A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2599 Gentleman Murray

Mr. and Mrs. Zheng Zhicheng and Jason Caroline appeared one after another, and the atmosphere in the small square suddenly reached a climax.

The celebrities and socialites who have attracted much attention turned into little fangirls here, showing off their best, wandering among the big guys, and shamelessly introducing themselves to ask for their contact information.

Usually, these business tycoons are not interested in these celebrities at all. Even if they ask them to endorse, it is only done by the people below. The social status of the two is not at the same level. They simply look down on these people who live by their appearance.

But today is different.

All the big guys here today have a common purpose, which is to cheer up Lu Fei.

Compared to those celebrities, people in the business world know Lu Fei's strength better than they do. .??.

They didn't dare to mess around in Lu Fei's place, let alone show impatience, because today they had the same status as the celebrities they usually looked down on, and were invited guests.

Therefore, the attitude of the big guys towards the celebrities has never been better, which makes the celebrities and ladies very excited.

Regardless of whether the business bosses were sincere or not, they were given enough face anyway, and they also got the contact information of many bosses as they wished.

Even if there is no chance of cooperation in the future, just getting a business card is enough for them to brag about their prowess in the industry for a while.

The only regret is that there were no reporters following us today, otherwise it would have been even more perfect.

Shortly after Jason and Caroline appeared, a large group of people came out from behind.

This group of people were in their thirties or forties, all with Chinese faces. Of course, these people were the condolences group of Zhang Yanhe’s Chinese archaeological team.

Their status here is somewhat embarrassing, because they are completely out of tune with the business and entertainment circles.

However, they have an inherent advantage because they are all Chinese.

Everyone is here today for Lu Fei, a Chinese from China, so they also take advantage of Lu Fei and are highly respected.

When they showed up, people from the business and entertainment circles took the initiative to chat with them. Their presence was overwhelming, which made Zhang Yanhe and the others so happy that they couldn't help themselves.

After returning home, I would brag in front of my peers and tell them which Fortune 500 group CEO I had dinner with, which celebrity I had a drink with, and even chatted and spanked with the king and prince. It would definitely be more respectable.

When the time came to ten o'clock in the morning, more than a hundred people had gathered in the rest area of ​​the square. Almost everyone who was supposed to come had arrived, but the protagonist Lu Fei was missing and did not show up.

As for how to arrange the next step, no one knows, so we can only continue chatting and waiting. Fortunately, there are dedicated waiters serving us, and we can make friends and expand our contacts, so it won't be particularly embarrassing.

At the same time, in an antique room inside the church, Lu Fei had just changed his clothes and admired it in the mirror. Next to him, Wade Jean, Long Yun Zhangkai, or the little brothers like Little Milk Dog, saw Lu Fei's All dressed up, everyone exclaimed in surprise.

Today, Lu Fei is not wearing a traditional black suit, but a dress that Zheng Wanqiu personally designed for him.

The style of this dress is similar to a suit, but it is full of Chinese elements.

Black background, small suit folded collar, gold embroidery on the chest, a golden dragon head, the dragon body extends along the shoulders to the back, with nine twists and turns, the dragon tail comes out from the other armpit, the front and back echo perfectly.

The design of this golden dragon is somewhat similar to Lu Fei's tunic suit at the Jinling Treasure Fighting Conference, but it is very different.

During the treasure fighting conference, the golden dragon on Lu Fei's clothes was soaring and fierce, giving people a kind of intimidation that looked down upon all things.

Today's golden dragon looks more cheerful and jumping, as excited and agile as if it has just successfully overcome the tribulation. It looks quite comfortable. Coupled with the main color of black, it is simply perfect.

"I'm so handsome. Fei, this outfit is so cool."

"My God, this dragon seems real. Your Chinese embroidery is simply amazing." Wade said exaggeratedly.

Long Yun gave him a big eye roll: "Wade, your flattery skills need to be improved!"

"If you shoot naturally, you are a master. If you do this artificially, it will only make people feel sick."

"Ha ha ha ha"


There was laughter all around, and Wade was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Today he found Lu Fei early and came to the church with Lu Fei. The reason why he was so active was that he expected Lu Fei to reveal the answer to him.

Unfortunately, the two bastards Long Yun and Zhang Zhang never left Lu Fei's side. He had no chance at all. Wade was anxious and angry, and hated Long Yun to the bone.

Lu Fei also laughed when they were making trouble.

"Wade, your performance just now was indeed a bit exaggerated, but I like it. Exaggeration is better than cursing me!"

Lu Fei's words directly made Wade blush, but Wade didn't mind. He just wanted to know how Lu Fei planned to explain his affairs with the Xiao family and the Thomas family.

He promised the clan leader that he would find out everything in three days, but Carter and Jean still haven't found any clues, so he was a little anxious.

After changing clothes, Lu Fei asked Little Dog and others to go out and get ready. Long Yun Wade was the only one left in the room, and Wade was already a little impatient.

The wedding will be held at half past ten. Lu Fei is the protagonist today and he will definitely be very busy. If we don't ask now, I'm afraid there will be no chance today.

After making up his mind, Wade took a deep breath and came to Lu Fei, preparing to pull Lu Fei aside to ask.

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and a man that Wade didn't expect came in, Thomas Murray.

This time when he came to London, no one from the Thomas family showed up. Wade always felt uneasy.

The back figure he saw at the elevator entrance last time seemed to him to be Murray, but Carter didn't catch up, so nothing more happened.

After learning that Lu Fei lived in the Thomas family, Wade knew that there must be other transactions between them, but now that Murray appeared, Wade was still quite surprised. To be precise, he was not prepared for Murray's appearance.

"Murray, why are you here?" Wade asked in surprise.

Murray smiled slightly and even gave Wade a polite gentleman's greeting, which made Wade even more shocked.

He is a direct descendant of the Robert family, and Murray is also the external spokesperson of the Thomas family.

Previously, for the two families, he and Murray played exactly the same identity.

They are both representatives of the younger generation of the three major families. They are usually a proud group. Every time Wade meets Murray, sparks fly into the earth and sparks fly.

There were scenes where they looked at each other, gnashed their teeth lightly, blew their beards and glared, rolled up their arms and sleeves, and almost started the film on the spot. However, Murray saluted him, which was the first time in history, and Wade was immediately confused. . Mr. and Mrs. Zheng Zhicheng and Jason Caroline appeared one after another, and the atmosphere in the small square suddenly reached a climax.

The celebrities and socialites who have attracted much attention turned into little fangirls here, showing off their best, wandering among the big guys, and shamelessly introducing themselves to ask for their contact information.

Usually, these business tycoons are not interested in these celebrities at all. Even if they ask them to endorse, it is only done by the people below. The social status of the two is not at the same level. They simply look down on these people who live by their appearance.

But today is different.

All the big guys here today have a common purpose, which is to cheer up Lu Fei.

Compared to those celebrities, people in the business world know Lu Fei's strength better than they do.

They didn't dare to mess around in Lu Fei's place, let alone show impatience, because today they had the same status as the celebrities they usually looked down on, and were invited guests.

Therefore, the attitude of the big guys towards the celebrities has never been better, which makes the celebrities and ladies very excited.

Regardless of whether the business bosses were sincere or not, they were given enough face anyway, and they also got the contact information of many bosses as they wished.

Even if there is no chance of cooperation in the future, just getting a business card is enough for them to brag about their prowess in the industry for a while.

The only regret is that there were no reporters following us today, otherwise it would have been even more perfect.

Shortly after Jason and Caroline appeared, a large group of people came out from behind.

This group of people were in their thirties or forties, all with Chinese faces. Of course, these people were the condolences group of Zhang Yanhe’s Chinese archaeological team.

Their status here is somewhat embarrassing, because they are completely out of tune with the business and entertainment circles.

However, they have an inherent advantage because they are all Chinese.

Everyone is here today for Lu Fei, a Chinese from China, so they also take advantage of Lu Fei and are highly respected.

When they showed up, people from the business and entertainment circles took the initiative to chat with them. Their presence was overwhelming, which made Zhang Yanhe and the others so happy that they couldn't help themselves.

After returning home, I would brag in front of my colleagues and tell them which Fortune 500 group CEO I had dinner with, which celebrity I had a drink with, and even chatted and spanked with the king and prince. It would definitely be more respectable.

When the time came to ten o'clock in the morning, more than a hundred people had gathered in the rest area of ​​the square. Almost everyone who was supposed to come had arrived, but the protagonist Lu Fei was missing and did not show up.

As for how to arrange the next step, no one knows, so we can only continue chatting and waiting. Fortunately, there are dedicated waiters serving us, and we can make friends and expand our contacts, so it won't be particularly embarrassing.

At the same time, in an antique room inside the church, Lu Fei had just changed his clothes and admired it in the mirror. Next to him, Wade Jean, Long Yun Zhangkai, or the little brothers like Little Milk Dog, saw Lu Fei's All dressed up, everyone exclaimed in surprise.

Today, Lu Fei is not wearing a traditional black suit, but a dress that Zheng Wanqiu personally designed for him.

The style of this dress is similar to a suit, but it is full of Chinese elements.

Black background, small suit folded collar, gold embroidered gold dragon head on the chest, the dragon body extends along the shoulders to the back, with nine twists and turns, the dragon tail comes out from the other side of the armpit, the front and back echo perfectly.

The design of this golden dragon is somewhat similar to Lu Fei's tunic suit at the Jinling Treasure Fighting Conference, but it is very different.

During the treasure fighting conference, the golden dragon on Lu Fei's clothes was soaring and fierce, giving people a kind of intimidation that looked down upon all things.

Today's golden dragon looks more cheerful and jumping, as excited and agile as if it has just successfully overcome the tribulation. It looks quite comfortable. Coupled with the main color of black, it is simply perfect.

"I'm so handsome. Fei, this outfit is so cool."

"My God, this dragon seems real. Your Chinese embroidery is simply amazing." Wade said exaggeratedly.

Long Yun gave him a big eye roll: "Wade, your flattery skills need to be improved!"

"If you shoot naturally, you are a master. If you do this artificially, it will only make people feel sick."

"Ha ha ha ha"


There was laughter all around, and Wade was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Today he found Lu Fei early and came to the church with Lu Fei. The reason why he was so active was that he expected Lu Fei to reveal the answer to him.

Unfortunately, the two bastards Long Yun and Zhang Zhang never left Lu Fei's side. He had no chance at all. Wade was anxious and angry, and hated Long Yun to the bone.

Lu Fei also laughed when they were making trouble.

"Wade, your performance just now was indeed a bit exaggerated, but I like it. Exaggeration is better than cursing me!"

Lu Fei's words directly made Wade blush, but Wade didn't mind. He just wanted to know how Lu Fei planned to explain his affairs with the Xiao family and the Thomas family.

He promised the clan leader that he would find out everything in three days, but Carter and Jean still haven't found any clues, so he was a little anxious.

After changing clothes, Lu Fei asked Little Dog and others to go out and get ready. Long Yun Wade was the only one left in the room, and Wade was already a little impatient.

The wedding will be held at half past ten. Lu Fei is the protagonist today and he will definitely be very busy. If we don't ask now, I'm afraid there will be no chance today.

After making up his mind, Wade took a deep breath and came to Lu Fei, preparing to pull Lu Fei aside to ask.

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and a man that Wade didn't expect came in, Thomas Murray.

This time when he came to London, no one from the Thomas family showed up. Wade always felt uneasy.

The back figure he saw at the elevator entrance last time seemed to him to be Murray, but Carter didn't catch up, so nothing more happened.

After learning that Lu Fei lived in the Thomas family, Wade knew that there must be other transactions between them, but now that Murray appeared, Wade was still quite surprised. To be precise, he was not prepared for Murray's appearance.

"Murray, why are you here?" Wade asked in surprise.

Murray smiled slightly and even gave Wade a polite gentleman's greeting, which made Wade even more shocked.

He is a direct descendant of the Robert family, and Murray is also the external spokesperson of the Thomas family.

Previously, for the two families, he and Murray played exactly the same identity.

They are both representatives of the younger generation of the three major families. They are usually a proud group. Every time Wade meets Murray, sparks fly into the earth and sparks fly.

There were scenes where they looked at each other, gnashed their teeth lightly, blew their beards and glared, rolled up their arms and sleeves, and almost started the film on the spot. However, Murray saluted him, which was the first time in history, and Wade was immediately confused. .

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