A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2611 The mysterious manor

Under the curious eyes of the onlookers, a convoy of hundreds of luxury cars slowly left the church and drove toward the city center.

When martial law came into contact, local residents flocked to the church, eager to know what had just happened at the church.

Unfortunately, when they arrived, everything was back to normal, nothing special about usual.

Several local residents did not give up and started chatting with the security guards.

"Hey brother, what happened here just now?"

"It's nothing?" the security guard said calmly.

"Hey man, your joke is not funny at all. We are not blind, okay?"

"Man, I really don't know anything. If you want to visit the church, please buy a ticket over there, OK!"


Not getting the results they wanted from the security guards, the residents were angry and cursed, but there was nothing they could do.

On the other side, a luxury motorcade appeared in the city, which also attracted countless attention.

Unfortunately, everyone can only be curious and make random guesses. No one knows what happened.

The convoy arrived at the central Royal Forest. When they arrived, the invited celebrities were collectively stunned.

"Didn't you go to Mr. Lu Fei's manor for a party? Why are you here?"

"Oh hell, isn't Mr. Lu Fei playing tricks on us? This is a cemetery. There is no manor. Do you want us to party with the dead?"

"It's too much. If he deliberately plays tricks on us, even if he is rich and powerful, I will not be at odds with him."

Although these celebrities are well-informed, they only know that this is the Royal Cemetery, and they really don’t know that there is a hidden secret inside.

They don't know it, but others do.

Local businessmen in London and those invited by the Thomas family did understand.

But just because they knew it, it felt even more incredible. \u003c


"How did you get here?"

"There doesn't seem to be any manor nearby. No, there seems to be one. There is a mysterious manor in the cemetery. It has been there for hundreds of years. Only few people know about this manor, and only a handful can enter it. It is said that there is It is the headquarters of the Thomas family and the most mysterious place in London and even Europe. Isn’t that the manor Mr. Lu Fei is talking about?”

As time went on, the convoy arrived at the manor, which frightened the businessmen who knew the inside story.

"God, it's really here. Mr. Lu Fei's party will be held at the Thomas family's headquarters."

"Oh my God, this is so crazy. What is the relationship between Mr. Lu Fei and the Thomas family?"

"How could such a mysterious manor be prescribed a patient? It's incredible."

"By the way, there was a legend about this manor. It is said that in the past few hundred years, no more than five outsiders have entered this manor, but it seems that only one came out alive."

"Oh my God, Mr. Lu Fei is not colluding with the Thomas family to invite you into the urn, and then catch the turtles in the urn and eliminate us all, right?"

The businessmen who were afraid of the Thomas family were already panicking, but the celebrities and socialites were screaming with excitement.

“I~~ bought it~~!”

"God, I have lived in London for more than 20 years, and I didn't know there was a manor in the Royal Cemetery. This is simply amazing."

"Wow, what a big and magnificent manor!"

"Damn it, why have I never heard of it before? Was it built recently?"

"Oh my god, I suddenly realized that I am just a frog in a well. As a native of London, I don't know that there is a hidden world here. It's so low."

With various mixed emotions, the guests followed the lead car and drove into the manor. At the same time, the atmosphere on Robert Wade's luxurious private jet was suffocatingly tense.




On the large screen in the luxury cabin, the terrifying and incredible faces of the top brass of the Robert family were displayed!

At this time, the atmosphere in the entire Robert family high-level meeting room was terrifyingly depressing.

When Wade told them the news that Lu Fei had annexed the Thomas family and was Xiao Tingfang's biological son, everyone was shocked. .??.



This is the first instinct of everyone in the Robert family.

The Robert family's intelligence network spreads all over the world, paying special attention to the Xiao family and the Thomas family.

Since contacting Lu Fei, they have investigated every detail about Lu Fei.

Now Wade tells them that the intelligence network they are most proud of has made a fatal mistake, and no one believes it.

Especially Jesse, the second elder in charge of intelligence, jumped up and scolded Wade through the screen. However, Wade's expression was still serious, and everyone realized that Wade was not joking.

"Wade, is everything you said true?" the patriarch asked for the nth time.

"I'm sure that the Xiao family master and Lu Fei personally admitted this in front of me."

"Today, Thomas Murray is as mean as a pug in front of Lu Fei. This is definitely not an act, so

I think we're in big trouble. "Wade said frustrated.

"Don't believe it, I absolutely don't believe it," Jesse yelled.

"Second Elder, I don't hope this is true, but unfortunately, this is a true fact. At least what is certain is that Lu Fei and Xiao Tingfang have an extremely close relationship."

"I think now is not the time to question. The most urgent thing now is that we must make countermeasures. God bless, Lu Fei and Xiao Tingfang are best acting to deceive us, but they would rather believe it or not. Is it true?" Wade said seriously.


This time, Jesse also shut up.

"Oh, God!"

"how so?"

"If what Lu Fei and the Xiao family woman said is true, they will definitely join forces to deal with us next."

"Just one Xiao family is enough to give us a headache. If we add the power of the Thomas family, we won't be able to fight back at all!"

"What should we do, what should we do?"

Upon hearing the news, the Robert family was struck by thunder.

The high-level bosses who were usually arrogant and self-righteous were completely in disarray at this moment, and even the clan leader could not sit still.

"Wade, do you think what they said is true?" the patriarch asked.

"I think"

While Wade was speaking, Carter suddenly came to him and made a gesture, forcibly interrupting his words.

Carter is Wade's most loyal subordinate and the elder of the Robert family. He is very capable and very measured.

Normally, no matter how big the matter was, Carter would not interrupt Wade's call home rashly. If he dared to do so today, he must have an extremely important report.

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