A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2610 Abandoned

When the little naughty dog ​​mentioned the price of three billion dollars, the beauties screamed in surprise, and even the wealthy people who were not short of money widened their eyes.

Although they are not short of money, they can afford three billion US dollars.

But after spending three billion dollars to make a piece of clothing that will only be worn once in a lifetime, no one of them is willing to part with it.

Hearing everyone's cheers, Fatty Wang was confused for a while. He didn't know what the little naughty dog ​​said. How could he agitate these big noses like this?

Damn it, my English is not good enough, I really don’t understand. It’s a shame that I missed this good opportunity to show off.

Fortunately, some of the old guys were half-assed and couldn't be sure about anything else, but some of them could understand the words three billion dollars. They explained a few words in a low voice in Fatty Wang's ear, and Fatty Wang was immediately confused. , pulled the little puppy over.

"Robinson Sun, how much did you say your sister-in-law's wedding dress is worth?" Fatty Wang asked.

"Three billion knives!" the little milk dog answered truthfully.


"I'm going to spit toilet water all over your face. You're so shameless. Are you just bragging about your awesomeness?"

"It doesn't matter what you say at home, but now we are abroad!"

"These foreigners are all experienced masters. If someone exposes your background, it won't be your own face that you will lose. Even your Di family and Lu Fei will be implicated by you. You , It really doesn’t make people worry.”

The little puppy was sprayed by the fat man.

"Man, what happened to me?"

"I'm telling the truth. Is it really three billion dollars?" the little dog explained with aggrieved face.

"Fart, that's what I do. Don't I know how much those gems are worth?"

"Those Dongzhu are scarce, but they are not worth so much. At best, they are only two billion dollars. You forcefully said that it is one billion dollars. You don't think so."

What is bragging? "

Fatty Wang became more and more angry as he talked. His voice was not quiet, and many people around him heard it.

Some foreigners who knew Chinese dialect couldn't help but take a few steps closer. Zhang Yanhe behind him was so anxious that he gnashed his teeth and complained in his heart that the fat man was ignorant.

Zhang Yanhe said in her heart, aren't you sick?

No matter what, the little loach has blown away his awesomeness, and you can't take it back even if you beat him.

Originally, this group of foreigners didn't know how to do it, and no one would question it at all. When they went back and felt that they had been deceived, it was too late.

It's a good thing for you, you're afraid that others won't know what little loach is bragging about. You solved the case before others said anything. Isn't this causing trouble?

It seems that I really need to go out less often with fat people in the future. Once this guy gets involved, he doesn't care about any consequences. What a worry!

Hearing what the fat man said, the little milk dog was not angry, but laughed: "Man, you don't know what's going on."

"The design fee for my sister-in-law's wedding dress alone is 30 million U.S. dollars, and all the gems were put together with a lot of effort."

"Do you know about the grand opening ceremony of Yanqing Temple in Bianliang some time ago?"

The fat man nodded: "Nonsense, it's such a big news, it's on the hot search, how can I not know about it?"

"Hey, that's right. Do you know what the ceremony at Yanqing Temple is to consecrate?"


The fat man was stunned for a moment, then took a breath of air: "You wouldn't say you were consecrating these jewels, would you?"


The little puppy snapped his fingers

: "The answer is correct. The entire ceremony is to consecrate this batch of jewels. For this batch of jewels, the incense my brother sent to Yanqing Temple is priceless. In addition, such a grand consecration ceremony is dedicated to these jewels. Are you saying it’s not worth the money?”

"I said three billion dollars, which is still very conservative."


The fat man heard this and swore: "Is it such a big deal?"

"Are you going to be so cruel to Baoshaifei?"

The little naughty dog ​​chuckled and said: "This is not called cruelty, this is called love. My brother is happy for my two sisters-in-law. This is not a big deal. It's just money. What my brother lacks most is that thing. Hehe, don’t you envy me?”

"Get out!"


The conversation between these two people is no longer a secret, and people around them can really hear it.

Zhang Yanhe and the other old guys were all dumbfounded when they heard this.

"Fuck you!"

"A while ago, the consecration ceremony at Yanqing Temple that shocked the whole country was actually made specifically for the shabby wife's royal jewels?"

"Damn it, why don't you be such an animal!"

"I have to say, you are so willful when you have money!"

The old guys sighed, but the foreigners were confused.


"What is consecration?"

"Is it great?"

The veterans sent Zhang Chengdong, who was the best at speaking, to explain to the foreigners what consecration meant.

To talk in too much detail is to play the piano to a cow. Under the guidance of Zhang Yanhe, Lao Zhangtou only told them that it was a ceremony that shocked China. After the ceremony, a magical effect would occur.

The effect is much more awesome than your God’s blessing.

It would cost thousands of dollars to get an ordinary Taoist priest to consecrate an object. The last ceremony at Yanqing Temple used all the power of Yanqing Temple and caused a sensation in China. It is of inestimable value.

Zhang Yanhe was worried that Lao Zhangtou’s explanation was not clear, so she also found the video of the ceremony on the Internet. The foreigners who watched it shouted, “I bought it!”

Zhang Yanhe also installed a big one naturally.

After their explanation, the beauties became even more envious and yearning for Wang Xinyi's wedding dress.

After chatting for a while, Murray came to inform everyone that everything was ready and asked everyone to get in the car and go to Lu Fei's private estate for the banquet.

Everyone got in the car, and the London police opened the way. Hundreds of luxury cars left the church with double flashes.

At this time, there were already thousands of people watching on the street, and dozens more police officers were on duty to maintain order.

The local residents were all stunned as they watched luxury cars passing by one after another.

This scene was so spectacular that the local people had never seen such a huge battle before.

The streets are under martial law, police blockades, hundreds of luxury cars, celebrities and big names gathered, and there are no reporters to interview. Thousands of things are piled up. All fools know that there must be a big situation inside today. Unfortunately, everyone is carefully outside. I have been observing for several hours, but no one knows what is going on inside.

Whether it was a movie shoot, an inspection by the head of state, or what the situation was, no one knows. This is ridiculous.

I planned to find out more about it and brag about it with my friends, but I didn’t know anything and my plan couldn’t be launched!

People who come from far away to eat melons can understand, but local residents have a headache.

Such a lively thing happened at my doorstep, but I didn't know the reason. It felt like I had been abandoned by the world. It was too bad.

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