A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2658 Four Famous Catchers

The strength Lu Fei showed made Li Yunhe and Bai Zirui feel inferior.

These two high-spirited super young men seemed a little at a loss when facing Lu Fei, so they planned to leave early.

However, Lu Fei would not let them get their wish.

Letting them go back at this time will only make their mentality even more distorted. From now on, the relationship between the buddies will never go back.

"Let's not talk about returning to China. I just have time today to take you out for a walk."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he took Li Yunhe and walked out without waiting for their consent.

"Brother-in-law, are we still going to the royal family?" Wang Xinlei asked.

"We'll talk about it later. Listen to my call."

"Wait, what about that, brother-in-law, I want to go with you."

"No, just wait for me at home!"

"Brother-in-law, I want to go with you."

Lu Fei frowned and thought to himself: Why is this guy so ignorant?

Don't you see that we have something to talk about?

Before Lu Fei could glare, Wang Xinlei looked at Lu Fei pitifully and said, "Brother-in-law, I don't want to stay here. Brother Long and the others bully me."


Lu Fei almost spit out blood.

Good guy, the brother-in-law who is usually extremely arrogant, fearless of heaven and earth, and does anything like smashing cars and setting fires, actually said this, and Lu Fei was a little confused.

"What did you say?"

Wang Xinlei walked up to Lu Fei and looked back to make sure that the little puppy was not peeping secretly, and then he said pitifully.

"Brother-in-law, please take me with you, otherwise, they will deal with me, really."

After Xiao Lei finished speaking, Bai Zirui and Li Yunhe, who had been clouded just now, burst into laughter.

Lu Fei understood that there must be something going on here.

"What's going on?" Lu Fei asked.

"Brother-in-law, it's like this"

Wang Xinlei really didn't dare to stay alone anymore. If he stayed, he was really afraid of being bullied by the unscrupulous gang of little milk dogs.

The reason is very simple. Little Dog and the others have always believed that Wang Xinlei is now a traitor among them.

Ever since Lu Fei announced that he was going to marry Wang Xinyi, Wang Xinlei changed his name to brother-in-law.

Not only was he called brother-in-law, but his aura also changed in front of his brothers.

In the past, everyone was equal, but now it is different. Your boss is my brother-in-law, so my brother-in-law must be more powerful than you.

Brother Long, you feel so awesome when you call Lu Fei your brother. I'm much superior to you. My brother is not as good as my brother-in-law, right?

As a result, in recent times, Xiao Lei has often used his brother-in-law's name to suppress everyone. Although it was a joke, the little brother was somewhat unhappy.

Last night, everyone was clamoring for a wedding. Lu Fei was worried that Wang Xinyi's body refused. This was nothing at first, but everyone didn't expect that Wang Xinlei would lecture everyone again in the name of his brother-in-law. This time, the little puppy's bad temper I can't hold it anymore.

After giving the order, a dozen little brothers picked up Wang Xinlei and ran away, looking for a place to go to court.

In the words of a puppy, this guy is a little bloated now and he must be kept calm.

Well, I have indeed calmed down.

The little nanny and the others carried Wang Xinlei directly to the ice cellar of Lu Fei Manor.

This ice cellar was discovered by Little Milk Dog during the day. It has more than 5,000 square meters of underground space and stores tens of thousands of cubic ice bricks.

These ice bricks are specially used to naturally cool down the manor's livestock in the summer. The internal temperature has been at minus 20 degrees Celsius for a long time. This is simply a paradise for Mr. Di to handle cases.

When they arrived at the ice cellar, Master Di gave an order, and the four famous capturers composed of Fang Mingliang, Dalei Zi, Feng Zhe, and Zuo Xuesong all started to attack.

They stripped Wang Xinlei completely naked, pushed him directly onto an ice brick to calmly reflect, and filmed and recorded the entire process.

After struggling for more than half an hour, Wang Xinlei gave in completely and was released on bail pending trial. The whole process was a nightmare for Xiaolei, but he dared not speak out in anger.

This morning, Lu Fei was taking Xiao Lei to the royal family, which inadvertently caused him a wave of hatred. Before leaving, Xiao Lei felt shuddered when he saw the looks in the eyes of Mr. Di and the four famous arresters.

At this moment, if Lu Fei kept him, he would probably be ravaged by them again. Thinking about the consequences, Xiao Lei almost cried.


Lu Fei burst into laughter upon hearing this.

Damn it!

This group of animals is simply a living treasure!

How did they come up with this evil trick?

It’s really hard for them.

After laughing, Lu Fei kept looking at Wang Xinlei, which made him tremble.

"Why do you look at me like this?"

Lu Fei said with a bad smile: "I stayed in the ice cellar for more than half an hour and didn't catch a cold. You are in really good shape!"



Lu Fei and the other three laughed, and Xiao Lei almost cried.

Damn, why do I feel like my brother-in-law is a bit unreliable!

"Okay, everyone is kidding you. I still have something to do. Just wait for my call!" Lu Fei said.

"No, brother-in-law, they will kill me."


"As for, it's too serious, especially Brother Long, he is simply crazy!"


"You are still smiling, you are my brother-in-law, you can't ignore me!!" Xiao Lei was about to cry but had no tears.

Lu Fei rolled his eyes at him and said: "I am your brother-in-law, they are my brothers, what do you want me to do?


Who told you to cheat in my name? You deserve to suffer. Solve your own problems by yourself. I can't help you. Let's go. "


"Solve it yourself."

Lu Fei put down his words and took Li Yunhe and Lao Bai away.

Looking at the retreating figure of his unreliable brother-in-law, Xiao Lei burst into tears.


Suddenly, the devilish voice of the little puppy came from behind. Wang Xinlei shivered, and goosebumps suddenly appeared all over his body.

He turned his head and forced out the most embarrassing smile.

"Brother Long"

"Hehe, what are you doing, my brother?"

"No, nothing!" Xiao Lei shook his head repeatedly.

"No, why do I hear it, as if you are complaining to my brother?" the little naughty dog ​​smiled mischievously.

"No, no, Brother Long, you must have heard wrong." Xiao Lei was so frightened that he was out of his wits.


"Yes, I just heard it wrong."

"Uh, okay, maybe I heard wrong, so I'm just saying, you're not so cowardly!"

"Hehe, Brother Long, you are right."

The little nanny smiled and hugged Wang Xinlei's shoulders, so scared that Xiaolei almost sat on the ground.

"Brother Long, what do you want to do?"

"Hehe, relax, Brother Long won't bully you. But, the court game we played yesterday seems to have flaws in some details. How about we practice it again?"


"No, Brother Long, I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore, people will die!"

"Relax, we're just going through the lines once, it'll be quick."

"Four Famous Catchers."


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