A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2888 There are rewards

Lu Fei had something on his mind and was very uncomfortable with this kind of noise. He bravely walked through the crowd and found a few older people to ask. Unfortunately, although these old men were not young, they were not ponytails. The mountain sits on the ground.

However, Lu Fei was not without gain. Under the guidance of the old people, he went to visit the next community.

Next, I visited three old communities in succession and found a few old people who were born and raised in Mawei Mountain. But when it came to Liangjiazhai, these old men said they had only heard of it but did not know the specific location. The reason was that, It is said that Liangjiazhai ceased to exist before the Japs came in.

These old men had only heard of it, and no one had seen the old site. Lu Fei was somewhat disappointed when they heard what they said.

However, Lu Fei did not give up. Under their guidance, Lu Fei came to the last target community, Xiangyang Community.

The layout of the communities here are similar. They are all clusters of slab buildings, with a square in the middle for the owners to entertain and relax. However, when Lu Fei came to Xiangyang Community, it was much quieter than other communities he had been to before.

It was already past nine o'clock at night, and most of the old people had gone home to rest. The most noisy square dance army had also died down. There were only a few tables in the pavilion and corridor where old men were playing chess with great interest. .

Lu Fei was very experienced in dealing with old men, so he got close to them and opened the way with cigarettes. .??.

Lu Fei specially bought a few packs of Da Chong Jiu from a store outside. He opened the cigarettes and supplied them to the old men one by one. This kind of thing was so common that the old men didn't care. As long as they could smoke, they were welcome.

“Yo ho!

Dachongjiu, what a good cigarette! It costs 100 yuan a pack. This is the first time I smoke such expensive cigarettes! "

"Yeah, it's a good cigarette. The 100-yuan cigarettes taste much better than the six-yuan pack!"

"Damn, I told you to talk nonsense, not Bi Lian!"

Several old men made a fuss before looking at Lu Fei.

"Young man, I don't think I've seen you before. You're not from here, are you?"

Lu Fei nodded: "You are an old sage!"

"Hey, we are all old neighbors. People in the next life will definitely be able to tell the difference. Why, you kid also wants to kill two people?"

Lu Fei chuckled and said: "I can't do that. I took a few glances just now and saw that these old men are very skilled at chess. I won't be embarrassed by them anymore.

I came here to ask some questions from some old men. Have any of you moved here from Mawei Mountain? "

More than a dozen

The old man laughed loudly when he heard this: "You have asked the right person. We all moved here from there. We are all natives of Mawei Mountain. If you have any questions, just ask!"

Lu Fei sat down in front of a carefree old man and deliberately amplified his voice so that other old people could hear him clearly.

"Old man, I am the editor of a magazine. Recently our unit is going to do a special issue on bandits outside the customs during the Republic of China. I checked the information and heard that during the Republic of China, there used to be a bandit named Liangjiazhai in Mawei Mountain. , very famous in the local area, you all are residents of Mawei Mountain, have you ever heard of Liangjiazhai?"


After saying these three words, the dozen or so old men stopped feeling sleepy and stopped playing chess. They all gathered around.


"Of course we know about the Liang Village. You are right. It was the largest village within a hundred miles back then. However, this village is different from other villages. Not only does it not bully the local people, but if any bandits from outside come to us, When families are being robbed here, they will immediately go down to help. The beard is just a name. In fact, the people have a reputation in their hearts. What Liangjiazhai does is much more righteous than the local government!"

The other old men added every word and praised Liangjiazhai to the sky. The praise was so great that Lu Fei became excited after hearing it.

"So, you all know about Liangjiazhai?"

"I know, I know everything!"

"Then have any of you been to Liangjiazhai?

Or, does any of you know where the old site of Liangjiazhai is now? "

Just now, the old men were eloquent and eloquent, but when Lu Fei asked, they looked at each other and couldn't say anything.


None of you have been there? "

"Damn, what you are saying is all nonsense. Liangjiazhai no longer existed during the Republic of China. At that time, we old guys were still peeing and farting in the mud pit!

Besides, no matter how righteous Liangjiazhai is, the name is Huzi after all. No matter how courageous the people are, they don’t dare to go to Huzi’s lair! shouted an old man.

Lu Fei nodded and smiled: "Old man, you have misunderstood me. I just want to know some news about Liangjiazhai. It is best to find the old address of Liangjiazhai!

I went to Mawei Mountain for an on-the-spot investigation. Now it has become a villa area. I think the old site of Liangjiazhai must be in that villa area, but I don’t know the exact location. Does any of you know?

If the news is reliable, there will be rewards from our magazine if you come back! "Lu Fei had something on his mind and was very uncomfortable with this kind of noise. He bravely walked through the crowd and found a few older people to ask. Unfortunately, although these old men were not young, they were not Mawei Mountain sits on the ground.

However, Lu Fei was not without gain. Under the guidance of the old people, he went to visit the next community.

Next, I visited three old communities in succession and found a few old people who were born and raised in Mawei Mountain. But when it came to Liangjiazhai, these old men said they had only heard of it but did not know the specific location. The reason was that, It is said that Liangjiazhai ceased to exist before the Japs came in.

These old men had only heard of it, and no one had seen the old site. Lu Fei was somewhat disappointed when they heard what they said.

However, Lu Fei did not give up. Under their guidance, Lu Fei came to the last target community, Xiangyang Community.

The layout of the communities here are similar. They are all clusters of slab buildings, with a square in the middle for the owners to entertain and relax. However, when Lu Fei came to Xiangyang Community, it was much quieter than other communities he had been to before. .??.

It was already past nine o'clock at night, and most of the old people had gone home to rest. The most noisy square dance army had also died down. There were only a few tables in the pavilion and corridor where old men were playing chess with great interest. .

Lu Fei was very experienced in dealing with old men, so he got close to them and opened the way with cigarettes.

Lu Fei specially bought a few packs of Da Chong Jiu from a store outside. He opened the cigarettes and supplied them to the old men one by one. This kind of thing was so common that the old men didn't care. As long as they could smoke, they were welcome.

“Yo ho!

Dachongjiu, what a good cigarette! It costs 100 yuan a pack. This is the first time I smoke such expensive cigarettes! "

"Yeah, it's a good cigarette. The 100-yuan cigarettes taste much better than the six-yuan pack!"

"Damn, I told you to talk nonsense, not Bi Lian!"

Several old men made a fuss before looking at Lu Fei.

"Young man, I don't think I've seen you before. You're not from here, are you?"

Lu Fei nodded: "You are an old sage!"

"Hey, we are all old neighbors. People in the next life will definitely be able to tell the difference. Why, you kid also wants to kill two people?"

Lu Fei chuckled and said: "I can't do that. I took a few glances just now and saw that these old men are very skilled at chess. I won't be embarrassed by them anymore.

I came here to ask some questions from some old men. Have any of you moved here from Mawei Mountain? "

More than a dozen

The old man laughed loudly when he heard this: "You have asked the right person. We all moved here from there. We are all natives of Mawei Mountain. If you have any questions, just ask!"

Lu Fei sat down in front of a carefree old man and deliberately amplified his voice so that other old people could hear him clearly.

"Old man, I am the editor of a magazine. Recently our unit is going to do a special issue on bandits outside the customs during the Republic of China. I checked the information and heard that during the Republic of China, there used to be a bandit named Liangjiazhai in Mawei Mountain. , very famous in the local area, you all are residents of Mawei Mountain, have you ever heard of Liangjiazhai?"


After saying these three words, the dozen or so old men stopped feeling sleepy and stopped playing chess. They all gathered around.


"Of course we know about the Liang Village. You are right. It was the largest village within a hundred miles back then. However, this village is different from other villages. Not only does it not bully the local people, but if any bandits from outside come to us, When families are being robbed here, they will immediately go down to help. The beard is just a name. In fact, the people have a reputation in their hearts. What Liangjiazhai does is much more righteous than the local government!"

The other old men added every word and praised Liangjiazhai to the sky. The praise was so great that Lu Fei became excited after hearing it.

"So, you all know about Liangjiazhai?"

"I know, I know everything!"

"Then have any of you been to Liangjiazhai?

Or, does any of you know where the old site of Liangjiazhai is now? "

Just now, the old men were eloquent and eloquent, but when Lu Fei asked, they looked at each other and couldn't say anything.


None of you have been there? "

"Damn, what you are saying is all nonsense. Liangjiazhai no longer existed during the Republic of China. At that time, we old guys were still peeing and farting in the mud pit!

Besides, no matter how righteous Liangjiazhai is, the name is Huzi after all. No matter how courageous the people are, they don’t dare to go to Huzi’s lair! shouted an old man.

Lu Fei nodded and smiled: "Old man, you have misunderstood me. I just want to know some news about Liangjiazhai. It is best to find the old address of Liangjiazhai!

I went to Mawei Mountain for an on-the-spot investigation. Now it has become a villa area. I think the old site of Liangjiazhai must be in that villa area, but I don’t know the exact location. Does any of you know?

If the news is reliable, there will be rewards from our magazine if you come back! "

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