A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2974 Free Man

Lu Fei was overjoyed when he received a call from Lang Lijing, even happier than the birth of his son Tianyu.

Lang Lijing on the other side of the phone was equally excited. She couldn't wait to come back. She was willing to follow Lu Fei and help Lu Fei do things, but what she cared about was not Lu Fei's money and the valuable but unmarketable collectible wines. Because, following Lu Fei, she could feel unprecedented excitement.

Although Lang Lijing is a woman, this eldest sister is quite wild at heart. She has long been tired of the routine life before. Only by following Lu Fei can she constantly challenge herself. This is her greatest pleasure.

Moreover, Lu Fei is a very principled person. When Lu Fei comes to her to do things, although sometimes he does things on the sidelines, he still has a good reputation. At the very least, Lu Fei will not act like a monster in China, so it will not violate her principles as a human being.

Following Lu Fei not only does not violate her principles, but also challenges herself. For her, this is simply a perfect life!

However, the call from above some time ago really shocked her.

Lang Lijing is different from other retired soldiers because she masters extremely high-end electronic technology. Of course, the superiors understand all this. Precisely because the superiors understand Lang Lijing's abilities, they are even more wary of her, for fear that she will help Lu Fei do something. Things that endanger the interests of China, so at the previous stall, the superiors could not sit still and personally called Lang Lijing to warn Lang Lijing. Therefore, Lang Lijing had no choice but to leave Lu Fei.

After resigning, Lang Lijing was still worried that her boss would take the blame, so she immediately turned off her mobile phone and left China on the same day, and she also left China illegally.

After wandering outside for several months, Lang Lijing was extremely depressed. She really missed the days of being with Lu Fei, so she took the courage to secretly contact her best colleague and learned that Lu Fei had already helped her settle it. Lang Lijing was called a regret!

However, she was still a little worried, so she called Lu Fei personally for confirmation.

In the car, Lu Fei was in an extremely good mood.

"I need you so much. I have been looking for you for several months. If I can't find you again, I will mobilize overseas forces."

Lu Fei's words were really not an afterthought. Recently, Lu Fei has become more eager to find Lang Lijing.

On the one hand, I really need her help. With the help of this eldest sister, many things can be easily solved. On the other hand, I really need her help. Lu Fei was even more worried about Lang Lijing's safety. The top management was fighting with each other. On the surface, it seemed calm, but Lu Fei knew that it must be extremely dangerous inside.

With Lu Fei's strength, it's not even possible

As for being afraid of them, it was really not possible. Lu Fei also had many escape options, but Lang Lijing was different. The superiors wanted to deal with her very easily, and they didn't even need any reason to make her doomed.

Lang Lijing was involved entirely because of herself. If anything happens to Lang Lijing, Lu Fei will feel guilty for the rest of his life. Therefore, Lu Fei is already prepared. If he can't find this eldest sister again, Lu Fei will really mobilize overseas forces, and even No matter what the cost, fortunately, Sister Lang finally appeared.

"Sister Lang, where are you now?" Lu Fei asked.

"I'm traveling on Treasure Island. If you have a mission here, I'll go over right away." Lang Lijing said.

Lu Fei shook his head: "No, I don't have anything important to do here for the time being. You have been following me around for more than a year, so it's time to relax.

You can spend a few days in Baodao first. You can go directly to my manor for accommodation. If you need anything, please feel free to contact me. I’m almost done here. I’ll be ready to go back the day after tomorrow at the latest. I’ll be waiting for you on Hong Kong Island. . "

Lang Lijing was not pretentious: "Okay, I will go to Baodao to find you the day after tomorrow.

By the way, my side."

"Don't worry, I've taken care of everything. I've canceled your military background for you. Now you are a completely free legal citizen and you will never have any trouble again.

However, regarding your file on the Internet Supervisor, you have changed from a hacker to a hacker. There is nothing I can do about this, but you can rest assured that as long as I, Lu Fei, am here, I guarantee that no one can make things difficult for you.

Also, I didn’t get through to you when I called you before. I made the decision for you without permission. Don’t mind. If you still want the Zhulong background, I can help you get it back. What do you think? " Lu Fei said.

Lang Lijing, who was on the other side of the phone, heard Lu Fei say that he had helped him solve his military background. She screamed with excitement and almost went crazy with joy.

The military background is important. Having this background can save people a lot of unnecessary trouble, especially the background of the Wulong Brigade, which is even more unfathomable. In the past, Lang Lijing really cared about this background, but this time Things made her think about it, and she was somewhat disappointed. In contrast, Lang Lijing found that what she wanted more was freedom. However, it was difficult to get this background, and countless people couldn't win it even if they wanted to. But really Getting rid of this burden is definitely countless times more difficult than getting it. At least with Lang Lijing's ability, it is absolutely impossible to do it.

Now that Lu Fei came forward to help her solve her biggest trouble, Lang Lijing couldn't be happier. Lu Fei was overjoyed when he received a call from Lang Lijing, even happier than the birth of his son Tianyu.

Lang Lijing on the other side of the phone was equally excited. She couldn't wait to come back. She was willing to follow Lu Fei and help Lu Fei do things, but what she cared about was not Lu Fei's money and the priceless and unmarketable collectible wines. Because, following Lu Fei, she could feel unprecedented excitement.

Although Lang Lijing is a woman, this eldest sister is quite wild at heart. She has long been tired of the routine life before. Only by following Lu Fei can she constantly challenge herself. This is her greatest pleasure.

Moreover, Lu Fei is a very principled person. When Lu Fei comes to her to do things, although sometimes he does things on the sidelines, he still has a good reputation. At the very least, Lu Fei will not act like a monster in China, so it will not violate her principles as a human being.

Following Lu Fei not only does not violate her principles, but also challenges herself. For her, this is simply a perfect life!

However, the call from above some time ago really shocked her.

Lang Lijing is different from other retired soldiers because she masters extremely high-end electronic technology. Of course, the superiors understand all this. Precisely because the superiors understand Lang Lijing's abilities, they are even more wary of her, for fear that she will help Lu Fei do something. Things that endanger the interests of China, so at the previous stall, the superiors could not sit still and personally called Lang Lijing to warn Lang Lijing. Therefore, Lang Lijing had no choice but to leave Lu Fei.

After resigning, Lang Lijing was still worried that her boss would take the blame, so she immediately turned off her mobile phone and left China on the same day, and she also left China illegally.

After wandering outside for several months, Lang Lijing was extremely depressed. She really missed the days of being with Lu Fei, so she took the courage to secretly contact her best colleague and learned that Lu Fei had already helped her settle the matter. Lang Lijing was called a regret!

However, she was still a little worried, so she called Lu Fei personally for confirmation.

In the car, Lu Fei was in an extremely good mood.

"I need you so much. I have been looking for you for several months. If I can't find you again, I will mobilize overseas forces."

Lu Fei's words were really not an afterthought. Recently, Lu Fei has become more eager to find Lang Lijing.

On the one hand, I really need her help. With the help of this eldest sister, many things can be easily solved. On the other hand, I really need her help. Lu Fei was even more worried about Lang Lijing's safety. The top management was fighting with each other. On the surface, it seemed calm, but Lu Fei knew that it must be extremely dangerous inside.

With Lu Fei's strength, it's not even possible

As for being afraid of them, it was really not possible. Lu Fei also had many escape routes, but Lang Lijing was different. The superiors wanted to deal with her very easily, and they didn't even need any reason to make her doomed.

Lang Lijing was involved entirely because of herself. If anything happens to Lang Lijing, Lu Fei will feel guilty for the rest of his life. Therefore, Lu Fei is already prepared. If he can't find this eldest sister again, Lu Fei will really mobilize overseas forces, and even No matter what the cost, fortunately, Sister Lang finally appeared.

"Sister Lang, where are you now?" Lu Fei asked.

"I'm traveling on Treasure Island. If you have a mission here, I'll go over right away." Lang Lijing said.

Lu Fei shook his head: "No, I don't have anything important to do here for the time being. You have been following me around for more than a year, so it's time to relax.

You can spend a few days in Baodao first. For accommodation, you can go directly to my manor. If you need anything, please feel free to contact me. I’m almost done here. I’ll be ready to go back the day after tomorrow at the latest. I’ll be waiting for you on Hong Kong Island. . "

Lang Lijing was not pretentious: "Okay, I will go to Baodao to find you the day after tomorrow.

By the way, my side."

"Don't worry, I've taken care of everything. I've canceled your military background for you. Now you are a completely free legal citizen and you will never have any trouble again.

However, regarding your file on the Internet Supervisor, you have changed from a hacker to a hacker. There is nothing I can do about this, but you can rest assured that as long as I, Lu Fei, am here, I guarantee that no one can make things difficult for you.

Also, I didn’t get through to you when I called you before. I made the decision for you without permission. Don’t mind. If you still want the Zhulong background, I can help you get it back. What do you think? " Lu Fei said.

Lang Lijing, who was on the other side of the phone, heard Lu Fei say that he had helped him solve his military background. She screamed with excitement and almost went crazy with joy.

The military background is important. Having this background can save people a lot of unnecessary trouble, especially the background of the Wulong Brigade, which is even more unfathomable. In the past, Lang Lijing really cared about this background, but this time Things made her think about it, and she was somewhat disappointed. In contrast, Lang Lijing found that what she wanted more was freedom. However, it was difficult to get this background, and countless people couldn't win it even if they wanted to. But really Getting rid of this burden is definitely countless times more difficult than getting it. At least with Lang Lijing's ability, it is absolutely impossible to do it.

Now that Lu Fei came forward to help her solve her biggest trouble, Lang Lijing couldn't be happier.

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