A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3007 Situation

Although Lu Fei has resigned from all his posts, Lu Fei's financial resources and social influence can play a key role. Getting Lu Fei's support is equivalent to having more weight to win. It is precisely because of this that Lu Fei has become a coveted target for both parties. Focus.

For Lu Fei, this focus is a landmine that can be detonated at any time. No matter which side he supports, he will definitely offend the other side.

There has been a saying in China since ancient times that a single person cannot fight against power. This is a wise saying. Lu Fei's power has not reached that level. It is best to stay out of this situation to avoid harming Chi Yu.

This is what Lu Fei thought and did. He resigned from all positions, handed over all the companies, and retreated behind the scenes to avoid the storm. However, both parties were obviously not willing to lose Lu Fei's weight, and they still paid attention to it all the time. Lu Fei tried every means to drag him into the water. Even if Lu Fei was hiding in Hong Kong Island, he could not avoid the special attention, let alone being in the mainland of China.

There was no movement on the surface, but Lu Fei knew that every move he made must be under the control of the higher-ups, so Lu Fei must be extra careful.

The significance of "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" was so great that Lu Fei had to treat it with caution.

In fact, the best way is to hide the painting, but this way may also be the worst way.

If the higher-ups know their whereabouts, they may not know that they have obtained this treasure. If they know to hide the painting, they will think that they have a guilty conscience and may use the painting to make an issue. ??

Of course, they won't do anything to Lu Fei, but they will definitely use this matter as a bargaining chip to negotiate terms with him, so that Lu Fei will be passive.

Therefore, Lu Fei chose to publicly display "Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" and also gave the painting a legitimate identity, and this identity required certification by authoritative experts in this field.

As long as Guan Haishan, Jia Yuan and others admit that this painting is a legitimate and legitimate personal collection, the trouble will be easily solved and there will be no worries.

Lu Fei knew too well about the peeing habits of the old guys like Guan Haishan, so he used photos as bait to lure these old guys over. In his own territory, they would not dare to behave like monsters. However, this would be a pain for Lao Meng. You have been taken advantage of. These old guys are not easy to deal with. Lu Fei can imagine that in the next few days, Meng Xianguo will be busy hitting him on the back of the head. Moreover, due to his different status, it is inevitable for Lao Meng to be wronged. If he is impatient, , it was not impossible to get beaten, so Lao Meng cursed himself behind him, and Lu Fei pretended not to hear.

The fact is just as Lu Fei guessed, from Lu Fei

From the moment he opened the office, Lao Meng's mobile phone and the landline in the office were not idle for a moment. In front of these big bosses, Lao Meng was obviously his grandson. If he didn't serve well, he would be scolded, which made Lao Meng even more aggrieved.


After leaving Lao Meng's office, Lu Fei did not dare to stay in the museum and drove away immediately.

As soon as the car got on the Third Ring Road, another mobile phone in the bag rang. The number on the caller ID surprised Lu Fei. It turned out to be Chen Xiang's second uncle, Chen Honggang.

Chen Hong had just come to Phoenix Villa to visit the old man a few days ago. Lu Fei had communicated a lot with him. It had only been a few days since he came to see him again. There must be something important. Lu Fei did not dare to neglect and immediately answered the phone.

"Second uncle, are you looking for me?"

"Xiao Fei, are you in Jincheng?" Chen Honggang asked.


"Well, just stay there and don't leave. I'll go find you tomorrow morning."

Chen Honggang wanted to come to him in person, but it was obviously inconvenient to do so on the phone. This further proved Lu Fei's guess. Lu Fei did not hesitate and agreed immediately.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Fei lit a cigarette and slowed down the car. While driving, he thought about what important matters his second uncle wanted to ask him for. But after thinking about it for more than ten minutes, he had no clue, so he had to give up!

After a while, a call came in from Zhang Zhang, who wanted to give Lu Fei the procedures for delivering a small foreign-style building.

The transfer procedures are cumbersome for ordinary people, but for some special groups, they are too simple. Lu Fei did not have any surprises about this, and made an appointment to meet Zhang Zhang at the Xiaoyanglou at noon.

At 11:30 noon, Lu Fei and Zhang Zhang were sitting across from each other in a super luxurious restaurant of more than 100 square meters in a small western-style building.

"Brother, these are all the procedures. From now on, this place is yours." With a smile on his face, he pushed a thick stack of documents in front of Lu Fei.

Lu Fei had no choice but to pick up the document and hand it to An Rushan. Then with a wave of his hand, exquisite dishes were served one after another.

He didn't notice it at first, but as the table gradually became richer, he realized that the main ingredient of every dish was actually fish.

"Haha, I remember brother, you don't like fish very much. What's going on today? Have you changed your taste?" Zhang Kai said with a smile.

Lu Fei spread his hands and smiled slightly: "You know me, I really don't like eating fish, but I killed a tiger shark today. It would be a pity to throw it away. Don't tell me, I have never eaten shark meat. How about trying it while it's hot?" Although Lu Fei has resigned from all positions, Lu Fei's financial resources and social influence can play a key role. With Lu Fei's support, it is equivalent to having more weight to win. It is precisely because of this that Lu Fei became the focus of covetousness by both parties.

For Lu Fei, this focus is a landmine that can be detonated at any time. No matter which side he supports, he will definitely offend the other side.

There has been a saying in China since ancient times that a single person cannot fight against power. This is a wise saying. Lu Fei's power has not reached that level. It is best to stay out of this situation to avoid harming Chi Yu.

This is what Lu Fei thought and did. He resigned from all positions, handed over all the companies, and retreated behind the scenes to avoid the storm. However, both parties were obviously not willing to lose Lu Fei's weight, and they still paid attention to it all the time. Lu Fei tried every means to drag him into the water. Even if Lu Fei was hiding in Hong Kong Island, he could not avoid the special attention, let alone being in the mainland of China.

There was no movement on the surface, but Lu Fei knew that every move he made must be under the control of the higher-ups, so Lu Fei must be extra careful.

The significance of "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" was so great that Lu Fei had to treat it with caution.

In fact, the best way is to hide the painting, but this way may also be the worst way.

If the higher-ups know their whereabouts, they may not know that they have obtained this treasure. If they know to hide the painting, they will think that they have a guilty conscience and may use the painting to make an issue.

Of course, they won't do anything to Lu Fei, but they will definitely use this matter as a bargaining chip to negotiate terms with him, so that Lu Fei will be passive.

Therefore, Lu Fei chose to publicly exhibit "Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" and also gave the painting a legitimate identity, and this identity required certification by authoritative experts in this field.

As long as Guan Haishan, Jia Yuan and others admit that this painting is a legitimate and legitimate personal collection, the trouble will be easily solved and there will be no worries.

Lu Fei knew too well about the peeing habits of the old guys like Guan Haishan, so he used photos as bait to lure these old guys over. In his own territory, they would not dare to behave like monsters. However, this would be a pain for Lao Meng. You have been taken advantage of. These old guys are not easy to deal with. Lu Fei can imagine that in the next few days, Meng Xianguo will be busy hitting him on the back of the head. Moreover, due to his different status, it is inevitable for Lao Meng to be wronged. If he is impatient, , it was not impossible to get beaten, so Lao Meng cursed himself behind him, and Lu Fei pretended not to hear.

The fact is just as Lu Fei guessed, from Lu Fei

From the moment he opened the office, Lao Meng's mobile phone and the landline in the office were not idle for a moment. In front of these big bosses, Lao Meng was obviously his grandson. If he didn't serve well, he would be scolded, which made Lao Meng even more aggrieved.


After leaving Lao Meng's office, Lu Fei did not dare to stay in the museum and drove away immediately.

As soon as the car got on the Third Ring Road, another mobile phone in the bag rang. The number on the caller ID surprised Lu Fei. It turned out to be Chen Xiang's second uncle, Chen Honggang.

Chen Hong had just come to Phoenix Villa to visit the old man a few days ago. Lu Fei had communicated a lot with him. It had only been a few days since he came to see him again. There must be something important. Lu Fei did not dare to neglect and immediately answered the phone.

"Second uncle, are you looking for me?"

"Xiao Fei, are you in Jincheng?" Chen Honggang asked.


"Well, just stay there and don't leave. I'll go find you tomorrow morning."

Chen Honggang wanted to come to him in person, but it was obviously inconvenient to do so on the phone. This further proved Lu Fei's guess. Lu Fei did not hesitate and agreed immediately.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Fei lit a cigarette and slowed down the car. While driving, he thought about what important matters his second uncle wanted to ask him for. But after thinking about it for more than ten minutes, he had no clue, so he had to give up!

After a while, a call came in from Zhang Zhang, who wanted to give Lu Fei the procedures for delivering a small foreign-style building.

The transfer procedures are cumbersome for ordinary people, but for some special groups, they are too simple. Lu Fei did not have any surprises about this, and made an appointment to meet Zhang Zhang at the Xiaoyanglou at noon.

At 11:30 noon, Lu Fei and Zhang Zhang were sitting across from each other in a super luxurious restaurant of more than 100 square meters in a small western-style building.

"Brother, these are all the procedures. From now on, this place is yours." With a smile on his face, he pushed a thick stack of documents in front of Lu Fei.

Lu Fei had no choice but to pick up the document and hand it to An Rushan. Then with a wave of his hand, exquisite dishes were served one after another.

He didn't notice it at first, but as the table gradually became richer, he realized that the main ingredient of every dish was actually fish.

"Haha, I remember brother, you don't like fish very much. What's going on today? Have you changed your taste?" Zhang Kai said with a smile.

Lu Fei spread his hands and smiled slightly: "You know me, I really don't like eating fish, but I killed a tiger shark today. It would be a pity to throw it away. Don't tell me, I have never eaten shark meat. How about trying it while it’s still hot?”

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