Celebrities arrived one after another, and they were all surprised when they saw the rows of luxury cars outside.

However, they also have their advantages.

Business tycoons are mature and serious, but celebrities are full of aura.

Handsome men and beautiful women strode on the red carpet in formal attire, but it was also a beautiful sight.

It's a pity that there are no reporters filming here, otherwise, the grand occasion will definitely be no less than the red carpet show at the Cannes Film Festival.

At this time, the protagonist has not yet appeared, and all the guests are waiting in the square outside for the time being, but they will not be indifferent. There are always familiar people, gathering in groups of three or five, and chatting happily.

In addition, there are dedicated waiters to serve everyone.

However, when they saw the appearance of the waiter, these celebrities were even more shocked.

"Hello Mr. Santos, the wedding will be held on time at 10:30. Please go to the rest area over there and wait for the time being. If you need any services, please feel free to contact us." A white teenager wearing a tuxedo came to the football star Santos and greeted him respectfully. Said respectfully.

Santos also attended various cocktail parties and weddings. He was quite familiar with the waiter's routines, so he nodded casually and said, "Okay, thank you."

While speaking, out of politeness, Santos raised his head and glanced at the waiter, but just such a look made Santos' jaw drop.

"Oh, I am Mr. Cameron?"

Santos was completely stunned, because the humble and respectful waiter standing in front of him was none other than Cameron Dale, the famous evil boy in London.

Even though Santos is a football superstar and has great fame in the eyes of the outside world and fans, in terms of strength, he is not at the same level as Cameron.

Cameron is the son of Josh, the richest man in London, and that is not something he can afford.

I still remember one time, Cameron and two friends went to watch a Champions League game at Chelsea's home court. Cameron and the team owner sat in the box to watch the game.

Santos performed well in that game, scoring four goals in 80 minutes and becoming the most handsome boy in the eyes of hundreds of millions of fans.

At the same time, Cameron, who was watching the game, also became excited and was quite surprised by Santos' explosive power. He suspected that Santos was simply subhuman.

Therefore, Cameron made a request to the team owner and asked Santos to come over. He wanted to check it in person. The team owner did not dare to refuse, so he had to call over Santos, who had just been substituted.

At Cameron's request, Santos was asked to take off his jersey on the spot so that he could personally examine Cameron's muscles. This was simply an insult to Santos.

But neither Santos nor the team owner dared to disobey.

\u003e Because he is Cameron Dell.

He is a financial tycoon, and his net worth is dozens of times greater than that of the team owner. If someone wants to mess with you, they can use any small trick to ensure that your stock price will plummet tomorrow, and you will just stand there helpless. This is the reality.

Santos was even more helpless when he didn't even recruit the team owner.

He had heard of many misdeeds of this evil young man, and also heard that he had close relations with the British underground forces.

After offending Cameron, Santos would not be able to gain a foothold here. It would be impossible for him to be assassinated by someone with a sap on a dark and windy night.

Therefore, even if you don’t want to, you have to obey orders.

But such an arrogant bad boy actually became a waiter today, with a humble attitude and respectful service to him. How could Santos not be surprised?

No, it can't be said that he was surprised, it almost made him doubt his life.

Cameron smiled slightly and said: "Dear Mr. Santos, don't be surprised. It is indeed me, and you don't have to be afraid. You are Mr. Lu Fei's distinguished guest. No one dares to bully you here. Please go to the rest area and enjoy yourself. "

The last time invitations were distributed, the dozen or so bad guys headed by Cameron had successfully completed their mission, but each of them was not in a very happy mood.

He didn't say it on the surface, but he was still dissatisfied in his heart.

Back home, they told me what Murray had asked them to do.

They originally thought that their fathers would be angry and defend them against injustice, but unexpectedly, their fathers, who were usually very famous in front of others, had no intention of making decisions for them, but nervously asked them if they had completed their tasks.

When they learned that their sons had successfully completed the task in accordance with the regulations, their fathers were relieved and even sweating profusely from nervousness. Seeing their fathers' reactions, the villains were stunned.

Josh and the others patiently told their prodigal sons about the strengths of Murray and Lu Fei. After listening to what they said, the young villains felt chills running down their backs, and everything felt bad.

From that moment on, they no longer dared to disobey.

Yesterday, Cameron received a notice from their "immediate boss" Di Ruilong, asking him to gather the bad guys for training in a hotel. Cameron didn't even dare to say any nonsense and quickly obeyed.

When they arrived at the hotel, Xiao Maogou and Wang Xinlei first brainwashed them and made them realize the reality. Although you are doing well, you are only limited to London. If you leave here, you are nothing.

Only by following Brother Fei can you soar to the sky. No matter where you go, you are the master. Therefore, following Brother Fei is the blessing you have earned in eight lifetimes. It is your honor to serve Brother Fei. Celebrities arrived one after another, and they were all surprised when they saw the rows of luxury cars outside.

However, they also have their advantages.

Business tycoons are mature and serious, but celebrities are full of aura.

Handsome men and beauties strode on the red carpet in formal attire, but it was also a beautiful sight.

It's a pity that there are no reporters filming here, otherwise, the grand occasion will definitely be no less than the red carpet show at the Cannes Film Festival.

At this time, the protagonist has not yet appeared, and all the guests are waiting in the square outside for the time being, but they will not be indifferent. There are always familiar people, gathering in groups of three or five, and chatting happily.

In addition, there are dedicated waiters to serve everyone.

However, when they saw the appearance of the waiter, these celebrities were even more shocked.

"Hello Mr. Santos, the wedding will be held on time at 10:30. Please go to the rest area over there and wait for the time being. If you need any services, please feel free to contact us." A white teenager wearing a tuxedo came to the football star Santos and greeted him respectfully. Said respectfully.

Santos also attended various cocktail parties and weddings. He was quite familiar with the waiter's routines, so he nodded casually and said, "Okay, thank you."

While speaking, out of politeness, Santos raised his head and glanced at the waiter, but just such a look made Santos' jaw drop.

"Oh, I am Mr. Cameron?"

Santos was completely stunned, because the humble and respectful waiter standing in front of him was none other than Cameron Dale, the famous evil boy in London.

Even though Santos is a football superstar and has great fame in the eyes of the outside world and fans, in terms of strength, he is not at the same level as Cameron.

Cameron is the son of Josh, the richest man in London, and that is not something he can afford.

I still remember one time, Cameron and two friends went to watch a Champions League game at Chelsea's home court. Cameron and the team owner sat in the box to watch the game.

Santos performed well in that game, scoring four goals in 80 minutes and becoming the most handsome boy in the eyes of hundreds of millions of fans.

At the same time, Cameron, who was watching the game, also became excited and was quite surprised by Santos' explosive power. He suspected that Santos was simply subhuman.

Therefore, Cameron made a request to the team owner and asked Santos to come over. He wanted to check it in person. The team owner did not dare to refuse, so he had to call over Santos, who had just been substituted.

At Cameron's request, Santos was asked to take off his jersey on the spot so that he could personally examine Cameron's muscles. This was simply an insult to Santos.

But neither Santos nor the team owner dared to disobey.

\u003e Because he is Cameron Dell.

He is a financial tycoon, and his net worth is dozens of times greater than that of the team owner. If someone wants to mess with you, they can use any small trick to ensure that your stock price will plummet tomorrow, and you will just stand there helpless. This is the reality.

Santos was even more helpless when he didn't even recruit the team owner.

He had heard of many misdeeds of this evil young man, and also heard that he had close relations with the British underground forces.

After offending Cameron, Santos would not be able to gain a foothold here. It would be impossible for him to be assassinated by someone with a sap on a dark and windy night.

Therefore, even if you don’t want to, you have to obey orders.

But such an arrogant bad boy actually became a waiter today, with a humble attitude and respectful service to him. How could Santos not be surprised?

No, it can't be said that he was surprised, it almost made him doubt his life.

Cameron smiled slightly and said: "Dear Mr. Santos, don't be surprised. It is indeed me, and you don't have to be afraid. You are Mr. Lu Fei's distinguished guest. No one dares to bully you here. Please go to the rest area and enjoy yourself. "

The last time invitations were distributed, the dozen or so bad guys headed by Cameron had successfully completed their mission, but each of them was not in a very happy mood.

He didn't say it on the surface, but he was still dissatisfied in his heart.

Back home, they told me what Murray had asked them to do.

They originally thought that their fathers would be angry and defend them against injustice, but unexpectedly, their fathers, who were usually very famous in front of others, had no intention of making decisions for them, but nervously asked them if they had completed their tasks.

When they learned that their sons had successfully completed the task in accordance with the regulations, their fathers were relieved and even sweating profusely from nervousness. Seeing their fathers' reactions, the villains were stunned.

Josh and the others patiently told their prodigal sons about the strengths of Murray and Lu Fei. After listening to what they said, the young villains felt chills running down their backs, and everything felt bad.

From that moment on, they no longer dared to disobey.

Yesterday, Cameron received a notice from their "immediate boss" Di Ruilong, asking him to gather the bad guys for training in a hotel. Cameron didn't even dare to say any nonsense and quickly followed the instructions.

When they arrived at the hotel, Xiao Nai Gou and Wang Xinlei brainwashed them and made them realize the reality. Although you are doing well, you are only limited to London. If you leave here, you are nothing.

Only by following Brother Fei can you soar to the sky. No matter where you go, you are the master. Therefore, following Brother Fei is the blessing you have earned in eight lifetimes. It is your honor to serve Brother Fei.

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