
As soon as they entered the corridor of the small foreign-style building, the old guys kept chattering and cursing, and their hearts were full of shock and disbelief.

As the first batch of guests in Xiaoyanglou, Lu Fei only invited Zhang Yanhe, Fatty Wang, Fu Yuliang and Guan Haishan with whom he had the best connections.

From the rain-flowered stones paved on the ground, to the house full of old objects from the Republic of China, to the classic cars in the garage and the sea view covering the walls, it completely overturns the three views of old-timers.

“Holy shit!

I had long heard that there was a mysterious little foreign-style building here, but I never expected that it was so luxurious and incredible. "Zhang Yanhe sighed in shock.

"It's too luxurious, it's too luxurious, it's so rubbish. How much does it cost?" Fu Yuliang asked while wiping his saliva.

"Haha, don't ask, you can't afford it anyway, so why bother?"


"Damn it, your words are so hurtful! .??.

I don't care, you have to soothe my injured heart and give me two bottles of your good wine in a while, otherwise I will never listen to you. "Fu Yuliang rolled his eyes resentfully.

"Are you sure?" Lu Fei asked with a smile.

"Nonsense, I won't leave if I don't give it!"


Lu Fei pointed at Fu Yuliang and said with a bad smile: "See, Lao Fu still has a good relationship with me. I planned to wait for you to leave, and give you each a box of good wine, but Lao Fu asked for two Bottle, good man!"


Fu Yuliang was so angry that the others laughed.

These old guys were the top leaders of the local provincial government for the first time. They usually have a lot of busy schedules and rarely have time to go out for entertainment. This time they came to Jincheng on business for the "Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains". Fortunately, the task was completed and a deal was reached with Lu Fei. , it can be said that everyone is happy, it is rare to have fun in the small western-style building, everyone is very relaxed.

In the evening, Lu Fei specially asked An Rushan to arrange a whole-sheep banquet. The old friends who ate there were very satisfied with their mouths full of oil, but they didn't drink much wine.

It's not that they don't want to drink. When everyone gets together, they drink liberally. In their words, if they finally get the opportunity to defeat local tycoons and become rich, they must not let it go.

But it didn't work out today. They were worried that they would get drunk and forget to bring the wine when they left. This small farmer's consciousness also made Lu Fei dumbfounded.

At around seven o'clock in the evening, several old guys said goodbye. When they came out, Guan Haishan deliberately dragged him behind. The other people knew that he had something to talk to Lu Fei alone, so they got in knowingly.

Waiting in the car.

He shamelessly asked Lu Fei for a cigarette, but he lit one and put most of the remaining pack into his pocket without politeness. It was really shameless, but Lu Fei didn't mind at all. This kind of random gesture made him feel even more intimate. If he and Laoguan were in the cold war a year ago, this would never have happened.

Now the two parties have reconciled, all misunderstandings have been explained clearly, there is no grudge, and the relationship is even closer.

"Balan Fei, you shouldn't have said that in front of them today." Guan Haishan complained slightly.

If Lu Fei wants to see the drawings, it's definitely not a problem based on their relationship, but Lu Fei shouldn't point it out in front of so many people. Where does this put him as the general consultant?

Everyone under the tree is watching, aren't you asking me to sit on the wax?

Even if it was resolved satisfactorily in the end, after all, I had lost face in front of everyone, and I was somewhat unhappy at this juncture.

Lu Fei didn't care: "How big of a deal is this?

It's better to point it out in front of them. If you have any problems, let them come to me to avoid stabbing you in the back.

Laoguan, you must not have the intention of harming others, and you must have the intention of guarding against others!

Although you are enjoying great glory now, have you ever thought about it? Countless people below are coveting the position under your butt. It will be too late to regret it if you are not careful. "

Guan Haishan curled his lips, obviously not paying much attention to Lu Fei's warning.

"Lao Guan, don't take it seriously. The position of the General Consultant of China's Archaeology is very important. He is not only a position, but also your teacher's lifelong efforts. Why did I build the Archaeological Foundation? Do you think I can't spend the money? After all, I want to help your teacher complete his unfinished goal from the bottom of my heart. While defending the world's number one archeology in China, I also want to carry forward this industry to a higher level. Otherwise, I will not agree to the three. served as general counsel.

Therefore, I will never allow the Chinese archaeological team to become a tool to help some people make profits. Do you understand? "

This was the first time Lu Fei talked to Guan Haishan about this issue honestly. Guan Haishan was a little disdainful at first, but he became nervous as he listened. When he heard the last sentence, Guan Haishan couldn't help but take a breath of air.

"Lu Fei, did you hear something?" Guan Haishan asked cautiously.

Lu Fei waved his hand: "That's what I said, you don't need to be too nervous. As long as you do your job well and stay vigilant, you will be fine. If you encounter trouble that cannot be solved, you can contact me at any time."

Although Lu Fei didn't say it clearly, Guan Haishan was not stupid. He knew that there must be a problem, but it was not convenient for Lu Fei to tell him. Guan Haishan was very moved after receiving Lu Fei's guarantee. "I-N-Ma!!"

As soon as they entered the corridor of the small foreign-style building, the old guys kept chattering and cursing, and their hearts were full of shock and disbelief.

As the first batch of guests in Xiaoyanglou, Lu Fei only invited Zhang Yanhe, Fatty Wang, Fu Yuliang and Guan Haishan with whom he had the best connections.

From the rain-flowered stones paved on the ground, to the house full of old objects from the Republic of China, to the classic cars in the garage and the sea view covering the walls, it completely overturns the three views of old-timers.

“Holy shit!

I had long heard that there was a mysterious little foreign-style building here, but I never expected that it was so luxurious and incredible. "Zhang Yanhe sighed in shock.

"It's too luxurious, it's too luxurious, it's so rubbish. How much does it cost?" Fu Yuliang asked while wiping his saliva.

"Haha, don't ask, you can't afford it anyway, so why bother?"


"Damn it, your words are so hurtful!

I don't care, you have to soothe my injured heart and give me two bottles of your good wine in a while, otherwise I will never listen to you. "Fu Yuliang rolled his eyes resentfully.

"Are you sure?" Lu Fei asked with a smile.

"Nonsense, I won't leave if I don't give it!"


Lu Fei pointed at Fu Yuliang and said with a bad smile: "See, Lao Fu still has a good relationship with me. I planned to wait for you to leave, and give you each a box of good wine, but Lao Fu asked for two Bottle, good man!"


Fu Yuliang was so angry that the others laughed.

These old guys were the top leaders of the local provincial government for the first time. They usually have a lot of busy schedules and rarely have time to go out for entertainment. This time they came to Jincheng on business for the "Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains". Fortunately, the task was completed and a deal was reached with Lu Fei. , it can be said that everyone is happy, it is rare to have fun in the small western-style building, everyone is very relaxed.

In the evening, Lu Fei specially asked An Rushan to arrange a whole-sheep banquet. The old friends who ate there were very satisfied with their mouths full of oil, but they didn't drink much wine.

It's not that they don't want to drink. When everyone gets together, they drink liberally. In their words, if they finally get the opportunity to defeat local tycoons and become rich, they must not let it go.

But it didn't work out today. They were worried that they would get drunk and forget to bring the wine when they left. This small farmer's consciousness also made Lu Fei dumbfounded.

At around seven o'clock in the evening, several old guys said goodbye. When they came out, Guan Haishan deliberately dragged him behind. The other people knew that he had something to talk to Lu Fei alone, so they got in knowingly.

Waiting in the car.

He shamelessly asked Lu Fei for a cigarette, but he lit one and put most of the remaining pack into his pocket without politeness. It was really shameless, but Lu Fei didn't mind at all. This kind of random gesture made him feel even more intimate. If he and Laoguan were in the cold war a year ago, this would never have happened.

Now the two parties have reconciled, all misunderstandings have been explained clearly, there is no grudge, and the relationship is even closer.

"Balan Fei, you shouldn't have said that in front of them today." Guan Haishan complained slightly.

If Lu Fei wants to see the drawings, it's definitely not a problem based on their relationship, but Lu Fei shouldn't point it out in front of so many people. Where does this put him as the general consultant?

Everyone under the tree is watching, aren't you asking me to sit on the wax?

Even if it was resolved satisfactorily in the end, after all, I had lost face in front of everyone, and I was somewhat unhappy at this juncture.

Lu Fei didn't care: "How big of a deal is this?

It's better to point it out in front of them. If you have any problems, let them come to me to avoid stabbing you in the back.

Laoguan, you must not have the intention of harming others, and you must have the intention of guarding against others!

Although you are enjoying great glory now, have you ever thought about it? Countless people below are coveting the position under your butt. It will be too late to regret it if you are not careful. "

Guan Haishan curled his lips, obviously not paying much attention to Lu Fei's warning.

"Lao Guan, don't take it seriously. The position of the General Consultant of China's Archaeology is very important. He is not only a position, but also your teacher's lifelong efforts. Why did I build the Archaeological Foundation? Do you think I can't spend the money? After all, I want to help your teacher complete his unfinished goal from the bottom of my heart. While defending the world's number one archeology in China, I also want to carry forward this industry to a higher level. Otherwise, I will not agree to the three. served as general counsel.

Therefore, I will never allow the Chinese archaeological team to become a tool to help some people make profits. Do you understand? "

This was the first time Lu Fei talked to Guan Haishan about this issue honestly. Guan Haishan was a little disdainful at first, but he became nervous as he listened. When he heard the last sentence, Guan Haishan couldn't help but take a breath of air.

"Lu Fei, did you hear something?" Guan Haishan asked cautiously.

Lu Fei waved his hand: "That's what I said, you don't need to be too nervous. As long as you do your job well and stay vigilant, you will be fine. If you encounter trouble that cannot be solved, you can contact me at any time."

Although Lu Fei didn't say it clearly, Guan Haishan was not stupid. He knew that there must be a problem, but it was not convenient for Lu Fei to tell him. Guan Haishan was very moved after receiving Lu Fei's guarantee.

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