A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2627 Showdown

While Lu Fei admired the fat man's eyesight, he was also glad that he didn't take out the blue water beads.

If they were allowed to see the blue water beads, these old guys would go crazy. If they really wanted to get to the bottom of it, it would be ridiculous.

Fortunately, Fatty settled down after returning.

Although the fat man did not dwell on the topic of Cixi's phoenix crown with a luminous pearl, everyone around him heard that the emerald-green bead on Wang Xinyi's phoenix crown was a luminous pearl.

Although natural luminous pearls are noble among jewelry types, with the discovery of large quantities of volcanic minerals, the value of luminous pearls has only reached that level.

The veterans of the Shenzhou Archaeological Team know the value of the pearl, but foreigners don't understand why such an ordinary luminous pearl is placed in the middle. Which of the surrounding Dongzhu jade gems is not more valuable than the luminous pearl?

At the moment, several foreigners who knew Chinese dialect started communicating with Zhang Yanhe and the others.

"Zhang, is the luminous pearl on the bride's head different from ordinary luminous pearls?"

It's not easy to discuss value in this kind of situation, so asking this is a clear statement.

Zhang Yanhe made an extremely exaggerated expression: "Yes, of course it's different."

"The luminous pearls mined now are completely different from this one. This is the supreme existence among luminous pearls, the emerald luminous pearl.

This kind of luminous pearl mineral disappeared more than two hundred years ago. Well, it cannot be said to be extinct. At least in the past two hundred years of mining, no emerald luminous pearl has ever been found.

Even before the resources are exhausted, this kind of luminous pearl is extremely rare. Even if it is found, the diameter is usually no more than 0.8 centimeters. The emerald luminous pearl on the bride's phoenix crown is more than two centimeters in diameter according to visual inspection. It is round and green, with the best color. Almost no flaws.

According to historical records, only nine emerald night pearls of similar size appeared in the burial objects of Empress Dowager Cixi of the Qing Dynasty in China. Therefore, this bead

It can be defined as a priceless treasure. "


These foreigners spread Zhang Yanhe's words, and the crowd of guests suddenly became excited.

“I’m sorry, I’m just saying that such a noble crown will never come out as cheap jewelry!”

"Oh my god, I'm so envious. Mr. Lu Fei is so luxurious. I'm so happy to be his woman!"

"I love you, I love you. If my future husband is one ten thousandth of what Mr. Lu Fei loves his wife, I will be satisfied."

"Pull him down, Mr. Lu Fei is the only one who has no semicolon. He is the ultimate good man."

After the interlude, Lu Fei and Wang Xinyi came to the temporary stage.

The two bowed slightly and saluted the guests present, which attracted cheers from the whole hall, and the applause was deafening.

After the applause, Lu Fei approached the microphone and said.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen!"

There was another round of fierce applause.

“My wife and I are honored that everyone can attend our wedding despite their busy schedules, and we are very grateful to everyone for coming.

The guests here today include my friends, our business partners, and many new friends I have never met before. Here, let me introduce myself first. "

"My name is Lu Fei, and my wife's name is Wang Xinyi. We are both natives of China.

The main reason why we came to London to hold the wedding is that in the future we will focus our business on Europe.

Our group’s first step in Europe was to fully acquire Thomas Fund and Thomas Fund

Sri Lanka Investment Company. Starting today, these two companies have officially changed their names to Ascendas Fund and Ascendas Investment Company.

Former partners, on the basis of the original, hope that we can continue to cooperate happily. Friends who have not cooperated before, our company welcomes business negotiations at any time as long as you have needs. "


Lu Fei's few words were no less than a thunderbolt exploding in the crowd, and all the businessmen and celebrities present were stunned.

Thomas Fund, the world's second largest fund, no one knows its market value. ??

Ten years ago, a specialized financial institution disclosed that the Thomas Fund was worth at least US$10 trillion.

At that time, this news shocked the whole world, but there were still more doubts.

How much is the market value of the world's most powerful company?

Worth ten trillion US dollars, how is this possible? You don’t even dare to think about it, okay?

Many financial experts around the world expressed doubts and asked financial institutions to provide detailed explanations. However, the other parties did not respond and quickly deleted their previous remarks, leaving the matter unsolved.

But after that fermentation, many private organizations became interested in this topic and began to investigate secretly, but there was still no reasonable conclusion.

Although this news has not been confirmed, one thing is certain, that is, during the more than 100 years since this fund was established, they have remained standing no matter what kind of financial crisis. This is the embodiment of hard power.

And some people also say that the Thomas Fund is worth far more than ten trillion dollars, or even more.

Therefore, the Thomas Fund has become a mythical existence, recognized by the world as the No. 1 fund alongside the Robb Fund.

As for Thomas Investment Company, that’s even more


People only know that this investment company is spread all over the world, in petroleum, finance, IT, electronics, industry, etc., as long as there are industries on the market, Thomas Investment Company is all there.

Moreover, it has never been listed on the market, and no one knows its specific market value, but everyone believes that this is definitely an astronomical figure that ordinary people cannot imagine.

The celebrities present know more than ordinary people.

They also know that Thomas Investment Company is not interested in industries with less than $100 million at all. How awesome is this.

Compared to them, the merchants present knew more.

They know that whether it is Thomas Fund or Thomas Investment Company, these are heights that they, tens of billions of billionaires, will never reach, because these two companies are the foundation of the Thomas family's industry and the Thomas family's dominance in Europe. , overlooking the foundation of the world, is a behemoth in the true sense.

Lu Fei said that he fully acquired these two behemoths and changed their names. What does this mean?

This shows that Lu Fei has replaced the Thomas family and become the new overlord of Europe.

Some people had doubts when they came to this manor before.

They all know that this is the base of the Thomas family and has never been open to the outside world, but so many people came in today, which is abnormal in itself.

Moreover, when we get here, the most people who come in and out are Chinese faces, which is even more incredible.

Now they understand that this is Lu Fei's new base!

Most of the guests were CEOs of companies previously affiliated with the Thomas family. Although these people already knew that their boss had been replaced by Lu Fei, they were also shocked when they heard Lu Fei announce it in public.

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