A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2650 A big tree attracts the wind

Mom specified that Jin'er should find a Chinese man. Lu Fei agreed with this and was very touched at the same time.

"Mom, why do you have this request?"

Lu Fei knew the general reason, but he still wanted to know how she would answer. Perhaps, from her words, Lu Fei could tell her attitude towards China.

Second uncle Chen Honggang was very worried about this, and Lu Fei also wanted to know the definite answer.

"Our family has our own traditions. The descendants of our Xiao family must be of pure Chinese blood. This is the ancestral precept and cannot be violated."

"Why is there this rule?" Lu Fei asked.

"It's very simple. China is our foundation. We are of Chinese origin. No matter what height we reach, we can never forget our roots." .??.??

Lu Fei nodded, thought for a moment and asked, "Mom, I have a question."

"what is the problem?"

"Will you shake this foundation?"

Lu Fei asked very directly, and Xiao Tingfang frowned immediately.

"I know what you mean, and I can tell you clearly, absolutely not.

Not only my generation cannot do it, but all future generations will not do it.

Our family also has a lot of business in China, but we have never violated any laws in China.

When our family took root in Australia, we were forced to do so, but to our core, we will always be Chinese.

We will never do anything that harms China or its foundation. No matter who dares to violate this principle, everyone in the Xiao family will punish them.

Xiaofei, this includes you.

If one day you do something harmful to China, I will never let you go, even if you are my son. "

When my mother said this, her expression was more serious than ever.

"Don't worry, I won't do it even more. Compared to you, China is my root and I won't allow anyone to harm it."

When Lu Fei said this, he looked at his mother seriously. Xiao Tingfang knew what he meant, but she was not angry. Instead, she nodded with satisfaction and affirmed.

"By the way, Mom, if you think so, why don't you change your nationality back and move the Xiao family back to China?

With the strength and capital of the Xiao family, as long as you are willing, the top management of China will definitely welcome you warmly. Lu Fei asked.

Xiao Tingfang shook her head and said: "This is unrealistic.

Back then, our ancestors were vassal kings guarding overseas, and our family's mission was to protect China.

Domestically, we will have many constraints and restrictions, but outside, we will not have so many scruples, and can actually do better.

In fact, we have not thought about moving back to China, but it is theoretically impossible.

move back

If we go, our strength will be greatly reduced.

In addition, with our current strength, after we return, can you guarantee that China’s senior officials will warmly welcome us instead of being afraid of us?

If I guessed correctly, Xiang'er and his second uncle are already worried about this, and he only knows the tip of the iceberg about us.

What would he think if he knew our full strength?

What would the top executives of China think?

What do you think about the special place?

We can promise that we will never harm China, but can you guarantee that they will believe it?

Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, it is best to maintain the status quo.

As long as we don't do anything to harm China, China's top leaders will never be wary of us. Isn't this more perfect? "

Lu Fei was not too shocked when he heard this.

He knew that the possibility that his mother was telling the truth was at least 90%.

This is the same reason as the ancient royal family was wary of the power of princes and local forces.

You can quietly make a fortune, you can build relationships, but once the royal family feels that you may pose a threat to them, then your good days will come to an end.

Heshen during the Jiaqing period is a typical case.

Of course, Lu Fei didn't ask these questions to ask the Xiao family to move back to China. He just wanted to know the attitude of his mother and the Xiao family.

He had promised his second uncle that the Xiao family would not harm Shenzhou.

After listening to his mother's words, Lu Fei could finally feel relieved.

It is true that my mother is ambitious and has thoughts about herself. It may be possible, but judging from the expression on her face when she spoke just now and what the Xiao family has done to China, Lu Fei is sure that her mother really won't do it. If something happens that hurts China, that's enough.

At this time, Xiao Tingfang took a sip of tea and said, "Xiao Fei, I heard that you are planning to take over as the general consultant of China's history and archeology?"

Lu Fei was even less surprised when his mother knew the news.

"Well, it's true."

Xiao Tingfang nodded: "Whether you are the general consultant, with this amulet, you will be much safer in China.

However, one thing I want to remind you is that you are different now than before.

You are not only the boss of Ascendas Group now, your strength is already one of the three major families.

being targeted.

The worries I mentioned just now may not happen to you in the future.

Your strength is getting stronger and stronger. When you reach a certain level, some people will be afraid of you.

Once things develop to that point, it will be difficult for you in China, and you must have cards to protect yourself.

We won't hurt China, but we can't let anyone hurt us, do you understand? "My mother decided to find a Chinese man for Jin'er. Lu Fei agreed with this and was very moved at the same time.

"Mom, why do you have this request?"

Lu Fei knew the general reason, but he still wanted to know how she would answer. Perhaps, from her words, Lu Fei could tell her attitude towards China.

Second uncle Chen Honggang was very worried about this, and Lu Fei also wanted to know the definite answer.

"Our family has our own traditions. The descendants of our Xiao family must be of pure Chinese blood. This is the ancestral precept and cannot be violated."

"Why is there this rule?" Lu Fei asked.

"It's very simple. China is our foundation. We are of Chinese descent. No matter what heights we reach, we can never forget our roots."

Lu Fei nodded, thought for a moment and asked, "Mom, I have a question."

"what is the problem?"

"Will you shake this foundation?"

Lu Fei asked very directly, and Xiao Tingfang frowned immediately.

"I know what you mean, and I can tell you clearly, absolutely not.

Not only my generation cannot do it, but all future generations will not do it.

Our family also has a lot of business in China, but we have never violated any laws in China.

When our family took root in Australia, we were forced to do so, but to our core, we will always be Chinese.

We will never do anything that harms China or its foundation. No matter who dares to violate this principle, everyone in the Xiao family will punish them.

Xiaofei, this includes you.

If one day you do something harmful to China, I will never let you go, even if you are my son. "

When my mother said this, her expression was more serious than ever.

"Don't worry, I won't do it even more. Compared to you, China is my root and I won't allow anyone to harm it."

When Lu Fei said this, he looked at his mother seriously. Xiao Tingfang knew what he meant, but she was not angry. Instead, she nodded with satisfaction and affirmed.

"By the way, Mom, if you think so, why don't you change your nationality back and move the Xiao family back to China?

With the strength and capital of the Xiao family, as long as you are willing, the top management of China will definitely welcome you warmly. Lu Fei asked.

Xiao Tingfang shook her head and said: "This is unrealistic.

Back then, our ancestors were vassal kings guarding overseas, and our family's mission was to protect China.

Domestically, we will have many constraints and restrictions, but outside, we will not have so many scruples, and can actually do better.

In fact, we have not thought about moving back to China, but it is theoretically impossible.

move back

If we go, our strength will be greatly reduced.

In addition, with our current strength, after we return, can you guarantee that China’s senior officials will warmly welcome us instead of being afraid of us?

If I guessed correctly, Xiang'er and his second uncle are already worried about this, and he only knows the tip of the iceberg about us.

What would he think if he knew our full strength?

What would the top executives of China think?

What do you think about the special place?

We can promise that we will never harm China, but can you guarantee that they will believe it?

Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, it is best to maintain the status quo.

As long as we don't do anything to harm China, China's top leaders will never be wary of us. Isn't this more perfect? "

Lu Fei was not too shocked when he heard this.

He knew that the possibility that his mother was telling the truth was at least 90%.

This is the same reason as the ancient royal family was wary of the power of princes and local forces.

You can quietly make a fortune, you can build relationships, but once the royal family feels that you may pose a threat to them, then your good days will come to an end.

Heshen during the Jiaqing period is a typical case.

Of course, Lu Fei didn't ask these questions to ask the Xiao family to move back to China. He just wanted to know the attitude of his mother and the Xiao family.

He had promised his second uncle that the Xiao family would not harm Shenzhou.

After listening to his mother's words, Lu Fei could finally feel relieved.

It is true that my mother is ambitious and has thoughts about herself. It may be possible, but judging from the expression on her face when she spoke just now and what the Xiao family has done to China, Lu Fei is sure that her mother really won't do it. If something happens that hurts China, that's enough.

At this time, Xiao Tingfang took a sip of tea and said, "Xiao Fei, I heard that you are planning to take over as the general consultant of China's history and archeology?"

Lu Fei was even less surprised when his mother knew the news.

"Well, it's true."

Xiao Tingfang nodded: "Whether you are the general consultant, with this amulet, you will be much safer in China.

However, one thing I want to remind you is that you are different now than before.

You are not only the boss of Ascendas Group now, your strength is already one of the three major families.

being targeted.

The worries I mentioned just now may not happen to you in the future.

Your strength is getting stronger and stronger. When you reach a certain level, some people will be afraid of you.

Once things develop to that point, it will be difficult for you in China, and you must have cards to protect yourself.

We won't hurt China, but we can't let anyone hurt us, do you understand? "

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