A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3059 Give me a smile, buddy

It was rare for Lu Fei to be reasonable. The old guys were dumbfounded and found it incredible. Guan Haishan was even more grateful.

Have you seen that Bao Bao Fei has really changed? When did the previous Bao Bao Fei ever be so reasonable?

But things are different now. As the saying goes, the butt determines the head. When a person continues to make progress, his vision will definitely broaden. When this person reaches an unprecedented height, his state of mind is of course not the same.

"Balan Fei, thank you for understanding my difficulties!" Guan Haishan said sincerely.

Lu Fei waved his hand with an indifferent look on his face: "It doesn't matter. I know your difficulties. As the general counsel, of course you have to take everything into consideration. I understand!"

Woohoo~~ .??.

Guan Haishan was so moved that he almost cried. Who said that Baolan Fei was a tricker? The person who said this obviously judged a gentleman with a villain's heart. His conduct has always been noble!

When Guan Haishan was admiring in his heart, Lu Fei suddenly changed the subject and said: "Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, and it is not easy!

You have your difficulties, and I also have mine. You are the general consultant of China Archaeology, and you have to look at the problem from a comprehensive perspective. This is something I learned a lot from.

As for me, I am an investor in the Kong Fanlong Archaeological Foundation. In the past, I rarely interfered with the foundation's affairs, but recently I heard that there are many problems within the foundation. Although these problems are not too serious, they are serious. Less makes more. If it is not dealt with as soon as possible, a big situation will happen sooner or later.

After I return, I will discuss with Director Kong to suspend all the foundation's business and conduct a large-scale rectification within the foundation. I will also be responsible for all investors! "


When a group of old guys heard this, their noses turned to the side in anger. Guan Haishan clutched his chest tightly, feeling that the blood was rising and might spurt out at any time.

You idiot!

I was so grateful to him just now, but in the blink of an eye I was tricked by this guy. This damn bastard, why doesn't he die?

"Baolan Fei, you, you are blackmailing!!" Guan Haishan's face turned red and he roared angrily.


Mr. Guan, where do you start with these words? Lu Fei frowned slightly and asked in confusion.


Guan Haishan pointed at Lu Fei, trembling with anger, but there was nothing he could do about this guy!

Fu Yuliang and others quickly surrounded Guan Haishan.

"Mr. Guan, please calm down. This guy has always been so aggressive. This isn't the first day you've met him, is it?"

"That's right, there is absolutely no need to be angry with this kind of person. If you are really angry, then you will lose!"

"Yes, Lao Zhang is right. It's not a big deal if I want to see a copy of the drawings. He can't even borrow it."

Yes, I'll just agree to it. "

"Well, we all know what Tao Bao Fei's virtues are. If we don't agree to him, he will do anything. Mr. Guan, please think about it, it's the end of the year. If the foundation really closes down for rectification, there will definitely be no chance of funding for next year. How can we explain this to the comrades below?"

Guan Haishan also knew what kind of virtue Lu Fei was, and they really couldn't afford to offend him.

The annual allocation of more than one billion yuan is not a small sum. Recently, there has been a lot of commotion at the grassroots level in order to get this allocation. It is said that during the meeting, the heads of two regions almost got into a fight.

At this critical moment, if the funding goes to waste, big trouble will inevitably occur. Of course, he knows the seriousness of the problem.

"I know everything you said, but I made a mistake by agreeing to him. We just dealt with Hou Weidong. If someone pursues it, how can we explain it?" Guan Haishan asked helplessly.

These old men were rich in experience and were not comparable to Hou Weidong. After a brief discussion, they immediately came up with a perfect solution.

Lu Fei asked for the drawings just so that Zhuo Feifei could have reference materials for making a large screen. He was not using the drawings to make profits, so the problem would not be too serious.

In addition, we can divide the drawing into copies of more than twenty parts, so that ordinary tourists will not be able to recognize it.

Finally, send two more people to supervise the site to ensure that there will be no problems.

This plan was very comprehensive. After weighing the pros and cons, Guan Haishan finally made a compromise. But no matter what, it was designed by Lu Fei. At this time, I felt aggrieved, especially when I saw Lu Fei succeed. Smiling evilly, Guan Haishan had the urge to duel with this trap.

Guan Haishan's sullen look made Lu Fei smile even brighter. He patted Guan Haishan on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Old time, don't be so sullen, as if someone owes you money. Come on, give me a smile for my buddy?"


"Hey, you're going too far. I'm just lending you a drawing or a copy. What's the big deal with you?

I was also thinking about lending you the "Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" for display. Since you don't appreciate it, forget it. "

"No, no, Damn Fei, we have something to discuss."

The matter was eventually concluded in a "friendly" atmosphere. Lu Fei agreed to Guan Haishan, and three months later, he would lend "Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" to them for exhibition in turn. The loan period lasted for three years. The veterans were all happy.

Zhuo Feifei also accepted the plan proposed by Lao Meng. The dragon chair was temporarily sold for 5 million yuan, and the subsequent large screen would be revalued based on the completion results. Zhuo Feifei was full of joy and finally accepted this plan.

However, Lu Fei never gave a clear answer to the foundation issue that Guan Haishan was most worried about, which made Lao Guanguan have to become nervous. It was rare for Lu Fei to be reasonable. The old guys were dumbfounded and found it incredible. Guan Haishan was even more grateful.

Have you seen that Bao Bao Fei has really changed? When did the former Bao Bao Fei ever be so reasonable?

But things are different now. As the saying goes, the butt determines the head. When a person continues to make progress, his vision will definitely broaden. When this person reaches an unprecedented height, his state of mind is of course not the same.

"Balan Fei, thank you for understanding my difficulties!" Guan Haishan said sincerely.

Lu Fei waved his hand with an indifferent look on his face: "It doesn't matter. I know your difficulties. As the general counsel, of course you have to take everything into consideration. I understand!"


Guan Haishan was so moved that he almost cried. Who said that Baolan Fei was a tricker? The person who said this obviously judged a gentleman with a villain's heart. His conduct has always been noble!

When Guan Haishan was admiring in his heart, Lu Fei suddenly changed the subject and said: "Every family has sutras that are difficult to recite, and it is not easy!

You have your difficulties, and I also have mine. You are the general consultant of China Archaeology, and you have to look at the problem from a comprehensive perspective. This is something I learned a lot from.

As for me, I am an investor in the Kong Fanlong Archaeological Foundation. In the past, I rarely interfered with the foundation’s affairs, but recently I heard that there are many problems within the foundation. Although these problems are not too serious, they are serious. Less makes more. If it is not dealt with as soon as possible, a big situation will happen sooner or later.

After I return, I will discuss with Director Kong to suspend all the foundation’s business and conduct a large-scale rectification within the foundation. I will also be responsible for all investors! "


When a group of old guys heard this, their noses turned to the side in anger. Guan Haishan clutched his chest tightly, feeling that the blood was welling up and might spurt out at any time.

You idiot!

I was so grateful to him just now, but in the blink of an eye I was tricked by this guy. This damn bastard, why doesn't he die?

"Baolan Fei, you, you are blackmailing!!" Guan Haishan's face turned red and he roared angrily.


Mr. Guan, where do you start with these words? Lu Fei frowned slightly and asked in confusion.


Guan Haishan pointed at Lu Fei, trembling with anger, but there was nothing he could do about this guy!

Fu Yuliang and others quickly surrounded Guan Haishan.

"Mr. Guan, please calm down. This guy has always been so aggressive. This isn't the first day you've met him, is it?"

"That's right, there is absolutely no need to be angry with this kind of person. If you are really angry, then you will lose!"

"Yes, Lao Zhang is right. It's not a big deal if I want to see a copy of the drawings. He can't even borrow it."

Yes, I'll just agree to it. "

"Well, we all know the virtues of Baolan Fei. If we don't agree to him, he will do anything. Mr. Guan, please think about it, it's the end of the year. If the foundation really closes down for rectification, next year's funding will definitely be useless. How can we explain this to the comrades below?"

Guan Haishan also knew what kind of virtue Lu Fei was, and they really couldn't afford to offend him.

The annual allocation of more than one billion yuan is not a small sum. Recently, there has been a lot of commotion at the grassroots level in order to get this allocation. It is said that during the meeting, the heads of two regions almost got into a fight.

At this critical moment, if the funding goes to waste, big trouble will inevitably occur. Of course, he knows the seriousness of the problem.

"I know everything you said, but I made a mistake by agreeing to him. We just dealt with Hou Weidong. If someone pursues it, how can we explain it?" Guan Haishan asked helplessly.

These old men were rich in experience and were not comparable to Hou Weidong. After a brief discussion, they immediately came up with a perfect solution.

Lu Fei asked for the drawings just so that Zhuo Feifei could have reference materials for making a large screen. He was not using the drawings to make profits, so the problem would not be too serious.

In addition, we can divide the drawing into copies of more than twenty parts, so that ordinary tourists will not be able to recognize it.

Finally, send two more people to supervise the site to ensure that there will be no problems.

This plan was very comprehensive. After weighing the pros and cons, Guan Haishan finally made a compromise. But no matter what, it was designed by Lu Fei. At this time, I felt aggrieved, especially after seeing Lu Fei succeed. Smiling evilly, Guan Haishan had the urge to duel with this trap.

Guan Haishan's angry look made Lu Fei smile even brighter. He patted Guan Haishan on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Old juncture, don't be so sullen, as if someone owes you money. Come on, give me a smile for my buddy?"


"Hey, you're going too far. I'm just lending you a drawing or a copy. What's the big deal with you?

I was also thinking about lending you the "Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" for display. Since you don't appreciate it, forget it. "

"No, no, Damn Fei, we have something to discuss."

The matter was finally concluded in a "friendly" atmosphere. Lu Fei agreed to Guan Haishan, and three months later, he would lend "Thousands of Miles of Rivers and Mountains" to them for exhibition in turn. The loan period lasted for three years. The veterans were all happy.

Zhuo Feifei also accepted the plan proposed by Lao Meng. The dragon chair was temporarily sold for 5 million yuan, and the subsequent large screen would be revalued based on the completion results. Zhuo Feifei was filled with joy and finally accepted this plan.

However, Lu Fei never gave a clear answer to the foundation issue that Guan Haishan was most worried about, which made Lao Guanguan have to become nervous.

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