A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2619 Wade’s decision

Thinking of the treasures left behind by the migration of the Hebrew people, everyone in the Robert family was excited.

They really knew how important those treasures were.

The Robert family migrated from Europe to North America. While developing rapidly, they also had two important goals.

Collecting the seven-star knives and finding a way to open the Yuanmeng treasure is one of them, but more importantly, looking for the clues left by Christine, finding the treasure left by the Hebrews during the great migration, and successfully opening it will have a great impact on their family and even the entire It was of great significance to the Hebrew nation.

During World War I, in order to avoid being persecuted by the Nazis, the Hebrews were forced to move and flee everywhere. The treasures left behind were collectively processed and buried.

Those in charge at that time were the leaders of the three top forces of the Hebrew nation. Christian Robert, the patriarch of the Robert family, was one of them, and the most critical one.

But just as the mission was being transferred, they were unfortunately intercepted by the Nazis, and only Christine managed to escape. ??

Therefore, Christine is the only one who knows where the treasure is hidden.

Over the years, the Robert family has searched for Christine all over the world. It was not until last year that they learned that Christine came to China after escaping.

Nearly a hundred years have passed since the incident, so Christine is probably long gone.

But based on what the Robert family knows about Christine, even if he is gone, there will definitely be clues left, and this clue will probably be among his belongings.

This led Wade Jean to go to China to find Christine, visit Lu Fei, and get Christine's handwritten Bible.

But unfortunately, they did not find the clues they wanted in the Bible, which made them quite frustrated.

But when Wade sent a photo that day and recognized the satellite of David in the photo, the top brass of the Robert family regained hope.

Because they know the unique satellite too well.

Twelve gems, with obsidian in the middle and garlic patterns, are the supreme tokens passed down by the Robert family for hundreds of years and are the symbol of the patriarch.

In their minds, the Star of David was equivalent to the jade seal handed down by the feudal dynasty of China. Unfortunately, with the disappearance of Christine, this supreme token also disappeared, and even the next two generations of patriarchs of the Robert family were Seems less perfect.

How could they not be excited when something so important suddenly came out?

What's even more exciting is that this is supposed to be Christine's patriarch's token, and it is also the most precious item for Christine.

Everything else could be lost, but not David, and Christine would protect it with her life.

Now that this thing appears in Lu Fei's hands, it is 100% certain that Christine is no longer here, but the Star of David must be his most precious relic.

For Christian, the most precious things around him are his handwritten Bible and family keepsakes.

Since no clues have been found in the Bible, that important clue is likely to be related to the Star of David, which is particularly important to the Robert family.

If we find the Star of David, we may be able to find clues and unlock the mysterious treasure. This has been the Robert family's biggest wish for a hundred years. How can they not be excited to see hope again?

"Wade, what do you mean?"

“Master Patriarch, I think the clue to the treasure is probably in the Star of David.

\u003e By taking back the Star of David and finding the treasure, we can turn danger into safety, or even turn defeat into victory. This is an opportunity for us. "Wade said.

“What you say makes sense, my child, but no one can guarantee that the clue is in the Star of David.

Even if our guess is correct, it is not easy to find the exact location to open the treasure within a year. The key is that we don’t have time!

The Xiao family is very likely to attack us in a year. If the treasure cannot be found, how will we defend ourselves? "

What the patriarch said is true.

Finding the treasure is perfect, but it is an uncertain factor. Moreover, even if you find clues, it is not easy to locate and open the treasure in a short time. Time waits for no one!

Wade nodded: "Master Patriarch, you are right, but do we have a better way?

It's absolutely not possible to seize Lu Fei's territory.

In addition, more than doubling our strength in one year is even more impossible. Even God would not dare to think of such a ridiculous thing.

Therefore, the Star of David is our best hope.

Of course, we must also be prepared for failure. The combined strength of the Xiao family and Lu Fei is indeed terrifying, but it is absolutely impossible to kill us in one day like the Thomas family.

We are located in the Americas. This is our home ground. We have been operating for hundreds of years. We have a natural advantage. Even if they fight to the death with us, they will not be able to eliminate us for another three to five years. If we unite and resist with all our strength, time will be delayed even longer. It will take a long time, so we are just very passive, but there is still time.

My opinion is that we should do a good job in defense while working hard to expand our strength, but we must not mess up our position and must lay a solid foundation.

In addition, the second elder must work harder to collect clues. While paying attention to the dynamics of Lu Fei and the Xiao family, try to find out why Lu Fei is willing to trade it to us even though he knows the importance of the Seven Star Sword.

I always find this matter very strange, and I must find out, otherwise sooner or later it will be a huge hidden danger.

Also, it is particularly important to find out whether Lu Fei and Xiao Tingfang are related as mother and son.

For the rest, please believe me, give me half a year, and I will definitely find a way to get the Satellite of David back. "Wade said.


"Are you really confident?" the clan leader asked excitedly.

The Star of David is too important and must be brought back.

Unfortunately, this thing is probably in Lu Fei's hands.

They have experienced how many thieves Lu Fei has. Now that Lu Fei is using the Star of David as a trump card, how can he easily get it back? This difficulty is probably much greater than trading the Seven-Star Sword!

"Don't worry, Patriarch, I believe in my ability.

The Star of David is particularly important to our family. Its important significance is the core secret of our family, and Lu Fei cannot know it.

The reason why he dared to use the Star of David as a trump card was because I asked him to find the whereabouts of Christine's grandfather. Therefore, he thought that he had a bargaining chip to blackmail me. This was my mistake, but it shouldn't be a big problem.

As long as he doesn't understand the meaning of the Star of David, I believe that I have the ability to talk through Lu Fei and make him willingly trade the Star of David to us.

Moreover, this is the only way to get it back. With Lu Fei's character, if it were made of hard steel, he would rather destroy the satellite than let us get what we want, so I have to give it a try. "Thinking of the treasures left behind by the migration of the Hebrew people, everyone in the Robert family was excited.

They really knew how important those treasures were.

The Robert family migrated from Europe to North America. While developing rapidly, they also had two important goals.

Collecting the seven-star knives and finding a way to open the Yuanmeng treasure is one of them, but more importantly, looking for the clues left by Christine, finding the treasure left by the Hebrews during the great migration, and successfully opening it will have a great impact on their family and even the entire It was of great significance to the Hebrew nation. .??.

During World War I, in order to avoid being persecuted by the Nazis, the Hebrews were forced to move and flee everywhere. The treasures left behind were collectively processed and buried.

Those in charge at that time were the leaders of the three top forces of the Hebrew nation. Christian Robert, the patriarch of the Robert family, was one of them, and the most critical one.

But just as the mission was being transferred, they were unfortunately intercepted by the Nazis, and only Christine managed to escape.

Therefore, Christine is the only one who knows where the treasure is hidden.

Over the years, the Robert family has searched for Christine all over the world. It was not until last year that they learned that Christine came to China after escaping.

Nearly a hundred years have passed since the incident, so Christine is probably long gone.

But based on what the Robert family knows about Christine, even if he is gone, there will definitely be clues left, and this clue will probably be among his belongings.

This led Wade Jean to go to China to find Christine, visit Lu Fei, and get Christine's handwritten Bible.

But unfortunately, they did not find the clues they wanted in the Bible, which made them quite frustrated.

But when Wade sent a photo that day and recognized the satellite of David in the photo, the top brass of the Robert family regained hope.

Because they know the unique satellite too well.

Twelve gems, with obsidian in the middle and garlic patterns, are the supreme tokens passed down by the Robert family for hundreds of years and are the symbol of the patriarch.

In their minds, the Star of David was equivalent to the jade seal handed down by the feudal dynasty of China. Unfortunately, with the disappearance of Christine, this supreme token also disappeared, and even the next two generations of patriarchs of the Robert family were Seems less perfect.

How could they not be excited when something so important suddenly came out?

What's even more exciting is that this is supposed to be Christine's patriarch's token, and it is also the most precious item for Christine.

Everything else could be lost, but not David, and Christine would protect it with her life.

Now that this thing appears in Lu Fei's hands, it is 100% certain that Christine is no longer here, but the Star of David must be his most precious relic.

For Christian, the most precious things around him are his handwritten Bible and family keepsakes.

Since no clues have been found in the Bible, that important clue is likely to be related to the Star of David, which is particularly important to the Robert family.

If we find the Star of David, we may be able to find clues and unlock the mysterious treasure. This has been the Robert family's biggest wish for a hundred years. How can they not be excited to see hope again?

"Wade, what do you mean?"

“Master Patriarch, I think the clue to the treasure is probably in the Star of David.

\u003e By taking back the Star of David and finding the treasure, we can turn danger into safety, or even turn defeat into victory. This is an opportunity for us. "Wade said.

“What you say makes sense, my child, but no one can guarantee that the clue is in the Star of David.

Even if our guess is correct, it is not easy to find the exact location to open the treasure within a year. The key is that we don’t have time!

The Xiao family is very likely to attack us in a year. If the treasure cannot be found, how will we defend ourselves? "

What the patriarch said is true.

Finding the treasure is perfect, but it is an uncertain factor. Moreover, even if you find clues, it is not easy to locate and open the treasure in a short time. Time waits for no one!

Wade nodded: "Master Patriarch, you are right, but do we have a better way?

It's absolutely not possible to seize Lu Fei's territory.

In addition, more than doubling our strength in one year is even more impossible. Even God would not dare to think of such a ridiculous thing.

Therefore, the Star of David is our best hope.

Of course, we must also be prepared for failure. The combined strength of the Xiao family and Lu Fei is indeed terrifying, but it is absolutely impossible to kill us in one day like the Thomas family.

We are located in the Americas. This is our home ground. We have been operating for hundreds of years. We have a natural advantage. Even if they fight to the death with us, they will not be able to eliminate us for another three to five years. If we unite and resist with all our strength, time will be delayed even longer. It will take a long time, so we are just very passive, but there is still time.

My opinion is that we should do a good job in defense while working hard to expand our strength, but we must not mess up our position and must lay a solid foundation.

In addition, the second elder must work harder to collect clues. While paying attention to the dynamics of Lu Fei and the Xiao family, try to find out why Lu Fei is willing to trade it to us even though he knows the importance of the Seven Star Sword.

I always find this matter very strange, and I must find out, otherwise sooner or later it will be a huge hidden danger.

Also, it is particularly important to find out whether Lu Fei and Xiao Tingfang are related as mother and son.

For the rest, please believe me, give me half a year, and I will definitely find a way to get the Satellite of David back. "Wade said.


"Are you really confident?" the clan leader asked excitedly.

The Star of David is too important and must be brought back.

Unfortunately, this thing is probably in Lu Fei's hands.

They have learned how many thieves Lu Fei has. Now that Lu Fei is using the Star of David as a trump card, how can he easily get it back? This difficulty is probably much greater than trading the Seven-Star Sword!

"Don't worry, Patriarch, I believe in my ability.

The Star of David is particularly important to our family. Its important significance is the core secret of our family, and Lu Fei cannot know it.

The reason why he dared to use the Star of David as a trump card was because I asked him to find the whereabouts of Christine's grandfather. Therefore, he thought that he had a bargaining chip to blackmail me. This was my mistake, but it shouldn't be a big problem.

As long as he doesn't understand the meaning of the Star of David, I believe that I have the ability to talk through Lu Fei and make him willingly trade the Star of David to us.

Moreover, this is the only way to get it back. With Lu Fei's character, if it were made of hard steel, he would rather destroy the satellite than let us get what we want, so I have to give it a try. "

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