A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2798 Is this something done by humans?

In the room, Lu Fei was completely immersed in it and couldn't extricate himself, but he had no idea that more than three months and hours had passed since he had been alone in it.

In the master bedroom, the bride Chen Xiang's face was full of resentment.

Was there any mistake?

We are newlyweds!

Even if you don't go on a honeymoon, you should still stay with me. It's a good thing for you. Less than a week after the wedding, you left the bride alone in an empty room. You are going too far!


If you were there to accompany Xinyi, I wouldn't say anything. The point is, you weren't there at all and you ignored two pregnant women. What on earth do you want to do?

Chen Xiang was quite dissatisfied, but she was just complaining in her heart. She was a woman with general knowledge, and of course she would not go to Lu Fei to argue with him like a shrew.

In fact, Chen Xiang's complaint was secondary. She was more curious about the magic power of those photos. She had watched them for more than three hours and still hadn't seen enough. Is that the case?

Out of curiosity, Chen Xiang saw her biological clock and was not sleepy. After a while, he took out a pack of cigarettes by the bedside and went to find Lu Fei to find out.

As for bringing cigarettes, of course Chen Xiang didn't smoke them himself, it was just for a reason.

Of course Chen Xiang knew which room Lu Fei was in, so he made up his mind to put on a coat and go there.

It was a coincidence that when I walked outside the room, I met Wang Xinyi walking from the opposite side.

The two have been best friends for many years, and now they have this special relationship. The degree of tacit understanding can be imagined. Just by meeting each other, they both understood the other's purpose.

"Xiang'er, I'm not trying to steal a man from you. I'm just curious. I heard he's still inside and I want to see what he's doing. Don't get me wrong!" Wang Xinyi explained with a smile.


Chen Xiang's smile was even more exaggerated than hers.

"Hehe, Xinyi, you are too worried. I am not afraid that you will steal a man from me."

Chen Xiang said, pointing to Wang Xinyi's tall belly and smiling: "You can't do anything even if you take it away, right?"


Wang Xinyi's face turned red and her eyes widened as she stared at Chen Xiang in disbelief: "Oh my God!

Xiang'er, do you know what you just said?

I really didn’t expect that you, a highly educated lady, could actually say such things. It’s incredible.

But having said that, I know that I have passed the dangerous period this month. In comparison, you are more in danger, don’t you know? "


As he said this, the two women held hands and laughed at the same time.

At the same time, they themselves were also frightened

Jump, they didn't know when they suddenly spoke so generously. Before, they didn't dare to say this to themselves even if they closed the door. It was so shameful.

Could it be that this is the gap between women?

"Let's go in and take a look!"

"Let's go!"

The door to the room was not locked, and Chen Xiang opened it easily.

The constant temperature in the room was set at 18 degrees. Although the air conditioner was turned on outside, the temperature was still very different. When the door was opened, the air-conditioning hit their faces, and the two women couldn't help but shiver.

Fortunately, they are all in good health, otherwise they might catch a cold.

The two women immediately frowned when they entered the room. The lights in the room were bright, and the broken wooden boards of packaging boxes, as well as shock-proof foam and broken sponges were everywhere on the ground, making it a mess.

There were more than a dozen sets of old photos hanging on the wall. The two women glanced at them casually, but didn't see anything special.

Isn’t it the original black and white photo?

Even though they were modern people, they had seen the black-and-white photos left by their elders in the family. Apart from the age and the different costumes of the characters in the photos on the wall, there really was nothing special about them.

At this time, Lu Fei was sitting on the ground holding a set of newly released photos and looking at them in trance. The two girls came behind him, and this guy didn't even notice.

Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi looked at each other, and they could see deep dissatisfaction in each other's eyes.

Too much, too much.

You see, none of us have ever taken it so seriously, but we were fascinated by the photo. Lu Fei, you are really going too far.

Chen Xiang gritted her teeth with hatred and coughed slightly, but Lu Fei still didn't respond.


Damn it, Lu Fei, you are really going to die.

Chen Xiang was furious, kicked off her slippers, stretched out her suet-like feet, and kicked Lu Fei moderately. The latter shuddered and then reacted.

"Uh, you guys?

When did you come in? "

Lu Fei was very surprised. With his alertness, he didn't realize at all that his two ladies were really terrible.

When Lu Fei said this, the two girls became even more angry. Wang Xinyi bit her silver teeth and pointed at Lu Fei and said: "You also said that we have been in for a while, but you are acting like a fool and ignoring us at all.

Lu Fei, you have gone too far.

Just ignore me, but you and Xiang'er are newlyweds!

Look at what time it is. You left the bride to stay in the empty room. You hide here alone and don't go out. Is this a human thing?

What do you want to do?

Today you must explain clearly to us and give Xiang'er an explanation. "In the room, Lu Fei was completely immersed in it and couldn't extricate himself, but he had no idea that more than three months and hours had passed since he had been alone in it.

In the master bedroom, the bride Chen Xiang's face was full of resentment.

Was there any mistake?

We are newlyweds!

Even if you don't go on a honeymoon, you should still stay with me. It's a good thing for you. Less than a week after the wedding, you left the bride alone in an empty room. You are going too far!


If you were there to accompany Xinyi, I wouldn't say anything. The point is, you weren't there at all and you ignored two pregnant women. What on earth do you want to do?

Chen Xiang was quite dissatisfied, but she was just complaining in her heart. She was a woman with general knowledge, and of course she would not go to Lu Fei to argue with him like a shrew.

In fact, Chen Xiang's complaint was secondary. She was more curious about the magic power of those photos. She had watched them for more than three hours and still hadn't seen enough. Is that the problem?

Out of curiosity, Chen Xiang saw her biological clock and was not sleepy. After a while, he took out a pack of cigarettes by the bedside and went to find Lu Fei to find out.

As for bringing cigarettes, of course Chen Xiang didn't smoke them himself, it was just for a reason.

Of course Chen Xiang knew which room Lu Fei was in, so he made up his mind to put on a coat and go there.

It was a coincidence that when I walked outside the room, I met Wang Xinyi walking from the opposite side.

The two have been best friends for many years, and now they have this special relationship. The degree of tacit understanding can be imagined. Just by meeting each other, they both understood the other's purpose.

"Xiang'er, I'm not trying to steal a man from you. I'm just curious. I heard he's still inside and I want to see what he's doing. Don't get me wrong!" Wang Xinyi explained with a smile.


Chen Xiang's smile was even more exaggerated than hers.

"Hehe, Xinyi, you are too worried. I am not afraid that you will steal a man from me."

Chen Xiang said, pointing to Wang Xinyi's tall belly and smiling: "You can't do anything even if you take it away, right?"


Wang Xinyi's face turned red and her eyes widened as she stared at Chen Xiang in disbelief: "Oh my God!

Xiang'er, do you know what you just said?

I really didn’t expect that you, a highly educated lady, could actually say such things. It’s incredible.

But having said that, I know that I have passed the dangerous period this month. In comparison, you are more in danger, don’t you know? "


As he said this, the two women held hands and laughed at the same time.

At the same time, they themselves were also frightened

Jump, they didn't know when they suddenly spoke so generously. Before, they didn't dare to say this to themselves even if they closed the door. It was so shameful.

Could it be that this is the gap between women?

"Let's go in and take a look!"

"Let's go!"

The door to the room was not locked, and Chen Xiang opened it easily.

The constant temperature in the room was set at 18 degrees. Although the air conditioner was turned on outside, the temperature was still very different. When the door was opened, the air-conditioning hit their faces, and the two women couldn't help but shiver.

Fortunately, they are all in good health, otherwise they might catch a cold.

The two women immediately frowned when they entered the room. The lights in the room were bright, and the broken wooden boards of packaging boxes, as well as shock-proof foam and broken sponges were everywhere on the ground, making it a mess.

There were more than a dozen sets of old photos hanging on the wall. The two women glanced at them casually, but didn't see anything special.

Isn’t it the original black and white photo?

Even though they were modern people, they had seen the black-and-white photos left by their elders in the family. Apart from the age and the different costumes of the characters in the photos on the wall, there really was nothing special about them.

At this time, Lu Fei was sitting on the ground holding a set of newly released photos and looking at them in a trance. The two girls came behind him, and this guy didn't even notice.

Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi looked at each other, and they could see deep dissatisfaction in each other's eyes.

Too much, too much.

You see, none of us have ever taken it so seriously, but we were fascinated by the photo. Lu Fei, you are really going too far.

Chen Xiang gritted her teeth with hatred and coughed slightly, but Lu Fei still didn't respond.


Damn it, Lu Fei, you are really going to die.

Chen Xiang was furious, kicked off her slippers, stretched out her suet-like feet, and kicked Lu Fei moderately. The latter shuddered and then reacted.

"Uh, you guys?

When did you come in? "

Lu Fei was very surprised. With his alertness, he didn't realize at all that his two ladies were really terrible.

When Lu Fei said this, the two girls became even more angry. Wang Xinyi bit her silver teeth and pointed at Lu Fei and said: "You also said that we have been in here for a while, but you are like a fool and ignore us at all.

Lu Fei, you have gone too far.

Just ignore me, but you and Xiang'er are newlyweds!

Look at what time it is. You left the bride to stay in the empty room. You hide here alone and don't go out. Is this a human thing?

What do you want to do?

Today you must explain clearly to us and give Xiang'er an explanation. "

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