A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3035 The Bonjour Family

All the way north out of the city and onto the county-level highway, not long after, a huge advertising sign on the roadside came into view.

【Quiet lake and beautiful water, guests feel at home.

——Jinghu Town welcomes you! 】

The last time Lu Fei came to Jinghu was more than ten years ago. At that time, Jinghu Town was still relatively backward due to lack of resources. But more than ten years later, the prosperity here is no less than that of the urban area, and even better. Quiet and beautiful, this kind of environment is very attractive to busy white-collar workers in the city.

Turn in following the sign and drive forward for a few minutes, and the wide Jingya Lake comes into view.

The wind was strong in winter, and the waves on the lake were high. Several fishing boats were operating in the lake, and there were more than a dozen motorboats riding the wind and waves. In the cold weather, Lu Fei admired their courage from the bottom of his heart.

The lakeside is bustling with tourists, and everyone’s face is filled with natural and relaxed smiles.

Deep in such an environment, people can't help but relax, and even the biggest worries can be temporarily forgotten. It has to be said that this is indeed a holy place for leisure and vacation around Jincheng.

Jinghu Village is located on the edge of Jingya Lake. In the early years, the villagers here generally made a living by farming and digging bamboo shoots. It is impossible to get rich. Even if they can make a living, it depends on God's will.

Since the development of Jingya Lake, with the support of Jinghu Town’s planning and policies, many people have opened B\u0026Bs and farmhouses. Due to the large number of tourists, almost every business has been quite good. In less than a year, , the number of chickens in Jinghu Village has increased several times, and many families have bought private cars, which can be regarded as a step towards a well-off life.

Lu Fei wanted to go for a walk by the lake, but because of his "special status" he was worried about being recognized and causing unnecessary trouble. He came here to "take refuge", but if he was recognized, it would be meaningless, so Lu Fei's trip Along the way, I didn’t pay much attention to the tourists by the lake. Instead, I stared at the surrounding B\u0026Bs and made my selection while driving.

Most of the B\u0026B buildings in Jinghu Village are under unified planning by the town. The town provides some subsidies to make the unified design larger in scale and more eye-catching.

However, this kind of building with a steel structure and floor-to-ceiling glass is too modern in style. Lu Fei believes that this design is somewhat incompatible with the environment of the scenic spot, and he doesn't like it very much.

Continuing to drive forward, when they were almost reaching the end of the village, a small farmhouse caught Lu Fei's eyes.

This is a pure farmhouse with stone walls, a bamboo fence gate, and a small path paved with gravel at the door that extends straight to the lake.

The outside of the courtyard wall was kept clean, with more than a dozen bright red flowers hanging in rows on the wall.

The lanterns are more than two meters apart between each two lanterns, but the owner did not waste the space of more than two meters and hung more than a dozen colorful handmade oil-paper umbrellas.

The fence gate is about three meters wide, and a horizontal plaque hangs on the bamboo lintel with the four characters "Zhuoyue Renjia" written on it.

These four characters are quite regular, but the writing style is very ordinary. At first glance, it seems that they are not written by a professional. Moreover, the font of these four characters is extremely delicate, and it should be written by a woman.

Through the gate, the scene in the courtyard is clear. The courtyard is quite spacious, but only a small vegetable patch has been opened. In the rest of the area, there are more than a dozen bamboo shelves. Various bamboo handicrafts and some dried bamboo shoots are placed on the shelves. Specialties such as dried fish.

Directly opposite the door are three main rooms, with two wing rooms on each side. There are not many rooms, but they are clean and tidy. Moreover, in this village, such a small farmhouse is even more unique. Coincidentally, this is also the main building in Luzhou. Fly's favorite style.

Since it is a farmhouse, it should have the characteristics of a farmhouse. Such characteristics complement the scenic spot and give Lu Fei a cordiality from the heart.

However, it seems that Lu Fei's preferences are too different. Most of the B\u0026Bs that Lu Fei doesn't like are doing well. On the contrary, this back-to-basics Bonjour home is deserted. The parking lot at the door is actually empty, without even a single guest. .

Lu Fei shook his head with disdain, complaining in his heart that those tourists were ignorant.

Although the parking lot was empty, Lu Fei parked the car politely, put on his bag, and opened the trunk to "bring your own drinks", but he hesitated and gave up. When you get to a place like this, you have to do as the Romans do. It's so unconventional. On the contrary, it is not beautiful.

After closing the trunk, the owner of the farmhouse who heard the commotion came out with a smile on his face.

The boss of Zhuoyue Renjia is a young woman, small and exquisite, with a typical Bashu woman's figure, a very casual ponytail, plain face, not a beauty, but her facial features are very beautiful, pink top, sky blue jeans, simple clothes, But neat and tidy.

Looking up at the woman, Lu Fei was slightly startled. He felt that the woman's face was very familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen her before.

The woman came out excitedly, but when she saw Lu Fei clearly, she was also stunned.

"You, you, are you Lu Fei, Boss Lu?"

Although the woman only said one sentence, the expression on her face changed several times. First she was surprised, then excited, then a little disappointed, and finally returned to normal.

Although the female boss tried her best to hide it, Lu Fei could see it clearly.

"Hello boss, did we know each other before?" Heading north out of the city and onto the county-level highway, not long after, a huge advertising sign on the roadside came into view.

【Quiet lake and beautiful water, guests feel at home.

——Jinghu Town welcomes you! 】

The last time Lu Fei came to Jinghu was more than ten years ago. At that time, Jinghu Town was still relatively backward due to lack of resources. But more than ten years later, the prosperity here is no less than that of the urban area, and even better. Quiet and beautiful, this kind of environment is very attractive to busy white-collar workers in the city. .??.??

Turn in following the sign and drive forward for a few minutes, and the wide Jingya Lake comes into view.

The wind was strong in winter, and the waves on the lake were high. Several fishing boats were operating in the lake, and there were more than a dozen motorboats riding the wind and waves. In the cold weather, Lu Fei admired their courage from the bottom of his heart.

The lakeside is bustling with tourists, and everyone’s face is filled with natural and relaxed smiles.

Deep in such an environment, people can't help but relax, and even the biggest worries can be temporarily forgotten. It has to be said that this is indeed a holy place for leisure and vacation around Jincheng.

Jinghu Village is located on the edge of Jingya Lake. In the early years, the villagers here generally made a living by farming and digging bamboo shoots. It is impossible to get rich. Even if they can make a living, it depends on God's will.

Since the development of Jingya Lake, with the support of Jinghu Town’s planning and policies, many people have opened B\u0026Bs and farmhouses. Due to the large number of tourists, almost every business has been quite good. In less than a year, , the number of chickens in Jinghu Village has increased several times, and many families have bought private cars, which can be regarded as a step towards a well-off life.

Lu Fei wanted to go for a walk by the lake, but because of his "special status" he was worried about being recognized and causing unnecessary trouble. He came here to "take refuge", but if he was recognized, it would be meaningless, so Lu Fei's trip Along the way, I didn’t pay much attention to the tourists by the lake. Instead, I stared at the surrounding B\u0026Bs and made my selection while driving.

Most of the B\u0026B buildings in Jinghu Village are under unified planning by the town. The town provides some subsidies to make the unified design larger in scale and more eye-catching.

However, this kind of building with a steel structure and floor-to-ceiling glass is too modern in style. Lu Fei believes that this design is somewhat incompatible with the environment of the scenic spot, and he doesn't like it very much.

Continuing to drive forward, when they were almost reaching the end of the village, a small farmhouse caught Lu Fei's eyes.

This is a pure farmhouse with stone walls, a bamboo fence gate, and a small path paved with gravel at the door that extends straight to the lake.

The outside of the courtyard wall was kept clean, with more than a dozen bright red flowers hanging in rows on the wall.

The lanterns are more than two meters apart between each two lanterns, but the owner did not waste the space of more than two meters and hung more than a dozen colorful handmade oil-paper umbrellas.

The fence gate is about three meters wide, and a horizontal plaque hangs on the bamboo lintel with the four characters "Zhuoyue Renjia" written on it.

These four characters are quite regular, but the writing style is very ordinary. At first glance, it seems that they are not written by a professional. Moreover, the font of these four characters is extremely delicate, and it should be written by a woman.

Through the gate, the scene in the courtyard is clear. The courtyard is quite spacious, but only a small vegetable patch has been opened. In the rest of the area, there are more than a dozen bamboo shelves. Various bamboo handicrafts and some dried bamboo shoots are placed on the shelves. Specialties such as dried fish.

Directly opposite the door are three main rooms, with two wing rooms on each side. There are not many rooms, but they are clean and tidy. Moreover, in this village, such a small farmhouse is even more unique. Coincidentally, this is also the main building in Luzhou. Fly's favorite style.

Since it is a farmhouse, it should have the characteristics of a farmhouse. Such characteristics complement the scenic spot and give Lu Fei a cordiality from the heart.

However, it seems that Lu Fei's preferences are too different. Most of the B\u0026Bs that Lu Fei doesn't like are doing well. On the contrary, this back-to-basics Bonjour home is deserted. The parking lot at the door is actually empty, without even a single guest. .

Lu Fei shook his head with disdain, complaining in his heart that those tourists were ignorant.

Although the parking lot was empty, Lu Fei parked the car politely, put on his bag, and opened the trunk to "bring your own drinks", but he hesitated and gave up. When you get to a place like this, you have to do as the Romans do. It's so unconventional. On the contrary, it is not beautiful.

After closing the trunk, the owner of the farmhouse who heard the commotion came out with a smile on his face.

The boss of Zhuoyue Renjia is a young woman, small and exquisite, with a typical Bashu woman's figure, a very casual ponytail, plain face, not a beauty, but her facial features are very beautiful, pink top, sky blue jeans, simple clothes, But neat and tidy.

Looking up at the woman, Lu Fei was slightly startled. He felt that the woman's face was very familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen her before.

The woman came out excitedly, but when she saw Lu Fei clearly, she was also stunned.

"You, you, are you Lu Fei, Boss Lu?"

Although the woman only said one sentence, the expression on her face changed several times. First she was surprised, then excited, then a little disappointed, and finally returned to normal.

Although the female boss tried her best to hide it, Lu Fei could see it clearly.

"Hello boss, have we known each other before?"

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