A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2784: Playing tricks

The bright moon is in the sky, and looking down from Phoenix Mountain, Hong Kong Island is already filled with thousands of lights.

At this moment, Lu Fei finally became busy.

Ten security brothers were called, and under the command of Lu Fei, they finally opened the back door of the van.

At this time, the outdoor temperature was around 33 degrees. The door of the box was opened, and the cold air blew in, making people feel comfortable.

Inside the carriage, there were twenty-five large wooden packaging boxes stacked side by side. Lu Fei weighed them with his hands. They were of average weight, so he simply moved them manually.

After working up their appetites for a day, the little brothers were extremely curious and all gathered around. However, Lu Fei drove them aside.

These guys are all good at drinking and picking up girls. When it comes to work, they are all rubbish. You can't count on them at all. It's the veterans like Zhang Jianguo who are reliable.

Under Lu Fei's command, all twenty-five boxes were unloaded in a short while.

"Brother, can you open one and let us take a look?" the little naughty dog ​​asked coquettishly.


Go ahead and do what you are supposed to do, don't be an eyesore. "

"Brother, do you dislike us?"

"Yes, that's the correct answer."

"Wuwu, what you said is too much. We are kindly trying to help you, how can you do this?"



"Do you want me to say it again?"

"Oh, okay, get out now!"


Everyone could see that Lu Fei really didn't intend to open the box for everyone to feast their eyes on, and no one dared to discuss it with Lu Fei. After laughing, he dispersed and went to various entertainment projects tonight.

In fact, everyone was just joining in the fun and knew that it contained old photos. They were just curious, but not very interested. Of course, there was not much disappointment.

The room where these photos are kept has been prepared by Lu Fei for a long time. It is located in an empty room on the west side of the second floor.

Lu Fei knows better than Jiang Hefeng how to better preserve these things.

Old photos are not only afraid of ultraviolet rays, but also have strict requirements on air temperature and humidity. Otherwise, the lifespan of old photos will be affected.

The room has been prepared for a long time. The air conditioner inside has been adjusted to 18 degrees Celsius. The air conditioner has been turned on at noon. At this moment, the temperature has completely reached the standard.

Apart from Lu Fei, Wang Zhenbang is the most excited. After all, they have the same hobbies.

The difference is that Wang Zhenbang has seen these old photos of the Jiang family many times, but now he is still willing to actively participate.

Lu Fei was carrying the boxes, and Wang Zhenbang checked the temperature and humidity in the room again. After everything was ready, he brought the boxes in one after another.

Putting down the box, Zhang Jianguo and others left, leaving Wang Zhenbang alone in the room.

"Hey, I really didn't expect that the Jiang family would be willing to give you these good things. It seems like

I need something from you! Wang Zhenbang sighed.

"I gave the money." Lu Fei said.

"How much?"

"One hundred million!"


so much? "

Hearing this number, Wang Zhenbang was surprised at first, and then nodded slowly: "Their old photos are indeed good things. The National Museum is not as complete as theirs, and the preservation is not as complete as theirs.

As far as I know, the total number of old photos collected by official and private people in China is not as large as that of the Chiang family, and the quality cannot be compared with theirs. These are non-renewable resources, and even 100 million is not that much.

By the way, when did you become interested in old photos? "

Lu Fei smiled: "As long as it's an old thing, I'm interested.

As the same saying goes, collection collects cultural heritage, objects are witnesses of history, but no matter what objects they are, they are not as good as old photos, because old photos record historical facts and conditions, which are even more precious. "

"Well, you're right. After hearing what you said, I'm also interested. So, I'll take a few back later!"

Lu Fei rolled his eyes, thinking that the old man had gone on to talk so much nonsense, but what he was talking about now was the fundamentals.

Good guy, it's so shameless to play tricks with your grandson-in-law!

“Old man, this is a complete set of old photos, wouldn’t it be a good idea to take them apart by force?

What's mine is yours, you can come and enjoy it at any time, there's no need to take it away. "


Wang Zhenbang's face turned red, and he was suddenly terribly embarrassed.

Damn it!

I put all my face into it, but you refused outright. You are too cruel!

No matter what, you have to save some face for me!

However, he also knew that Lu Fei had this kind of personality.

If he asks Lu Fei for 200 million in pocket money, I believe Lu Fei will immediately issue a cashier's check without hesitation, but objects are not good. His life is no different.

As far as he knew, so far, no one had ever asked for anything from Lu Fei, not even by buying it. They were not short of money, and unless they exchanged it for something Lu Fei liked more, there was no need to talk about the rest.

But if you think about it carefully, why don't you think so?

This may be the obsession of a true collector!

Seeing Wang Zhenbang disappointed, Lu Fei couldn't bear it. After all, this was Wang Xinyi's biological grandfather.

"Old man, old photos are really not good enough. How about I get you something good later?"

Hearing this, Wang Zhenbang's eyes suddenly lit up.

"What's the fun?"

"Don't you like collecting red sandalwood aniseed?

I will give you a good product later, much bigger than yours, I guarantee your satisfaction. "The bright moon is in the sky, and looking down from Phoenix Mountain, Hong Kong Island is already filled with thousands of lights.

At this moment, Lu Fei finally became busy.

Ten security brothers were called, and under the command of Lu Fei, they finally opened the back door of the van.

At this time, the outdoor temperature was around 33 degrees. The door of the box was opened, and the cold air blew in, making people feel comfortable.

Inside the carriage, there were twenty-five large wooden packaging boxes stacked side by side. Lu Fei weighed them with his hands. They were of average weight, so he simply moved them manually.

After working up their appetites for a day, the little brothers were extremely curious and all gathered around. However, Lu Fei pushed them aside.

These guys are all good at drinking and picking up girls. When it comes to work, they are all rubbish. You can't count on them at all. It's the veterans like Zhang Jianguo who are reliable.

Under Lu Fei's command, all twenty-five boxes were unloaded in a short while. .??.

"Brother, can you open one and let us take a look?" the little naughty dog ​​asked coquettishly.


Go ahead and do what you are supposed to do, don't be an eyesore. "

"Brother, do you dislike us?"

"Yes, that's the correct answer."

"Wuwu, what you said is too much. We are kindly trying to help you, how can you do this?"



"Do you want me to say it again?"

"Oh, okay, get out now!"


Everyone could see that Lu Fei really didn't intend to open the box for everyone to feast their eyes on, and no one dared to discuss it with Lu Fei. After laughing, he dispersed and went to various entertainment projects tonight.

In fact, everyone was just joining in the fun and knew that it contained old photos. They were just curious, but not very interested. Of course, there was not much disappointment.

The room where these photos are kept has been prepared by Lu Fei for a long time. It is located in an empty room on the west side of the second floor.

Lu Fei knows better than Jiang Hefeng how to better preserve these things.

Old photos are not only afraid of ultraviolet rays, but also have strict requirements on air temperature and humidity. Otherwise, the lifespan of old photos will be affected.

The room has been prepared for a long time. The air conditioner inside has been adjusted to 18 degrees Celsius. The air conditioner has been turned on at noon. At this moment, the temperature has completely reached the standard.

Apart from Lu Fei, Wang Zhenbang is the most excited. After all, they have the same hobbies.

The difference is that Wang Zhenbang has seen these old photos of the Jiang family many times, but now he is still willing to actively participate.

Lu Fei was carrying the boxes, and Wang Zhenbang checked the temperature and humidity in the room again. After everything was ready, he brought the boxes in one after another.

Putting down the box, Zhang Jianguo and others left, leaving Wang Zhenbang alone in the room.

"Hey, I really didn't expect that the Jiang family would be willing to give you these good things. It seems like

I need something from you! Wang Zhenbang sighed.

"I gave the money." Lu Fei said.

"How much?"

"One hundred million!"


so much? "

Hearing this number, Wang Zhenbang was surprised at first, and then nodded slowly: "Their old photos are indeed good things. The National Museum is not as complete as theirs, and the preservation is not as complete as theirs.

As far as I know, the total number of old photos collected by official and private people in China is not as large as that of the Chiang family, and the quality cannot be compared with theirs. These are non-renewable resources, and even 100 million is not that much.

By the way, when did you become interested in old photos? "

Lu Fei smiled: "As long as it's an old thing, I'm interested.

As the same saying goes, collection collects cultural heritage, objects are witnesses of history, but no matter what objects they are, they are not as good as old photos, because old photos record historical facts and conditions, which are even more precious. "

"Well, you're right. After hearing what you said, I'm also interested. So, I'll take a few back later!"

Lu Fei rolled his eyes, thinking that the old man had gone on to talk so much nonsense, but what he was talking about now was the fundamentals.

Good guy, it's so shameless to play tricks with your grandson-in-law!

“Old man, this is a complete set of old photos, wouldn’t it be a good idea to take them apart by force?

What's mine is yours, you can come and enjoy it at any time, there's no need to take it away. "


Wang Zhenbang's face turned red, and he was suddenly terribly embarrassed.

Damn it!

I put all my face into it, but you refused outright. You are too cruel!

No matter what, you have to save some face for me!

However, he also knew that Lu Fei had this kind of personality.

If he asks Lu Fei for 200 million in pocket money, I believe Lu Fei will immediately issue a cashier's check without hesitation, but objects are not good. His life is no different.

As far as he knew, so far, no one had ever asked for anything from Lu Fei, not even by buying it. They were not short of money, and unless they exchanged it for something Lu Fei liked more, there was no need to talk about the rest.

But if you think about it carefully, why don't you think so?

This may be the obsession of a true collector!

Seeing Wang Zhenbang disappointed, Lu Fei couldn't bear it. After all, this was Wang Xinyi's biological grandfather.

"Old man, old photos are really not good enough. How about I get you something good later?"

Hearing this, Wang Zhenbang's eyes suddenly lit up.

"What's the fun?"

"Don't you like collecting red sandalwood aniseed?

I will give you a good product later, much bigger than yours, I guarantee your satisfaction. "

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