Dou Hongda clarified the list of owners of Jiumen Dongtian Community, as well as detailed information such as workplaces, and sent it to Jiang Hefeng's mobile phone.

On the plane, Jiang Hefeng opened it and introduced it to Lu Fei while watching it.

As he said, almost every owner of this high-end community is a powerful boss. It is difficult to acquire the property through conventional methods. Even if you spend money, it is not necessarily guaranteed that the acquisition will be successful.

Moreover, Lu Fei didn't want to come forward, so it would be even more difficult to rely on Jiang Hefeng alone.

The two discussed it, and Lu Fei asked Jiang Hefeng to try to contact the owners and merchants first to test their opinions. If the problem could be solved with money, Lu Fei had better not come forward in person. ??

Arriving at the Nine Gates at noon, Lu Fei asked Tianbao to accompany Jiang Hefeng to find Dou Hongda. He had a light meal at the airport, took a short break, and then flew the helicopter to Mawei Mountain. The old site of the village was located.

Last year, when Lu Fei went to inspect the Dongdaihe project, he made a special trip to Mawei Mountain. However, instead of flying a helicopter, he drove around Mawei Mountain several times. As a result, after a century of continuous changes, today's Mawei Mountain has already It is no longer its original appearance.

In the previous life, Mawei Mountain had steep terrain and dense vegetation.

There is a small road going up from the bottom of the mountain, blocked by dense vegetation. Even if you stand on the highest peak of Mawei Mountain, you cannot see the whole mountain. Even in the previous life, it was not easy to find Liangjiazhai.

Even if Lu Fei is familiar with Liangjiazhai, he is only familiar with that road. If he changes the road, even Lu Fei will need some time to find Liangjiazhai, not to mention that it has been a hundred years. , things have already changed.

The once dense forest has now been developed into a high-end residential villa area. The towering ancient trees are gone and replaced by various high-end green plants planted artificially and smooth green lawns.

The various beasts that were once seen everywhere have long since disappeared, and Lu Fei even felt that the overall shape of Mawei Mountain had changed a lot.

Last time, Lu Fei drove around for a long time and found no clues from the past, so he could not locate Liangjiazhai. Therefore, this time Lu Fei became serious and wanted to acquire the entire Mawei Mountain and everything within a three-kilometer radius. of all land.

This time, Lu Fei flew the helicopter and circled condescendingly, but unfortunately, he was also unable to locate it. He circled for more than half an hour until the local aviation company called out, and Lu Fei frowned and left temporarily.

Jiang Hefeng and Tianbao returned to the hotel in the evening. Seeing their expressions, Lu Fei

I know it's not going well.

"Xiao Fei, I have met with Lao Dou and the developers of Jiumen Dongtian. According to our analysis, as long as the money is in place to acquire peripheral land and merchants, everything will be easy to do. However, it may not be easy for the owners of Jiumen Dongtian.

We tried to contact several owners, and most of them said they would not sell. They did not even ask us what kind of compensation plan we would give. Again, the owners here are not short of money.

There is also good news. There are several business owners in Tiandu who have some friendship with me. I asked them to help tell other business owners that they will meet at Longmen Hotel at noon tomorrow. I will explain to them in person. Even if we can't reach an agreement, they still have to listen. Listen to what they have to say and see if there are any other conditions. "

Lu Fei nodded: "Okay, fourth brother, you can figure it out. I have some other things to do, so I'll leave it to you. If you have any trouble, call me at any time. It's getting late. You guys should go to bed early. I'll leave it to you." Go out for a while."

He went out and hailed a taxi. Half an hour later, Lu Fei appeared in a densely populated community in the racecourse area in the south of the city.

During the day, Lu Fei found out that Mawei Mountain had been developed one after another twenty years ago. All the households around Mawei Mountain had been moved to the Machang District in the south of the city by developers. Since Lu Fei could not locate Liangjiazhai himself, at present, The best way is to ask local elders to see if you can find some clues.

When he got here, Lu Fei realized that this was really no ordinary excitement!

It’s midsummer, and on both sides of the roadside and sidewalks, you can see night markets organized by small vendors everywhere, selling clothes, buying cold drinks, barbecuing, making balloons, etc. The lights are bright and bustling, and the night markets are even more crowded. It was so crowded. After squeezing with the night market crowd for a while, Lu Fei's clothes were already soaked. Lu Fei was a little confused. Aren't they hot?

In such a hot weather, wouldn't it be nice to find a spacious place to drink tea and chat?

Isn't it uncomfortable for him to be crowded together here?

Fortunately, after squeezing for a few hundred meters, Lu Fei turned a corner and got into the community group. Well, it was indeed a community group.

There is a square of several thousand square meters in the middle, surrounded by one building after another. They are all six-story board buildings. At a casual glance, there are eighteen buildings in the outer circle, not counting the ones behind. This is not a group of buildings. What is it?

A square of two to three thousand square meters is considered very large in other places, but it is dwarfed by so many buildings. Looking at the square now, there are roller skating, live streaming, chess, and card games everywhere. It was people. The most exciting and lively thing was the square dancing army of hundreds of people in the middle. They played high-decibel music and the loud talking of hundreds of people made Lu Fei's head spin. Dou Hongda clarified the list of owners of Jiumen Dongtian Community, as well as detailed information such as workplaces, and sent it to Jiang Hefeng's mobile phone.

On the plane, Jiang Hefeng opened it and introduced it to Lu Fei while watching it.

As he said, almost every owner of this high-end community is a powerful boss. It is difficult to acquire the property through conventional methods. Even if you spend money, it is not necessarily guaranteed to be successful.

Moreover, Lu Fei didn't want to come forward, so it would be even more difficult to rely on Jiang Hefeng alone.

The two discussed it, and Lu Fei asked Jiang Hefeng to try to contact the owners and merchants first to test their opinions. If the problem could be solved with money, Lu Fei had better not come forward in person.

Arriving at the Nine Gates at noon, Lu Fei asked Tianbao to accompany Jiang Hefeng to find Dou Hongda. He had a light meal at the airport, took a short break, and then flew the helicopter to Mawei Mountain. The old site of the village was located.

Last year, when Lu Fei went to inspect the Dongdaihe project, he made a special trip to Mawei Mountain. However, instead of flying a helicopter, he drove around Mawei Mountain several times. As a result, after a century of continuous changes, today's Mawei Mountain has already It is no longer its original appearance. .??.

In the previous life, Mawei Mountain had steep terrain and dense vegetation.

There is a small road going up from the bottom of the mountain, blocked by dense vegetation. Even if you stand on the highest peak of Mawei Mountain, you cannot see the whole mountain. Even in the previous life, it was not easy to find Liangjiazhai.

Even if Lu Fei is familiar with Liangjiazhai, he is only familiar with that road. If he changes the road, even Lu Fei will need some time to find Liangjiazhai, not to mention that it has been a hundred years. , things have already changed.

The once dense forest has now been developed into a high-end residential villa area. The towering ancient trees are gone and replaced by various high-end green plants planted artificially and smooth green lawns.

The various beasts that were once seen everywhere have long since disappeared, and Lu Fei even felt that the overall shape of Mawei Mountain had changed a lot.

Last time, Lu Fei drove around for a long time and found no clues from the past, so he could not locate Liangjiazhai. Therefore, this time Lu Fei became serious and wanted to acquire the entire Mawei Mountain and everything within a three-kilometer radius. of all land.

This time, Lu Fei flew the helicopter and circled condescendingly, but unfortunately, he was also unable to locate it. He circled for more than half an hour until the local aviation company called out, and Lu Fei frowned and left temporarily.

Jiang Hefeng and Tianbao returned to the hotel in the evening. Seeing their expressions, Lu Fei

I know it's not going well.

"Xiao Fei, I have met with Lao Dou and the developers of Jiumen Dongtian. According to our analysis, as long as the money is in place to acquire peripheral land and merchants, everything will be easy to do. However, it may not be easy for the owners of Jiumen Dongtian.

We tried to contact several owners, and most of them said they would not sell. They did not even ask us what kind of compensation plan we would give. Again, the owners here are not short of money.

There is also good news. There are several business owners in Tiandu who have some friendship with me. I asked them to help tell other business owners that they will meet at Longmen Hotel at noon tomorrow. I will explain to them in person. Even if we can't reach an agreement, they still have to listen. Listen to what they have to say and see if there are any other conditions. "

Lu Fei nodded: "Okay, fourth brother, you can figure it out. I have some other things to do, so I'll leave it to you. If you have any trouble, call me at any time. It's getting late. You guys should go to bed early. I'll leave it to you." Go out for a while."

He went out and hailed a taxi. Half an hour later, Lu Fei appeared in a densely populated community in the racecourse area in the south of the city.

During the day, Lu Fei found out that Mawei Mountain had been developed one after another twenty years ago. All the households around Mawei Mountain had been moved to the Machang District in the south of the city by developers. Since Lu Fei could not locate Liangjiazhai himself, at present, The best way is to ask local elders to see if you can find some clues.

When he got here, Lu Fei realized that this was really no ordinary excitement!

It’s midsummer, and on both sides of the roadside and sidewalks, you can see night markets organized by small vendors everywhere, selling clothes, buying cold drinks, barbecuing, making balloons, etc. The lights are bright and bustling, and the night markets are even more crowded. It was so crowded. After squeezing with the night market crowd for a while, Lu Fei's clothes were already soaked. Lu Fei was a little confused. Aren't they hot?

In such a hot weather, wouldn't it be nice to find a spacious place to drink tea and chat?

Isn't it uncomfortable for him to be crowded together here?

Fortunately, after squeezing for a few hundred meters, Lu Fei turned a corner and got into the community group. Well, it was indeed a community group.

There is a square of several thousand square meters in the middle, surrounded by one building after another. They are all six-story board buildings. At a casual glance, there are eighteen buildings in the outer circle, not counting the ones behind. This is not a group of buildings. What is it?

A square of two to three thousand square meters is considered very large in other places, but it is dwarfed by so many buildings. Looking at the square now, there are roller skating, live streaming, chess, and card games everywhere. It was people. The most exciting and lively thing was the square dancing army of hundreds of people in the middle. They played high-decibel music and the loud talking of hundreds of people made Lu Fei's head spin.

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