A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2799 This is life

Changed, everything changed.

Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi, before, one was knowledgeable and sensible, the other was as gentle as water.

But after the relationship was confirmed, the two ladies gradually showed their true colors. It was normal to point fingers in front of Lu Fei. After becoming pregnant, they became even more serious. Like now, they kicked Lu Fei with their feet, pointed at Lu Fei and yelled at him. This is not the first time that I have to speak out.

Although Lu Fei had heard that women were fickle animals, he never expected that they could change in seventy-two ways. It was so scary.

But it's okay to say that in front of outsiders, his two wives still give Lu Fei a lot of face. In the eyes of the little milk dog brothers, the two sisters-in-law are still the best in the world. Being able to get them is the result of his eight lifetime cultivation. You are a blessing, but behind your back, can you imagine how difficult your life is for Brother Fei?

Hey, Damn, I’ll be in tears if I talk too much!

Although Lu Fei was surprised by the changes in the two ladies' personalities, he did not reject them.

Whether it's a bitch or something else, Lu Fei, who has lived in two lifetimes, has never experienced this kind of atmosphere. This is the atmosphere of home, and it is more down-to-earth, and Lu Fei never tires of it.

With a smile, Lu Fei quickly put down the photo and stood up. The first thing he did was to turn off the air conditioner.

The two ladies were pregnant, and Lu Fei was worried that their bodies wouldn't be able to bear it.

Although the best storage environment for old photos is a constant temperature of 18 degrees, but compared to the bodies of the two ladies, no matter how good they are, they are nothing.

"It's so late and you haven't rested yet?

Sit down quickly! "

Lu Fei offered his seat to the two ladies, but when he turned around, he was embarrassed. The room was full of packing boxes and all kinds of junk, and there were no seats at all.

Fortunately, Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi didn't care about this, and they weren't really angry. They just wanted to come over and see how attractive the photo was to tie Lu Fei here for a few hours.

The two girls were already very happy after Lu Fei was frustrated just now. They looked at each other and decided to let him go for the time being.

"It's almost ten o'clock now. You've been tinkering with these things for several hours, do you know that?" Wang Xinyi said.

"a couple of hours?"

Lu Fei looked at his watch and realized that more than three hours had passed. No wonder the two ladies came over. He had indeed gone too far.

"Well, I was fascinated by it, and so much time passed without me realizing it.

The temperature here is too low, let’s go back!”

As soon as Lu Fei said he was fascinated by it, the two girls became even more curious.

"Aren't these just some old photos? Where did you get such interest?" Wang Xinyi asked.

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