A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3006 So inhuman

"I support Chang'an Province to continue to be named. Chang'an Province has excavated large tombs this year and continues to be among the best in all aspects of archaeological achievements. This is the reward and honor they deserve."

"I don't agree with Lao Yan. Chang'an has the richest archaeological resources. This year's performance is not an achievement at all. If other regions have such rich resources, their performance will never be worse than Chang'an. I am more optimistic about Jiang Province!"

"Old Su, I have to disagree with what you said. We can't bury other people's achievements just because Chang'an has rich archaeological resources. It's not fair. And you mentioned Jiangzhou. They have no impressive results this year. You actually By recommending them, are you receiving any benefits from them?”

"Fart, you're talking nonsense."

The ten review experts in the conference room were so noisy that Guan Haishan put his head in his hands and wanted to hit the wall.

Damn it!

It’s hard to lead a team!

It turns out that the naming scheme for the top ten archaeological contributions was based on public ratings on the Internet. However, it was later discovered that this scheme had major drawbacks. Some shameless local leaders actually paid to hire trolls to swipe votes in order to get high ratings. , upon discovering this cheating situation, the headquarters immediately changed the selection plan, and ten experts from the headquarters jointly reviewed and scored.

I thought there was no problem with this plan, but Guan Haishan didn't expect that there were policies and countermeasures from above, and those in charge actually bought people's hearts and tried to please the judges in various ways, making this plan unfair again.

A few months ago, Lu Fei's foundation issued an announcement that it would suspend all operations due to internal problems. After hearing this news, it was indeed quiet down there for a while.

But half a month ago, the foundation issued another announcement that all the foundation's operations were fully restored, which meant that allocations for the coming year would proceed as usual. Now, the people below were completely crazy.

In fact, Guan Haishan had already noticed the actions of the people below, but he could not stop them.

This plan was also decided upon by him. If he rejected this plan, it would be like slapping himself in the face. It would be so embarrassing.

What makes Guan Laosan even more angry is that this

Facing the noisy situation in front of him, he missed Baolan Fei very much. He firmly believed that as long as Baolan Fei stood up and said something on behalf of the foundation, the situation could be stabilized immediately.

But Guan Haishan picked up the phone and wanted to call Lu Fei several times, but in the end he was too embarrassed to call out. If he couldn't handle this, his grandson would look down on him even more.

It doesn't matter if he loses face. He has long been used to it. The key is that Bao Bao Fei's mouth is really terrible. If he messes it up, he won't even think about it for a long time. After thinking about it, Guan Laosan still has nothing to do. Dare to call Lu Fei.

But at this moment, the mobile phone alert rang. Guan Haishan, who was originally listless, saw that the person sending WeChat in the pop-up window was actually Bao Baofei. In an instant, he was resurrected with a hundred times more energy and full blood. His central nervous system consciously blocked the dogs biting dogs below.

, click on WeChat immediately.

The message is a photo, and the content of the photo is a long scroll. Meng Xianguo is standing next to the scroll with his eyes shining and a smile on his face, with a few simple words underneath.

[My wife picked it up on Hong Kong Island, which is interesting! 】

Seeing this paragraph of text, Guan Haishan smiled: "Hey, it's really like marrying a chicken and following a chicken and marrying a dog and following a dog. Even Baolanfei's wife likes this."

Smiling, Guan Haishan slid his fingers towards the photo, pushing and pulling the photo to slowly enlarge it.

At first, he didn't take it too seriously. He knew that Lu Fei's wife was pregnant and thought that Lu Fei sent this WeChat message just to please his mother-in-law and that the couple was just joking. But when the photo gradually enlarged, Guan Haishan's smile suddenly solidified. If you look closely, your fat body is shaking uncontrollably.

"Shut up, shut up!

Secretary, Xiao Zhang, where the hell are you going? Book me the fastest flight to Hong Kong Island, right now, right now!

Wait a moment! "

Just after giving instructions to his secretary, Guan Haishan suddenly saw Meng Xianguo in the photo and immediately changed his mind.

"If you don't want to go to Hong Kong Island, book a ticket for me to Jincheng. Hurry!"

Not only Guan Haishan, but at the same time, Wang Fatty, Jia Yuan, Gong Xiuliang and other archeology, collection and cultural preservation circles all received the same message. These old guys gave up all the work in front of them and chose the fastest way. Rush to Jincheng.

On the other side, the WeChat message was sent, and Lu Fei turned off his phone and showed a sly smile.

"Hey, what are you thinking of? Why do you smile so horribly?" Lao Meng felt cold all over when he saw Lu Fei's smile. He instinctively felt that this guy had evil intentions.

When Lu Fei explained it to him, Meng Xianguo's old face suddenly turned green.

"Bashao Fei, you are so inhuman, aren't you trying to trick me?

I've been so busy for a year. It's the end of the year and you can't let me have a good rest for a few days. I promised my wife to go back to my hometown to celebrate the New Year together. Wouldn't you like to abuse people like this? "

Lu Fei chuckled and said: "Lao Meng, stop complaining, you have to handle this matter. It's not appropriate for me to step in. Think about how important this painting is, and you don't want to cause any complications, right?"

Ahem, you have been working hard for a few days. Do everything as I told you. After the New Year, I will give you half a month off so that you can have enough rest.

Well, let's do it. I have to leave beforehand. By the way, don't tell them my other numbers, otherwise I will deduct your bonus. Finally, I wish you a good year in advance. Goodbye! "

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he turned around and left. Meng Xianguo raised his beard angrily at Lao Gao. Just as he was about to reach out to stop him, his cell phone and the office phone rang at the same time. Lao Meng suddenly became desperate.

"Baolan Fei, you are so inhuman" "I support Chang'an Province to continue to be named. Chang'an Province has excavated large tombs this year and continues to be among the best in all aspects of archaeological achievements. This is the reward and honor they deserve."

"I don't agree with Lao Yan. Chang'an has the richest archaeological resources. This year's performance is not an achievement at all. If other regions have such rich resources, their performance will never be worse than Chang'an. I am more optimistic about Jiang Province!"

"Old Su, I have to disagree with what you said. We can't bury other people's achievements just because Chang'an has rich archaeological resources. It's not fair. And you mentioned Jiangzhou. They have no impressive results this year. You actually By recommending them, are you receiving any benefits from them?"

"Fart, you are talking nonsense." ??

The ten review experts in the conference room were so noisy that Guan Haishan put his head in his hands and wanted to hit the wall.

Damn it!

It’s hard to lead a team!

It turns out that the naming scheme for the top ten archaeological contributions was based on public ratings on the Internet. However, it was later discovered that this scheme had major drawbacks. Some shameless local leaders actually paid to hire trolls to swipe votes in order to get high ratings. , upon discovering this cheating situation, the headquarters immediately changed the selection plan, and ten experts from the headquarters jointly reviewed and scored.

I thought there was no problem with this plan, but Guan Haishan didn't expect that there were policies and countermeasures from above, and those in charge actually bought people's hearts and tried to please the judges in various ways, making this plan unfair again.

A few months ago, Lu Fei's foundation issued an announcement that it would suspend all operations due to internal problems. After hearing this news, it was indeed quiet down there for a while.

But half a month ago, the foundation issued another announcement that all the foundation's operations were fully restored, which meant that allocations for the coming year would proceed as usual. Now, the people below were completely crazy.

In fact, Guan Haishan had already noticed the actions of the people below, but he could not stop them.

This plan was also decided upon by him. If he rejected this plan, it would be like slapping himself in the face. It would be so embarrassing.

What makes Guan Laosan even more angry is that this

Facing the noisy situation in front of him, he missed Baolan Fei very much. He firmly believed that as long as Baolan Fei stood up and said something on behalf of the foundation, the situation could be stabilized immediately.

But Guan Haishan picked up the phone and wanted to call Lu Fei several times, but in the end he was too embarrassed to call out. If he couldn't handle this, his grandson would look down on him even more.

It doesn't matter if he loses face. He has long been used to it. The key is that Bao Bao Fei's mouth is really terrible. If he messes it up, he won't even think about it for a long time. After thinking about it, Guan Laosan still has nothing to do. Dare to call Lu Fei.

But at this moment, the mobile phone alert rang. Guan Haishan, who was originally listless, saw that the person sending WeChat in the pop-up window was actually Bao Baofei. In an instant, he was resurrected with a hundred times more energy and full blood. His central nervous system consciously blocked the dogs biting dogs below.

, click on WeChat immediately.

The message is a photo, and the content of the photo is a long scroll. Meng Xianguo is standing next to the scroll with his eyes shining and a smile on his face, with a few simple words underneath.

[My wife picked it up on Hong Kong Island, which is interesting! 】

Seeing this paragraph of text, Guan Haishan smiled: "Hey, it's really like marrying a chicken and following a chicken and marrying a dog and following a dog. Even Baolanfei's wife likes this."

Smiling, Guan Haishan slid his fingers towards the photo, pushing and pulling the photo to slowly enlarge it.

At first, he didn't take it too seriously. He knew that Lu Fei's wife was pregnant and thought that Lu Fei sent this WeChat message just to please his mother-in-law and that the couple was just joking. But when the photo gradually enlarged, Guan Haishan's smile suddenly solidified. If you look closely, your fat body is shaking uncontrollably.

"Shut up, shut up!

Secretary, Xiao Zhang, where the hell are you going? Book me the fastest flight to Hong Kong Island, right now, right now!

Wait a moment! "

Just after giving instructions to his secretary, Guan Haishan suddenly saw Meng Xianguo in the photo and immediately changed his mind.

"If you don't want to go to Hong Kong Island, book a ticket for me to Jincheng. Hurry!"

Not only Guan Haishan, but at the same time, Wang Fatty, Jia Yuan, Gong Xiuliang and other archeology, collection and cultural preservation circles all received the same message. These old guys gave up all the work in front of them and chose the fastest way. Rush to Jincheng.

On the other side, the WeChat message was sent, and Lu Fei turned off his phone and showed a sly smile.

"Hey, what are you thinking of? Why do you smile so horribly?" Lao Meng felt cold all over when he saw Lu Fei's smile. He instinctively felt that this guy had evil intentions.

When Lu Fei explained it to him, Meng Xianguo's old face suddenly turned green.

"Bashao Fei, you are so inhuman, aren't you trying to trick me?

I've been so busy for a year. It's the end of the year and you can't let me have a good rest for a few days. I promised my wife to go back to my hometown to celebrate the New Year together. Wouldn't you like to abuse people like this? "

Lu Fei chuckled and said: "Lao Meng, stop complaining, you have to handle this matter. It's not appropriate for me to step in. Think about how important this painting is, and you don't want to cause any complications, right?"

Ahem, you have been working hard for a few days. Do everything as I told you. After the New Year, I will give you half a month off so that you can have enough rest.

Well, let's do it. I have to leave beforehand. By the way, don't tell them my other numbers, otherwise I will deduct your bonus. Finally, I wish you a good year in advance. Goodbye! "

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he turned around and left. Meng Xianguo raised his beard angrily at Lao Gao. Just as he was about to reach out to stop him, his cell phone and the office phone rang at the same time. Lao Meng suddenly became desperate.

"Bashao Fei, you are so inhuman"

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