A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2631 Matchmaking for brother-in-law

Lu Fei's attitude temporarily put Jason at ease. At the very least, he couldn't see that Lu Fei had any ill intentions towards their royal family.

If you think about it carefully, it was the Thomas family that they were afraid of before, not Lu Fei.

We are afraid of them because sometimes the Thomas family is very ruthless in doing things and will not hesitate to use any means to achieve their goals.

But Lu Fei seems to be different.

Judging from the way Lu Fei interacts with others today, Lu Fei has a relatively easy-going attitude towards everyone and does not assume a condescending attitude. He even talks and laughs with those celebrities. Perhaps Lu Fei has his own style of doing things. A completely different style from the Thomas family.

Lu Fei is an Asian, and his way of doing things and worldview are very different from those of Westerners. This may be the reason why his work style is so different.

But no matter what, the strength shown by Lu Fei is no less than that of the Thomas family, the former European overlord.

Compared to Lu Fei, their royal family is a complete weakling, let alone Jason. Therefore, Jason still dare not relax, for fear of offending Lu Fei with any words and causing unnecessary trouble to the royal family.

Jason said goodbye to Lu Fei respectfully and was about to take Caroline away. At this time, Lu Fei stopped Caroline.

"Caroline, can we have a moment alone?"

Caroline was overjoyed, asked Jason to wait, and followed Lu Fei to a corner.

"Mr. Lu Fei, congratulations, your wife is so beautiful." Caroline praised sincerely.


"By the way, how are things going with your family? No one will cause trouble for you anymore, right?"

"No, thanks to Mr. Lu Fei's help last time, our family is now out of trouble and everything is fine." Caroline said.

Lu Fei nodded: "If you have any trouble in the future, just go to Murray and he will help you solve it. If you need investment in your family's business, we will seriously consider it."

Hearing what Lu Fei said, the naughty little deer in Caroline's heart became happy again.

Why did Lu Fei take the initiative to help me?

Does he like me too?

What should I do if he brings it up?

However, the truth is that Caroline is overthinking.

Lu Fei had long seen that Caroline had a crush on him, but it was only today that Lu Fei discovered that Caroline still didn't give up on him.

Caroline is a simple and good girl, and Lu Fei doesn't want him to be unhappy because of himself, so he keeps her because he wants to make it clear to her, so that he can stop worrying about her.

"Caroline, do you have a boyfriend?" Lu Fei asked.


Caroline blushed immediately.

It's coming, it's coming.

So nervous!

Caroline lowered her head and whispered: "No, not yet."

"Yes, your conditions are too good. It's hard to find someone who is a good match."

When Lu Fei said this, Caroline became even more nervous. Just as she was about to raise her head, Lu Fei spoke again.

"Actually, family status is not important. Only by finding someone who truly likes you can you be happy. How about I introduce you to someone?"


Lu Fei's words were like a bucket of cold water pouring down on Caroline's head. Caroline felt so cold that she almost cried.

The scene was a bit awkward. Lu Fei looked around and waved to call Wang Xinlei over from afar.

"Caroline, you are a good girl. You should have a happy life. This is my brother-in-law Wang Xinlei. You have met him and he has mentioned to me more than once that he likes you. How about you try to date?

I want to guarantee you with my personality that Xiaolei will never let you down. "

When Lu Fei called him over, Wang Xinlei looked confused. After hearing Lu Fei's words, the guy suddenly became elated.


My brother-in-law is here to help me, he is introducing me to a partner!

Caroline, the most beautiful woman in the world!


This is ten thousand times better than Brother Long’s dominatrix victory!

To be honest, Wang Xinlei has really admired Caroline for a long time, but he is not stupid. He can also see that Caroline is interested in his brother-in-law, so he has never expressed it. ??

Now that his brother-in-law was matching them in person, Xiao Lei was so excited that his face turned red and his blood was boiling.

But Caroline's heart hit rock bottom. She knew what Lu Fei meant, and she also knew that she had no chance.

However, as for his brother-in-law, forget it!

"Thank you, Mr. Lu Fei. I don't need to trouble you anymore. I have other things to do, so I'll take the first step. Finally, I wish you happiness."

When saying this, Caroline kept her head down the entire time.

She didn't dare to raise her head because she was afraid that Lu Fei would see her crying, and she didn't want to leave an imperfect impression on Lu Fei.

After saying that, without waiting for Lu Fei to answer, Caroline turned and left.

Looking at Caroline's back, Lu Fei sighed slightly, but Wang Xinlei, who had been extremely excited just now, was stunned on the spot.

"Brother-in-law, I."

"What are you?

I've already said it for you. Whether you succeed or not depends on your ability. Why are you still standing there, why don't you go and give it away to others? "

"Oh, okay, I'll go right away!"

Wang Xinlei suddenly realized it and quickly chased after him.

Lu Fei turned around, and Chen Gonggang walked over not far away.

"Second uncle!"


! "

"Are you still busy?"


"Can we find a place to chat?" Chen Honggang asked.


After a day of hard work, Wang Xinyi, who was pregnant with Liujia, was obviously a little haggard. Lu Fei asked Yaomei'er Jin'er to accompany her back to rest, and then explained a few words to Gao Yuan and invited Chen Gonggang to his study.

After making him a cup of tea, Lu Fei sat opposite Chen Honggang.

Chen Hong just picked up the teacup and drank a few sips, then put down the teacup and said: "The tea is good!"

"I'm not as filial to you as I am!" Lu Fei said with a smile.

"Hahaha, you kid"

Chen Honggang laughed loudly, and the atmosphere relaxed instantly.

Lu Fei lit a cigarette for him, and Chen Honggang asked: "Xiao Fei, can you tell me what your mother does?"

Chen Honggang finally asked.

Last year, Lu Fei and Xiao Tingfang met at the Chen family. At that time, Xiao Tingfang gave the Chen family a very unusual impression.

But he didn't know what he was doing specifically. Out of respect for Lu Fei, the Chen family didn't investigate.

But this time when Chen Honggang came to London to attend Lu Fei's wedding, he was really shocked.

There were more than a dozen heads of state and hundreds of Fortune 500 leaders. This scene was really eye-catching.

Most people would think that these people came all the way to support Lu Fei to give Lu Fei face, but Chen Honggang discovered a detail.

When Lu Fei appeared on the stage, the eyes of the heads of state and big bosses were full of surprise and a bit of curiosity. This was obviously not what friends should show, but more like strangers.

But when these people saw Lu Fei's mother Xiao Tingfang, whether they were heads of state or business leaders, they were all respectful. Their eyes showed respect and fear from the bottom of their hearts, which explained the problem.

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