A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2651 Just because I am in this mountain

After hearing what his mother said, Lu Fei was shocked.

Lu Fei had never contacted him about the situation his mother was talking about, but after thinking about it carefully, Lu Fei was shocked and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

She was absolutely right.

Throughout the ages, one of the most taboo words is "high achievements overtake the master". When a powerful person feels that his status is threatened, he will not sit back and do nothing, but will do everything possible to completely kill this threat.

No matter what society it is, the principles are the same.

Before, his second uncle Chen Honggang talked to him about his mother's problem. In the final analysis, it was because his mother's strength exceeded his expectations. This made him feel that her mother might pose a threat to China, so Chen Honggang became even more nervous.

You know, Chen Honggang is still his uncle and one of his own.

If Dong Jianye learns of this, his reaction will definitely be even more intense than that of Chen Honggang.

As the heads of China's special departments, their main responsibility is to avoid all unstable factors.

However, Lu Fei never thought of all this to himself.

In Lu Fei's subconscious, he is a citizen of China, and safeguarding China's interests is an instinct engraved in his bones.

Therefore, he is willing to spend hundreds of billions to prepare an archaeological foundation. It is precisely because of this that he agreed to leader No. 3 to take over the position of general consultant for historical archeology in China. Otherwise, Lu Fei would never agree.

He is not short of money, nor is he short of fame, and he is not addicted to officialdom. If he takes on such a thankless job, isn't it because he is full?

But now it seems that the situation is very different from what he thought.

Lu Fei is sure that he will never do anything that harms the interests of China, but can the top management of China believe that?

In the past, they should have believed it 100% because their actions had proven everything.

But that's different now.

After annexing the Thomas family, he is no longer the wealthy Chinese businessman who is keen on collecting, but the third largest force in the world on par with the Robert family and the Xiao family.

Although outsiders may not know how terrifying Lu Fei's power is now, today's wedding is shocking enough for them.

London police were dispatched to put St. Paul's Cathedral under martial law, hundreds of Fortune 500 businessmen came to support, and more than a dozen heads of state came to congratulate. Looking at this card, no one in the whole world can do it. This is enough to show strength.

Although there were no reporters filming the live broadcast, the fire could not be suppressed. Sooner or later, word of this scene would spread. Not to mention others, even Chen Honggang had to report the truth truthfully after he returned. This was his responsibility.

Lu Fei showed such great strength that it was impossible not to pay attention to him.

After paying attention, we will definitely conduct a detailed investigation. It won't be long before Lu Fei's influence abroad will no longer be a secret.

As the leaders above understand more clearly, they will become more and more wary of Lu Fei. Once it reaches the critical point, it may explode. This is definitely bad news for Lu Fei, and he has to pay attention to it.

Thinking back carefully, Lu Fei even felt that the higher-ups were always wary of him, and there was a basis for his feeling.

In the past, when the military held a general meeting, Lu Fei would be notified in advance.

Due to Lu Fei's special situation, he almost never participated, but he still needed to be notified.

But this year, Lu Fei didn't receive a single meeting notice.

The military department hasn’t held a single meeting yet?

That shouldn't be possible, it's just that he was not notified. This is an abnormal imagination.

Dong Jianye also sent someone to supervise Lu Fei.

Although the clues of Gao Feng's case can be reluctantly linked to Lu Fei, they are just suspicions at best, and they are still suspicions without any evidence.

Lu Fei is the chief instructor of Wulong, and he is also a super boss who is about to take over as the general consultant of China's historical archeology. Just because he is suspected, someone is sent to supervise him?

This is even more unreasonable.

Lu Fei didn't think much about it before, but now he had to re-examine it. Thinking carefully, there might be something hidden in it, which made him have to be alert.

After five minutes of silence, Lu Fei finally raised his head.

"Mom, you have already considered this, right?"

"People without thought, he must worry about.

In fact, with your wisdom, you should be able to think of it, but you are only in this mountain. "My mother said.

Lu Fei nodded. His mother's words were concise and concise, but she summed it up quite well. This was indeed the case for him.

"Now that you have thought of this, why did you summon so many business leaders and heads of state to watch my ceremony?

Aren't you adding fuel to the fire? Lu Fei asked.

Xiao Tingfang smiled slightly and said: "You are right, I did it on purpose, and this is also the result I want to see.

Xiao Fei, you can't hide the Thomas family's affairs forever. China's senior officials have great eyes and hands, and the Special Branch's intelligence is spread all over the world. Sooner or later, they will investigate it.

Rather than that, you might as well face it directly. Although doing so is risky, it can also test China's attitude in advance, so that you have more time to prepare and respond. "After hearing what his mother said, Lu Fei was shocked.

Lu Fei had never contacted him about the situation his mother was talking about, but after thinking about it carefully, Lu Fei was shocked and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

She was absolutely right.

Throughout the ages, one of the most taboo words is "high achievements overtake the master". When a powerful person feels that his status is threatened, he will not sit back and do nothing, but will do everything possible to completely kill this threat.

No matter what society it is, the principles are the same.

Before, his second uncle Chen Honggang talked to him about his mother's problem. In the final analysis, it was because his mother's strength exceeded his expectations. This made him feel that her mother might pose a threat to China, so Chen Honggang became even more nervous.

You know, Chen Honggang is still his uncle and one of his own.

If Dong Jianye learns of this, his reaction will definitely be even more intense than that of Chen Honggang.

As the heads of China's special departments, their main responsibility is to avoid all unstable factors.

However, Lu Fei never thought of all this to himself.

In Lu Fei's subconscious, he is a citizen of China, and safeguarding China's interests is an instinct engraved in his bones.

Therefore, he is willing to spend hundreds of billions to prepare an archaeological foundation. It is precisely because of this that he agreed to leader No. 3 to take over the position of general consultant for historical archeology in China. Otherwise, Lu Fei would never agree.

He is not short of money, nor is he short of fame, and he is not addicted to officialdom. If he takes on such a thankless job, isn't it because he is full?

But now it seems that the situation is very different from what he thought.

Lu Fei is sure that he will never do anything that harms the interests of China, but can the top management of China believe that?

In the past, they should have believed it 100% because their actions had proven everything.

But that's different now.

After annexing the Thomas family, he is no longer the wealthy Chinese businessman who is keen on collecting, but the third largest force in the world on par with the Robert family and the Xiao family.

Although outsiders may not know how terrifying Lu Fei's power is now, today's wedding is shocking enough for them.

London police were dispatched to put St. Paul's Cathedral under martial law, hundreds of Fortune 500 businessmen came to support, and more than a dozen heads of state came to congratulate. Looking at this card, no one in the whole world can do it. This is enough to show strength.

Although there were no reporters filming the live broadcast, the fire could not be suppressed. Sooner or later, word of this scene would spread. Not to mention others, even Chen Honggang had to report the truth truthfully after he returned. This was his responsibility.

Lu Fei showed such great strength that it was impossible not to pay attention to him.

After paying attention, we will definitely conduct a detailed investigation. It won't be long before Lu Fei's influence abroad will no longer be a secret.

As the leaders above understand more clearly, they will become more and more wary of Lu Fei. Once it reaches the critical point, it may explode. This is definitely bad news for Lu Fei, and he has to pay attention to it.

Thinking back carefully, Lu Fei even felt that the higher-ups were always wary of him, and there was a basis for his feeling.

In the past, when the military held a general meeting, Lu Fei would be notified in advance.

Due to Lu Fei's special situation, he almost never participated, but he still needed to be notified.

But this year, Lu Fei didn't receive a single meeting notice.

The military department hasn’t held a single meeting yet?

That shouldn't be possible, it's just that he was not notified. This is an abnormal imagination.

Dong Jianye also sent someone to supervise Lu Fei.

Although the clues of Gao Feng's case can be reluctantly linked to Lu Fei, they are just suspicions at best, and they are still suspicions without any evidence.

Lu Fei is the chief instructor of Wulong, and he is also a super boss who is about to take over as the general consultant of China's historical archeology. Just because he is suspected, someone is sent to supervise him?

This is even more unreasonable.

Lu Fei didn't think much about it before, but now he had to re-examine it. Thinking carefully, there might be something hidden in it, which made him have to be alert.

After five minutes of silence, Lu Fei finally raised his head.

"Mom, you have already considered this, right?"

"People without thought, he must worry about.

In fact, with your wisdom, you should be able to think of it, but you are only in this mountain. "My mother said.

Lu Fei nodded. His mother's words were concise and concise, but she summed it up quite well. This was indeed the case for him.

"Now that you have thought of this, why did you summon so many business leaders and heads of state to watch my ceremony?

Aren't you adding fuel to the fire? Lu Fei asked.

Xiao Tingfang smiled slightly and said: "You are right, I did it on purpose, and this is also the result I want to see.

Xiao Fei, you can't hide the Thomas family's affairs forever. China's senior officials have great eyes and hands, and the Special Branch's intelligence is spread all over the world. Sooner or later, they will investigate it.

Rather than that, you might as well face it directly. Although doing so is risky, it can also test China's attitude in advance, so that you have more time to prepare and respond. "

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