A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2975 Mysterious Little Western-style Building

After ending the call with Lang Lijing, Lu Fei was in an extremely good mood, started the car and continued driving towards the city.

Still a few kilometers away from the city, He Wen's call came in.

"Mr. Lu, is it convenient for you now?

If it's convenient, I'll go pick you up right now. " He Wen's tone was still respectful.

"I won't bother to congratulate the boss. Give me an address and I'll go there myself."

He Wen didn't show any pretense, he said hello, and after ending the call, he sent an address to Lu Fei's mobile phone.

Lu Fei was slightly startled when he clicked on his phone and saw this address.

No. 1, Nantai Road, Tongshan Town, southern suburbs.

Although Lu Fei is a native of Jincheng, Lu Fei lives in Beicheng District and doesn't know much about Nancheng. However, Lu Fei is quite familiar with the address He Wen gave him, and it is not Lu Fei who is familiar with it. It should be said that Jin There is no city dweller who doesn’t know No. 1 Nantai Road.

This place is quite extraordinary. It is located in a canyon three kilometers southwest of Tongshan Town. It is surrounded by green mountains, green waters and green bamboos. The scenery is quite beautiful. Not to mention, the biggest feature is that within a radius of two kilometers, There is only that one building, the environment is quiet, and the location is quite secluded.

No. 1 Nantai Road was built in the 1940s. It was originally the largest intelligence center under Chiang Kai-shek in Jincheng. It was very tightly guarded. Even the people in Tongshan Town did not know what was going on in the valley. , it was not until after liberation that everyone knew that in this hidden valley, there was actually a three-story small foreign-style building covering an area of ​​more than 20 acres and a construction area of ​​several thousand square meters. It really caused a sensation for a while.

After liberation, there was a period of time when it became a government office. However, due to the remote location and inconvenience, it was moved after only being used for more than a year. However, this small western-style building was not demolished. Instead, it was opened every year. Government departments came to repair it, and there were also dedicated people responsible for taking care of it.

In the early 1990s, a provincial highway was built outside the valley, and the transportation department set up a checkpoint outside the valley, and the small western-style building inside became the dormitory for the checkpoint staff.

Later, the surrounding highways were extensively constructed, and the national highway was not far away. The provincial highway was also becoming increasingly depressed. The checkpoint was demolished soon after. Later, I heard that the government department sold the small western-style building in the valley to Personally, this situation is very common, and usually no one cares about it, but what shocked the people of Jincheng was that the sale price of that small foreign-style building, including the entire valley and surrounding mountains and forests, was as high as 90 million.

That was 90 million in the 1990s!

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