A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2672 Canglong Godson

Today's Lu Fei, in terms of power, is the Chief Instructor of Wulong in China, with the rank of a university. This position is quite awesome, and in a few months, he will take over as the Chief Archaeological Consultant of China, directly rising to the top of China.

Not only that, he also annexed the Thomas family and became the de facto king of Europe.

In terms of wealth, Lu Fei himself didn't even know how much money he had. Anyway, it was so much that he couldn't even spend it all while rolling around and having fun.

In terms of experience, when he first debuted, he faced off against the Liu family, the largest collector of hard steel in Asia, and a year later he beheaded the Yoshida family of the island nation.

Overseas, he strolled between the Robert family and the Xiao family, and replaced the Thomas family. .??.

Along the way, Lu Fei gave everyone the intuitive feeling that he was calm, sophisticated, experienced and wise.

But even Lu Fei like this also has his weakness, that is his nature, he likes to collect.

After experiencing countless big scenes, even when facing life and death situations, Lu Fei has never been nervous. But when he encounters a collection that makes his heart beat, he can't control his emotions and is often nervous.

Especially now that the mystery was about to be solved, Lu Fei's nervous breathing became heavy. Seeing this scene, Jason next to him became even more nervous. However, at this time, he did not dare to go up and disturb Lu Fei.

Lu Fei took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and unveiled the final veil. A large-bellied pink celadon jar with a height of 35 centimeters and a diameter of 12 centimeters suddenly appeared in his sight.

Lu Fei narrowed his eyes and stared for two seconds, and a dazzling brilliance immediately flashed in his eyes.


So beautiful!

The neck is short, the lips are rolled, the shoulders are broad and round, the lower abdomen gradually converges, and the instrument is huge and strong.

The skillfully crafted relief sculpture shows the dragon teaching his son, soaring into the clouds and controlling the sea.

The long dragon has bright eyes and clear outlines. It is covered with fine scales and has five toes spread out. It shuttles through auspicious clouds and soars into the sky.

The young dragon is below, emerging from the water, looking up with its head raised, its body coiled amidst the turbulent waves.

The whole body is covered with pink celadon glaze, which is shiny and translucent, just like the color of pure water in a clear lake.

Ups and downs, clear and neat, light and dark, implicit and graceful.

The bottom is signed with "Qianlong Year of the Qing Dynasty" in three lines and six characters in square seal script. The carving is neat and perfect.

This is the Qianlong emperor's pink celadon-glazed relief pot "Cang Long Jiaozi".

During the Qianlong period, pink celadon glaze reached an unprecedented height, and a large number of works were produced by the manufacturing office and passed down.

Anyone who likes to collect knows that rare things are more valuable. Therefore, the value of Qianlong pink celadon glaze is several grades higher than that of Qianlong pastels and blue and white.

Lu Fei has so many priceless collections in his hands. Why is he nervous when he sees this pink celadon-glazed Canglong godson jar?

It must be said that this is indeed a Qianlong pink and green glaze work, but this work is very different from other pink and green glaze works, because this Canglong Godson Jar has a special meaning.

To understand this meaning, we must first understand what "Canglong teaches his son" means.

The fable of Cang Long teaching his son comes from the "Three Character Classic". It implies that a father should educate his son when he raises him. It is the father's fault if he does not educate his son. It praises the selfless father's love and means that he hopes his son will become a dragon, good luck and beauty.

There is a sentence in the "Three Character Classic": Dou Yanshan has a righteous prescription.

What Cang Long teaches his son says is that Dou Yanshan was rich and unkind at first, oppressing the poor with his power and had no children. Later, he repented, benefited himself and others, and formed good relationships. As a result, his wife gave birth to five sons in a row.

After learning from past experiences and lessons, Dou Yanshan has been cultivating the moral character of his five children for decades.

, under his words and deeds, all five sons passed the imperial examinations when they grew up, that is, a five-level Jinshi, commonly known as the five sons who passed the imperial examination.

The story of Canglong teaching his son refers to Dou Yanshan as Canglong, emphasizing the importance of the words and deeds of his fathers.

The ancient story of Canglong teaching his son is an episode in China’s traditional culture. Although it is far away from today, the content of the story and the spirit it promotes and advocates are eternal.

Today, in the age of science and technology, the example of Canglong teaching his children still plays an irreplaceable role in tutoring.

The value of this Canglong Godson Jar lies in the production background of this work.

The Shuanghe Incense Burner mentioned earlier was made by Emperor Qianlong as a birthday gift to his father, Yongzheng.

And this Canglong Godson Jar was a warning to him from his father, Yongzheng.

Emperor Kangxi met his grandson Aixinjueluo Hongli for the first time at Prince Yong's Mansion. Hongli was ten years old at the time. His grandfather Emperor Kangxi fell in love with him and ordered him to be raised in the palace. Villa.

In November of the 61st year of Kangxi, Emperor Kangxi passed away and Yinzhen ascended the throne.

At that time, Hongli was indulgent and playful, and his father, Yongzheng, did not like him at all. .??.??

But who asked Yongzheng and his father Kangxi to meet Hongli?

Emperor Yongzheng felt that it was unreliable to hand over the throne to Hongli, but not giving it to him would be disrespectful to Kangxi, and Emperor Yongzheng also had a headache.

After thinking about it, Emperor Yongzheng came up with a way and personally drew a picture of "Cang Long Teaching His Son" as a reward to Hongli.

Hongli took it back and was very confused when faced with this "Picture of Canglong Goddess". No matter how you look at it, his painting skills are average, but he can't see any mystery.

Although he

I didn’t see it, but Lord Qianlong was smart!

He knew that his father could not give him a painting for no reason, and the painting was of average quality. The most important thing was that it was given to him privately. No matter how you think about it, it should have a special purpose, so Hongli found him Teacher Pan Shiquan.

Pan Shiquan was overjoyed when he saw this "Picture of Canglong Teaching His Son" and told Hongli that this was a test for him.

Because Hongli was too playful and useless, Emperor Yongzheng wanted to use this picture to warn Hongli, hoping that he would understand the meaning of "Canglong teaches his son", sympathize with Emperor Yongzheng's good intentions, and work hard from now on.

Emperor Yongzheng was more than just a son like Hongli. Giving him this painting alone meant that Emperor Yongzheng intended to give him a chance. Otherwise, Emperor Yongzheng would not pay attention to him at all.

In other words, you can understand my good intentions, work hard from now on, and let me see your achievements. When I am embarrassed, I will pass the throne to you, otherwise, you will have no chance.

Seeing Yongzheng's intention, Pan Shiquan was of course happy. He was Hongli's teacher. If Hongli succeeded to the throne, his worth would also rise. He would be famous in history. Who could not be excited?

So Pan Shiquan broke it into pieces and taught Hongli the truth, letting him know the benefits of being an emperor and the responsibilities that he should have.

After Pan Shiquan's enlightenment, Hongli figured it out, and from then on, he began to work hard.

Hongli himself was a smart prince, otherwise he would not have been favored by Emperor Kangxi. When he took it seriously, his achievements were still very remarkable.

After two years of hard work, Hongli seemed to have changed into a different person. Emperor Yongzheng was surprised to see the change in his son, and at the same time he was quite satisfied.

When Hongli was thirteen years old, Emperor Yongzheng had already identified Hongli as the crown prince in his mind, and this was how he became Emperor Qianlong.

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