A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2647 Brother-in-law is right

Gao Yuan left excitedly, but Chen Xiang was depressed.

"You want me to tell Sister Zheng?

What do I say? Will she listen to me? "Chen Xiang said angrily.

"Don't worry, I'll teach you how to say it.

It's definitely not possible for you to go, but you can make her mentally prepared. When the time comes, it will be OK if I add more fire. Just tell her this."

After Lu Fei explained, Chen Xiang nodded and left to find Zheng Wenjuan.

Lu Fei was the only one left in the room. He lit a cigarette and recalled what happened between Gao Yuan and Zheng Wenjuan. Lu Fei couldn't help but laugh.

I really didn't expect that Gao Yuan turned out to be a sultry type. It was weird that he could resist telling himself such a big thing.

If Yao Meier hadn't mentioned it to him today, their matter might have been delayed until the Year of the Monkey!


Sometimes you can't think too much about what you want to do. Once you make up your mind, you have to move forward. The more you hesitate, the less confident you are. In the end, you can only waste precious time or even miss the best opportunity.

However, Lu Fei was 100% relieved by handing Zheng Wenjuan to Gao Yuan.

Zheng Wenjuan found her destination, and Lu Fei was sincerely happy for her.

After sitting for a while, Lu Fei walked out of the room, ready to see if Wang Xinyi was awake, but he met his brother-in-law Wang Xinlei who looked decadent.

"What's wrong?" Lu Fei asked.

Wang Xinlei looked at Lu Fei, like a defeated rooster, full of dark clouds.

"It's okay!"

"Haha, isn't it because she was rejected by Caroline?" Lu Fei said with a smile.

After saying this, Xiao Lei's face became even more ugly.

"Brother-in-law, are you trying to trick me on purpose?

You know that she likes you, but you still want to help me match her up. Isn't that too bad of you? "

"Damn, don't talk nonsense. I have nothing to do with her, and I really think she is a good match for you." Lu Fei said.

"But, people don't look down on me at all!" Xiao Lei was terribly depressed.

Lu Fei chuckled and said: "It's not her problem whether you like her or not, it's your problem whether you pursue her or not.

After all, you two have too little contact, so you should have more contact anyway, so that she can draw conclusions after seeing your excellence, right?

The ancients said that you should persevere in doing things and never give up easily. As long as you work hard and grind the iron pestle into a needle, if you work hard and work hard, I believe you will succeed. "


Wang Xinlei was immediately discouraged upon hearing this.

"I want to persevere, I want to have more contact, but I also have to have a chance?

They don't give me a chance to interact with them at all. How do you want me to behave? "Xiao Lei said with a bitter face.

"Don't be discouraged yet. Let me ask you, do you like her?" Lu Fei asked.

"I like it, of course I do!"

"Do you simply like her and plan to have something happen with her, or do you really want to marry her?" Lu Fei asked.

"Brother-in-law, I sincerely want to marry her."

"Is your family okay with marrying a foreign girl?"

"No problem, as long as I like it, my parents and grandfather will definitely not object." Xiao Lei said seriously.



"Okay, in that case, I will find a way to create opportunities for you. Whether you can succeed or not depends on you."

"What opportunity?" Upon hearing this, Xiao Lei swept away his previous depression and became excited.

Lu Fei thought for a while and said: "We plan to invest in business here, and we will invest in whoever we invest in. If we invest in their family, will there be more opportunities for you to come into contact with us?"

Xiao Lei was overjoyed when he heard this: "Yes, brother-in-law, your method is too great."

That's brilliant, let's go negotiate with them now, shall we? "

"Depend on!"

Lu Fei gave him a big eye roll.

"You treat investment as a living thing, how can it be that simple?

If you are like this, you should go to Murray now and investigate what businesses are under the name of Earl Witters, and then ask your second brother to help you analyze it and find a project that is most suitable for our investment. After confirming it, I will take you later. Go talk. "

When Xiao Lei heard this, he nodded like a chicken pulling rice, screamed excitedly, and gave Lu Fei a big hug.

"Brother-in-law, my biological brother-in-law, you are so kind to me.

Hahaha, this is a great idea, it’s so clever.

After confirming the project, we will directly talk to Caroline's father. As long as he agrees to marry Caroline to me, we will invest in him. Hahaha, great idea, great. "

Wang Xinlei was so proud that Lu Fei raised his leg and kicked the guy hard.

"Fart, you are taking advantage of others' danger, you are shameless, do you understand?"


So what do we do? "Xiao Lei looked confused.

"You go and confirm the project first, and then I'll tell you how to do it."


"Also, when you have nothing to do, read more books and learn how to do business. Your royal family's property depends on you to inherit it. With your virtue, it will only take you years of the monkey to become a talented person?"

Also, learn more about gentlemanly etiquette. Caroline is an earl and princess, and she has received aristocratic education since she was a child. Even if you are well-matched, at least you can't be too different from others.

You act like a typical douche bag. Do you think Caroline can accept you? "Lu Fei said with hatred that iron cannot become steel.

Wang Xinlei nodded heavily: "Brother-in-law, you are right, I will study immediately, and I will definitely satisfy Caroline.

Hey, brother-in-law, do you think I have hope? "

“That depends on whether you are destined or not.

Caroline is a simple girl. As long as you can get into her heart, you will definitely succeed. At the very least, you have to try hard, so that even if you don't succeed, you won't have any regrets. "

"Well, you're right, I will definitely make her like me.

Also, Brother Fei, do you think that if Caroline accepts me, will Brother Long be jealous to death? "

"Get out!"

"Ha ha"

Wang Xinlei swept away the previous haze and jumped to find Murray and Xu Maochen.

Lu Fei returned to the master bedroom and Wang Xinyi had just woken up.

She has worked in the Special Branch for three years and has an outstanding physique among women.

But I was pregnant and had been working hard all day. Although I rested for a while, the fatigue was still obvious on my face.

"Are you tired?" Lu Fei sat next to her and asked with a smile.

"Not bad!" Wang Xinyi smiled happily.

Lu Fei touched her slightly bulging belly and said, "How's it going? Your son isn't naughty, is he?"

"It's not that fast. It's only been more than two months. Besides, how do you know it must be your son?

Can't it be a daughter? "Wang Xinyi said with a hint of resentment.

"Hehe, I'm just saying casually, sons and daughters are the same, as long as they are born to you, I like them all."

"That's pretty much it."

Wang Xinyi was angry, but her face was filled with a happy smile.

Ever since Lu Fei healed her trauma, she has fallen in love with this man.

Later, in Fengtian, the two pretended to be husband and wife, and their relationship became deeper and deeper. Later, they experienced life and death together with Lu Fei, and Wang Xinyi could not help but fall in love with this man.

Today, she has finally become his woman openly. At this moment, she feels as if she owns the whole world.

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