathedral was already very busy at this time.

A thick carpet was laid out at the door of the church, and hundreds of celebrities from all walks of life were chatting quietly in small groups under the open-air sunshine.

But today's protagonists, Lu Fei and Wang Xinyi, never showed up, but this did not prevent celebrities and gentlemen from communicating.

Originally, many of them didn't know Lu Fei at all. They came today just to make friends and expand their connections.

This group of celebrities all received invitations personally sent by Cameron's second generation ancestors.

They couldn't afford to offend these second-generation ancestors, and they knew that Lu Fei's ability was definitely extraordinary to allow these usually arrogant second-generation ancestors to send invitations in person.

What's more, the location written on the invitation was St. Paul's Cathedral, which shocked everyone.

Although they have traffic, they never dare to compete with capital, especially those with top traffic. They have seen a lot of the world, and they are all well-rounded people. If you think about it carefully, no one dares to underestimate Lu. Fei's face.

Moreover, it is also a good opportunity for them to expand their network.

Today, they came here with curiosity and excitement


They had been mentally prepared before coming, but when they arrived, they were still stunned by this extraordinary scene.

Good guy!

Dozens of local police officers set up a blockade on the outside. What a big deal this was?

The policies of Western countries are completely different from those of China. Western countries advocate freedom, and public servants have their own arrogance. It is almost impossible to make them serve individuals.

But today, not only did the police come, but dozens of them came. What’s even more incredible is that the duty of dozens of police officers was actually security. This is incredible.

They showed their invitations and successfully entered the blockade. When they arrived near the church, they were blinded by the sight of luxury commercial vehicles on the roadside.

They are no strangers to luxury vehicles and luxury goods, and can tell the value of these vehicles just by looking at them.

Good guys, they are all bulletproof cars, and they are limited editions and customized models. They are basically luxury cars that are not seen on the market. This is too exaggerated.

What's even more exaggerated is that there is not just one car, but a team of them, and even all the vehicles have no number plates. Seeing this, the celebrities and big shots were completely shocked.

I own a car worth several million euros, and I usually think it's awesome, but when I get here, I realize that I'm just a weakling!

This severely damaged their self-esteem.

Although they felt a little guilty, they were more excited because they knew that the owners of these luxury cars must be wealthy and powerful men.

What is the purpose of their coming today? Isn't it just to meet big bosses and expand their contacts to pave the way for their future development?

With so many luxury cars and so many big bosses, the Five Elements gave them more choices and possibilities, how could they not be excited!

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