A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2659 Chen Xianghao

Lu Fei personally drove Li Yunhe and Bai Zirui out of the manor. During the whole process, the three of them did not communicate a word.

After a while, the car arrived at the famous Port of London.

The air here is fresh, the scenery is pleasant, there are hundreds of bridge cranes, freighters, ferries, and moored boats, and the scene is spectacular.

Among the various ships, a large luxury cruise ship stood out from the crowd, attracting countless tourists to point, stop and take photos.

Lu Fei parked the car at the pier, turned back and said to Bai Zirui.

"Do you know where this place is?"

Bai Zirui was completely confused by Lu Fei's question, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer it.

Lu Fei chuckled and said, "You are so damn young, you don't even know about the dock, you are so low-key."


Li Yunhe burst into laughter, and Bai Zirui gave Lu Fei a big roll of his eyes. ??

"Your uncle, how do I know this is what you are asking?"

"Isn't my question clear?

Did I ask you where this place is?

You can't answer it yourself, do you blame me? "


Bai Zirui recalled it and was speechless.

Damn it, that’s what you asked, but how do I know if your question is a trap?


Be careful, I seem to have been tricked by this guy.

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me, why did you bring us here?" Bai Zirui asked angrily.

Lu Fei lowered the window and pointed at the huge cruise ship.

"How about that cruise ship?"

Bai Zirui and Li Yunhe had already seen the cruise ship.

They were all familiar with it, and they could tell at a glance that this cruise ship was the best.

The starting price of a luxury cruise ship of this size is more than five billion dollars, and a good one can cost seven to eight billion, or even tens of billions.

Although they are both worth tens of billions, they really can't afford this thing. Seeing such a luxurious guy, their eyes are full of envy.


Suddenly, Li Yunhe discovered an incredible imagination.

“Why is there a Chinese flag on that cruise ship?

Chen Xianghao?


Is this your wife’s boat? Li Yunhe asked in disbelief.

Lu Fei chuckled: "Yes, I planned to invite everyone to take a cruise in Europe on this cruise ship.

Since you two are anxious to go back, let me take you to experience it first. "



"Hey, how much does this thing cost?"

"Well, it's not too expensive, about 12 billion!"

"Shenzhou coins?"


br\u003e “Beautiful knife!”


"Nima, trenches are inhumane."

Bai Zirui was so surprised that he almost bit off his tongue when he heard the price.

Good guy, this cruise ship is about to catch up with his entire net worth. Do you want to be so exaggerated?

Why the hell are you taking us on a cruise? You are just showing off your wealth!

Shameless, so shameless.

The wedding had already made them a little autistic, but when they saw this cruise ship worth tens of billions of dollars, Lao Bai and Li Yunhe's expressions became even worse.

Lu Fei ignored their expressions and made a phone call to give instructions. The staff on the cruise ship prepared to open the boarding channel. Lu Fei drove directly on, attracting countless envious and jealous eyes from the shore.

Arriving on the ship, Lu Fei took them into the elevator and went directly to the top deck.

This cruise ship has a total of twenty-one floors, ninety-eight meters above the water. When you reach the top deck, you can have a panoramic view of a radius of more than ten kilometers.

Arriving here, Li Yunhe and Bai Zirui were shocked by the luxurious decoration of the cruise ship.

It's not like they have never been on a cruise ship before, but this is the first time they have seen such a luxurious cruise ship.

In the past, the two brothers would have screamed, but today their mood was not very beautiful. Although they were shocked, it was only for a short moment. They did not lose their composure. Instead, they stared at Lu Fei all the time, wondering why this guy put them Bring it here.

Lu Fei took them to sit on the luxurious sofa at the bow of the ship. The waiter brought fruits and drinks. Lu Fei sent them off, took out a cigarette, lit it and looked around.

Seeing that Lu Fei ignored them, Li Yunhe lost his temper.

"What do you mean you brought us here?"

Lu Fei stretched out the finger holding the cigarette and pointed around and said: "Look at the scenery.

The location here is high and has a small view of the mountains. It is the best to enjoy the scenery here, don’t you think? "

"Just looking at the scenery?" Li Yunhe asked.

"That's right."

"Humph, we don't want to accompany you to see the scenery. We are very busy with domestic business. If there is nothing else, we will prepare to go back." Lao Bai said.

After talking about it, the two of them sat there without moving. Lu Fei put out his cigarette butt, leaned on the sofa, and stared at Lao Bai Xiangmian without blinking, which made Bai Zirui feel uncomfortable all over.

"Old Bai, I know what you are thinking. Do you know what your behavior is called?"

Lao Bai and Lao Bai didn't answer, and Lu Fei continued: "You are just full.

Remember that question I asked you on the dock? "

Speaking of this, Lao Bai rolled his eyes again.

"Don't look at me like that.

I asked you where this place is, but you couldn't answer.

Even elementary school students know the answer, but you can't answer it. Do you know what this means? "Lu Fei personally drove Li Yunhe and Bai Zirui out of the manor. During the whole process, the three of them did not communicate a word.

After a while, the car arrived at the famous Port of London.

The air here is fresh, the scenery is pleasant, there are hundreds of bridge cranes, freighters, ferries, and moored boats, and the scene is spectacular.

Among the various ships, a large luxury cruise ship stood out from the crowd, attracting countless tourists to point, stop and take photos.

Lu Fei parked the car at the pier, turned back and said to Bai Zirui.

"Do you know where this place is?"

Bai Zirui was completely confused by Lu Fei's question, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer it.

Lu Fei chuckled and said, "You are so damn young, you don't even know about the dock, you are so low-key."


Li Yunhe burst into laughter, and Bai Zirui gave Lu Fei a big roll of his eyes.

"Your uncle, how do I know this is what you are asking?"

"Isn't my question clear?

Did I ask you where this place is?

You can't answer it yourself, do you blame me? "


Bai Zirui recalled it and was speechless.

Damn it, that’s what you asked, but how do I know if your question is a trap?


Be careful, I seem to have been tricked by this guy.

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me, why did you bring us here?" Bai Zirui asked angrily.

Lu Fei lowered the window and pointed at the huge cruise ship.

"How about that cruise ship?"

Bai Zirui and Li Yunhe had already seen the cruise ship.

They were all familiar with it, and they could tell at a glance that this cruise ship was the best.

The starting price of a luxury cruise ship of this size is more than five billion dollars, and a good one can cost seven to eight billion, or even tens of billions.

Although they are both worth tens of billions, they really can't afford this thing. Seeing such a luxurious guy, their eyes are full of envy.


Suddenly, Li Yunhe discovered an incredible imagination.

“Why is there a Chinese flag on that cruise ship?

Chen Xianghao?


Is this your wife’s boat? Li Yunhe asked in disbelief.

Lu Fei chuckled: "Yes, I planned to invite everyone to take a cruise in Europe on this cruise ship.

Since you two are anxious to go back, let me take you to experience it first. "



"Hey, how much does this thing cost?"

"Well, it's not too expensive, about 12 billion!"

"Shenzhou coins?"


br\u003e “Beautiful knife!”


"Nima, trenches are inhumane."

Bai Zirui was so surprised that he almost bit off his tongue when he heard the price.

Good guy, this cruise ship is about to catch up with his entire net worth. Do you want to be so exaggerated?

Why the hell did you take us here on a cruise? You are just showing off your wealth!

Shameless, so shameless.

The wedding had already made them a little autistic, but when they saw this cruise ship worth tens of billions of dollars, Lao Bai and Li Yunhe's expressions became even worse.

Lu Fei ignored their expressions and made a phone call to give instructions. The staff on the cruise ship prepared to open the boarding channel. Lu Fei drove directly on, attracting countless envious and jealous eyes from the shore.

Arriving on the ship, Lu Fei took them into the elevator and went directly to the top deck.

This cruise ship has a total of twenty-one floors, ninety-eight meters above the water. When you reach the top deck, you can have a panoramic view of a radius of more than ten kilometers.

Arriving here, Li Yunhe and Bai Zirui were shocked by the luxurious decoration of the cruise ship.

It's not like they have never been on a cruise ship before, but this is the first time they have seen such a luxurious cruise ship.

In the past, the two brothers would have screamed, but today their mood was not very beautiful. Although they were shocked, it was only for a short moment. They did not lose their composure. Instead, they stared at Lu Fei all the time, wondering why this guy put them Bring it here.

Lu Fei took them to sit on the luxurious sofa at the bow of the ship. The waiter brought fruits and drinks. Lu Fei sent them off, took out a cigarette, lit it and looked around.

Seeing that Lu Fei ignored them, Li Yunhe lost his temper.

"What do you mean you brought us here?"

Lu Fei stretched out the finger holding the cigarette and pointed around and said: "Look at the scenery.

The location here is high and has a small view of the mountains. It is the best to enjoy the scenery here, don’t you think? "

"Just looking at the scenery?" Li Yunhe asked.

"That's right."

"Humph, we don't want to accompany you to see the scenery. We are very busy with domestic business. If there is nothing else, we will prepare to go back." Lao Bai said.

After talking about it, the two of them sat there without moving. Lu Fei put out his cigarette butt, leaned on the sofa, and stared at Lao Bai Xiangmian without blinking, which made Bai Zirui feel uncomfortable all over.

"Old Bai, I know what you are thinking. Do you know what your behavior is called?"

Lao Bai and Lao Bai didn't answer, and Lu Fei continued: "You are just full.

Remember that question I asked you on the dock? "

Speaking of this, Lao Bai rolled his eyes again.

"Don't look at me like that.

I asked you where this place is, but you couldn't answer.

Even elementary school students know the answer, but you can't answer it. Do you know what this means? "

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