A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2889 Hit the point

As the saying goes, there must be a brave man under a heavy reward. This sentence will never be outdated no matter what era it is.

Especially the elderly people generally have the habit of being greedy for small things. For a stainless steel basin, they can spend several hours listening to brainwashing lectures by so-called experts. For a few eggs, they can queue up in front of the drugstore. Lu Fei for Find the answer as soon as possible and plan to give a reward, but this time it doesn't work.

The old men looked ugly and a little unwilling.

"Young man, don't mention rewards or not. The key point is that we really don't know the specific location of Liangjiazhai, and it's impossible to know!

Liangjiazhai disappeared a hundred years ago. How could we possibly know how young we are?

The legend about Liangjiazhai was passed down orally from the older generations, so that’s all we know. "

After hearing what the old man said, Lu Fei was sure that they really didn't know anything. At the same time, Lu Fei also discovered that there was something wrong with the way he chose to ask the local old man to ask.

After all, Liangjiazhai is a bandit, and ordinary people avoid it. Even back then, few people knew the location of their lair, let alone now.

Thinking of this, Lu Fei was disappointed and anxious. He was going to leave the remaining two packs of cigarettes to the old people, and then stood up to say goodbye.

At this moment, at the third table behind, a white-haired old man in his seventies wearing glasses looked up at Lu Fei and said: "Young man, you are going to report on the history of Liangjiazhai. This is a good thing. After all, the bandits are also the same ones." A kind of history and culture from the 1970s, but if you ask us, you really can’t find what you want.

Regarding this kind of historical issue, you should go to the museum to check the documents. Liangjiazhai is a big thing, and it only happened a hundred years ago. There will definitely be records in the documents. It should be useful for you to check it out. "

The old man's words were like a wake-up call to wake up Lu Fei.


Why the hell did I ignore the survey literature?

Liangjiazhai is a famous local gangster. It must be recorded in the local chronicles. Damn it for forgetting in such a simple way!

Lu Fei suddenly stood up and nodded excitedly: "Old man, what you said makes sense, thank you."

As he spoke, Lu Fei took out all the 90,000 in cash from his bag and piled it on the chessboard, then clasped his fists and handed over his hands to the elderly people.

"Thank you for the clues provided by the old men. It is very helpful to me. You can accept this money to buy some drinks. Goodbye."

After saying that, Lu Fei turned and left, leaving a dozen old men behind, looking at 90,000 in cash and two heavy boxes of nine-faced coins, looking at each other in confusion.

It took half a minute for the old men to wake up, and their eyes widened in disbelief.

"Oh my God!"

"What, what just happened?"

"Old Zhangtou, put on your reading glasses and see what's on the chessboard?"

"Damn it, Old Li Tou, are you so blind?

No need to look at this, this is money, a total of 90,000 yuan! "


Who is this kid!

Ninety thousand yuan, this is too generous! "

"Stop talking nonsense. I feel like that guy is a psycho. I just asked a few questions and he actually came up with so much money. A good person would never be able to do such a thing. If you don't believe me, take a look. This money is definitely fake. of."

Everyone was talking about it, and finally everyone gathered around to check the authenticity of the banknotes. The final identification result was that the nine bundles of red banknotes were all real gold and silver. The old men were completely shocked.

Is there such a good thing in the world?

If it weren't for real money, no one would believe it was true.

Dazhongjiu, 90,000 in cash, my dear, is the person we just met a human?

Could it be that the God of Wealth passed by and gave us benefits?

No matter how shocked the old men were and how they divided the spoils, Lu Fei felt refreshed when he left the community, and even felt so comfortable in the stuffy air.

I came outside and thought for a moment. Jiumenmen is under the direct jurisdiction of Shanhaiguan Prefecture and falls within the scope of Qinhuangdao. If you want to search for documents, you should go to Shanhaiguan or Qinhuangdao. But after thinking about it, I don’t seem to know the curators of the museums in these two places. However, It doesn't matter, I don't know them, but Lu Fei knows them all!

Lighting a cigarette, he walked to a deserted place and immediately dialed the number of Guan Haishan, the general consultant of archeology.

Guan Haishan has been very high-spirited recently. Ever since he got the evidence from Lu Fei, Lao Guan has been very busy. Together with cultural security, he has solved more than a dozen major cases in a row, saved heavy losses for the country, and eliminated a lot of black sheep. A few days ago, they also signed an agreement with Baodao, giving them ten days to sort out and package the cultural relics that were illegally moved southward and send them back to the Tiandu Forbidden City.

After this operation, Guan Haishan's prestige in the archaeological team doubled. No one would point fingers at him anymore. In addition, his junior brother Jia Yuan's job was also saved. At this time, Guan Haishan was in an extremely good mood and was full of energy, as if Ten years younger.

At this time, Guan Haishan was drinking tea at home and discussing with his wife, preparing to go to worship Master Kong Fanlong tomorrow. At this time, Lu Fei's call came in. When he saw Lu Fei's number on the caller ID, Guan Haishan's eyes lit up and he pressed the button like lightning. Answer button.

"Hello, my old baby, I miss you so much!" As the saying goes, there must be a brave man under a heavy reward. This sentence will never be outdated no matter what era it is in.

Especially the elderly people generally have the habit of being greedy for small things. For a stainless steel basin, they can spend several hours listening to brainwashing lectures by so-called experts. For a few eggs, they can queue up in front of the drugstore. Lu Fei for Find the answer as soon as possible and plan to give a reward, but this time it doesn't work.

The old men looked ugly and a little unwilling.

"Young man, don't mention rewards or not. The key point is that we really don't know the specific location of Liangjiazhai, and it's impossible to know!

Liangjiazhai disappeared a hundred years ago. How could we possibly know how young we are?

The legend about Liangjiazhai was passed down orally from the older generations, so that’s all we know. "

After hearing what the old man said, Lu Fei was sure that they really didn't know anything. At the same time, Lu Fei also discovered that there was something wrong with the way he chose to ask the local old man to ask.

After all, Liangjiazhai is a bandit, and ordinary people avoid it. Even back then, few people knew the location of their lair, let alone now.

Thinking of this, Lu Fei was disappointed and anxious. He was going to leave the remaining two packs of cigarettes to the old people, and then stood up to say goodbye.

At this moment, at the third table behind, a white-haired old man in his seventies wearing glasses looked up at Lu Fei and said: "Young man, you are going to report on the history of Liangjiazhai. This is a good thing. After all, the bandits are also the same ones." A kind of history and culture from the 1970s, but if you ask us, you really can’t find what you want.

Regarding this kind of historical issue, you should go to the museum to check the documents. Liangjiazhai is a big thing, and it only happened a hundred years ago. There will definitely be records in the documents. It should be useful for you to check it out. "

The old man's words were like a wake-up call to wake up Lu Fei.


Why the hell did I ignore the survey literature?

Liangjiazhai is a famous local gangster. It must be recorded in the local chronicles. Damn it for forgetting in such a simple way!

Lu Fei suddenly stood up and nodded excitedly: "Old man, what you said makes sense, thank you."

As he spoke, Lu Fei took out all the 90,000 in cash from his bag and piled it on the chessboard, then clasped his fists and handed over his hands to the elderly people.

"Thank you for the clues provided by the old men. It is very helpful to me. You can accept this money to buy some drinks. Goodbye."

After saying that, Lu Fei turned and left, leaving a dozen old men behind, looking at 90,000 in cash and two heavy boxes of nine-faced coins, looking at each other in confusion.

It took half a minute for the old men to wake up, and their eyes widened in disbelief.

"Oh my God!"

"What, what just happened?"

"Old Zhangtou, put on your reading glasses and see what's on the chessboard?"

"Damn it, Old Li Tou, are you so blind?

No need to look at this, this is money, a total of 90,000 yuan! "


Who is this kid!

Ninety thousand yuan, this is too generous! "

"Stop talking nonsense. I feel like that guy is a psycho. I just asked a few questions and he actually came up with so much money. A good person would never be able to do such a thing. If you don't believe me, take a look. This money is definitely fake. of."

Everyone was talking about it, and finally everyone gathered around to check the authenticity of the banknotes. The final identification result was that the nine bundles of red banknotes were all real gold and silver. The old men were completely shocked.

Is there such a good thing in the world?

If it weren't for real money, no one would believe it was true.

Dazhongjiu, 90,000 in cash, my dear, is the person we just met a human?

Could it be that the God of Wealth passed by and gave us benefits?

No matter how shocked the old men were and how they divided the spoils, Lu Fei felt refreshed when he left the community, and even felt so comfortable in the stuffy air.

I came outside and thought for a moment. Jiumenmen is under the direct jurisdiction of Shanhaiguan Prefecture and falls within the scope of Qinhuangdao. If you want to search for documents, you should go to Shanhaiguan or Qinhuangdao. But after thinking about it, I don’t seem to know the curators of the museums in these two places. However, It doesn't matter, I don't know them, but Lu Fei knows them all!

Lighting a cigarette, he walked to a deserted place and immediately dialed the number of Guan Haishan, the general consultant of archeology.

Guan Haishan has been very high-spirited recently. Ever since he got the evidence from Lu Fei, Lao Guan has been very busy. Together with cultural security, he has cracked more than a dozen major cases in a row, saving heavy losses for the country and cleaning up a lot of black sheep. Just now A few days ago, they also signed an agreement with Baodao, giving them ten days to sort out and package the cultural relics that were illegally moved southward and send them back to the Tiandu Forbidden City.

After this operation, Guan Haishan's prestige in the archaeological team doubled. No one would point fingers at him anymore. In addition, his junior brother Jia Yuan's job was also saved. Guan Haishan was in an extremely good mood at this time and was full of energy, as if Ten years younger.

At this time, Guan Haishan was drinking tea at home and discussing with his wife, preparing to go to worship Master Kong Fanlong tomorrow. At this time, Lu Fei's call came in. When he saw Lu Fei's number on the caller ID, Guan Haishan's eyes lit up and he pressed the button like lightning. Answer button.

"Hello, my old baby, I miss you so much!"

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