A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2652 Mom’s experience

Lu Fei originally questioned his mother's purpose of doing this, but after hearing what she said, Lu Fei immediately felt relieved.

She was right. It was indeed a good choice to show some strength in advance and test the reaction of China's top management.

If this happened to other people, Lu Fei would definitely think so. The reason why he didn't think of it just now was because of what his mother said, just because he was in this mountain.

Lu Fei and his mother love China, and they will definitely not let it down. However, no one can guarantee that they will be let down by the top management of China.

After all, Lu Fei's starting point is the entire nation, but what needs to be guarded against is an individual or a certain force.

People’s hearts are unpredictable!

It seems that you really have to be careful when doing things on your own in the future.

Lu Fei's expression was extremely serious. Xiao Tingfang patted him on the shoulder and said, "Actually, you don't need to worry too much. Things may not be as bad as I said. Moreover, you have enough time now to deal with these possibilities. situation."

Lu Fei raised his head after hearing this and looked at his mother seriously.

Having lived in two lifetimes, he boasted of his extraordinary wisdom and had seen countless great things in the world.

But at this moment he finally discovered that he was not invincible.

He has super consciousness, cautious character, and keen insight, but these are not enough. Compared with his mother, Lu Fei lacks one important thing, and that is experience.

This experience is not a general life experience.

Although Lu Fei has lived two lives and experienced a lot, he has never reached the heights of the Xiao family, which limits his vision.

Standing at different heights, you must see different things. Therefore, my mother has much more experience than Lu Fei in this regard, and Lu Fei got some valuable opinions from her.

Xiao Tingfang saw her son's thoughts and said directly without delay: "Xiao Fei, you integrated Thomas

The family's Thomas Fund and Thomas Investment Company, the Robert family also has their Robert Fund, but do you know what the foundation of our family's operations is? "

Xiao Tingfang's question really confused Lu Fei.

Lu Fei also asked Murray about this matter, but the latter didn't know anything about it.

Lu Fei even asked Long Yun, but didn't get an answer. His mother took the initiative to bring the topic here, and Lu Fei suddenly became excited.

Seeing Lu Fei's reaction, Xiao Tingfang laughed: "I guess you don't know, because the Xiao family doesn't have such an institution at all."

Lu Fei was shocked when he heard this.

"Don't be surprised, what I said is the truth.

The Robert family and the Thomas family have the same business philosophy. They radiate outward through the Thomas Fund and the Robert Fund. These two funds are their foundation.

No one knows how much these two funds are worth, but what is certain is that these two brands bring them more than 100 billion dollars in net profit every year, and this does not include operating income, which is enough for them. A year's worth of expenses.

Through the fund, unified management and operations are also the pride of both of them.

But the business philosophy of our Xiao family is exactly the opposite of theirs. We break it into parts and use one company to restrict and derive another company.

In other words, there must be restrictions between the two companies under our name.

For example, mining a mineral requires machinery and equipment, so our machinery company has a derivative relationship with the mineral.

Machinery requires energy, so energy companies and machinery companies

, again a derivative relationship.

The advantage of this is that there is no need for direct supervision from the head office. One company supervises and controls the other. This is enough.

The advantage of this is that, unless it is a special situation, there will be no major problems in the chain below. Even if there is a problem, it can be discovered as soon as possible and solved in time.

If an extreme situation occurs, we can abandon this company and build a new one of the same type. In this way, there will never be a big crisis.

The methods of the Thomas family and the Robert family have great disadvantages.

In the past, when the scale was small, this was nothing. However, with the continuous development, the head office cannot manage it at all. If there is a problem below, they may not be able to detect it in time. By the time the problem is really discovered, it may be out of control. .

In history, the Thomas family has experienced three major crises, and the Robert family has experienced four times, all for the same reason.

Having said this, I am just giving you an opinion.

You have accepted everything about the Thomas family and know even less about the operations below. If there is trouble, you will not have time to react. Therefore, I suggest you make corrections immediately.

Next, let’s talk about the previous topic.

Our Xiao family not only does not have a general holding company, but also the legal persons of all the companies under our name are not direct descendants of our Xiao family.

In other words, none of the properties are registered under the name of our Xiao family. "

Lu Fei was shocked when he heard this.

"This is the hidden family?" Lu Fei asked in shock.

Xiao Tingfang nodded: "Yes, this is the real hidden family.

Human energy is limited. No matter how big the family is, even if they are all elites,

It can't be managed either.

If you want to achieve great things, you must know how to delegate authority and be good at employing people.

In fact, the method of employing people is not complicated. It is very similar to our company's business model. If one manager is used to control another and supervise each other, there will basically be no problems.

Of course, you will think, what if the people below collectively betray you?

In fact, this situation basically does not happen.

If one or two managers are greedy and collude, it is possible, but dozens or hundreds of managers cannot be of the same mind, nor can they collude together. Just one reaction is enough, that's it. Simple.

The advantage of doing this is not only to save worry, but also to relieve the pressure of your subordinates and let go of their hands and feet to work for you. The effect will be surprisingly good.

In addition, there is another biggest benefit and the most important point, which is immunity from liability.

No matter what happens, it will never be traced to the boss behind the scenes, because the legal person is not him at all.

For example, the legal person of the Ascendas Group under your name is your name, Lu Fei.

If, I'm talking if.

If one day, the top executives of China want to take action on you, as long as they find an excuse to deliberately target you, your entire group will be destroyed. All properties under your name, whether it is the company Haihui Temple Real Estate, will not be spared. .

However, if the property in your name is not in your name, but is scattered among a few people, a dozen people, or even dozens of people, then it is a different situation.

The legal person is not you, and there is nothing they can do if they want to deal with you. Even if they can target one or two companies, they can never target everyone. In this way, you can minimize risks and losses, and you will have no worries. "

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