A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2963 Rebellion

After listening to Ge Zhipeng's detailed explanation, Lu Fei finally understood what was going on.

In fact, the two of them had different ideas, which led to a little conflict, but it was not that serious.

The Ge family Shaoguo is usually very busy. Unless there is something particularly important, the Ge family brothers rarely leave the Shaoguo. In addition, their traditional thinking and stubborn personalities make it difficult to accept new things.

But Ge Zhipeng is different. He went to college for four years outside, plus he often surfs the Internet. He has a wider knowledge and knowledge, and his mind is more active than his two elders. Therefore. ??

The Ge brothers are working steadily, while Ge Zhipeng wants to keep pace with the times, nothing more.

It stands to reason that Lu Fei is a guest and this is a family matter. It is not appropriate for Lu Fei to interfere. But after all, the relationship between Lu Fei and the Ge family lies here. The entire Ge family has never regarded Lu Fei as an outsider. Therefore, in In front of Lu Fei, they showed their truest side without any cover-up. In this case, if he encountered it, he must help resolve the conflict.

According to the normal way of handling things, Lu Fei should advise Ge Zhipeng to respectfully apologize to his father and say a few nice words himself, and the conflict will be resolved. At the very least, while Lu Fei is here, these two men There should be no more quarrels.

As for Ge Zhipeng's ideals, Lu Fei didn't pay much attention to him at first. Even though Lu Fei and Ge Zhipeng were only one year apart, in terms of experience and social experience, Lu Fei thought he could kill him in an instant.

Lu Fei originally thought that Ge Zhipeng, like most young people who have just entered society, is too ambitious and careless in doing things. To put it simply, he is too naive. After all, Lu Fei has seen too many young people like this.

But when he finished listening to Ge Zhipeng's words, Lu Fei couldn't help but be shocked.

Lu Fei had no idea that Ge Zhipeng was so well-prepared, including Xiangxiang Xixixi who investigated the formula, cost, marketing, market research, packaging, and even taxes. Not only that, he also conducted experiments carefully and the experiment was successful. It's quite extraordinary. Not to mention that he is a freshly graduated college student, even the marketing director of a large company is nothing more than that!

In addition, Lu Fei has a certain understanding of the fruit wine Ge Zhipeng mentioned. Fruit wine brewed with white wine has only emerged in the past two years. Due to its excellent taste, wide variety, and pleasant colors, it is indeed very popular. Don't tell others. Even Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi like to drink it.

If Ge Zhipeng can do this, he will indeed have a future. Since this is Ge Zhipeng's opportunity, Lu Fei can't help him or not.

"Zhipeng, just now you said you successfully brewed it yourself?

Is there anything else?

Give me a taste. " Lu Fei said.

Ge Zhipeng jumped up when he heard this: "Yes, yes. Uncle Lu, just wait. I will get it for you right now."

After saying that, Ge Zhipeng didn't forget to give his father a rollicking look, and ran out jumping up and down screaming.

When Ge Zhipeng left, Ge Changshan said with some complaint: "Brother, you are spoiling him!

He would have calmed down after a few days of trouble, but when you said this, he was going to make trouble again. You don't know, this kid is so annoying. "

Lu Fei laughed loudly and said: "Big brother and second brother, you are wrong. Zhipeng is not a troublemaker, but has high ambitions. This is a good thing.

Today's young people are either uneducated or just nerds who study hard. There are not many people with such active minds as Xiang Zhipeng, which is rare. "

Ge Changshan shook his head slightly when he heard this: "Aspiring executives are useless. A young guy who just graduated doesn't know shit. What can he do?

I'm afraid that if he keeps messing around like this, sooner or later, this family will be ruined! "

Lu Fei was no exception. He chuckled and said, "Brother, I'm not telling you, you have so little confidence in your own son. Why are you so sure that he is a prodigal, instead of helping you earn a huge family fortune?"

"Just him?" Ge Changshan rolled his eyes contemptuously.

"Haha, brother, you don't want to listen to what I have to say. Even though you are Zhipeng's father, in my opinion, you really don't know much about your son."

"Uh, brother, what do you mean by this?" Ge Zhipeng asked, not knowing why.

"Brother, although I don't have much contact with Zhipeng, I can tell that Zhipeng is completely different from those dudes outside. At least, he respects your brothers from the bottom of his heart. This cannot be faked. of.

I guess, as Zhipeng grows up, he seldom talks back to you, right? Lu Fei asked.

Brother Ge nodded: "It's true. This kid is usually very obedient and has almost never contradicted us. I just don't know what happened this time. It's like he was possessed by an evil spirit. Looking at this posture, he is preparing to fight with me. Oh, hey, I’m worried!”


"Brother, what you said is wrong. Zhipeng has treated you with great respect for more than 20 years. This is his nature. As the saying goes, a country is easy to change, but nature is hard to change. Nature cannot be changed in a day or two. of.

I can guarantee that he will never contradict him on ordinary matters. The reason why the quarrel is so serious this time is because you have pushed him into a hurry! "After listening to Ge Zhipeng's detailed explanation, Lu Fei finally understood what was going on.

In fact, the two of them had different ideas, which led to a little conflict, but it was not that serious.

The Ge family Shaoguo is usually very busy. Unless there is something particularly important, the Ge family brothers rarely leave the Shaoguo. In addition, their traditional thinking and stubborn personalities make it difficult to accept new things.

But Ge Zhipeng is different. He went to college for four years outside, plus he often surfs the Internet. He has a wider knowledge and knowledge, and his mind is more active than his two elders. Therefore.

The Ge brothers are working steadily, while Ge Zhipeng wants to keep pace with the times, nothing more.

It stands to reason that Lu Fei is a guest and this is a family matter. It is not appropriate for Lu Fei to interfere. But after all, the relationship between Lu Fei and the Ge family lies here. The entire Ge family has never regarded Lu Fei as an outsider. Therefore, in In front of Lu Fei, they showed their truest side without any cover-up. In this case, if he encountered it, he must help resolve the conflict.

According to the normal way of handling things, Lu Fei should advise Ge Zhipeng to respectfully apologize to his father and say a few nice words himself, and the conflict will be resolved. At the very least, while Lu Fei is here, these two men There should be no more quarrels.

As for Ge Zhipeng's ideals, Lu Fei didn't pay much attention to him at first. Even though Lu Fei and Ge Zhipeng were only one year apart, in terms of experience and social experience, Lu Fei thought he could kill him in an instant.

Lu Fei originally thought that Ge Zhipeng, like most young people who have just entered society, is too ambitious and careless in doing things. To put it simply, he is too naive. After all, Lu Fei has seen too many young people like this.

But when he finished listening to Ge Zhipeng's words, Lu Fei couldn't help but be shocked. .??.

Lu Fei had no idea that Ge Zhipeng was so well-prepared, including Xiangxiang Xixixi who investigated the formula, cost, marketing, market research, packaging, and even taxes. Not only that, he also conducted experiments carefully and the experiment was successful. It's quite extraordinary. Not to mention that he is a freshly graduated college student, even the marketing director of a large company is nothing more than that!

In addition, Lu Fei has a certain understanding of the fruit wine Ge Zhipeng mentioned. Fruit wine brewed with white wine has only emerged in the past two years. Due to its excellent taste, wide variety, and pleasant colors, it is indeed very popular. Don't tell others. Even Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi like to drink it.

If Ge Zhipeng can do this, he will indeed have a future. Since this is Ge Zhipeng's opportunity, Lu Fei can't help him or not.

"Zhipeng, just now you said you successfully brewed it yourself?

Is there anything else?

Give me a taste. " Lu Fei said.

Ge Zhipeng jumped up when he heard this: "Yes, yes. Uncle Lu, just wait. I will get it for you right now."

After saying that, Ge Zhipeng didn't forget to give his father a rollicking look, and ran out jumping up and down screaming.

When Ge Zhipeng left, Ge Changshan said with some complaint: "Brother, you are spoiling him!

He would have calmed down after a few days of trouble, but when you said this, he was going to make trouble again. You don't know, this kid is so annoying. "

Lu Fei laughed loudly and said: "Big brother and second brother, you are wrong. Zhipeng is not a troublemaker, but has high ambitions. This is a good thing.

Today's young people are either uneducated or just nerds who study hard. There are not many people with such active minds as Xiang Zhipeng, which is rare. "

Ge Changshan shook his head slightly when he heard this: "Aspiring executives are useless. A young guy who just graduated doesn't know shit. What can he do?

I'm afraid that if he keeps messing around like this, sooner or later, this family will be ruined! "

Lu Fei was no exception. He chuckled and said, "Brother, I'm not telling you, you have so little confidence in your own son. Why are you so sure that he is a prodigal, instead of helping you earn a huge family fortune?"

"Just him?" Ge Changshan rolled his eyes contemptuously.

"Haha, brother, you don't want to listen to what I have to say. Even though you are Zhipeng's father, in my opinion, you really don't know much about your son."

"Uh, brother, what do you mean by this?" Ge Zhipeng asked, not knowing why.

"Brother, although I don't have much contact with Zhipeng, I can tell that Zhipeng is completely different from those dudes outside. At least, he respects your brothers from the bottom of his heart. This cannot be faked. of.

I guess, as Zhipeng grows up, he seldom talks back to you, right? Lu Fei asked.

Brother Ge nodded: "It's true. This kid is usually very obedient and has almost never contradicted us. I just don't know what happened this time. It's like he was possessed by an evil spirit. Looking at this posture, he is preparing to fight with me. Oh, hey, I’m worried!”


"Brother, what you said is wrong. Zhipeng has treated you with great respect for more than 20 years. This is his nature. As the saying goes, a country is easy to change, but nature is hard to change. Nature cannot be changed in a day or two. of.

I can guarantee that on ordinary matters, he will never contradict him verbally. The reason why the quarrel is so serious this time is because you have pushed him into a panic! "

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