A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2886 A person’s name, the shadow of a tree

Lu Fei wants to pay Jiang Hefeng a commission.

According to industry regulations, if you use other people's qualifications to acquire, the commission is usually between 10% and 20%. If you have a good relationship, it can be negotiated. For the worst, it may even exceed 30%. Lu Fei has to pay Jiang Hefeng double, which is not a small amount of money!

The funds required to acquire such a large project are quite huge, not to mention Lu Fei's pursuit of efficiency regardless of costs. The funds involved are absolutely astronomical. Doubling the commission would make ordinary businessmen salivate uncontrollably. But Jiang Hefeng not only wasn't excited when he heard this, but his face darkened.

"Mr. Lu, are you scolding me, Jiang Laosi?

Sorry, since you look down on me, Jiang takes leave! "

After Jiang Hefeng finished speaking, he waved his hands and snorted before leaving. Lu Fei quickly grabbed him and apologized.

"Fourth Brother, don't get me wrong. I have no other intentions. This project may not be big, but it consumes a lot of energy. How can I let Fourth Brother work in vain?"

"Mr. Lu, I really like that battery sightseeing car outside. Please give me a price. How much can you sell it to me?" Jiang Hefeng said seriously.

What Jiang Hefeng said had nothing to do with what they had just said, but it was enough. ??

Helping Lu Fei with errands is the same as Lu Fei giving him a battery car. In one sentence, it is a simple task.

In fact, the reason why Lu Fei said this was not only because he sincerely wanted to give Jiang Hefeng some benefits, but also wanted to test it out one last time. Facts have proved that this Tiandu old gun is really different from those of their ancestors and is worth dating.

Lu Fei chuckled, patted his head and said, "In that case, it's up to Fourth Brother to take the trouble. When the matter is done, I'll treat Fourth Brother to seafood."

When Lu Fei said this, Jiang Hefeng laughed: "Hahaha, that's right, I've decided to eat your seafood meal. I'm going to call Lao Dou now. You get ready, and we'll go there together tomorrow morning. "

Jiang Hefeng returned to his room and immediately contacted Dou Hongda.

After a few pleasantries, we got to the point.


Fourth brother, you want to acquire Jiumen Dongtian Community? "

"No, no, Brother Dou, you heard it wrong. It's not the Jiumen Dongtian Community, it's the entire Mawei Mountain, including the land within a three-kilometer radius of Mawei Mountain. I want it," Jiang Hefeng said.


Dou Hongda almost spat out blood.

"Fourth, where are you? Have you drunk too much? Why are you talking so much about trains?"

"Brother, I am serious and I am not kidding you."


I'm going to spray toilet water all over your face.

Do you know how much it costs to acquire Mawei Mountain?

You are simply talking nonsense! "

"Brother, money is not a problem, as long as you help run a business

I promise it will be of great benefit to you. "


Pull it away, I still want to live for a few more years, and I have no intention of pretending to be crazy and stupid with you.

Acquire Mawei Mountain?

Damn it, don’t you know who are the people living there, and those people have money?

It's not your brother who pours cold water on you, let alone you, even a big shot ten times more awesome than you can't get involved. Okay, you can sober up and come to me some other time, and my brother will arrange it for you. That's it for now! "

"Brother, it's actually Mr. Lu Feilu who wants to buy it!"

Dou Hongda's forehead was covered with black lines and he was about to hang up the phone. The moment Big Thumb was about to touch the phone, the name "Lu Fei" came to his ears like a bolt of lightning. Dou Hongda couldn't help but shuddered and goosebumps instantly appeared. out.


Fourth child, I didn’t hear you clearly just now, can you say it again? "

Jiang Hefeng was amused. A person's name is like the shadow of a tree. Now the name Lu Fei is so loud and easy to use.

"Brother, to be honest, I am currently at Lu Fei's Phoenix Villa on Hong Kong Island. I have a good relationship with Lu Fei. He is planning to acquire Mawei Mountain and wants to find an acquaintance to help him. The most important thing is that Lu Fei promises that everything will be done. After that, he owes this person a favor, but I don’t know if Brother Dou wants this favor."

When Dou Hongda heard this on the phone, his adrenaline surged and he shot up from the sofa.

"Fourth brother, are you kidding me?

Is this true? "





Just wait, I'll go back to the study and let's talk slowly!"

Early the next morning, Lu Fei simply packed his backpack, said goodbye to his family, and boarded the helicopter with Tianbao and Jiang Hefeng beside him, ready to set off.

Just when the plane was about to take off, Jiang Hefeng's phone rang, and the caller was Dou Hongda.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Hefeng shook his phone and said with a smile: "Okay, Lao Dou stayed up all night and retrieved all the information about Jiumen Dongtian and surrounding industries. In addition to these, there is also detailed information about all the residents of Jiumen Dongtian. , all have been sent to my mobile phone.

Moreover, he has already said hello to the planning department, development department, tourism department and developers. "

Lu Fei smiled and nodded: "Fourth brother's friends are indeed extraordinary, thank you!"

"Damn, we've seen each other again, haven't we?"


Jiang Hefeng was right. Yesterday I heard that it was Lu Fei's project. Dou Hongda was still sleepy. The old man who was about to retire was much more energetic than the young people. Lu Fei wants to pay Jiang Hefeng a commission.

According to industry regulations, if you use other people's qualifications to acquire, the commission is usually between 10% and 20%. If you have a good relationship, it can be discussed. For the most shady, it may even exceed 30%. Lu Fei has to pay Jiang Hefeng double, which is not a small amount of money!

The funds required to acquire such a large project are quite huge, not to mention Lu Fei's pursuit of efficiency regardless of costs. The funds involved are absolutely astronomical. Doubling the commission would make ordinary businessmen salivate uncontrollably. But Jiang Hefeng not only wasn't excited when he heard this, but his face darkened.

"Mr. Lu, are you scolding me, Jiang Laosi?

Sorry, since you look down on me, Jiang takes leave! "

After Jiang Hefeng finished speaking, he waved his hands and snorted before leaving. Lu Fei quickly grabbed him and apologized.

"Fourth Brother, don't get me wrong. I have no other intentions. This project may not be big, but it consumes a lot of energy. How can I let Fourth Brother work in vain?"

"Mr. Lu, I really like that battery sightseeing car outside. Please give me a price. How much can you sell it to me?" Jiang Hefeng said seriously.

What Jiang Hefeng said had nothing to do with what they had just said, but it was enough.

Helping Lu Fei with errands is the same as Lu Fei giving him a battery car. In one sentence, it is a simple task.

In fact, the reason why Lu Fei said this was not only because he sincerely wanted to give Jiang Hefeng some benefits, but also wanted to test it out one last time. Facts have proved that this Tiandu old gun is really different from those of their ancestors and is worth dating.

Lu Fei chuckled, patted his head and said, "In that case, it's up to Fourth Brother to take the trouble. When the matter is done, I'll treat Fourth Brother to seafood."

When Lu Fei said this, Jiang Hefeng laughed: "Hahaha, that's right, I've decided to eat your seafood meal. I'm going to call Lao Dou now. You get ready, and we'll go there together tomorrow morning. "

Jiang Hefeng returned to his room and immediately contacted Dou Hongda.

After a few pleasantries, we got to the point.


Fourth brother, you want to acquire Jiumen Dongtian Community? "

"No, no, Brother Dou, you heard it wrong. It's not the Jiumen Dongtian Community, it's the entire Mawei Mountain, including the land within a three-kilometer radius of Mawei Mountain. I want it," Jiang Hefeng said.


Dou Hongda almost spat out blood.

"Fourth, where are you? Have you drunk too much? Why are you talking so much about trains?"

"Brother, I am serious and I am not kidding you."


I'm going to spray toilet water all over your face.

Do you know how much it costs to acquire Mawei Mountain?

You are simply talking nonsense! "

"Brother, money is not a problem, as long as you help run a business

I promise it will be of great benefit to you. "


Pull it away, I still want to live for a few more years, and I have no intention of pretending to be crazy and stupid with you.

Acquire Mawei Mountain?

Damn it, don’t you know who are the people living there, and those people have money?

It's not your brother who pours cold water on you, let alone you, even a big shot ten times more awesome than you can't get involved. Okay, you can sober up and come to me some other time, and my brother will arrange it for you. That's it for now! "

"Brother, it's actually Mr. Lu Feilu who wants to buy it!"

Dou Hongda's forehead was covered with black lines and he was about to hang up the phone. The moment Big Thumb was about to touch the phone, the name "Lu Fei" came to his ears like a bolt of lightning. Dou Hongda couldn't help but shuddered and goosebumps instantly appeared. out.


Fourth child, I didn’t hear you clearly just now, can you say it again? "

Jiang Hefeng was amused. A person's name is like the shadow of a tree. Now the name Lu Fei is so loud and easy to use.

"Brother, to be honest, I am currently at Lu Fei's Phoenix Villa on Hong Kong Island. I have a good relationship with Lu Fei. He is planning to acquire Mawei Mountain and wants to find an acquaintance to help him. The most important thing is that Lu Fei promises that everything will be done. After that, he owes this person a favor, but I don’t know if Brother Dou wants this favor."

When Dou Hongda heard this on the phone, his adrenaline surged and he shot up from the sofa.

"Fourth brother, are you kidding me?

Is this true? "





Just wait, I'll go back to the study and let's talk slowly!"

Early the next morning, Lu Fei simply packed his backpack, said goodbye to his family, and boarded the helicopter with Tianbao and Jiang Hefeng beside him, ready to set off.

Just when the plane was about to take off, Jiang Hefeng's phone rang, and the caller was Dou Hongda.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Hefeng shook his phone and said with a smile: "Okay, Lao Dou stayed up all night and retrieved all the information about Jiumen Dongtian and surrounding industries. In addition to these, there is also detailed information about all the residents of Jiumen Dongtian. , all have been sent to my mobile phone.

Moreover, he has already said hello to the planning department, development department, tourism department and developers. "

Lu Fei smiled and nodded: "Fourth brother's friends are indeed extraordinary, thank you!"

"Damn, we've seen each other again, haven't we?"


Jiang Hefeng was right. Yesterday I heard that it was Lu Fei's project. Dou Hongda was still sleepy. The old man who was about to retire was much more energetic than the young people.

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