A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2962 Ge Zhipeng’s business opportunities

Ge Changshan was furious, and his son Ge Zhipeng was even more aggrieved. What he believed was completely incomprehensible to his father and second uncle. Ge Zhipeng had been worried to death these days.

Ge Zhipeng was overjoyed to see Lu Fei a few days ago. He knew that Lu Fei had the best relationship with his father and second uncle. If anyone else could persuade his two stubborn elders, this person must be Lu Fei. , so Ge ​​Zhipeng came up to Lu Fei and expressed all his thoughts like pouring beans through a bamboo tube, hoping that Lu Fei could make the decision for him.

It turned out that some time ago, Ge Zhipeng received an invitation from his college roommate Zhu Haibin to attend Zhu Haibin's wedding in Shanghai.

When they were in school, the relationship between the two was very good. Zhu Haibin's family was in the mahogany furniture business, and his family was relatively well-off. After Ge Zhipeng arrived in Magic City, Zhu Haibin entertained Ge Zhipeng warmly and greeted Ge Zhipeng at noon at a high-end restaurant in Magic City. Since they were the only two of them. People did not go to the private rooms, but ate in the lobby.

During the meal, Ge Zhipeng discovered a problem. All the twenty tables of high-end guests in the hall were drinking red wine or fruit wine, and not a single table was drinking white wine. This surprised him.

Ge Zhipeng knew that red wine had become popular in recent years, but he didn't expect it to be so popular. Looking carefully, there were only two kinds of white wine, Maotai Wuliangye, in the restaurant bar, and the rest were all kinds of red wines and fruit wines.

Then I picked up the wine list and looked at it. My dear, the prices above are simply ridiculously high.

Ge Zhipeng didn't know much about red wine, but he still knew a little about fruit wine.

According to his understanding, there are generally two ways to make fruit wine. The first method is similar to red wine brewing. It is made by fermenting fruits. However, because merchants pursue efficiency, the storage time is not very long, so the taste is slightly sour. I like it. There are not many people, and people are more willing to accept another method, which is to make it with white wine and rock sugar.

The fruit is soaked in white wine. The sweetness and fruity aroma of the juice dilute the sweet alcohol in the white wine. Coupled with the intervention of rock sugar, the taste is quite good, especially loved by women. The production cycle is short, usually two or three months. Listed.

Ge Zhipeng was not opposed to this kind of fruit wine, but he did not expect that the price of this thing was so high. A bottle of 600 ml blueberry fruit wine cost three to four hundred. This is still relatively common, and there are even bottles worth thousands of dollars. , this is too outrageous.

His family is a wine maker, and he knows the cost of this kind of fruit wine very well. According to Ge Zhipeng's estimate, including packaging fees, advertising and promotion fees, etc., the cost of each bottle will not exceed forty yuan.

Ma, that's too exaggerated.

At first, Ge Zhipeng thought that the price of drinks here was outrageous because of the high quality of this restaurant. But after asking Zhu Haibin, he found out that the prices outside were almost the same as here. Now, Ge Zhipeng's mind became active.

In the afternoon, the excited Ge Zhipeng launched an investigation. He visited more than a dozen supermarkets, shops, bars, and restaurants of various sizes. The final result was the same as what Zhu Haibin said. The price of red wine on the market is so abnormal.

No matter which brand it is, the price is frighteningly high. Even though the price is frighteningly high, the market sales are quite good. Looking at his survey results, Ge Zhipeng realized the huge business opportunities and was very excited.

After returning from the magical capital, Ge Zhipeng had no intention of helping with the cooking. He was preoccupied with the huge market for fruit wine and immediately started tinkering.

Ge Zhipeng bought fresh fruits based on the ratios on the bottles of several popular fruit wines in the Magic City market, and experimented with his own homemade liquor. Not only that, Ge Zhipeng also tried several new ratios based on his own understanding of liquor. , I got dozens of bottles back and forth.

After that, he called all his classmates and friends in other places and asked them to help investigate the market sales situation in their city. He was also busy, constantly checking various information on the Internet.

Two months later, the fruit wine brewed by Ge Zhipeng reached the maturity stage. He tasted them one by one and was overjoyed. He found that the fruit wine brewed with his own liquor tasted much better than all the fruit wines on the market. Calculating the cost, it was better than all the fruit wines on the market. Although it is higher than other fruit wines, according to the market conditions, there is still a huge profit margin, which means that he succeeded. Ge Zhipeng was so excited that he almost went crazy, and immediately took the sample to his father and second uncle.

Ge Zhipeng thought that after tasting the samples, his father and second uncle would strongly support him, but he never expected that not only did he not receive praise, but his father scolded him for not doing his job properly. Ge Zhipeng almost cried in grievance. .

In the next few days, Ge Zhipeng tried several times, but the results were all the same. Ge Zhipeng was extremely disappointed.

He thought about leapfrogging his father and second uncle to develop fruit wine on his own, but he had no capital. Seeing the business opportunity right in front of him but not being able to seize it, he was worried to death.

These days, he has been staying at his aunt's house because he just doesn't want to see his father's unreasonable face. Today his mother told him that Lu Fei is here. Ge Zhipeng immediately became energetic. It doesn't matter if his father doesn't support it. His dear Lu Fei is here. Uncle Fei has strength!

As long as he can talk to Lu Fei, his wish will definitely come true. Ge Changshan was furious, and his son Ge Zhipeng was even more aggrieved. What he believed was completely incomprehensible to his father and second uncle. Ge Zhipeng had been worried to death these days.

Ge Zhipeng was overjoyed to see Lu Fei a few days ago. He knew that Lu Fei had the best relationship with his father and second uncle. If anyone else could persuade his two stubborn elders, this person must be Lu Fei. , so Ge ​​Zhipeng came up to Lu Fei and expressed all his thoughts like pouring beans through a bamboo tube, hoping that Lu Fei could make the decision for him.

It turned out that some time ago, Ge Zhipeng received an invitation from his college roommate Zhu Haibin to attend Zhu Haibin's wedding in Shanghai.

When they were in school, the relationship between the two was very good. Zhu Haibin's family was in the mahogany furniture business, and his family was relatively well-off. After Ge Zhipeng arrived in Magic City, Zhu Haibin entertained Ge Zhipeng warmly and greeted Ge Zhipeng at noon at a high-end restaurant in Magic City. Since they were the only two of them. People did not go to the private rooms, but ate in the lobby.

During the meal, Ge Zhipeng discovered a problem. All the twenty tables of high-end guests in the hall were drinking red wine or fruit wine, and not a single table was drinking white wine. This surprised him.

Ge Zhipeng knew that red wine had become popular in recent years, but he didn't expect it to be so popular. Looking carefully, there were only two kinds of white wine, Maotai Wuliangye, in the restaurant bar, and the rest were all kinds of red wines and fruit wines.

Then I picked up the wine list and looked at it. My dear, the prices above are simply ridiculously high.

Ge Zhipeng didn't know much about red wine, but he still knew a little about fruit wine.

According to his understanding, there are generally two ways to make fruit wine. The first method is similar to red wine brewing. It is made by fermenting fruits. However, because merchants pursue efficiency, the storage time is not very long, so the taste is slightly sour. I like it. There are not many people, and people are more willing to accept another method, which is to make it with white wine and rock sugar.

The fruit is soaked in white wine. The sweetness and fruity aroma of the juice dilute the sweet alcohol in the white wine. Coupled with the intervention of rock sugar, the taste is quite good, especially loved by women. The production cycle is short, usually two or three months. Listed.

Ge Zhipeng was not opposed to this kind of fruit wine, but he did not expect that the price of this thing was so high. A bottle of 600 ml blueberry fruit wine cost three to four hundred. This is still relatively common, and there are even bottles worth thousands of dollars. , this is too outrageous.

His family is a wine maker, and he knows the cost of this kind of fruit wine very well. According to Ge Zhipeng's estimate, including packaging fees, advertising and promotion fees, etc., the cost of each bottle will not exceed forty yuan.

Ma, that's too exaggerated.

At first, Ge Zhipeng thought that the price of drinks here was outrageous because of the high quality of this restaurant. But after asking Zhu Haibin, he found out that the prices outside were almost the same as here. Now, Ge Zhipeng's mind became active.

In the afternoon, the excited Ge Zhipeng launched an investigation. He visited more than a dozen supermarkets, shops, bars, and restaurants of various sizes. The final result was the same as what Zhu Haibin said. The price of red wine on the market is so abnormal.

No matter which brand it is, the price is frighteningly high. Even though the price is frighteningly high, the market sales are quite good. Looking at his survey results, Ge Zhipeng realized the huge business opportunities and was very excited.

After returning from the magical capital, Ge Zhipeng had no intention of helping with the cooking. He was preoccupied with the huge market for fruit wine and immediately started tinkering.

Ge Zhipeng bought fresh fruits based on the ratios on the bottles of several popular fruit wines in the Magic City market, and experimented with his own homemade liquor. Not only that, Ge Zhipeng also tried several new ratios based on his own understanding of liquor. , I got dozens of bottles back and forth.

After that, he called all his classmates and friends in other places and asked them to help investigate the market sales situation in their city. He was also busy, constantly checking various information on the Internet.

Two months later, the fruit wine brewed by Ge Zhipeng reached the maturity stage. He tasted them one by one and was overjoyed. He found that the fruit wine brewed with his own liquor tasted much better than all the fruit wines on the market. Calculating the cost, it was better than all the fruit wines on the market. Although it is higher than other fruit wines, according to the market conditions, there is still a huge profit margin, which means that he succeeded. Ge Zhipeng was so excited that he almost went crazy, and immediately took the sample to his father and second uncle.

Ge Zhipeng thought that after tasting the samples, his father and second uncle would strongly support him, but he never expected that not only did he not receive praise, but his father scolded him for not doing his job properly. Ge Zhipeng almost cried in grievance. .

In the next few days, Ge Zhipeng tried several times, but the results were all the same. Ge Zhipeng was extremely disappointed.

He thought about leapfrogging his father and second uncle to develop fruit wine on his own, but he had no capital. Seeing the business opportunity right in front of him but not being able to seize it, he was worried to death.

These days, he has been staying at his aunt's house because he just doesn't want to see his father's unreasonable face. Today his mother told him that Lu Fei is here. Ge Zhipeng immediately became energetic. It doesn't matter if his father doesn't support it. His dear Lu Fei is here. Uncle Fei has strength!

As long as he can talk to Lu Fei, his wish will definitely come true.

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