A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2626 Interlude

From such a distance, Fatty Wang could tell at a glance that it was an emerald night pearl, and his eyesight was already very impressive.

But not only that, this guy could immediately think of the nine night pearls on the phoenix crown of Empress Dowager Cixi, which made Lu Fei look at him with admiration.

It seems that I really underestimated Fatty before. The level of this guy is not inferior to Guan Laosan and the others at all!

After hearing the fat man's words, Zhang Yanhe and others realized what they were doing. They were all shocked and rushed forward regardless of the situation.

"Is it really the luminous pearl on the phoenix crown of Empress Dowager Cixi?"

"Hey, don't tell me, it looks a bit similar. Except for the nine Cixi phoenix crowns, I haven't heard of such a big one appearing anywhere."

"It looks like it to me. This luminous pearl is not only big in size, but also has perfect texture. It is definitely top quality and has a round pulp. It is definitely not mined recently."

"Bao Bao Fei, tell me, is this the luminous pearl on Ci Xi's phoenix crown?"

The old guys were talking to each other, Lu Fei was surrounded by chaos, and the other guests looked confused. They all stared here eagerly, trying to figure out what was going on.

Fatty Wang's guess was absolutely correct. The luminous pearl inlaid in the middle of Wang Xinyi's phoenix crown was indeed one of the nine Cixi phoenix crowns. .??.??

Lu Fei cleaned out the treasures, and Wang Xinyi and Chen Xiang made a video to share the spoils. In order to avoid harming their harmony by unevenly dividing the spoils, the two sisters even thought of drawing lots, which shocked Lu Fei quite a lot.

In the end, the allocation was successful, and Wang Xinyi got three luminous pearls. This time she used one to design the phoenix crown.

Although this is a fact, Lu Fei cannot admit it. If word spreads, something big will happen.

"Ahem, what are you arguing about? Are you sick? What is the occasion? Are you here to cheer me up or to cause trouble for me?" Lu Fei scolded with a dark face.


At this time, the veterans realized that this was Lu Fei's wedding.

Turning their heads and looking at the eyes of the hundreds of guests, the old guys' faces were all red with embarrassment. They each gave the fat man a big roll of their eyes and quickly retreated.

Fatty Wang also knew that he was in trouble and was about to run away, but Lu Fei grabbed him.

"What are you trying to do? I didn't mean it." Fatty Wang said with a guilty conscience.

Lu Fei rolled his eyes at him and said, "I don't blame you. Aren't you curious? I'll let you see clearly. Come and take a look!"

Lu Fei stretched out his hand to pull the fat man, who was squirming and dodging. Normally, if Lu Fei wouldn't let him look, he wouldn't be happy, but it was different now. This was Lu Fei's wedding, and his gaffe just now had already made Lu Fei a joke. If I have to lick my face again to check if I am blocked, then I won’t be praised by others.

Bin laughed so hard!

"Hey, I won't watch it anymore. I'll watch it another day." The fat man said with a smile.

"Smile, what's in your eight-and-a-half-pound head?

Don't you think about it, can I use the things on Cixi's phoenix crown on the big day?

No matter how good the things on her body are, they are still weapons from the underworld. How unlucky! " Lu Fei said.


When Lu Fei said this, the fat man suddenly realized and ran away quickly.


Let's not talk about whether Lu Fei can find Cixi's Phoenix Crown Night Pearl. Even if he can find it, it is an object stolen by Sun Dianying and others from the Qing Dong Tomb.

It is clearly recorded in historical materials that the phoenix crown was truly buried with Cixi.

There are many records in "Manuscripts of Qing History", "Aiyuexuan Notes" and other materials, which is absolutely unmistakable.

The things buried with him are the underworld weapons. No knowledgeable person would store them at home, let alone wear them on his body.

If Tao Po Fei knows all these things, how can he put it on his wife's head? Isn't it going to be bad luck?


I was so excited that I almost ruined Baoshaan Fei's wedding. I have to seriously apologize to Bao Shaanfei when I get the chance.



When the fat man was about to walk to his team, he suddenly thought of a key point in his mind.

The little girl said that the last consecration ceremony held in Yanqing, which shocked the whole country, was for Lu Fei's jewelry.

All right, why did Lu Fei consecrate the jewelry?

Could it be? ?

A bold idea came to his mind. Fatty Wang was stunned. He turned back and looked at Lu Fei again. By coincidence, Lu Fei was also looking at him. Their eyes met, and Fatty gave a meaningful smile.

Lu Fei's heart trembled, and he thought to himself, it seems that this fat guy is much smarter than he thought!

But it doesn't matter, he has plenty of ways to deal with him, and this guy has no evidence, so Lu Fei doesn't need to worry at all.

With what he just said as a foreshadowing, even if it spread, no one would believe it. What's more, Fatty is not a troublesome person, so he will definitely not pose a safety risk.

To be honest, Lu Fei had no plans to invite his friends from the archaeological team to the wedding, and he was also worried about this.

But he didn't expect that these guys would come uninvited and disrupt his rhythm.

When he was in the church before, Lu Fei had been paying attention, worried that they would question the jewelry on Wang Xinyi's wedding dress. Fortunately, his worries did not come to pass. As a result, the night pearl on the wedding dress still did not escape the fat man's eyes. From such a distance, Fatty Wang could tell at a glance that it was an emerald night pearl, and his eyesight was already very good.

But not only that, this guy could immediately think of the nine night pearls on the phoenix crown of Empress Dowager Cixi, which made Lu Fei look at him with admiration.

It seems that I really underestimated Fatty before. The level of this guy is not inferior to Guan Laosan and the others at all!

After hearing what the fat man said, Zhang Yanhe and others realized what they were doing. They were all shocked and rushed forward regardless of the situation.

"Is it really the luminous pearl on the phoenix crown of Empress Dowager Cixi?"

"Hey, don't tell me, it looks a bit similar. Except for the nine Cixi phoenix crowns, I haven't heard of such a big one appearing anywhere."

"It looks like it to me. This luminous pearl is not only big in size, but also has perfect texture. It is definitely top quality and has a round pulp. It is definitely not mined recently."

"Bao Bao Fei, tell me, is this the luminous pearl on Ci Xi's phoenix crown?"

The old guys were talking to each other, Lu Fei was surrounded by chaos, and the other guests looked confused. They all stared here eagerly, trying to figure out what was going on.

Fatty Wang's guess was absolutely correct. The luminous pearl inlaid in the middle of Wang Xinyi's phoenix crown was indeed one of the nine Cixi phoenix crowns.

Lu Fei cleaned out the treasures, and Wang Xinyi and Chen Xiang made a video to share the spoils. In order to avoid harming their harmony by unevenly dividing the spoils, the two sisters even thought of drawing lots, which shocked Lu Fei quite a lot.

In the end, the allocation was successful, and Wang Xinyi got three luminous pearls. This time she used one to design the phoenix crown.

Although this is a fact, Lu Fei cannot admit it. If word spreads, something big will happen.

"Ahem, what are you arguing about? Are you sick? What is the occasion? Are you here to cheer me up or to cause trouble for me?" Lu Fei scolded with a dark face.


At this time, the veterans realized that this was Lu Fei's wedding.

Turning their heads and looking at the eyes of the hundreds of guests, the old guys' faces were all red with embarrassment. They each gave the fat man a big roll of their eyes and quickly retreated.

Fatty Wang also knew that he was in trouble and was about to run away, but Lu Fei grabbed him.

"What are you trying to do? I didn't mean it." Fatty Wang said with a guilty conscience.

Lu Fei rolled his eyes at him and said, "I don't blame you. Aren't you curious? I'll let you see clearly. Come and take a look!"

Lu Fei stretched out his hand to pull the fat man, who was squirming and dodging. Normally, if Lu Fei wouldn't let him look, he wouldn't be happy, but it was different now. This was Lu Fei's wedding, and his gaffe just now had made Lu Fei a joke. If I have to lick my face again to check if I am blocked, then I won’t be praised by others.

Bin laughed so hard!

"Hey, I won't watch it anymore. I'll watch it another day." The fat man said with a smile.

"Smile, what's in your eight-and-a-half-pound head?

Don't you think about it, can I use the things on Cixi's phoenix crown on the big day?

No matter how good the things on her body are, they are still weapons from the underworld. How unlucky! " Lu Fei said.


When Lu Fei said this, the fat man suddenly realized and ran away quickly.


Let's not talk about whether Lu Fei can find Cixi's Phoenix Crown Night Pearl. Even if he can find it, it is an object stolen by Sun Dianying and others from the Qing Dong Tomb.

It is clearly recorded in historical materials that the phoenix crown was truly buried with Cixi.

There are many records in "Manuscripts of Qing History", "Aiyuexuan Notes" and other materials, which is absolutely unmistakable.

The things buried with him are the underworld weapons. No knowledgeable person would store them at home, let alone wear them on his body.

If Tao Po Fei knows all these things, how can he put it on his wife's head? Isn't it going to be bad luck?


I was so excited that I almost ruined Baoshaan Fei's wedding. I have to seriously apologize to Bao Shaanfei when I get the chance.



When the fat man was about to walk to his team, he suddenly thought of a key point in his mind.

The little girl said that the last consecration ceremony held in Yanqing, which shocked the whole country, was for Lu Fei's jewelry.

All right, why did Lu Fei consecrate the jewelry?

Could it be? ?

A bold idea came to his mind. Fatty Wang was stunned. He turned around and looked at Lu Fei again. By coincidence, Lu Fei was also looking at him. Their eyes met, and Fatty gave a meaningful smile.

Lu Fei's heart trembled, and he thought to himself, it seems that this fat guy is much smarter than he thought!

But it doesn't matter, he has plenty of ways to deal with him, and this guy has no evidence, so Lu Fei doesn't need to worry at all.

With what he just said as a foreshadowing, even if it spread, no one would believe it. What's more, Fatty is not a troublesome person, so he will definitely not pose a safety risk.

To be honest, Lu Fei had no plans to invite his friends from the archaeological team to the wedding, and he was also worried about this.

But he didn't expect that these guys would come uninvited and disrupt his rhythm.

When he was in the church before, Lu Fei had been paying attention, worried that they would question the jewelry on Wang Xinyi's wedding dress. Fortunately, his worries did not come to pass. As a result, the night pearl on the wedding dress still did not escape the fat man's eyes.

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