A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2600 I don’t believe it

After arriving in London for several days, the Thomas family has never shown up. In front of Wade, they are simply mysterious existences.

But at the scene of Lu Fei's wedding, Thomas Murray suddenly appeared in front of Wade without any preparation, and he respectfully gave him a gentleman's salute. Wade was immediately stunned.


Wade's eyes widened in shock, it was incredible.

"Hello, dear Mr. Robert Wade, long time no see."

"Hiss——" ??

"It's really you, why are you here?" Wade asked in disbelief.

Murray changed from his usual arrogance and smiled slightly: "Of course I will be the one to coordinate my boss's wedding. How could I not be here?"

boom! !

Hearing Murray's words, Wade was like a thunderbolt.

"What did you just say? Who is your boss?"

Murray Furukawa: "You don't know?"

"Of course my boss is your good friend, respected Mr. Lu Fei."


Wade's head was buzzing, like a swarm of bees flying freely in his skull.


Wade stared at his sapphire eyes, his eyes full of disbelief. He turned back to look at Lu Fei, who was calm and composed.

"Fei, tell me what's going on. Why did Murray call you boss?"

"Are you kidding me?"

Lu Fei chuckled and said, "My friend, is this necessary to be a joke?"

"Murray is right. I am his boss. I am really sorry. I have been very busy and forgot to inform you. I told you yesterday that I am going to tell you today. As you wish, you now know everything. "

boom! !

Kick, kick, kick!

Wade took three big steps back and almost fell.

He raised his eyes to look at Lu Fei solemnly, and then looked back at Thomas Murray. His eyes were full of horror, and he still couldn't believe that this was true.

"How is this possible? How is this possible?"

"In the end what happened?"

At this moment, Wade's noble qualities were gone, his eyes were dull, and he was extremely embarrassed.

Long Yun patted Wade on the shoulder and laughed loudly: "Wade, I know you are suspicious. My brother has told you personally, why don't you believe it yet?"

"Didn't you ask what happened? I'll tell you."

"A lot of things have happened recently. Several elders and patriarchs of the Thomas family felt that they had done something wrong to Lu Fei. In order to sincerely apologize, they sent Thomas to

The control of the family was handed over to Lu Fei. Now, the Thomas family no longer exists. Everything before their family has been transferred to Lu Fei's name. Now Lu Fei is Murray's boss. Now you understand, right? ? "

Boom boom boom! !

Every time Long Yun said something, it was like a thunderbolt struck Wade's head. After saying all these words, Wade was completely shocked by the thunder.

"How could this happen? It's impossible. I don't believe it. It's definitely not true."

"The Thomas family has hundreds of years of heritage and is so powerful. We, the Robert family, are helpless. How can we fly him?"

"You don't have to lie to me, I will never believe it."

Wade shook his head vigorously, still unable to believe it.

But he said he didn't believe it, but he already felt guilty in his heart.

Now that he thought about it carefully, it was even worse.

At first, Lu Fei's villa was attacked, and Zhu Tianbao, Nina, four maids and the steward disappeared mysteriously.

Later, Wade took Lu Fei to his residence, nominally to protect Lu Fei's safety, but in fact he wanted to trade Lu Fei's Seven-Star Sword. He also had another purpose, he wanted to monitor Lu Fei's every move.

Afterwards, Lu Fei received a call. Someone claimed that Tianbao was in his hands and asked Lu Fei to meet him.

Lu Fei refused to accompany Wade and went alone. Although Wade sent someone to follow him, he was inexplicably abandoned by Lu Fei.

The next day, Lu Fei told him that the matter was resolved, and that he would come back to meet him, and then they left the UK together.

Except for that night when Lu Fei was not with him, Wade was by Lu Fei's side almost all the time during that trip to London.

Lu Fei didn't take any special actions, so why did he take his place and become the controller of the Thomas family?

The Robert family and the huge Xiao family have been fighting with the Thomas family for several generations, but they are still helpless against their family. Why did Lu Fei become Murray's boss inexplicably?

This is completely unscientific? ?

No matter what Long Yun said, Wade's subconscious did not believe it was true.

But if you don't believe it, Carter and Gene investigated that Lu Fei and his family were staying in the Thomas family's nest. How can you explain this?

The Thomas family is openly Lu Fei's enemy. Why would Lu Fei, a mature and prudent man, entrust his family's safety to theirs?

This makes no sense.

The only explanation is that everything Long Yun said is true.

Today, the Thomas family no longer exists. The owner of their old nest, the mysterious manor, has now been replaced by Lu Fei. Only in this way can we explain why Lu Fei and his family dare to live there boldly. . After arriving in London for several days, the Thomas family has never shown up. In front of Wade, they are simply mysterious existences.

But at the scene of Lu Fei's wedding, Thomas Murray suddenly appeared in front of Wade without any preparation, and he respectfully gave him a gentleman's salute. Wade was immediately stunned.


Wade's eyes widened in shock, it was incredible.

"Hello, dear Mr. Robert Wade, long time no see."


"It's really you, why are you here?" Wade asked in disbelief.

Murray changed from his usual arrogance and smiled slightly: "Of course I will be the one to coordinate my boss's wedding. How could I not be here?"

boom! !

Hearing Murray's words, Wade was like a thunderbolt.

"What did you just say? Who is your boss?"

Murray Furukawa: "You don't know?"

"Of course my boss is your good friend, respected Mr. Lu Fei."


Wade's head was buzzing, like a swarm of bees flying freely in his skull.


Wade stared at his sapphire eyes, his eyes full of disbelief. He turned back to look at Lu Fei, who was calm and composed.

"Fei, tell me what's going on. Why did Murray call you boss?"

"Are you kidding me?"

Lu Fei chuckled and said, "My friend, is this necessary to be a joke?"

"Murray is right. I am his boss. I am really sorry. I have been very busy and forgot to inform you. I told you yesterday that I am going to tell you today. As you wish, you now know everything. "

boom! !

Kick, kick, kick!

Wade took three big steps back and almost fell.

He raised his eyes to look at Lu Fei solemnly, and then looked back at Thomas Murray. His eyes were full of horror, and he still couldn't believe that this was true.

"How is this possible? How is this possible?"

"In the end what happened?"

At this moment, Wade's noble qualities were gone, his eyes were dull, and he was extremely embarrassed.

Long Yun patted Wade on the shoulder and laughed loudly: "Wade, I know you are suspicious. My brother has told you personally, why don't you believe it yet?"

"Didn't you ask what happened? I'll tell you."

"A lot of things have happened recently. Several elders and patriarchs of the Thomas family felt that they had done something wrong to Lu Fei. In order to sincerely apologize, they sent Thomas to

The control of the family was handed over to Lu Fei. Now, the Thomas family no longer exists. Everything before their family has been transferred to Lu Fei's name. Now Lu Fei is Murray's boss. Now you understand, right? ? "

Boom boom boom! !

Every time Long Yun said something, it was like a thunderbolt struck Wade's head. After saying all these words, Wade was completely shocked by the thunder.

"How could this happen? It's impossible. I don't believe it. It's definitely not true."

"The Thomas family has hundreds of years of heritage and is so powerful. We, the Robert family, are helpless. How can we fly him?"

"You don't have to lie to me, I will never believe it."

Wade shook his head vigorously, still unable to believe it.

But he said he didn't believe it, but he already felt guilty in his heart.

Now that he thought about it carefully, it was even worse.

At first, Lu Fei's villa was attacked, and Zhu Tianbao, Nina, four maids and the steward disappeared mysteriously.

Later, Wade took Lu Fei to his residence, nominally to protect Lu Fei's safety, but in fact he wanted to trade Lu Fei's Seven-Star Sword. He also had another purpose, he wanted to monitor Lu Fei's every move.

Afterwards, Lu Fei received a call. Someone claimed that Tianbao was in his hands and asked Lu Fei to meet him.

Lu Fei refused to accompany Wade and went alone. Although Wade sent someone to follow him, he was inexplicably abandoned by Lu Fei.

The next day, Lu Fei told him that the matter was resolved, and that he would come back to meet him, and then they left the UK together.

Except for that night when Lu Fei was not with him, Wade was by Lu Fei's side almost all the time during that trip to London.

Lu Fei didn't take any special actions, so why did he take his place and become the controller of the Thomas family?

The Robert family and the huge Xiao family have been fighting with the Thomas family for several generations, but they are still helpless against their family. Why did Lu Fei become Murray's boss inexplicably?

This is completely unscientific? ?

No matter what Long Yun said, Wade's subconscious did not believe it was true.

But if you don't believe it, Carter and Gene investigated that Lu Fei and his family were staying in the Thomas family's nest. How can you explain this?

The Thomas family is openly Lu Fei's enemy. Why would Lu Fei, a mature and prudent man, entrust his family's safety to theirs?

This makes no sense.

The only explanation is that everything Long Yun said is true.

Today, the Thomas family no longer exists. The owner of their old nest, the mysterious manor, has now been replaced by Lu Fei. Only in this way can we explain why Lu Fei and his family dare to live there boldly. .

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