A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2649 You are still very young

Mom clearly told Lu Fei that she would stay in London to take care of Wang Xinyi. Lu Fei was very surprised.

It stands to reason that this is the most normal thing for a mother-in-law to take care of her pregnant daughter-in-law, but the key point is that Wang Xinyi, this mother-in-law, is very unusual!

There are so many things in the Xiao family. As the head of the family, she wants to stay outside for a few months. This is not a decision that can be made easily.

But Lu Fei had more on his mind.

Mom has two main purposes this time. The first is to find the map in the Xiao family's seven-star sword. This purpose has been achieved.

The other was to bring Wang Xinyi to Australia, but Lu Fei did not agree.

To this day, Lu Fei is still wary of his mother, and he is worried about letting Wang Xinyi go to Australia.

There are two reasons why my mother decided to stay.

The first is to sincerely want to take care of Wang Xinyi and meet her grandson as soon as possible.

The other possibility is also very high.

My mother had talked to her before and wanted her to join forces with the Xiao family to launch an action against the Robert family, but Lu Fei persuaded her to stop.

She chose to stay, most likely to test her true strength so that she could know it well. This was what Lu Fei was most worried about.

But no matter what, since she chose to stay, Lu Fei couldn't refuse, so he had to adapt to circumstances. However, Lu Fei still prayed silently in his heart, hoping that his mother would stay because of the first reason.

"Okay, as long as you are happy, that's fine. However, I probably don't have much time to spend with you. I will be returning to China in a few days. There are many things at home that I need to handle personally!" Lu Fei said.

Xiao Tingfang smiled and said: "I'm not old enough to need you to take care of me, so just take care of yourself and don't let me worry.

You don't have to worry about Xinyi, I'll take care of her, it'll be no problem. "

"Well, that's up to you."

After this matter was confirmed, my mother talked about Jin'er again.


I plan to let Jin'er return to Australia to take over the business there. What do you think? "Mom asked.

Lu Fei frowned: "I don't think it's necessary!

The business in Australia has already been on track, as long as there are managers in charge.

Jin'er is still young, and I don't want her to work too hard. Our family is not short of money. I hope she can live a happy and carefree life.

If you don't worry about her, I can keep Jin'er with me and I will take care of her. "

Xiao Tingfang thought for a while, then nodded: "That's fine.

You still pamper her like you did when you were little, so aren't you afraid of spoiling her? "

Hearing what his mother said, Lu Fei's thoughts couldn't help but fly back to his childhood. Lu Fei laughed when he recalled every bit of his childhood.


But there's nothing wrong with that.

As the saying goes, a poor man raises a son, and a rich man raises a daughter.

Our family is not short of money, so she should enjoy life.

Jin'er has a simple mind and a kind nature, which is so valuable. I hope she can retain this simplicity. That way, she will always live in happiness. I have the ability to pamper her for a lifetime. " Lu Fei said.

Xiao Tingfang smiled happily after hearing this, but a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes the next second.

"Jin'er is my daughter, but why am I so envious of her at this moment?

We are both women, and if Jin'er is pampered by a brother like you, it will make her life easier.

But me"

Lu Fei was stunned for a moment, sat next to his mother, grabbed her hand and said.

“Mom, you can actually enjoy life now.

Xiao family

You are the head of the three major families, with hundreds of years of heritage and deep roots. With your current wealth, future generations will not be able to enjoy it. You can definitely live a long life, there is no need to work so hard. "

Xiao Tingfang shook her head and said: "How can it be as simple as you said?

In such a big family, there are so many things going on. As the head of the family, it is really difficult to cover everything.

Moreover, at our height, it is not just the Robert family that is eyeing us, there are also many potential dangers.

Running a family like this is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. Maybe if something goes wrong in a small and unspoken link, it will lead to irreparable disaster. I would like to live a long life, but unfortunately it is impossible!

Well, it's not impossible. When will you go back and help me? That way, mom and I can enjoy life with peace of mind. "

After my mother finished speaking, she stared at Lu Fei expectantly, making Lu Fei feel uncomfortable all over.

"Stop joking, how can I do that?" Lu Fei said with a smile.

"How not?

The Thomas family has been dominant in Europe for hundreds of years. We have nothing to do with them, but you succeeded in replacing them with one blow. This is not luck, this is your strength.

If we join forces to swallow up the Robert family, we can really sit back and relax. "My mother said seriously.

Lu Fei's heart skipped a beat, he thought he was bad and put himself in, but his mother still didn't give up!

Lu Fei was nervous in his heart, but it didn't show on the surface.

"What you said makes sense, but I still say what I said. The time has not yet come to deal with the Robert family. At least we must get their Seven-Star Sword first so that we will not have any worries.

As for your opinion, I will seriously consider it. When everything is stable in the future, I will go over to help you. Do you think it is okay? "

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