A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2625 Misreading

Accompanied by festive music, bride Wang Xinyi made a shining appearance holding Lu Fei's arm.

Everyone looked over and cheered again.


"The groom is so handsome!"

"Beautiful, the bride's dress is so beautiful."

"My dear, what is the bride wearing on her head? It's so beautiful!"

"Oh my god, I'm so jealous."

The cheers of the guests were not just contrived cheers, but shouts from the bottom of their hearts.

At the church before, Lu Fei's dress and Wang Xinyi's wedding dress had shocked everyone.

But now the costumes of Lu Fei and Lu Fei made everyone climax again, especially the expressions of the female guests present were particularly exaggerated, and the screams once covered up the live music.

At this moment, Lu Fei and Wang Xinyi's clothes were completely different from when they were in the church.

When the wedding was held in the church, Lu Fei wore a fold-neck dress and Wang Xinyi wore a luxurious wedding dress.

Now, Lu Fei is wearing a retro hat, which is inlaid with a square piece of glass imperial green jade.

Wearing a bright red gown, there is a golden phoenix embroidered with gold threads, red phoenix eyes inlaid with rubies, a diamond phoenix body, and a phoenix tail made of colorful gems. It is simply gorgeous.

The bride next to her is even more dazzling.

Wang Xinyi is wearing a bright red wedding dress, which is also embroidered with gold threads. It is symmetrical with Lu Fei's golden phoenix, showing a 3D sense of a phoenix seeking a phoenix.

The most dazzling thing is Wang Xinyi’s Seven Treasures Phoenix Crown.

Made of gold foil, it is full of jewels, surrounded by twelve eastern pearls, red corals, rubies, gold amber, sapphires and pink diamonds. In the middle of the phoenix crown, there is a bright turquoise bead.

Ordinary guests would not see anything special about that bead.

Because this bead looks like jade, but it is not as good as jade.

It is so transparent, and the color is not as authentic as the imperial green, it has that emerald green feeling.

Although everyone didn't know what this bead was, they didn't dare to underestimate it. It was surrounded by top-quality jewelry, and the one in the middle couldn't be ordinary.

They didn't know it, but there were experts present, and there were more than one.

After seeing the bead in the middle of the phoenix crown clearly, the veterans of the China Archaeological Team howled.

The most exaggerated one was Fatty Wang, who jumped up in shock.

Even though this guy is over fifty years old and still carries more than 180 kilograms of fat, his explosive power cannot be underestimated. He jumped more than a foot high and screamed from his dantian, knocking out all the guests around him. They were all shocked.

"Night Pearl!"


"Emerald Night Pearl, oh my god, I'm crazy, I'm really going crazy."

The old guys screamed weirdly, and Fatty Wang completely lost his composure. He didn't care about the occasion and rushed towards Wang Xinyi with his teeth and claws.

Fatty Wang's actions not only frightened the other guests, but also Wang Xinyi, who was familiar with him, and even the security guards hiding in the dark were about to make a move. Fortunately, before Fatty Wang could approach Wang Xinyi, he was struck by Lu Fei. Hold on, otherwise, this guy would really dare to grab the phoenix crown.

"Fat man, what do you want to do?"

Lu Fei knew that Fatty Wang had no ill intentions, he was just too excited, but even so, he couldn't succeed, right?

After being stopped by Lu Fei, Fatty Wang's crazy energy also subsided. After calming down, Fatty Wang was so embarrassed that his old face suddenly turned into a red cloth. He looked at Lu Fei, and he was so aggrieved that he actually put on a cute expression. modeling.

"Night Pearl." Fatty Wang pointed at Wang Xinyi's phoenix crown and said aggrievedly.

The fat man in this state immediately broke Wang Xinyi's defense and burst into laughter.

Lu Fei was so disgusted by this guy that he had goosebumps all over his body.

It's embarrassing, it's so embarrassing.

It seems that if I have the opportunity to take him out more in the future, I will see too little.

Lu Fei glared at him and said, "I know it's Ye Mingzhu, what's wrong?"

"Emerald Night Pearl." The fat man continued to feel aggrieved.


"What a big one."


When the fat man said this cute sentence, even Lu Fei couldn't hold it in anymore. Wang Xinyi covered her mouth and quickly turned her head away. Zhang Yanhe and others below turned back in unison, expressing that they didn't recognize this guy.

"Ahem, what on earth are you going to say?" Lu Fei asked angrily.

"Bao Bao Fei, where did you get this emerald night pearl? It looks like the night pearl on Lafayette's phoenix crown!"

When Fatty Wang said this, Zhang Yanhe and others turned back again, and at the same time came up to stare at them carefully.

They didn't pay attention before, but when the fat man said this, everyone was shocked.

Cixi's emerald night pearl with phoenix crown is so famous. If it were really one of the nine, this would be a big event.

Lu Fei couldn't help but feel nervous. It wasn't that he was afraid of the fat man causing trouble, but he didn't expect that this guy had such a sharp eye.

Fatty Wang is indeed very powerful, but in the archaeological world, everyone still recognizes the five disciples of Mr. Kong. Those five are the first level. Fatty Wang, Fu Yuliang and others are barely the second level.

Fat man

There were almost no archaeologists of our generation who graduated from majors, and there were no professional archaeological schools at that time. To have today's vision, they all learned bit by bit on the job, coupled with years of practical experience, which is quite commendable.

But those five in the first rank were taught by eight hundred serious and famous teachers.

Kong Fanlong was once the great master of archeology, China's leader in this field, and even the professors at the archeology school were not as good as others.

Moreover, Kong Lao's followers have their own unique methods. His disciples can not only learn Kong Lao's skills, but also his decades of valuable experience. It is said that famous teachers make great disciples, and his direct disciples are certainly awesome. This is recognized by everyone. fact.

But in fact, people still underestimate self-taught talented masters, and the same goes for Lu Fei.

Fatty Wang was such a master. Before and even now, Fu Yuliang, Zhang Yanhe and the others would not admit that Fatty Wang was more capable than the five disciples of Mr. Kong.

Before this, Lu Fei had the same idea, but at this moment, Lu Fei realized that he was wrong.

Wang Shun's ability is not inferior to those five, or even worse.

This was a big surprise for Lu Fei.

In a few months, he will serve as the general consultant of Shenzhou Archeology. By then, not only Guan Laosan will retire, but Lu Fei will also clean up a large group of old guys who occupy the latrine and do nothing. Therefore, Lu Fei communicated with Wang Shun privately , let him be his deputy.

However, when Lu Fei told him this, it was more out of emotional reasons.

Lu Fei is friendly with Fatty Wang, likes Wang Shun's meticulous work attitude, and appreciates his personality even more.

But now Lu Fei discovered that he was definitely worthy of being his deputy.

Not only his personality and work attitude, but also Fatty Wang’s ability is definitely worthy of this position. He has found a treasure!

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