A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2601 This is my world

Long Yun said that Lu Fei had replaced the Thomas family. Wade felt as if he was struck by lightning when he heard this. His face was as pale as a mourning heir, and his eyes were full of horror.

Gene and Carter were not much better. When they first heard the news, they were equally confused.

However, they can be regarded as people who have been through countless storms, and they woke up immediately. The two of them immediately protected Wade on the left and right. They were extremely nervous, fearing that Lu Fei and Long Yun would be detrimental to Wade.

At this time, Wade had not yet recovered from the shock.

He analyzed it carefully in his mind and suddenly felt guilty, but he still couldn't believe it.

After all, these words did not come from Lu Fei's mouth, but were revealed by Long Yun.

Long Yun and he were at odds with each other. In public, the two of them would fight each other whenever they met. This might be because Long Yun was deliberately angry with himself, or maybe it was because Long Yun was deliberately angry with him! ??

Moreover, Wade didn't think the relationship between Lu Fei and Long Yun was so strong. He didn't even know about such a big thing. How could Long Yun be so aware?

This is not logical.

Thinking of this, Wade calmed down a lot, glared at Long Yun, and came to Lu Fei: "Fei, your joke is not funny at all. Today is not April Fool's Day, okay?"

Long Yun snorted coldly and cast a pitiful look at Wade.

Lu Fei chuckled and said, "What if what Long Yun said is true?"


Wade was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "This is impossible, absolutely impossible."

"Fei, why are you so impetuous?"

"I'm talking about what if." Lu Fei said lightly.

"Without if, what strength would the Thomas family have?"

"With hundreds of years of heritage, even we and the Xiao family can't do anything about them, and it's even less possible for you to do it. Of course, I'm not looking down on you. The heritage of hundreds of years of hard work is far from as simple as you think."

"Besides, we were together during the last trip to London. You had no chance, let alone the ability." Wade said decisively.

Lu Fei lit a cigarette and smiled and said, "Wade, you say you don't despise me, but in fact, you still despise me."

"We have known each other for two years, which means you still don't understand me."

"Chinese civilization has lasted for five thousand years, and its dynasties have changed more than once."

"Didn't your Robert family achieve what you have today by annexing the Shaharhan family? Why can't I, Lu Fei, do the same?"

"So what if it's a hundred-year-old foundation? A hundred-year-old foundation is unshakable?"

"So, you still look down on me from the bottom of your heart, but I don't mind. However, I can tell you seriously and responsibly that the original Thomas family no longer exists. Now, this place, Europe, belongs to me, Lu Fei. The world!"

Lu Fei spoke with domineering words, his eyes were determined, and his momentum was like a rainbow. Wade stepped back three or four steps and bumped into Gene. Then he raised his head and looked at Lu Fei. It was already bad.

At this moment, his mind went blank and he was completely stunned.

He didn't have to believe what Murray said, and he could treat Long Yun's words like a dog's fart, but Lu Fei couldn't.

Especially Lu Fei's unquestionable tone and firm eyes made him disbelief.

At this moment, the leader of the younger generation of the Robert family, Xiao Zhuge, who claimed to be able to strategize and win thousands of miles away, was completely confused.

"No. This is impossible!"

"Fei, this is impossible. You don't have the strength. This is absolutely impossible." Wade pointed at Lu Fei and roared loudly, regardless of his identity.


At this time, the door opened from the outside, and everyone looked over and saw a graceful, middle-aged Asian woman walking in from the outside.

The middle-aged woman's every move is as steady as a rock, and her expression is natural, but it gives people a suffocating pressure.

Seeing this woman, Wade's eyes almost popped out of his head, with a look of horror in his eyes.

"Xiao, the head of the Xiao family?"

"You, why are you here?"

Wade recognized Xiao Tingfang at a glance.

Although he has never had any contact with Xiao Tingfang, the name Xiao Tingfang and her appearance have long been engraved in the deepest minds of everyone in the Robert family.

Because she is the head of the Xiao family, the most powerful of the three major families, and the leader who poses the greatest threat to the Robert family.

Although Wade is the leader of the younger generation of the Robert family and the person who talks to the outside world, in Xiao Tingfang's eyes, he is nothing, and Wade is not even qualified to meet her. .??.

But today, Wade made an exception and saw Xiao Tingfang, and was immediately confused.

Wade's state at this time cannot be described in words. He was shocked, dumbfounded, and petrified.

The words of Long Yun and Lu Fei brought a hundred thousand critical hits to Wade and almost collapsed.

At this time, when he suddenly saw Xiao Tingfang, the head of the Xiao family who he would never have met, Wade didn't lose his temper on the spot, which was already considered a big deal for him.

At this moment, Wade kept pinching his thigh. He always thought that he was sleeping, but the bone-piercing pain told him that he was overthinking and he had to face reality.

As for Gene and Carter, they were already out of their minds. Mi stood blankly three meters away from Wade, his brain completely frozen.

After Long Yun and Zhang Kai greeted Xiao Tingfang, they stopped laughing and stood behind the boss seriously.

Xiao Tingfang glanced at Wade lightly. Just this glance made Wade's heart rate increase by ten percent.

"Why, do I need to ask a junior like you for instructions on where to go?" Xiao Tingfang snorted coldly.


Wade, who was usually arrogant and arrogant, shivered when Xiao Tingfang said this and almost peed his pants.

Even though Xiao Tingfang is a woman, her aura is too powerful.

This kind of aura comes from her identity and the strength and status of the Xiao family.

People who don't know Xiao Tingfang will never feel this kind of aura, but people who know her identity will never be able to bear it.

Moreover, with Xiao Tingfang's status, Wade could not contact him at all, not to mention him, not even their elders. The only person who was qualified to talk to Xiao Tingfang was their clan leader.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that Xiao Tingfang regards herself as an elder, and Wade dare not object.

Wade bowed respectfully to Xiao Tingfang and said, "Senior, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean it like that. It's just that I am here in your capacity. It's really unexpected."

Xiao Tingfang smiled and came to Lu Fei's side, stretched out her hands to help Lu Fei tidy up his collar and hair.

When this scene happened, Wade felt even worse.

Oh God!

What happened to me today?

Why have I seen and heard so many incredible things? Am I going to die?

Oh my God!

The head of the Xiao family actually helped Lu Fei sort out his clothes. How is this possible?

What virtues and abilities does Lu Fei have? Why should he?

How could the head of the Xiao family lower his status to do such a thing? This is simply unbelievable.

Buy it, am I dazzled?

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