A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2904 Di Ruilong becomes a father

Lu Fei did not stay at Jiumenmen any longer. He handed over the construction site to Jiang Hefeng, and after calling him a few helpers, he immediately returned to Hong Kong Island.

The surveying and mapping is basically completed, but the specific renovation must wait until all surrounding demolitions are completed. Lu Fei does not have time to supervise the work here.

Recently, Chen Xiang's baby has obviously changed, while Wang Xinyi's belly has become highly bulging. It is only more than two months before the due date, making it quite inconvenient to move.

Moreover, the pregnant woman's personality has also undergone great changes recently. She is no longer as strong and courageous as before. Instead, she is like a child. She is quite clingy. If she can't see Lu Fei for two hours, the child His mouth was about to pout, so Lu Fei put everything aside and stayed with the two ladies as much as possible to fulfill his responsibilities as a husband and father-to-be.

In the evening, after the two ladies had rested, Lu Fei took out the drawings of surveying and mapping in Mawei Mountain and further improved them.

A few days later, news came from Jiang Hefeng that all land with a radius of three kilometers in Mawei Mountain had been acquired, with a total cost of 37 billion Chinese dollars, which was much saved than the budget. This was mainly because of Lu Fei's face, those bosses Not wanting to offend Lu Fei, no one made things difficult for Jiang Hefeng, so everything went smoothly. Coupled with Jiang Hefeng's shrewd mind, expenses were reduced to the extreme.

Lu Fei didn't care too much about saving a lot of money, but it went so smoothly, which made him very happy.

Although the acquisition work has been completed, the demolition project will still take a long time.

This is not the small Jiumen Dongtian Community, but all the buildings within a three-kilometer radius of Mawei Mountain. It will take at least two to three months to complete the demolition, clearing, backfilling, etc. Even so, it can be said that it is It's so fast, you have to eat the food one bite at a time, no matter how anxious you are, it's useless.

But Lu Fei still gave Jiang Hefeng a task to complete all the work as much as possible before the freezing weather, so that all-round transformation can be carried out as soon as spring begins.

In response to Lu Fei's request, Jiang Hefeng patted his chest and promised to complete the task. In fact, it is not difficult. It is now the end of October, and it is at least a month and a half before the freeze. Even if it is frozen, it will only affect local projects, and the projects above the surface will be affected. It was not affected in any way. It was well coordinated and there was no problem at all.

Next, Lu Fei stayed with the two ladies and continued to study the drawings at night.

Ten days later, Phoenix Villa welcomed a great event. Duan Qingyi gave birth and the little puppy became a father.

Speaking of which, there is another little episode.

some time ago

During this time, Lu Fei had to drive Little Dog and Duan Qingyi back more than once.

In any case, Lu Fei and Di Ruilong can only be regarded as friends. It's awkward for a friend's wife to give birth to a child in his own home.

But this strange couple didn't listen at all. No matter what Lu Fei said, they just wouldn't leave.

Not only did they not leave, but within a few days, Di Chaodong and his wife also came from Malaysia. Now Lu Fei really couldn't say anything.

As early as three months ago, Lu Fei formed an elite team of obstetricians. There are eleven people in this team, all of whom are top obstetricians in Europe and the United States, and all of them are women. They also purchased a full set of the most advanced equipment to specially treat themselves. His two wives escorted him. This was good. Duan Qingyi took advantage of his two wives before they were used. I guess it was probably because of this team that the two of them refused to leave!

Not to mention, Di Ruilong is really lucky. Duan Qingyi gave birth to a big fat boy for him. He was really fat, weighing seven pounds and six taels. He was pink and full of flesh and looked extremely cute.

Mother and son were safe, Di Chaodong's eyes filled with excitement, and the three generations of the Di family had finally continued their incense.

The richest man in Malaysia danced happily and took one look at the child. He took a private plane back to Malaysia that day and went to the Di family ancestral hall to report to his ancestors. In just two days, Di Chaodong returned and brought back the newborn. The name, Di Yaozu, means honoring the ancestors.

Di Chaodong also asked Lu Fei for his opinion, making Lu Fei dumbfounded. The naming was someone else's business, what opinion could he have?

Besides, this name is really good. Di Chaodong probably consulted professionals for advice.

In the blink of an eye, the day of Di Yaozu's full moon came, and the Di family and the Duan family still had no intention of leaving, so the full moon wine could only be arranged casually.

Due to the special circumstances of Lu Fei's place, Full Moon Wine did not invite anyone else, just the relatives and friends staying at Phoenix Villa. Despite this, it was still very lively.

The most exciting part is of course receiving the gifts.

It's lively because Di Yaozu has a biological father who doesn't want Bilian. This guy is not polite at all. He doesn't ask anyone to collect the gifts for him. Instead, he asks for them one by one in person, and even makes comments when he gets the gifts. Fan, if he encounters something he is dissatisfied with, Jubi will ridicule him until his face turns red, causing everyone to complain and roll their eyes, but there is nothing they can do about this guy.

Finally, this shameless guy came to Lu Fei shamelessly.

"Brother, it's your turn. Don't let my son down!" Lu Fei did not stay at the nine gates any longer. He handed over the construction site to Jiang Hefeng, and after calling him a few helpers, he returned immediately. Hong Kong Island.

The surveying and mapping is basically completed, but the specific renovation must wait until all surrounding demolitions are completed. Lu Fei does not have time to supervise the work here.

Recently, Chen Xiang's baby has obviously changed, while Wang Xinyi's belly has become highly bulging. It is only more than two months before the due date, making it quite inconvenient to move.

Moreover, the pregnant woman's personality has also undergone great changes recently. She is no longer as strong and courageous as before. Instead, she is like a child. She is quite clingy. If she can't see Lu Fei for two hours, the child His mouth was about to pout, so Lu Fei put everything aside and stayed with the two ladies as much as possible to fulfill his responsibilities as a husband and father-to-be.

In the evening, after the two ladies had rested, Lu Fei took out the drawings of surveying and mapping in Mawei Mountain and further improved them.

A few days later, news came from Jiang Hefeng that all land with a radius of three kilometers in Mawei Mountain had been acquired, with a total cost of 37 billion Chinese dollars, which was much saved than the budget. This was mainly because of Lu Fei's face, those bosses Not wanting to offend Lu Fei, no one made things difficult for Jiang Hefeng, so everything went smoothly. Coupled with Jiang Hefeng's shrewd mind, expenses were reduced to the extreme.

Lu Fei didn't care too much about saving a lot of money, but it went so smoothly, which made him very happy.

Although the acquisition work has been completed, the demolition project will still take a long time.

This is not the small Jiumen Dongtian Community, but all the buildings within a three-kilometer radius of Mawei Mountain. It will take at least two to three months to complete the demolition, clearing, backfilling, etc. Even so, it can be said that it is It's so fast, you have to eat the food one bite at a time, no matter how anxious you are, it's useless.

But Lu Fei still gave Jiang Hefeng a task to complete all the work as much as possible before the freezing weather, so that all-round transformation can be carried out as soon as spring begins.

In response to Lu Fei's request, Jiang Hefeng patted his chest and promised to complete the task. In fact, it is not difficult. It is now the end of October, and it is at least a month and a half before the freeze. Even if it is frozen, it will only affect local projects, and the projects above the surface will be affected. It was not affected in any way. It was well coordinated and there was no problem at all.

Next, Lu Fei stayed with the two ladies and continued to study the drawings at night.

Ten days later, Phoenix Villa welcomed a great event. Duan Qingyi gave birth and the little puppy became a father.

Speaking of which, there is another little episode.

some time ago

During this time, Lu Fei had to drive Little Dog and Duan Qingyi back more than once.

In any case, Lu Fei and Di Ruilong can only be regarded as friends. It's awkward for a friend's wife to give birth to a child in his own home.

But this strange couple didn't listen at all. No matter what Lu Fei said, they just wouldn't leave.

Not only did they not leave, but within a few days, Di Chaodong and his wife also came from Malaysia. Now Lu Fei really couldn't say anything.

As early as three months ago, Lu Fei formed an elite team of obstetricians. There are eleven people in this team, all of whom are top obstetricians in Europe and the United States, and all of them are women. They also purchased a full set of the most advanced equipment to specially treat themselves. His two wives escorted him. This was good. Duan Qingyi took advantage of his two wives before they were used. I guess it was probably because of this team that the two of them refused to leave!

Not to mention, Di Ruilong is really lucky. Duan Qingyi gave birth to a big fat boy for him. He was really fat, weighing seven pounds and six taels. He was pink and full of flesh and looked extremely cute.

Mother and son were safe, Di Chaodong's eyes filled with excitement, and the three generations of the Di family had finally continued their incense.

The richest man in Malaysia danced happily and took one look at the child. He took a private plane back to Malaysia that day and went to the Di family ancestral hall to report to his ancestors. In just two days, Di Chaodong returned and brought back the newborn. The name, Di Yaozu, means honoring the ancestors.

Di Chaodong also asked Lu Fei for his opinion and made Lu Fei laugh or cry. The naming was someone else's business, what opinion could he have?

Besides, this name is really good. Di Chaodong probably consulted professionals for advice.

In the blink of an eye, Di Yaozu's full moon day came, and the Di family and the Duan family still had no intention of leaving, so the full moon wine could only be arranged on a casual basis.

Due to the special circumstances of Lu Fei's place, Full Moon Wine did not invite anyone else, just the relatives and friends staying at Phoenix Villa. Despite this, it was still very lively.

The most exciting part is of course receiving the gifts.

It's lively because Di Yaozu has a biological father who doesn't want Bilian. This guy is not polite at all. He doesn't ask anyone to collect it on his behalf. Instead, he asks for it one by one in person, and even makes comments when he gets the gift. Fan, if he encounters something he is not satisfied with, Juebi will ridicule the other person until his face turns red, causing everyone to complain and roll their eyes, but there is nothing they can do about this guy.

Finally, this shameless guy came to Lu Fei shamelessly.

"Brother, it's your turn, don't let my son down!"

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