A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2632 I promise

Chen Honggang was born into a wealthy family and was the leader of the Five Dragons. His vision was far beyond that of ordinary people. From his experience, he could see that Xiao Tingfang was quite extraordinary.

During the entire wedding, Chen Honggang was full of shock and curiosity. Now that the wedding was over, he couldn't wait to find Lu Fei for confirmation.

At this point, Lu Fei had nothing to hide. He told Chen Honggang what he knew about his mother and his growth experience. Chen Honggang was inexplicably shocked.

"To be honest, my understanding of my mother is limited to this. When I first met her, I was quite shocked." Lu Fei murmured.

Chen Honggang took a breath of air: "I didn't expect that your mother would be so powerful."

Lu Fei knew what he wanted to say and refilled the tea for him: "Second uncle, we are not outsiders. I know what you are worried about, but I can assure you that she will never do anything to harm China. Even if If she has this idea, I will not agree to it, and I guarantee it with my personality."

"Are you sure?" Chen Honggang frowned.

"I am sure."

"If she really had those thoughts, could you have stopped her?"

Chen Honggang didn't care what Lu Fei's family background was, but as the top five dragons in China, it was his duty to protect China's interests.

Xiao Tingfang could easily mobilize more than a dozen heads of state and hundreds of business leaders with just one order. This ability made Chen Honggang feel deeply threatened, so he had to get a positive answer.

Lu Fei nodded seriously: "Second uncle, believe me.

First of all, the Xiao family has been in Asia for hundreds of years and has experienced the Ming Dynasty, the Manchu Dynasty, the Republic of China and World War II. During this period, they had too many opportunities, but they did not do that, so I believe they will not do it now.

Although the Xiao family does not have Chinese nationality, after hundreds of years of inheritance, their family still maintains the most authentic Chinese bloodline. Moreover, this is also engraved on their family's ancestral motto and will never change. This is their greatest respect for China. respect.

Secondly, after the reform, the Xiao family also invested a lot in China, including ocean trade, Far East commerce, Boyuan Logistics, etc. For decades, they have paid taxes in accordance with the law and have never been involved in any crimes. These special features are all There are detailed records, so I firmly believe that they will not do anything harmful to China in the future.

In addition, to say the least, with my restraint, it would not be easy for them to do that. "

After listening to Lu Fei's words, Chen Honggang's brows gradually relaxed, but at the end, he suddenly raised his head.

"By the way, what have you done? How come you have such a big power here? Is this also something your mother helped you run?" Chen Honggang


Lu Fei chuckled: "There are reasons for this, but not entirely. But please don't worry, I have this ability."

Lu Fei didn't tell the truth because there was no need.

He understood Chen Honggang's character and didn't want him to put too much effort into himself.

If you tell him the truth and tell him that you are fighting openly and secretly with the three major families and opportunistically annexing the Thomas family, it will definitely scare him, and then he will be suspicious of himself. This is not conducive to harmony, and even to himself in Wulong. And the development of China will be affected.

This time, Chen Honggang did not ask further questions.

"Okay, I'm relieved if you say that, but my second uncle needs to remind you that as long as you have enough money, you must stick to your heart. Our family will never do anything that harms China, not at all. no."

"I promise, absolutely not."

Chen Honggang nodded with satisfaction: "By the way, does Xiang'er know this?"

Lu Fei shook his head: "I didn't tell her, and please don't tell her either, so as not to worry Xiang'er. However, I promise to protect her. No matter what happens, I will never let Xiang'er get hurt."


Chen Honggang stood up and patted Lu Fei on the shoulder with a smile, indicating that he was quite satisfied with Lu Fei's attitude.

Then, Chen Honggang said goodbye.

There are so many things going on at Wulong. He, as a leader, has no skills at all. It is already rare to be able to attend Lu Fei's wedding today. He will have to go back immediately after the wedding.

Lu Fei didn't try to persuade him to stay, so he asked Little Dog to arrange a flight to send his second uncle back to China.

Just after parting ways with Chen Honggang, Lu Fei was surrounded by old guys again.

"Have you eaten all?"

"Damn it, old horse, how much have you eaten? It's all going to overflow!"

"Zhang Yanhe, stay away from me. Your hands are all oily and my clothes are stained. You can't afford to pay for it!"


Lu Fei's scolding immediately attracted dozens of pairs of eyes, especially Zhang Yanhe's. Lu Fei didn't say it was okay, but after saying this, this guy became even more enthusiastic. He was about to smear oil stains on Lu Fei's body, making everyone laugh. laughing out loud.

Quarreling with these guys was Lu Fei's favorite thing to see. This commotion made Lu Fei feel relaxed, and the old guys were also very happy.

They were not heartless. Today's scene shocked them, and they were afraid of Lu Fei from the bottom of their hearts. But after such a commotion, everything returned to the same as before. They knew that Lu Fei was still the shabby Fei they knew. This Will suffice. Chen Honggang was born into a wealthy family and was the leader of the Five Dragons. His vision was far beyond that of ordinary people. From his experience, he could see that Xiao Tingfang was quite extraordinary.

During the entire wedding, Chen Honggang was full of shock and curiosity. Now that the wedding was over, he couldn't wait to find Lu Fei for confirmation.

At this point, Lu Fei had nothing to hide. He told Chen Honggang what he knew about his mother and his growth experience. Chen Honggang was inexplicably shocked.

"To be honest, my understanding of my mother is limited to this. When I first met her, I was quite shocked." Lu Fei murmured.

Chen Honggang took a breath of air: "I didn't expect that your mother would be so powerful."

Lu Fei knew what he wanted to say and refilled the tea for him: "Second uncle, we are not outsiders. I know what you are worried about, but I can assure you that she will never do anything to harm China. Even if If she has this idea, I will not agree to it, and I guarantee it with my personality.”

"Are you sure?" Chen Honggang frowned.

"I am sure."

"If she really had those thoughts, could you have stopped her?"

Chen Honggang didn't care what Lu Fei's family background was, but as the top five dragons in China, it was his duty to protect China's interests.

Xiao Tingfang could easily mobilize more than a dozen heads of state and hundreds of business leaders with just one order. This ability made Chen Honggang feel deeply threatened, so he had to get a positive answer.

Lu Fei nodded seriously: "Second uncle, believe me.

First of all, the Xiao family has been in Asia for hundreds of years and has experienced the Ming Dynasty, the Manchu Dynasty, the Republic of China and World War II. During this period, they had too many opportunities, but they did not do that, so I believe they will not do it now.

Although the Xiao family does not have Chinese nationality, after hundreds of years of inheritance, their family still maintains the most authentic Chinese bloodline. Moreover, this is also engraved on their family's ancestral motto and will never change. This is their greatest respect for China. respect.

Secondly, after the reform, the Xiao family also invested a lot in China, including ocean trade, Far East commerce, Boyuan Logistics, etc. For decades, they have paid taxes in accordance with the law and have never been involved in any crimes. These special features are all There are detailed records, so I firmly believe that they will not do anything harmful to China in the future.

In addition, to say the least, it would not be easy for them to do that without my restraint. "

After listening to Lu Fei's words, Chen Honggang's brows gradually relaxed, but at the end, he suddenly raised his head.

"By the way, what have you done? How come you have such a big power here? Is this also something your mother helped you run?" Chen Honggang


Lu Fei chuckled: "There are reasons for this, but not entirely. But please don't worry, I have this ability."

Lu Fei didn't tell the truth because there was no need.

He understood Chen Honggang's character and didn't want him to put too much effort into himself.

If you tell him the truth and tell him that you are fighting openly and secretly with the three major families and opportunistically annexing the Thomas family, it will definitely scare him, and then he will be suspicious of himself. This is not conducive to harmony, and even to himself in Wulong. And the development of China will be affected.

This time, Chen Honggang did not ask further questions.

"Okay, I'm relieved if you say that, but my second uncle needs to remind you that as long as you have enough money, you must stick to your heart. Our family will never do anything that harms China, not at all. no."

"I promise, absolutely not."

Chen Honggang nodded with satisfaction: "By the way, does Xiang'er know this?"

Lu Fei shook his head: "I didn't tell her, and please don't tell her either, so as not to worry Xiang'er. However, I promise to protect her. No matter what happens, I will never let Xiang'er get hurt."


Chen Honggang stood up and patted Lu Fei on the shoulder with a smile, indicating that he was quite satisfied with Lu Fei's attitude.

Then, Chen Honggang said goodbye.

There are so many things going on at Wulong. He, as a leader, has no skills at all. It is already rare to be able to attend Lu Fei's wedding today. He will have to go back immediately after the wedding.

Lu Fei didn't try to persuade him to stay, so he asked Little Dog to arrange a flight to send his second uncle back to China.

Just after parting ways with Chen Honggang, Lu Fei was surrounded by old guys again.

"Have you eaten everything?"

"Damn it, old horse, how much have you eaten? It's all going to overflow!"

"Zhang Yanhe, stay away from me. Your hands are all oily and my clothes are stained. You can't afford to pay for it!"


Lu Fei's scolding immediately attracted dozens of pairs of eyes, especially Zhang Yanhe's. Lu Fei didn't say it was okay, but after saying this, this guy became even more enthusiastic. He was about to smear oil stains on Lu Fei's body, making everyone laugh. laughing out loud.

Quarreling with these guys was Lu Fei's favorite thing to see. This commotion made Lu Fei feel relaxed, and the old guys were also very happy.

They were not heartless. Today's scene shocked them, and they were afraid of Lu Fei from the bottom of their hearts. But after such a commotion, everything returned to the same as before. They knew that Lu Fei was still the shabby Fei they knew. This Will suffice.

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