A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2905 Cute Beast

The little puppy's eyes shone brightly, and he came to Lu Fei to ask for a gift. Everyone else's eyes were also focused on it, wanting to see what kind of treasure Lu Fei would come up with.

In other places, cash is usually given to children when they are full moon, but at Lu Fei's level, cash is the most mediocre thing, and of course special gifts are required.

In this month, everyone has been prepared, so they all came prepared. The gifts are not only valuable, but also of great significance. As the most awesome beings among this group of friends, of course everyone I want to see what Lu Fei will come up with.

Of course Lu Fei had made preparations, but just looking at the little nanny's face, he felt a little uncomfortable. If Di Chaodong and Mr. Duan weren't here, Lu Fei would have to torment him. Even so, Lu Fei still After giving the little puppy a pair of big white eyes, he took a small red cloth bag from Chen Xiang's hand.

The red cloth bag was only the size of a fist, and there was no gift box packaging. It was simply wrapped in red cloth. It looked quite mediocre. If it hadn't been taken out from Lu Fei's hand, the little dog would not have looked at it twice, but even if Knowing that Lu Fei's moves were all good things, this guy was still extremely nervous.

Lu Fei ignored the little puppy, took the red cloth bag to Duan Qingyi who was holding the child, and opened the cloth bag in front of everyone. Suddenly, countless eyes fell on Lu Fei's left hand.

This is a jet black object, flat oval, with a maximum length of less than ten centimeters. There is a small hole at the top of the object, and a red rope passes through it. It is obviously a pendant.

This jet-black pendant has a very unique shape. It is a sea surface with huge waves, turbulent, extremely surging, and as powerful as a rainbow. .??.

In the turbulent waves, a small sailboat was wrapped. The carved sailboat was only a little over two centimeters in length. It gave people an intuitive feeling that this small boat seemed to be teetering and vulnerable in the face of the huge waves. There is a risk of being shattered by huge waves.

Not only that, there are nine monsters surrounding the boat. These nine monsters are not simple. If you are an expert, you will recognize them immediately. These nine monsters are all dragons, namely Qiu Niu, Yasui, Chaofeng, Pulao, Suanni, Baxia, Bifan, negative Xi, Chiqi.

Well, the so-called dragon-born nine sons refer to these nine guys.

Each of the nine monsters is much larger than the sailboat. It seems that it can swallow this rickety boat at any time. You know, these nine dragons are all ferocious beasts. In the legend, they all swallow the boat. The ability to swallow a small boat is simply too common.

But if you look closely, you will find that the shapes of these nine monsters are not vicious at all. They have big heads, round faces, small eyes, and upturned corners of their mouths, as if they are smiling. They are simply cute.


The monster's eyes are not blood red, but gold inlaid with yellow diamonds.

The location of the nine monster beasts does not seem to be attacking the boat, but is protecting the boat. This can be easily seen from the stable hull of the boat.

Huge waves, small boats, cute monsters, these shapes simply subvert logic. When you put them all together, the shape is not to mention how weird it is, which makes everyone present feel confused.

Not to mention them, even Yue Qifeng frowned tightly.

He is the number one contemporary jade carver. He has carved countless objects in his life. What shapes have he not seen before?

But today Lu Fei took out the shape of this thing, leaving Yue Qifeng stunned on the spot, unable to understand its purpose at all.

"Xiao Fei, this shape is too weird, does it have any meaning?"

Yue Qifeng asked curiously, and everyone else also pricked up their ears.

"Can't you see?" Lu Fei asked.

Yue Qifeng shook his head slightly and said: "I really can't tell that this old man is stupid.

This thing of yours is really weird.

If it's just a sailing boat, it's going to be smooth sailing, but since it's going to be smooth sailing, of course it has to be calm. The sea is very dangerous, how can it be smooth sailing?

This unscientific.

The huge waves were already extremely dangerous, but nine more ferocious beasts came. Wouldn't this be fatal?

However, the shape of these nine ferocious beasts seems to be guarding a sailboat, but this shape subverts the nature of the ferocious beasts. To put it bluntly, it is simply nondescript!

There is a saying in our industry that only by being in a state of mind can one be safe.

This means that only when the carved animals are superb can they develop spirituality and protect their owners.

That's good for you, this look is obviously from a cartoon! "



When we saw the shapes of these nine ferocious beasts just now, everyone had this feeling in their hearts. Now that Yue Qifeng said it directly, everyone couldn't help but burst out laughing. Even Wang Xinyi and Chen Xiang were laughing so hard, but Xiao Nai The dog's face looked ugly.

"Brother, you must be joking with me when you bring this thing out!

Hehe, you must have misunderstood, Mr. Yue. My brother is joking. This is an appetizer. Look, everyone is laughing.

Brother and sister-in-law, now that the appetizers are finished, is it time to serve the main meal? "The little puppy's eyes were shining, and he came to Lu Fei to beg for a gift. Everyone else's eyes were also focused on it, wanting to see what kind of treasure Lu Fei would come up with.

In other places, cash is usually given to children when they are full moon, but at Lu Fei's level, cash is the most mediocre thing, and of course special gifts are required.

In this month, everyone has been prepared, so they all came prepared. The gifts are not only valuable, but also of great significance. As the most awesome beings among this group of friends, of course everyone I want to see what Lu Fei will come up with.

Of course Lu Fei had made preparations, but just looking at the little nanny's face, he felt a little uncomfortable. If Di Chaodong and Mr. Duan weren't here, Lu Fei would have to torment him. Even so, Lu Fei still After giving the little puppy a pair of big white eyes, he took a small red cloth bag from Chen Xiang's hand. .??.??

The red cloth bag was only the size of a fist, and there was no gift box packaging. It was simply wrapped in red cloth. It looked quite mediocre. If it hadn't been taken out from Lu Fei's hand, the little dog would not have looked at it twice, but even if Knowing that Lu Fei's moves were all good things, this guy was still extremely nervous.

Lu Fei ignored the little puppy, took the red cloth bag to Duan Qingyi who was holding the child, and opened the cloth bag in front of everyone. Suddenly, countless eyes fell on Lu Fei's left hand.

This is a jet black object, flat oval, with a maximum length of less than ten centimeters. There is a small hole at the top of the object, and a red rope passes through it. It is obviously a pendant.

This jet-black pendant has a very unique shape. It is a sea surface with huge waves, turbulent, extremely surging, and as powerful as a rainbow.

In the turbulent waves, a small sailboat was wrapped. The carved sailboat was only a little over two centimeters in length. It gave people an intuitive feeling that this small boat seemed to be teetering and vulnerable in the face of the huge waves. There is a risk of being shattered by huge waves.

Not only that, there are nine monsters surrounding the boat. These nine monsters are not simple. If you are an expert, you will recognize them immediately. These nine monsters are all dragons, namely Qiu Niu, Yasui, Chaofeng, Pulao, Suanni, Baxia, Bifan, negative Xi, Chiqi.

Well, the so-called dragon-born nine sons refer to these nine guys.

Each of the nine monsters is much larger than the sailboat. It seems that it can swallow this rickety boat at any time. You know, these nine dragons are all ferocious beasts. In the legend, they all swallow the boat. The ability to swallow a small boat is simply too common.

But if you look closely, you will find that the shapes of these nine monsters are not vicious at all. They have big heads, round faces, small eyes, and upturned corners of their mouths, as if they are smiling. They are simply cute.


The monster's eyes are not blood red, but gold inlaid with yellow diamonds.

The location of the nine monster beasts does not seem to be attacking the boat, but is protecting the boat. This can be easily seen from the stable hull of the boat.

Huge waves, small boats, cute monsters, these shapes simply subvert logic. When you put them all together, the shape is not to mention how weird it is, which makes everyone present feel confused.

Not to mention them, even Yue Qifeng frowned tightly.

He is the number one contemporary jade carver. He has carved countless objects in his life. What shapes have he not seen before?

But today Lu Fei took out the shape of this thing, leaving Yue Qifeng stunned on the spot, unable to understand its purpose at all.

"Xiao Fei, this shape is too weird, does it have any meaning?"

Yue Qifeng asked curiously, and everyone else also pricked up their ears.

"Can't you see?" Lu Fei asked.

Yue Qifeng shook his head slightly and said: "I really can't tell that this old man is stupid.

This thing of yours is really weird.

If it's just a sailing boat, it's going to be smooth sailing, but since it's going to be smooth sailing, of course it has to be calm. The sea is very dangerous, how can it be smooth sailing?

This unscientific.

The huge waves were already extremely dangerous, but nine more ferocious beasts came. Wouldn't this be fatal?

However, the shape of these nine ferocious beasts seems to be guarding a sailboat, but this shape subverts the nature of the ferocious beasts. To put it bluntly, it is simply nondescript!

There is a saying in our industry that only by being in a state of mind can one be safe.

This means that only when the carved animals are superb can they develop spirituality and protect their owners.

That's good for you, this look is obviously from a cartoon! "



When we saw the shapes of these nine ferocious beasts just now, everyone had this feeling in their hearts. Now that Yue Qifeng said it directly, everyone couldn't help but burst out laughing. Even Wang Xinyi and Chen Xiang were laughing so hard, but Xiao Nai The dog's face looked ugly.

"Brother, you must be joking with me when you bring this thing out!

Hehe, you must have misunderstood, Mr. Yue. My brother is joking. This is an appetizer. Look, everyone is laughing.

Brother and sister-in-law, now that the appetizers are finished, is it time to serve the main meal? "

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