A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3034 Eliminating the Trouble

"I'll give you one last chance to tell me, who ordered you to follow me, and what is the purpose of following me?

Answer my question and I can forget about it. "Lu Fei lit a cigarette and stared at Yan Tao and asked coldly.

Yan Tao smiled sadly.

At this point, what else can he say?

He told Lu Fei his identity and even showed him his work permit, but he immediately confiscated his work permit. It was already obvious that Lu Fei was clearly trying to deal with him.

As for the purpose of cleaning up himself, Yan Tao can be sure that Lu Fei must know who gave him the tracking order, and what Lu Fei wants now is to admit it personally. As long as he admits it, Yan Tao can admit it ?, dare to admit it?

Yan Tao's admission would be tantamount to directly betraying Fang Wenyuan. Such consequences are definitely not something he can bear. Since he does not dare to betray Fang Wenyuan, Yan Tao simply comes to a dead pig and is not afraid of boiling water. He raised his head and smiled and said: "Haha, Mr. Lu Too suspicious, I said, this is a misunderstanding, we are just protecting you secretly, since you don’t believe it, there is nothing I can do!”

Lu Fei smiled and patted Yan Tao on the shoulder and said, "He is a good comrade with principles."

After saying that, Lu Fei looked at Yuan Liwei, who had been silent next to him, and looked at his work permit. Lu Fei knew that Yuan Liwei was a special member who had just been selected to join today, and he was a pure newbie.

It stands to reason that most newcomers like this would be extremely nervous when encountering such a situation, but this Yuan Liwei did not say a word during the whole process, and his expression was very calm. It must be said that those who can join the special department are indeed elites. Unfortunately, These two people betrayed Dong Jianye, which was the biggest taboo. Lu Fei even doubted Dong Jianye's prestige.

Lu Fei asked Yuan Liwei the same question, and the result was no surprise. Yuan Liwei's answer was exactly the same as Yan Tao's. He failed to get the result he wanted. Lu Fei was somewhat regretful, but that was the end of it.

Back in the car, Lu Fei dialed Qu Yang's phone number. Now Qu Yang was no longer the team leader two years ago. As early as a year ago, Qu Yang was promoted to the top leader of the Jincheng City Bureau. Qu Yang usually complains that Lu Fei always has no good luck with him. In fact, the relationship between the two has always been quite good.

Qu Yang's rapid promotion was inseparable from Lu Fei's help. Moreover, because of Qu Yang's face, Lu Fei personally and Tengfei Pharmaceuticals donated to them many times, with a total amount of more than 15 million, which also made Quyang Beier has face, so Fan

It was Lu Fei who asked him for help, and Qu Yang would do his best to provide convenience.

Lu Fei waited in the car for more than half an hour. Qu Yang and four of his confidants drove over in two private cars and shook hands with Lu Fei warmly.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Qu Yang immediately left with Yan Tao and the two of them. Lu Fei didn't ask where he would take them, but Lu Fei made a request to Qu Yang. He couldn't let them out without his phone number.

Lu Fei returned to Jincheng to pay homage to his ancestors this time. Ever since he left the airport, there had always been a tail following him secretly. Now that the tail has completely disappeared, Lu Fei feels a little awkward. He can't help but look in the rearview mirror when driving, but his mood is completely different. Relaxed.

Due to Chen Honggang's sudden decision, Lu Fei had to listen to the news in Jincheng for the time being. This was his hometown and his base. However, due to the arrival of a bunch of old guys from Guan Haishan, Lu Fei suddenly found that he had nowhere to go. .

Those old guys are very familiar with Lu Fei. They know very well how many relatives and friends he has in Jincheng. God knows whether they will be lying in wait in those places. If they really get caught, they will have no choice but to escape. Easy.

Lu Fei was somewhat worried, driving aimlessly on the street, and unknowingly came to the door of Xing Shuya's community again.

Seeing the gate of the community, Lu Fei felt incredible. Did he have something in mind or was it just a coincidence?

Lu Fei stopped on the side of the road, lit a cigarette and stared at the gate of the community. He felt very subtle in his heart, but after smoking the cigarette, Lu Fei drove away decisively.

What happened last night, whether I said I was weak-willed or it was just the right time, in short, I couldn't give Xing Shuya her status.

Although Lu Fei decisively knocked down Xing Shuya last night, Boss Lu was still confused as to how to deal with the relationship between the two in the future. It can be said that Boss Lu regretted it a little, so before he thought about it, Boss Lu doesn't plan to provoke her anymore.

The car continued to go south and unknowingly entered the Second Ring Road. Suddenly, a Wuling Hongguang quickly passed by Lu Fei. Wuling Hongguang's colorful body was covered with spray-painted advertisements. The car flashed past, but the advertisements But Lu Fei saw the content clearly.

Jingya Lake in Jinghu Town in the northern suburbs was developed as a tourist scenic spot last year. The advertising pictures of local B\u0026Bs were spray-painted on the car body. Yesterday at the airport, Lu Fei saw the large advertisement of Jingya Lake Scenic Area. The picture showed beautiful mountains and clear waters. The environment is quite good. Now that Lu Fei has a home and can't go back, this scenic spot is a good place to go. "I'll give you one last chance to tell me, who ordered you to follow me, and what is the purpose of following me?

Answer my question and I can forget about it. "Lu Fei lit a cigarette and stared at Yan Tao and asked coldly.

Yan Tao smiled sadly.

At this point, what else can he say?

He told Lu Fei his identity and even showed him his work permit, but he immediately confiscated his work permit. It was already obvious that Lu Fei was clearly trying to deal with him.

As for the purpose of cleaning up himself, Yan Tao can be sure that Lu Fei must know who gave him the tracking order, and what Lu Fei wants now is to admit it personally. As long as he admits it, Yan Tao can admit it ?, dare to admit it?

Yan Tao's admission would be tantamount to directly betraying Fang Wenyuan. Such consequences are definitely not something he can bear. Since he does not dare to betray Fang Wenyuan, Yan Tao simply comes to a dead pig and is not afraid of boiling water. He raised his head and smiled and said: "Haha, Mr. Lu Too suspicious, I said, this is a misunderstanding, we are just protecting you secretly, since you don’t believe it, there is nothing I can do!”

Lu Fei smiled and patted Yan Tao on the shoulder and said, "He is a good comrade with principles."

After saying that, Lu Fei looked at Yuan Liwei, who had been silent next to him, and looked at his work permit. Lu Fei knew that Yuan Liwei was a special member who had just been selected to join today, and he was a pure newbie.

It stands to reason that most newcomers like this would be extremely nervous when encountering such a situation, but this Yuan Liwei did not say a word during the whole process, and his expression was very calm. It must be said that those who can join the special department are indeed elites. Unfortunately, These two people betrayed Dong Jianye, which was the biggest taboo. Lu Fei even doubted Dong Jianye's prestige.

Lu Fei asked Yuan Liwei the same question, and the result was no surprise. Yuan Liwei's answer was exactly the same as Yan Tao's. He failed to get the result he wanted. Lu Fei was somewhat regretful, but that was the end of it.

Back in the car, Lu Fei dialed Qu Yang's phone number. Now Qu Yang was no longer the team leader two years ago. As early as a year ago, Qu Yang was promoted to the top leader of the Jincheng City Bureau. Qu Yang usually complains that Lu Fei always has nothing to do with him. In fact, the relationship between the two has always been quite good.

Qu Yang's rapid promotion was inseparable from Lu Fei's help. Moreover, because of Qu Yang's face, Lu Fei personally and Tengfei Pharmaceuticals donated to them many times, with a total amount of more than 15 million, which also made Quyang Beier has face, so Fan

It was Lu Fei who asked him for help, and Qu Yang would do his best to provide convenience.

Lu Fei waited in the car for more than half an hour. Qu Yang and four of his confidants drove over in two private cars and shook hands with Lu Fei warmly.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Qu Yang immediately left with Yan Tao and the two of them. Lu Fei didn't ask where he would take them, but Lu Fei made a request to Qu Yang. He couldn't let them out without his phone number.

Lu Fei returned to Jincheng to pay homage to his ancestors this time. Ever since he left the airport, there had always been a tail following him secretly. Now that the tail has completely disappeared, Lu Fei feels a little awkward. He can't help but look in the rearview mirror when driving, but his mood is completely different. Relaxed.

Due to Chen Honggang's sudden decision, Lu Fei had to listen to the news in Jincheng for the time being. This was his hometown and his base. However, due to the arrival of a bunch of old guys from Guan Haishan, Lu Fei suddenly found that he had nowhere to go. .

Those old guys are very familiar with Lu Fei. They know very well how many relatives and friends he has in Jincheng. God knows whether they will be lying in wait in those places. If they really get caught, they will have no choice but to escape. Easy.

Lu Fei was somewhat worried, driving aimlessly on the street, and unknowingly came to the door of Xing Shuya's community again.

Seeing the gate of the community, Lu Fei felt incredible. Did he have something in mind or was it just a coincidence?

Lu Fei stopped on the side of the road, lit a cigarette and stared at the gate of the community. He felt very subtle in his heart, but after smoking the cigarette, Lu Fei drove away decisively.

What happened last night, whether I said I was weak-willed or it was just the right time, in short, I couldn't give Xing Shuya her status.

Although Lu Fei decisively knocked down Xing Shuya last night, Boss Lu was still confused as to how to deal with the relationship between the two in the future. It can be said that Boss Lu regretted it a little, so before he thought about it, Boss Lu doesn't plan to provoke her anymore.

The car continued to go south and unknowingly entered the Second Ring Road. Suddenly, a Wuling Hongguang quickly passed by Lu Fei. Wuling Hongguang's colorful body was covered with spray-painted advertisements. The car flashed past, but the advertisements But Lu Fei saw the content clearly.

Jingya Lake in Jinghu Town in the northern suburbs was developed as a tourist scenic spot last year. The advertising pictures of local B\u0026Bs were spray-painted on the car body. Yesterday at the airport, Lu Fei saw the large advertisement of Jingya Lake Scenic Area. The picture showed beautiful mountains and clear waters. The environment is quite good. Now that Lu Fei has a home and can't go back, this scenic spot is a good place to go.

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