A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2973 Sister Lang calls

Lu Fei finally talked through Ge Changshan and accepted his conditions.

The moment Boss Ge agreed, Ge Zhipeng burst into tears. It was not easy to be with such an old man.

Lu Fei was also smiling bitterly in his heart. Others couldn't find a way to flatter Lu Fei. As a result, Lu Fei rushed to help others and even used thirty-six tactics. It was really weird to say it, but Lu Fei didn't regret it at all. .

The reason why he helped them was because Lu Fei felt he owed the Ge family a favor. He took the Ge family's small Jun kiln bowl, which was worth far more than fifteen million.

In addition, the relationship between Lu Fei and the Ge family has indeed reached this point. The Ge family is in trouble, and Lu Fei has no reason to stand by and watch.

In addition, there is another reason. Lu Fei really likes the Ge family's wine jar. Even though the wine jar is just blue and white from a folk kiln, what Lu Fei pays attention to in collecting is not the value of the object itself, but the things. The culture contained in itself.

Porcelain from the Hongxi period, whether from official kilns or private kilns, is extremely rare. It is a great luck to get any one. What's more, this wine jar is also an object of "Shengfushan", the leader of private kilns. It would be even more scarce, and it happened to be a gap in Lu Fei's collection, so Lu Fei had to get this wine jar.

After the matter was done, the Ge family held a sumptuous banquet for Lu Fei. During the dinner, Lu Fei discussed some details with Zhipeng and passed on some of his valuable experiences. Since he still had to visit Lao Xia, Lu Fei did not drink too much. Duo, sat at Ge's house for more than two hours before saying goodbye and leaving. ??

However, Lu Fei certainly wouldn't go back empty-handed. He still had the last two jars of the Ge family's 500-year-old wine. Lu Fei packed it up and took it away without being polite. In addition, he gave Lao Xia fifty kilograms of fine roasting knives.

It's not that Lu Fei is reluctant to buy good wine for Lao Xia, but he really doesn't want to keep him in his mouth. Otherwise, if he is not in Jincheng, Lao Xia will have to torment Yao Meier. That is his sister, and Lu Fei still feels sorry for her!

Finally, Lu Fei was not polite to the fruit wine made by Ge Zhipeng. Except for the vat of cranberry fruit wine, he took away some of each type and shamelessly left the detailed address of Phoenix Villa to Ge Zhipeng so that it could be convenient. The goods will be supplied later, but there is no way. Who makes his two wives like to drink fruit wine? For the sake of the two ladies, Lu Fei has no choice but to be shameless.

After coming out of Gejiazhuang, Lu Fei thought for a while and instead of going directly to Lao Xia's house, he turned back to the food factory's courtyard.

There was too much wine in the car. If Lao Xia found out, it would be confiscated, and the consequences would be disastrous. Lu Fei didn't want to take advantage of him. This was all he had to wait for a long time, and Lu Fei still kept it for himself to enjoy!

After everything was settled, Lu Fei headed to Xia's house.

In the evening, he had a hearty drink with Lao Xia, then called Lao Meng and asked him to hand over the exchanged treasure to the Ge family. At early eight o'clock, Lu Fei drove away.

As soon as the car entered the city, a call came in. When he saw the caller ID, Lu Fei became excited and quickly pulled over and stopped the car.

"My dear Sister Lang, where have you been? How many times have I called you? Why do you always turn off your phone?"

That's right, the caller was Lu Fei's private jet pilot, Lang Lijing.

But Lang Lijing is not an ordinary driver. This eldest sister’s real ability is that she is a super hacker master. Although Lu Fei doesn’t know what level Lang Lijing’s level is in the industry, Lu Fei knows that, at least so far, He has yet to find a more powerful hacker than Lang Lijing.

Lang Lijing is not only an excellent computer hacker, but also Lu Fei's most trusted confidant. In the past year, Sister Lang has really helped him a lot. It can be said that without Lang Lijing's help, Lu Fei would not have been able to develop. It's so fast, at least, it's not so easy for the Thomas family to handle it.

Not only that, Lang Lijing also helped Lu Fei resolve countless crises. It is no exaggeration to say that among all Lu Fei's cronies and brothers, Lang Lijing is the one he values ​​the most.

Unfortunately, some time ago, during a high-level fight, someone picked Lang Lijing. In order to avoid trouble, Lang Lijing could only resign temporarily. After all, she had the special status of being a reserve member of the Five Dragons Brigade, so there was really no other way.

Later, Lu Fei made a move to retreat and force the senior management to give up targeting him. When negotiating with his second uncle Chen Honggang, the only condition Lu Fei proposed was to return Lang Lijing. Chen Honggang went back to report, and soon news came that the superiors agreed. Under Lu Fei's conditions, Lang Lijing became a free person.

But what Lu Fei didn't expect was that when he contacted Lang Lijing again, he couldn't get through the phone at all. Lu Fei even secretly launched Xuanlong's relationship to look for Lang Lijing, but unfortunately he couldn't find her. Now he saw Lang Lijing's number, Lu Fei didn't mention it How excited, even happier than making 10 billion dollars.

Soon, Lang Lijing's extremely familiar voice came over the phone: "Mr. Lu, it's me!

I'm really sorry. Some time ago, I was afraid that the higher-ups would cause trouble for me. I went to Africa for a few months and my phone was turned off.

I only found out yesterday that you helped me sort it out. Do you still need a driver now?

I'll report back right away if necessary. " Lu Fei was speechless, and finally talked through Ge Changshan and accepted his conditions.

The moment Boss Ge agreed, Ge Zhipeng burst into tears. It was not easy to be with such an old man.

Lu Fei was also smiling bitterly in his heart. Others couldn't find a way to flatter Lu Fei. As a result, Lu Fei rushed to help others and even used thirty-six tactics. It was really weird to say it, but Lu Fei didn't regret it at all. .

The reason why he helped them was because Lu Fei felt he owed the Ge family a favor. He took the Ge family's small Jun kiln bowl, which was worth far more than fifteen million.

In addition, the relationship between Lu Fei and the Ge family has indeed reached this point. The Ge family is in trouble, and Lu Fei has no reason to stand by and watch.

In addition, there is another reason. Lu Fei really likes the Ge family's wine jar. Even though the wine jar is just blue and white from a folk kiln, what Lu Fei pays attention to in collecting is not the value of the object itself, but the things. The culture contained in itself.

Porcelain from the Hongxi period, whether from official kilns or private kilns, is extremely rare. It is a great luck to get any one. What's more, this wine jar is also an object of "Shengfushan", the leader of private kilns. It would be even more scarce, and it happened to be a gap in Lu Fei's collection, so Lu Fei had to get this wine jar. ??

After the matter was done, the Ge family held a sumptuous banquet for Lu Fei. During the dinner, Lu Fei discussed some details with Zhipeng and passed on some of his valuable experiences. Since he still had to visit Lao Xia, Lu Fei did not drink too much. Duo, sat at Ge's house for more than two hours before saying goodbye and leaving.

However, Lu Fei certainly wouldn't go back empty-handed. He still had the last two jars of the Ge family's 500-year-old wine. Lu Fei packed it up and took it away without being polite. In addition, he gave Lao Xia fifty kilograms of fine roasting knives.

It's not that Lu Fei is reluctant to buy good wine for Lao Xia, but he really doesn't want to keep him in his mouth. Otherwise, if he is not in Jincheng, Lao Xia will have to torment Yao Meier. That is his sister, and Lu Fei still feels sorry for her!

Finally, Lu Fei was not polite to the fruit wine made by Ge Zhipeng. Except for the vat of cranberry fruit wine, he took away some of each type and shamelessly left the detailed address of Phoenix Villa to Ge Zhipeng so that it could be convenient. The goods will be supplied later, but there is no way. Who makes his two wives like to drink fruit wine? For the sake of the two ladies, Lu Fei has no choice but to be shameless.

After coming out of Gejiazhuang, Lu Fei thought for a while and instead of going directly to Lao Xia's house, he turned back to the food factory's courtyard.

There was too much wine in the car. If Lao Xia found out, it would be confiscated, and the consequences would be disastrous. Lu Fei didn't want to take advantage of him. This was all he had to wait for a long time, and Lu Fei still kept it for himself to enjoy!

After everything was settled, Lu Fei headed to Xia's house.

In the evening, he had a hearty drink with Lao Xia, then called Lao Meng and asked him to hand over the exchanged treasure to the Ge family. At early eight o'clock, Lu Fei drove away.

As soon as the car entered the city, a call came in. When he saw the caller ID, Lu Fei became excited and quickly pulled over and stopped the car.

"My dear Sister Lang, where have you been? How many times have I called you? Why do you always turn off your phone?"

That's right, the caller was Lu Fei's private jet pilot, Lang Lijing.

But Lang Lijing is not an ordinary driver. This eldest sister's real ability is that she is a super hacker master. Although Lu Fei doesn't know what level Lang Lijing's level is in the industry, Lu Fei knows that, at least so far, He has yet to find a more powerful hacker than Lang Lijing.

Lang Lijing is not only an excellent computer hacker, but also Lu Fei's most trusted confidant. In the past year, Sister Lang has really helped him a lot. It can be said that without Lang Lijing's help, Lu Fei would not have been able to develop. It's so fast, at least, it's not so easy for the Thomas family to handle it.

Not only that, Lang Lijing also helped Lu Fei resolve countless crises. It is no exaggeration to say that among all Lu Fei's cronies and brothers, Lang Lijing is the one he values ​​the most.

Unfortunately, some time ago, during a high-level fight, someone picked Lang Lijing. In order to avoid trouble, Lang Lijing could only resign temporarily. After all, she had the special status of being a reserve member of the Five Dragons Brigade, so there was really no other way.

Later, Lu Fei made a move to retreat and force the senior management to give up targeting him. When negotiating with his second uncle Chen Honggang, the only condition Lu Fei proposed was to return Lang Lijing. Chen Honggang went back to report, and soon news came that the superiors agreed. Under Lu Fei's conditions, Lang Lijing became a free person.

But what Lu Fei didn't expect was that when he contacted Lang Lijing again, he couldn't get through the phone at all. Lu Fei even secretly launched Xuanlong's relationship to look for Lang Lijing, but unfortunately he couldn't find her. Now he saw Lang Lijing's number, Lu Fei didn't mention it How excited, even happier than making 10 billion dollars.

Soon, Lang Lijing's extremely familiar voice came over the phone: "Mr. Lu, it's me!

I'm really sorry. Some time ago, I was afraid that the higher-ups would cause trouble for me. I went to Africa for a few months and my phone was turned off.

I only found out yesterday that you helped me settle it. Do you still need a driver now?

I'll report back right away if necessary. "

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