A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2620 Where is the counting house?

The patriarch is very satisfied with Wade's analysis.

Although Wade seems a little weak when he encounters danger, it is undeniable that this child is really smart and is already considered a leader among the younger generation.

Character determines a person's bottom line, and IQ determines a person's top line. In his opinion, Wade's wisdom can completely make up for his character flaws. It has to be said that this young man is indeed a talent.

This crisis is related to the fate of the Robert family. If Wade does well, the patriarch decides to promote him again.

As for Wade's opinion, everyone decided to adopt it after discussion. As of now, there seems to be no other better way besides doing this.

They can only hope that Lu Fei and the Xiao family will not cause trouble within a year, and they must develop their power as much as possible and be prepared to deal with it.

It would be best if we could get back the Star of David and find the treasures left behind by the migration of the Hebrew people, but we couldn't bet all the treasure on it. If they couldn't achieve their goal, they would die ugly.

"Wade, just do as you say. If you need us to cooperate, you can propose it. All the resources of the family can be provided to you." The patriarch said.

"Thank you, patriarch. I will fulfill my mission. I have decided to go back to Lu Fei's wedding now. If possible, I will try my best to find out their plans. Even if I can't find out, I still want to give Lu Fei and the Xiao family an impression. , let them think that we have no ill intentions towards them.

As long as we can hold them steady, we still have a chance. "Wade said.

The clan leader nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, Wade still dared to come to the door. It seems that he is not particularly weak.

"Okay, you adapt accordingly, but no matter what, you must pay attention to protecting your own safety."


After hanging up the phone, Wade let out a sigh of relief.

Wade is not willing to take risks, but after what he just said,

Analysis, he calmed down completely.

Based on his understanding of Lu Fei, Lu Fei would not do anything to him, otherwise, he would not have been able to escape just now.

At least, Lu Fei has no ill intentions towards him yet, and Wade trusts his own perception.

However, Wade felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

A year ago, Lu Fei was just a pawn to be used in his eyes.

When using Lu Fei, giving him a little favor is like giving away a beggar, and Wade enjoys that feeling.

But just over a year later, Lu Fei has undergone earth-shaking transformation. Now he can not only threaten his own life, but also annex the Thomas family and become an existence that stands side by side with the entire Roberta family.

Nowadays, Lu Fei's status is no less than that of the patriarch of their family. Such a status is the goal that Wade has pursued throughout his life, but he has no idea about it yet, and Lu Fei, who he once looked down upon, has achieved it first.

The huge contrast caused Wade's soul to suffer tons of damage.

"Carter, Gene, you have done a good job. You have made great contributions this time. After you go back, I will definitely reward you according to your merits. Now, we are going to Thomas, not to Lu Fei's manor, to pay tribute to my old friend Sending blessings, are you afraid?" Wade asked

"Master, boss, we are not afraid, we swear to be loyal to you to the death."

"Okay, let's go!"


In Lu Fei Manor, the invited guests arrived, just like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, looking around, and they were all very excited.

This behavior is very rude, but they can't control themselves at all.

The guests who came today, apart from the heads of state and wealthy businessmen, were all international superstars. They were all people who had seen the big world, but when they got here, they still couldn't help themselves.

This situation is not surprising.

This manor was built inside the Royal Cemetery. Since the establishment of the Royal Cemetery, it has been a restricted area in London.

Not to mention ordinary people, even celebrities have no chance to enter. Only on major anniversaries, the British head of state will symbolically visit the cemetery to commemorate it.

But most people don't know that there is such a grand and mysterious private manor inside this private royal cemetery.

The top local business tycoons and heads of state have heard that this is the base of the Thomas family, but no one has ever come in.

Now, this mysterious manor was open to them for the first time. Their eyes were completely exhausted and they kept looking around to see what mysteries were about this manor.

However, after looking around, they were a little disappointed.

The overall feeling of this manor is "big".

Not only is it big, but it is also luxurious beyond imagination. The main theme is Chinese elements. Since today is Lu Fei’s wedding, the manor is decorated with lights and colorful traditional Chinese festive red lanterns everywhere. Other than that, there seems to be nothing special about it. .

Of course, it's not special because today is a special day. If they come in normally, the tight security force will definitely overwhelm them. Of course, after today, they will not have the chance to come in again.

Today's banquet will be held on the golf course behind the manor.

At this moment, intense preparations are going on behind the scenes, and all the guests are chatting in small groups in the square in the front yard.

Of course, there is also top-notch service here.

Wine, drinks, pastries, etc.

Everything is ready, the beauty in cheongsam, and professional waiters like Cameron shuttle among everyone and actively serve everyone.

"Hi Julie, you look so beautiful today!"

"Thank you, Mr. Johnson, you are handsome too."

"Hello Ms. Carey, nice to meet you."

"Me too, dear Mr. Bynum."

Everyone gathers in small groups to chat. This is their best opportunity to expand their network.

Of course, this kind of small talk usually doesn't go out of the circle.

Celebrities gather with celebrities, bosses chat with bosses, and heads of state greet each other. The archaeological community is the only one there, and it is also the liveliest group.

"Hey, little loach, where do you write the accounts?" Zhang Yanhe called the little dog over and asked.

People in the West don't pay much attention to following others, but in their eyes, this is a Chinese tradition. Since you are attending a wedding, it is normal to follow others.

The old Chinese goods have been prepared for a long time, but unfortunately they have not found the "accounting room" to collect the money.

Little Nipple smiled and said: "Mr. Zhang, please save it. My brother said that I won't accept any gifts today."

"Don't accept it?"

"Wouldn't it be a loss if we don't accept a gift for such a big event?" Zhang Lefu, deputy director of the Yangcheng Museum, said naively.

His words immediately caused laughter.

"Smile like a hammer, I'm telling the truth." Zhang Lefu rolled his eyes.

Fu Yuliang laughed loudly, patted Zhang Lefu on the shoulder and said, "Old Zhang, don't worry about Baoshaifei. The most important thing for that guy is money. Did you see that a bottle of red wine costs a lot?" Ten thousand yuan, if I expect your gift to be repaid, then Bao Bao Fei will have to cry!"


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