A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2783 Absolutely unpopular

Arriving at the door of the villa, Lu Fei asked people to park the boxes of goods, but did not turn off the engine. Afterwards, Zhang Luojiang and He Feng went in without intending to unload the car immediately. Bai Zirui was a little confused.

Why isn't this thing unloaded immediately?

Isn't this his style?

For this crap, Lu Fei gave Jiang Hefeng 100 million Chinese coins and asked him to deliver these things to Hong Kong Island. He was obviously impatient.

He knew Lu Fei's character well, and he could feel that Lu Fei attached great importance to those things.

But according to Lu Fei's past personality, there are things he values ​​​​and nothing else matters. Even if there is a contract worth billions in front of him, he must first appreciate the treasure. After seeing enough, other things will You can continue.

But now, Lu Fei is not in a hurry to inspect the goods. This is so strange. Is it just to give Jiang Hefeng face?

The two of them have just known each other for a short time, why are they so polite?

Thinking of this, Bai Zirui asked without any ambiguity: "Why don't you unload the car?

Don’t you want to unbox and inspect the goods? "

Bai Zirui's face was full of curiosity, and Jiang Hefeng also looked at Lu Fei with a smile.

Lu Fei glanced at Bai Zirui with contempt and said, "You don't understand, now is not the time to open the box."

"What do you mean?

Do you still need to look at the almanac before unpacking and inspecting the goods? "Lao Bai was even more confused. Others around him were also curious and waited for Lu Fei's explanation.

"What's wrong with you today? Why do you care about this?" Lu Fei asked.

"Hey, I'm just curious."

"What are you curious about? I tell you, you don't understand. Hurry up and have someone prepare the banquet. Let's have a good drink with Fourth Brother."

"No, just tell me, everyone is waiting!"

The more Lu Fei behaves like this, the more Lao Bai's curiosity becomes uncontrollable. If Lu Fei doesn't explain, he might not be able to finish the meal.

Lu Fei had no choice but to say a few words casually: "The fourth brother brought old photos from a hundred years ago. The conditions for preserving those things are quite strict. The most important thing is to avoid ultraviolet rays. Contact with ultraviolet rays will seriously damage those photos." lifespan, do you understand?"


What do you mean, the car can be unloaded at night? "Lao Bai asked.

"Of course, night is best." Lu Fei said.

Lao Bai is still a little confused. Isn't it just an old photo? Why is it so troublesome?

"Is it so evil?"

"I told you, you don't understand."

Lao Bai was choked so much that he turned to look at Jiang Hefeng: "Uncle Fourth, is what Lu Fei said true?"

Jiang Hefeng nodded and gave Lu Fei a thumbs up: "He is indeed the number one collector today. Brother, I admire him very much!"

Jiang Hefeng praised Lu Fei, which was a disguised answer.

Lao Bai.

"Fourth uncle, do you really have to be so careful?

When you delivered it, was it installed in the car at night? "

"Yes, in order to protect those photos, I chose to load the car at night. Otherwise, it would have been delivered to Hong Kong Island last night."

A layman looks at the excitement, an expert looks at the door.

This little episode did not attract the attention of the little brothers. Again, this was not within their scope of attention and they did not understand it at all.

However, Lu Fei was very satisfied with Jiang Hefeng's handling of the matter, and Jiang Hefeng was convinced of Lu Fei.

The number one collector in China is just Lu Fei's name. After seeing Lu Fei's erudition with his own eyes today, he felt the terrifying power of collectors.

Antique photos are definitely a niche subject in the collection world.

Because the oldest photo in China is only over a hundred years old, and it is extremely troublesome to maintain and requires careful care and attention by professionals. Moreover, the number of intact old photos is extremely rare, so in the collection world, this is It is absolutely unpopular, and people who know how to take care of it are even rarer.

In the past two days, Jiang Hefeng also learned about Lu Fei's museum. He knew that the old photos were indeed gaps in Lu Fei's collection. He thought that Lu Fei wanted these old photos just to fill the gaps, but he did not expect that Lu Fei would be so interested in these old photos. He understands the unpopular subjects so well, no wonder he has achieved what he has today, it is really amazing.

After the interlude, Lu Fei, surrounded by a group of little brothers, invited Jiang Hefeng into the main living room of the mansion, and introduced these little brothers to Jiang Hefeng one by one. It gave him enough face, and Lao Jiang was very excited. .

Even though he is number one in Tiandu, he is officially known as Fourth Brother, a veteran of Tiandu, but in front of these young people, his little strength is really not enough. If you randomly pick anyone here, his net worth is not inferior to him. , those who have been with Lu Fei for a long time are even more beyond his reach.

But now that he had the opportunity to make so many connections, Lao Jiang was really happy. He greeted everyone politely and exchanged communication methods with each other.

Moreover, when he was with these young people, Lao Jiang felt like he was instantly rejuvenated. He felt that his breathing became much smoother and his energy was a hundred times higher. That was a great feeling!

Soon, a sumptuous banquet was served, with three large tables and dozens of young people accompanying them. Jiang Hefeng was deeply moved.

But the consequence of being moved was that within half an hour, Chiang Kai-shek fell asleep on the table.


"You're giving up now?"

"This is not a good drinker!"

"My drinking capacity is average, but I feel that Lao Jiang is quite a righteous person and is worth dating."

A group of young brothers expressed their opinions one after another. Lu Fei did not say anything, but since they met, he has been observing Jiang Hefeng's every move. In the end, Lu Fei thought that Jiang Hefeng was not bad, compared with those of his old Jiang family. Our ancestors were very different.

"Take more care of me from now on, and treat me as one of your own!" When he arrived at the door of the villa, Lu Fei asked someone to park the luggage, but did not turn off the engine. After that, Zhang Luo, Jiang Hefeng went in, and did not intend to unload the car immediately. Bai Zirui was a little confused. .

Why isn't this thing unloaded immediately?

Isn't this his style?

For this crap, Lu Fei gave Jiang Hefeng 100 million Chinese coins and asked him to deliver these things to Hong Kong Island. He was obviously impatient.

He knew Lu Fei's character well, and he could feel that Lu Fei attached great importance to those things.

But according to Lu Fei's past personality, there are things that he values ​​​​and nothing else matters. Even if there is a contract worth billions in front of him, he must first appreciate the treasure. After seeing enough, other things can be done. You can continue.

But now, Lu Fei is not in a hurry to inspect the goods. This is so strange. Is it just to give Jiang Hefeng face?

The two of them have just known each other for a short time, why are they so polite?

Thinking of this, Bai Zirui asked without any ambiguity: "Why don't you unload the car?

Don’t you want to unbox and inspect the goods? "

Bai Zirui's face was full of curiosity, and Jiang Hefeng also looked at Lu Fei with a smile.

Lu Fei glanced at Bai Zirui with contempt and said, "You don't understand, now is not the time to open the box."

"What do you mean?

Do you still need to look at the almanac before unpacking and inspecting the goods? "Lao Bai was even more confused. Others around him were also curious and waited for Lu Fei's explanation.

"What's wrong with you today? Why do you care about this?" Lu Fei asked.

"Hey, I'm just curious."

"What are you curious about? I tell you, you don't understand. Hurry up and have someone prepare the banquet. Let's have a good drink with Fourth Brother."

"No, just tell me, everyone is waiting!"

The more Lu Fei behaves like this, the more Lao Bai's curiosity becomes uncontrollable. If Lu Fei doesn't explain, he might not be able to finish the meal.

Lu Fei had no choice but to say a few words casually: "What the fourth brother brought are old photos from a hundred years ago. The conditions for preserving those things are quite strict. The most important thing is to avoid ultraviolet rays. Contact with ultraviolet rays will seriously damage those photos." lifespan, do you understand?"


What do you mean, the car can be unloaded at night? "Lao Bai asked.

"Of course, night is best." Lu Fei said.

Lao Bai is still a little confused. Isn't it just an old photo? Why is it so troublesome?

"Is it so evil?"

"I told you, you don't understand."

Lao Bai was choked so much that he turned to look at Jiang Hefeng: "Uncle Fourth, is what Lu Fei said true?"

Jiang Hefeng nodded and gave Lu Fei a thumbs up: "He is indeed the number one collector today. Brother, I admire him very much!"

Jiang Hefeng praised Lu Fei, which was a disguised answer.

Lao Bai.

"Fourth uncle, do you really have to be so careful?

When you delivered it, was it installed in the car at night? "

"Yes, in order to protect those photos, I chose to load the car at night. Otherwise, it would have been delivered to Hong Kong Island last night."

A layman looks at the excitement, an expert looks at the door.

This little episode did not attract the attention of the little brothers. Again, this was not within their scope of attention and they did not understand it at all.

However, Lu Fei was very satisfied with Jiang Hefeng's handling of the matter, and Jiang Hefeng was convinced of Lu Fei.

The number one collector in China is just Lu Fei's name. After seeing Lu Fei's erudition with his own eyes today, he felt the terrifying power of collectors.

Antique photos are definitely a niche subject in the collecting world.

Because the oldest photo in China is only over a hundred years old, and it is extremely troublesome to maintain and requires careful care and attention by professionals. Moreover, the number of intact old photos is extremely rare, so in the collection world, this is It is absolutely unpopular, and those who know how to take care of it are even rarer.

In the past two days, Jiang Hefeng also learned about Lu Fei's museum. He knew that the old photos were indeed gaps in Lu Fei's collection. He thought that Lu Fei wanted these old photos just to fill the gaps, but he did not expect that Lu Fei would be so interested in these old photos. He understands the unpopular subjects so well, no wonder he has achieved what he has today, it is really amazing.

After the interlude, Lu Fei, surrounded by a group of little brothers, invited Jiang Hefeng into the main living room of the mansion, and introduced these little brothers to Jiang Hefeng one by one, which gave him enough face, and Lao Jiang was very excited. .

Even though he is number one in Tiandu, he is officially known as Fourth Brother, a veteran of Tiandu, but in front of these young people, his little strength is really not enough. If you randomly pick anyone here, his net worth is not inferior to him. , those who have been with Lu Fei for a long time are even more beyond his reach.

But now that he had the opportunity to make so many connections, Lao Jiang was really happy. He greeted everyone politely and exchanged communication methods with each other.

Moreover, when he was with these young people, Lao Jiang felt like he was instantly rejuvenated. He felt that his breathing became much smoother and his energy was a hundred times higher. That was a great feeling!

Soon, a sumptuous banquet was served, with three large tables and dozens of young people accompanying them. Jiang Hefeng was deeply moved.

But the consequence of being moved was that within half an hour, Chiang Kai-shek fell asleep on the table.


"You're giving up now?"

"This is not a good drinker!"

"My drinking capacity is average, but I feel that Lao Jiang is quite a righteous person and is worth dating."

A group of little brothers expressed their opinions one after another. Lu Fei did not say anything, but since they met, he has been observing Jiang Hefeng's every move. In the end, Lu Fei thought that Jiang Hefeng was not bad, compared with those of his old Jiang family. Our ancestors were very different.

"Take more care of me from now on and treat me as one of your own!"

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