A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2653 Catching the Traitor

After hearing what his mother said, Lu Fei suddenly became enlightened.

In fact, Lu Fei had thought about similar thoughts more than once.

He even thought about setting up an offshore company, but after careful consideration, he felt it was not suitable.

If there is nothing wrong with starting an offshore company at the beginning, but it can be transferred midway, it will be an act of not having three hundred taels of silver here, and the superiors will be even more suspicious.

However, what my mother just said is the fundamental solution to the problem, and it is simply a brilliant idea.

I have to say that the experience accumulated over hundreds of years is truly well-deserved!

"Mom, this is a great idea. I'll start making arrangements as soon as I get back."

Xiao Tingfang nodded with satisfaction: "If you want to do it, you must do it thoroughly.

Also, you need to learn how to employ people and release some shares or options appropriately, so that the people below will be more motivated. "

"Ok, I know."

In terms of employment, Lu Fei prides himself on being a qualified boss. He has never been stingy with his employees and management talents.

Ascendas Group's employee treatment is among the best in the world, not just in China.

As for management talents, Lu Fei attaches more importance to them.

Xing Shuya, Han Bing and other elite backbones, Lu Fei gave them shares, whether it was hardware or software, they were thoughtful enough. In fact, the managers had never let her down.

"Xiao Fei, it's not just you, Xiang'er and Xinyi's shares, you'd better take them out too.

If you don't want someone from the Chen family and the Wang family, the higher ups won't dare to embarrass them. If you think so, you are totally wrong.

Don't say that Mr. Chen has retired at home. Even in his heyday, his abilities were limited. Don't underestimate the determination of those in power. If they want to touch you, they will definitely uproot you. Even the Chen family is powerless. Even will also be affected.

Of course, I'm talking about if, but you have to be on guard, do you understand? "Xiao Tingfang said.

"Well, you're right."

"As long as you understand, by the way, are there enough talents?

Do you want me to lend you a group of people? "Mom said.

"No, I have enough manpower. You'd better tell me about the transformation and other details. This time, not only domestically, but also in Europe, I want to reform simultaneously. Your ideas reminded me. I think it is quite useful. necessary."

Xiao Tingfang was very pleased.

Lu Fei is good enough.

It is simply incredible that someone so young can achieve such an achievement without any background and working entirely on his own.

It stands to reason that after achieving such an achievement, Lu Fei should be proud and complacent, but Lu Fei is not. When it comes to key issues, he can still accept it with an open mind and absorb new things, which is even more commendable.

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