A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2646 Cutting in the door upside down

When Lu Fei said this, his voice was not soft, and it was a pun. Chen Xiang was speechless.

We are all our own people, why are we so serious?

After hearing this, Gao Yuan's body shook slightly and he suddenly raised his head.

He understood Lu Fei, and Lu Fei was right. Since he likes Zheng Wenjuan, he must show his attitude.

"Brother and sister, don't talk about Xiao Fei, he is right, there is something wrong with my attitude.

Xiaofei, you are right, I am here to propose marriage to you. ??

I like Zheng Wenjuan, I have the ability to give her happiness, leave her to me, you can rest assured, please help us. "

Lu Fei nodded, expressing satisfaction with Gao Yuan's attitude this time.

"Brother Yuan, you don't think I'm too serious, do you?" Lu Fei asked.

"Of course not. I know that you are responsible for Zheng Wenjuan."

"As long as you know, what's Sister Zheng's attitude? Will she accept you?" Lu Fei asked.


Speaking of this, Gao Yuan was stunned.

When it comes to feelings, he believes that he and Zheng Wenjuan are in love with each other. However, the latter has not explicitly promised him, mainly because Zheng Wenjuan has concerns, so Gao Yuan cannot be too sure.

"She didn't agree?" Lu Fei asked.

Gao Yuan nodded: "It's true that I didn't express my position clearly, but I know that she likes me. You know the reason why she didn't agree."

"She hasn't promised you, so what's the point of proposing marriage to me?" Lu Fei asked.


Gao Yuan's face turned red again, but he didn't know how to answer.

Chen Xiang gently pulled Lu Fei, and Lu Fei told her not to worry.

"Brother Yuan, we are brothers, I understand you, and I understand Sister Zheng even more.

You said you like Sister Zheng, I believe that, and I also believe that you can give her happiness. I can rest assured that I can leave Sister Zheng to you, but the prerequisite is that Sister Zheng agrees to you willingly.

What you are missing now is that Sister Zheng can't pass this test in her heart. In fact, I don't care, but she can't pass her own test.

We are brothers. I can teach you a solution. Are you willing to listen? Lu Fei asked.

Gao Yuan's eyes lit up when he heard this. He raised his head and looked at Lu Fei, his eyes full of expectation.

"I'm willing to listen."

Lu Fei handed him a cigarette and said, "Brother Yuan, the only solution to this matter is for you to knock on the door and come to our Lu family."


When Gao Yuan heard this, he felt bad immediately. Lu Fei's words surprised him so much that he couldn't react at all for a while. \u003c


"Brother Yuan, don't worry, just listen to what I have to say.

The inverted door I am talking about is two completely different concepts from the inverted door in the traditional sense.

First of all, the only two people left in your Gao family are you and Brother Meng, without the constraints of your elders and family.

Moreover, you are actually coming to live in our Lu family, and everything else will remain as usual. In the future, your children will still have the surname Gao.

The reason why Sister Zheng dare not agree to you is because she once promised never to leave the Lu family. Even though she is a woman, she has a strong personality and what she said will never change. Therefore, you want to be together. , this is the only way.

As for the relationship between me and Sister Zheng, I told her later that from now on, she and I would be officially sibling, so that she would no longer have any worries.

To take a step back, your coming to Lu's house to knock on the door was just a formality. It was just to show off to Sister Zheng and give her a reason to marry you. Since you really like her, can't you accept this grievance?

A man must be brave enough to take responsibility. As for reputation, it is the most worthless thing. Besides, with the status of our brothers today, who dares to say anything?

I, Lu Fei, dare to marry two wives, why don't you dare to step in?

I think you should be able to figure out which is more important. "

After Lu Fei finished speaking, Gao Yuan didn't answer, so Chen Xiang gave him a look.

Chen Xiang was really speechless.

What's your bad metaphor? Why do you have to mention that you have two wives?

Do you still think you are capable?

Gao Yuan was not a pedantic person. He listened to Lu Fei's words seriously. After careful analysis, he found that there was nothing wrong with what Lu Fei said. It seemed that this was the only way to solve the problem.

Lu Fei was right. Since he likes Zheng Wenjuan, he must be responsible for her. As a man, this responsibility is necessary.

If you give up the relationship you are pursuing just for the sake of a reputation as someone who "cuts in the door", then this relationship is too cheap.

In order to protect the relationship between the two women, Lu Fei dared to marry both women at the risk of the world's disapproval. What does it matter if he stepped in on the other side?

Isn't it just being gossiped about?

Compared to this relationship, it's all just clouds and bullshit.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Gao Yuan made up his mind: "Xiao Fei, you are right. As long as Zheng Wenjuan agrees, there will be no problem with me."

Chen Xiang let out a long breath, and Lu Fei slapped the table and stood up.

"Great, I knew you would definitely agree. This is the Brother Yuan I know.

Since you agreed, leave the rest to me. I asked Xiang'er to tell Sister Zheng, just wait until you get a wife! "When Lu Fei said this, his voice was not soft, and it was a pun. Chen Xiang was speechless.

We are all our own people, why are we so serious?

After hearing this, Gao Yuan's body shook slightly and he suddenly raised his head.

He understood Lu Fei, and Lu Fei was right. Since he likes Zheng Wenjuan, he must show his attitude.

"Brother and sister, don't talk about Xiao Fei, he is right, there is something wrong with my attitude.

Xiaofei, you are right, I am here to propose marriage to you.

I like Zheng Wenjuan, I have the ability to give her happiness, leave her to me, you can rest assured, please help us. "

Lu Fei nodded, expressing satisfaction with Gao Yuan's attitude this time.

"Brother Yuan, you don't think I'm too serious, do you?" Lu Fei asked.

"Of course not. I know that you are responsible for Zheng Wenjuan."

"As long as you know, what's Sister Zheng's attitude? Will she accept you?" Lu Fei asked.


Speaking of this, Gao Yuan was stunned.

When it comes to feelings, he believes that he and Zheng Wenjuan are in love with each other. However, the latter has not explicitly promised him, mainly because Zheng Wenjuan has concerns, so Gao Yuan cannot be too sure.

"She didn't agree?" Lu Fei asked.

Gao Yuan nodded: "It's true that I didn't express my position clearly, but I know that she likes me. You know the reason why she didn't agree."

"She hasn't promised you, so what's the point of proposing marriage to me?" Lu Fei asked.


Gao Yuan's face turned red again, but he didn't know how to answer.

Chen Xiang gently pulled Lu Fei, and Lu Fei told her not to worry.

"Brother Yuan, we are brothers, I understand you, and I understand Sister Zheng even more.

You said you like Sister Zheng, I believe that, and I also believe that you can give her happiness. I can rest assured that I can leave Sister Zheng to you, but the prerequisite is that Sister Zheng agrees to you willingly.

What you are missing now is that Sister Zheng can't pass this test in her heart. In fact, I don't care, but she can't pass her own test.

We are brothers. I can teach you a solution. Are you willing to listen? Lu Fei asked.

Gao Yuan's eyes lit up when he heard this. He raised his head and looked at Lu Fei, his eyes full of expectation.

"I'm willing to listen."

Lu Fei handed him a cigarette and said, "Brother Yuan, the only solution to this matter is for you to knock on the door and come to our Lu family."


When Gao Yuan heard this, he felt bad immediately. Lu Fei's words surprised him so much that he couldn't react at all for a while. \u003c


"Brother Yuan, don't worry, just listen to what I have to say.

The inverted door I am talking about is two completely different concepts from the inverted door in the traditional sense.

First of all, the only two people left in your Gao family are you and Brother Meng, without the constraints of your elders and family.

Moreover, you are actually coming to live in our Lu family, and everything else will remain as usual. In the future, your children will still have the surname Gao.

The reason why Sister Zheng dare not agree to you is because she once promised never to leave the Lu family. Although she is a woman, she has a strong personality and what she said will never change. Therefore, you want to be together. , this is the only way.

As for the relationship between me and Sister Zheng, I told her later that from now on, she and I would be officially sibling, so that she would no longer have any worries.

To put it bluntly, your coming to Lu's house to knock on the door was just a formality. You were trying to show off to Sister Zheng and give her a reason to marry you. Since you really like her, can't you accept this grievance?

A man must be brave enough to take responsibility. As for reputation, it is the most worthless thing. Besides, with the status of our brothers today, who dares to say anything?

I, Lu Fei, dare to marry two wives, why don't you dare to step in?

I think you should be able to figure out which is more important. "

After Lu Fei finished speaking, Gao Yuan didn't answer, so Chen Xiang gave him a look.

Chen Xiang was really speechless.

What's your bad metaphor? Why do you have to mention that you have two wives?

Do you still think you are capable?

Gao Yuan was not a pedantic person. He listened to Lu Fei's words seriously. After careful analysis, he found that there was nothing wrong with what Lu Fei said. It seemed that this was the only way to solve the problem.

Lu Fei was right. Since he likes Zheng Wenjuan, he must be responsible for her. As a man, this responsibility is necessary.

If you give up the relationship you are pursuing just for the sake of a reputation as someone who "cuts in the door", then this relationship is too cheap.

In order to protect the relationship between the two women, Lu Fei dared to marry both women at the risk of the world's disapproval. What does it matter if he stepped in on the other side?

Isn't it just being gossiped about?

Compared to this relationship, it's all just clouds and bullshit.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Gao Yuan made up his mind: "Xiao Fei, you are right. As long as Zheng Wenjuan agrees, there will be no problem with me."

Chen Xiang let out a long breath, and Lu Fei slapped the table and stood up.

"Great, I knew you would definitely agree. This is the Brother Yuan I know.

Since you agreed, leave the rest to me. I asked Xiang'er to tell Sister Zheng that you just wait to get a wife! "

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