Lu Fei stared at his open eyes and told him bluntly that the main ingredient for lunch was the tiger shark he had raised.

We are all smart people, and such an understatement is enough.

Zhang Kai raised his head when he heard the words, pointed at Lu Fei and laughed: "Haha, you are just a petty guy, but to be honest, I have eaten shark meat, and to be honest, it's not very delicious."

Lu Fei smiled, picked up the knife and fork, cut a small piece of fish fillet into his mouth, and frowned immediately after taking a bite.


"What the hell, it tastes really bad.

Brother Zhang, I think we should go out to eat. There is a delicious dandan noodle restaurant in town. I’ll treat you to it. "

Zhang Zhang nodded and stood up: "Okay, then I'll give you a meal. After dinner, I should leave. The flight is at two o'clock in the afternoon."

Intuitively, the relationship between the two is as friendly as ever, but in fact they have their own secrets that are kept secret.

Lu Fei personally drove Zhang Kai away from the small western-style building. In the restaurant, after hearing the boss's comments, Hamilton, the three-star Michelin chef, was sweating profusely and shaking like chaff from fear.

An Rushan ordered someone to clear the table, patted Hamilton on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, it's none of your business today."



"Omaika, you scared me to death!!"

Lu Fei and Zhang Zhang were sweating profusely after a meal of dan dan noodles. When they came out of the restaurant, Lu Fei and Zhang Zhang sat in the back seat. The driver brought by Zhang Zhang drove slowly toward the city.

Taking the cigarette that was handed over to him, the two of them smoked in silence. It wasn't until they finished smoking that Lu Fei took the initiative to speak.

"Subsequent, don't be overjoyed; rebellious, don't be discouraged; safe, don't be extravagant; dangerous, don't be frightened; those who have thunder in their chests as flat as a lake, can be worshiped as generals.

After twenty-five years of forbearing planning, your He family can be called a tycoon, but "

Speaking of this, Lu Fei paused deliberately, opened his mouth and asked cooperatively: "But what?"

Lu Fei took out his cigarette again, lit one and said, "However, heroes throughout the ages have basically never had a good ending."

Zhang Kai smiled slightly when he heard the words, without making any excuses or refuting.

Lu Fei took a deep breath and blew out a full smoke ring, then smiled with satisfaction and blew the smoke ring away in one breath: "We have known each other for a long time. Although we don't really know each other, I have to admit that you are a person. And he is a rare general.

However, there are many types of generals. You can use them as a reference for the great generals who have been famous throughout the ages and are famous in history. They are definitely good for you. However, I suggest you not to imitate Han Xin, who will be defeated by one move and be shattered to pieces. "

Lu Fei's words were Chi Guoguo's threat.

It stands to reason that with Lu Fei's identity and experience, he would not be so straightforward, but Lu Fei thought about it for a long time last night and finally believed that this is the only way to achieve the most ideal effect. All other methods are inappropriate because Lu Fei doesn't understand why. Family, let alone the Xiao family, there is no way to start.

Zhang Zhang was so smart. Of course he understood Lu Fei's intention. However, Zhang Zhang was not angry. He turned to glare at Lu Fei and laughed.

After laughing, his open expression became serious.


After saying these two words, Zhang Zhang hesitated and continued: "Logically speaking, I should call you young master, but after such a long time, I am still used to calling you brother. Do you mind?"

Lu Fei also smiled: "If what Mr. He said is true, you should be my elder, worthy of my brother. It seems that I am taking advantage. You know what I like most is taking advantage."


After that, the two of them laughed at the same time. The driver in the front seat seemed to be deaf and showed no expression at all, and continued to drive steadily toward the airport.

"Brother, there is really no need for you to worry. I assure you on my behalf that everything Mr. He said is true.

The He family is indeed a powerful family. He Wen has enjoyed endless prosperity and wealth since he was a child, but our brothers are different. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Zhang paused for a moment, and a trace of struggle flashed in his eyes.

"When our brothers remember, there was no luxurious villa, Lingluo Silk Satin. What we saw before our eyes was a hell on earth."

Lu Fei frowned slightly, but did not interrupt.

“It was a concentration camp, a concentration camp for five hundred people.

Five hundred people were divided into three age groups and had to undergo sixteen hours of brutal training every day in various languages, knowledge, espionage, fighting, assassination, etc., especially fighting and assassination, all with real swords and guns. Training and fighting, bleeding every day, people dying every few days, the entire training camp is full of blood, weak-willed people will collapse in a day in that kind of place, but our brothers have lived there for twelve full years . "

Having said this, Zhang Zhang lit a cigarette and smiled sadly: "Do you know how old I was when I first killed someone?

Six years old!

That's right, six years old!

What are ordinary six-year-old children doing?

Even if I am an orphan, the most I can do is beg on the street, but when I was six years old, I was working hard. In order for my brother and I to survive, I stabbed to death two teenagers who were five years older than me. I was scared, extremely scared. , but I have to do this because I want to ensure that my brother and I can survive. Lu Fei stared at his open eyes and told him bluntly that the main ingredient for lunch was the tiger shark he had raised.

We are all smart people, and such an understatement is enough.

Zhang Kai raised his head when he heard the words, pointed at Lu Fei and laughed: "Haha, you are just a petty guy, but to be honest, I have eaten shark meat, and to be honest, it's not very delicious."

Lu Fei smiled, picked up the knife and fork, cut a small piece of fish fillet into his mouth, and frowned immediately after taking a bite.


"What the hell, it tastes really bad.

Brother Zhang, I think we should go out to eat. There is a delicious dandan noodle restaurant in town. I’ll treat you to it. "

Zhang Zhang nodded and stood up: "Okay, then I'll give you a meal. After dinner, I should leave. The flight is at two o'clock in the afternoon."

Intuitively, the relationship between the two is as friendly as ever, but in fact they have their own secrets that are kept secret.

Lu Fei personally drove Zhang Kai away from the small western-style building. In the restaurant, after hearing the boss's comments, Hamilton, the three-star Michelin chef, was sweating profusely and shaking like chaff from fear.

An Rushan ordered someone to clear the table, patted Hamilton on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, it's none of your business today."



"Omaika, you scared me to death!!"

Lu Fei and Zhang Zhang were sweating profusely after a meal of dan dan noodles. When they came out of the restaurant, Lu Fei and Zhang Zhang sat in the back seat. The driver brought by Zhang Zhang drove slowly toward the city.

Taking the cigarette that was handed over to him, the two of them smoked in silence. It wasn't until they finished smoking that Lu Fei took the initiative to speak.

"Subsequent, don't be overjoyed; rebellious, don't be discouraged; safe, don't be extravagant; dangerous, don't be frightened; those who have thunder in their chests as flat as a lake, can be worshiped as generals.

After twenty-five years of forbearing planning, your He family can be called a tycoon, but "

Speaking of this, Lu Fei paused deliberately, opened his mouth and asked cooperatively: "But what?"

Lu Fei took out his cigarette again, lit one and said, "However, heroes throughout the ages have basically never had a good ending."

Zhang Kai smiled slightly when he heard the words, without making any excuses or refuting.

Lu Fei took a deep breath and blew out a full smoke ring, then smiled with satisfaction and blew the smoke ring away in one breath: "We have known each other for a long time. Although we don't really know each other, I have to admit that you are a person. And he is a rare general.

However, there are many types of generals. You can use them as a reference for the great generals who have been famous throughout the ages and are famous in history. They are definitely good for you. However, I suggest you not to imitate Han Xin, who will be defeated by one move and be shattered to pieces. "

Lu Fei's words were Chi Guoguo's threat.

It stands to reason that with Lu Fei's identity and experience, he would not be so straightforward, but Lu Fei thought about it for a long time last night and finally believed that this is the only way to achieve the most ideal effect. All other methods are inappropriate because Lu Fei doesn't understand why. Family, let alone the Xiao family, there is no way to start.

Zhang Zhang was so smart. Of course he understood Lu Fei's intention. However, Zhang Zhang was not angry. He turned to glare at Lu Fei and laughed.

After laughing, his open expression became serious.


After saying these two words, Zhang Zhang hesitated and continued: "Logically speaking, I should call you young master, but after such a long time, I am still used to calling you brother. Do you mind?"

Lu Fei also smiled: "If what Mr. He said is true, you should be my elder, worthy of my brother. It seems that I am taking advantage. You know what I like most is taking advantage."


After that, the two of them laughed at the same time. The driver in the front seat seemed to be deaf and showed no expression at all, and continued to drive steadily towards the airport.

"Brother, there is really no need for you to worry. I assure you on my behalf that everything Mr. He said is true.

The He family is indeed a powerful family. He Wen has enjoyed endless prosperity and wealth since he was a child, but our brothers are different. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Zhang paused for a moment, and a trace of struggle flashed in his eyes.

"When our brothers remember, there was no luxurious villa, Lingluo Silk Satin. What we saw before our eyes was a hell on earth."

Lu Fei frowned slightly, but did not interrupt.

“It was a concentration camp, a concentration camp for five hundred people.

Five hundred people were divided into three age groups and had to undergo sixteen hours of brutal training every day in various languages, knowledge, espionage, fighting, assassination, etc., especially fighting and assassination, all with real swords and guns. Training and fighting, bleeding every day, people dying every few days, the entire training camp is full of blood, weak-willed people will collapse in a day in that kind of place, but our brothers have lived there for twelve full years . "

Having said this, Zhang Zhang lit a cigarette and smiled sadly: "Do you know how old I was when I first killed someone?

Six years old!

That's right, six years old!

What are ordinary six-year-old children doing?

Even if I am an orphan, the most I can do is beg on the street, but when I was six years old, I was working hard. In order for my brother and I to survive, I stabbed two teenagers who were five years older than me to death with my own hands. I was scared, extremely scared. , but I have to do this because I want to ensure that my brother and I can survive. "

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