A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3061 Confidentiality

Lu Fei's words are by no means alarmist. Even though Guan Haishan is the general consultant of China's archeology and has a high level, he is still relatively closed-minded to the highest-level sources of information. He is completely incomparable with Lu Fei's sources of information. This is Essential differences.

The Shenzhou Archaeological Team is an extremely special and relatively large group department. Strictly speaking, it belongs to the cultural and educational department and has little to do with high-level games.

However, these are all superficial phenomena. In fact, the influence of the Shenzhou Archaeological Team in the world cannot be underestimated. Taking this special department into your own hands will definitely have unexpected effects at critical moments. Therefore, at the top level, In my mind, the archaeological department has always had an extremely important position. Otherwise, Kong Fanlong would not have had such a high social influence and status.

Therefore, in this game between No. 3 and Fang Wenyuan, the archaeological team became the meat that the two were competing for. Guan Haishan did not realize that, in fact, there had been more than one meeting with the superiors regarding the ownership of the archaeological team.

To be fair, neither No. 3 nor Fang Wenyuan can be judged by the two words of good or bad. Both of them are the most outstanding figures of the contemporary era. If their character and style are not up to standard, they will never become One of the candidates.

The so-called difference is actually the word benefit.

The Chen family and No. 3 are close. In the eyes of the Chen family faction, No. 3 represents justice, and vice versa. In fact, this is all prejudice.

On the contrary, in the eyes of those close to Fang Wenyuan, it was nothing more than this.

When they reach their status, they have long been represented not by themselves, but by countless nepotistic interests. Therefore, the fight between the two of them is actually a fight between two factions. The winner is a prince and the loser is a thief. In the next few years, they will have a very high right to speak. The losers can only behave with their tail between their legs. As long as the other party does not deliberately retaliate against them, it is considered a good thing. .??.??

Both sides are unwilling to become losers, so the competition is quite fierce. All factors that may help one side must be controlled by their own hands. Dong Jianye's attitude in Special Department is unclear, so Fang Wenyuan has to step in and take Special Department into his hands. Everything is in your own hands.

The same is true for the archaeological team. This special department has a certain influence around the world. Who doesn't want to fight for both sides?

As far as Lu Fei knows, Fang Wenyuan has been very interested in the archaeological team recently and has frequently made fuss about the archaeological team. This is not what Lu Fei wants to see.

Number 3 has a stable character, Fang Wenyuan dares to fight and fight hard

, both of them have their own characteristics, and no one can guarantee that the archaeological team on No. 3's side will be better than that on Fang Wenyuan's side.

With Fang Wenyuan's strong character, it is not certain that the archaeological team may develop much faster under his influence, but no matter how fast the development speed is, Lu Fei does not want Fang Wenyuan to succeed.

Based on the relationship between Lu Fei and the Chen family, they naturally belong to the side of No. 3. Only when the archaeological team is under the control of No. 3 can Lu Fei have the right to speak. Only when he has the right to speak can Lu Fei truly feel at ease.

Judging from the recent situation, No. 3 has a slight upper hand, but no one dares to draw a conclusion until the last moment. Therefore, it is necessary for Lu Fei to give Guan Haishan a vaccination in advance. He is the general consultant of China Archaeology. At the critical moment, His attitude is crucial, but Guan Haishan's character has always been indecisive, so Lu Fei must help him firm his position. Once Fang Wenyuan gains power, Lu Fei can guarantee that not only will he lose his right to speak, but the Kong family will also quickly wither.

Of course, it was not convenient for Lu Fei to tell Guan Haishan what he was thinking. He could give him a little reminder to keep him vigilant. The rest needed to be understood by himself. Seeing Guan Haishan's reaction just now, Lu Fei knew that his goal had been achieved. .

Guan Haishan was not stupid. After careful review, he guessed that they were inseparable. He suddenly broke into a cold sweat. However, he also knew that at this critical moment, this topic was quite sensitive and he must not talk nonsense.

Staring deeply at Lu Fei, Guan Haishan nodded solemnly: "Thank you Bao Bao Fei, I know what to do."

Lu Fei smiled with satisfaction: "Boys can be taught!"

"Fuck you, uncle, you little grandson took advantage of me."


The two looked at each other and smiled, and this extremely serious topic was easily dismissed.

"Baolanfei, when you talked about the foundation, weren't you joking?" Guan Haishan asked nervously.

Lu Fei looked stunned and said: "Of course not, I have been thinking about this issue for a long time. Just like the grassroots response, the resources in various regions vary greatly, and there are big loopholes in the previous methods of fund allocation. This is something I failed to consider before.

Now that an error is discovered, we must correct it quickly.

We can't just look at performance, we must use funds in grassroots areas that really need it, and we must increase investment. Only in this way can the backward areas catch up as soon as possible. The quality and level of all places will be comprehensively improved, and the overall professional level of the archaeological team will naturally improve. It was brought up. "Lu Fei's words are by no means alarmist. Although Guan Haishan is the general consultant of China's archeology and has a high level, he is still relatively closed-minded to the highest-level sources of information. He is completely incomparable with Lu Fei's sources of information. This It's the essential difference.

The Shenzhou Archaeological Team is an extremely special and relatively large group department. Strictly speaking, it belongs to the cultural and educational department and has little to do with high-level games.

However, these are all superficial phenomena. In fact, the influence of the Shenzhou Archaeological Team in the world cannot be underestimated. Taking this special department into your own hands will definitely have unexpected effects at critical moments. Therefore, at the top level, In my mind, the archaeological department has always had an extremely important position. Otherwise, Kong Fanlong would not have had such a high social influence and status.

Therefore, in this game between No. 3 and Fang Wenyuan, the archaeological team became the meat that the two were competing for. Guan Haishan did not realize that, in fact, there had been more than one meeting with the superiors regarding the ownership of the archaeological team.

To be fair, neither No. 3 nor Fang Wenyuan can be judged by the two words of good or bad. Both of them are the most outstanding figures of the contemporary era. If their character and style are not up to standard, they will never become One of the candidates.

The so-called difference is actually the word benefit.

The Chen family and No. 3 are close. In the eyes of the Chen family faction, No. 3 represents justice, and vice versa. In fact, this is all prejudice.

On the contrary, in the eyes of those close to Fang Wenyuan, it was nothing more than this.

When they reach their status, they have long been represented not by themselves, but by countless nepotistic interests. Therefore, the fight between the two of them is actually a fight between two factions. The winner is a prince and the loser is a thief. In the next few years, they will have a very high right to speak. The losers can only behave with their tail between their legs. As long as the other party does not deliberately retaliate against them, it is considered a good thing. ??

Both sides are unwilling to become losers, so the competition is quite fierce. All factors that may help one side must be controlled by their own hands. Dong Jianye's attitude in Special Department is unclear, so Fang Wenyuan has to step in and take Special Department into his hands. Everything is in your own hands.

The same is true for the archaeological team. This special department has a certain influence around the world. Who doesn't want to fight for both sides?

As far as Lu Fei knows, Fang Wenyuan has been very interested in the archaeological team recently and has frequently made fuss about the archaeological team. This is not what Lu Fei wants to see.

Number 3 has a stable character, Fang Wenyuan dares to fight and fight hard

, both of them have their own characteristics, and no one can guarantee that the archaeological team on No. 3's side will be better than that on Fang Wenyuan's side.

With Fang Wenyuan's strong character, it is not certain that the archaeological team may develop much faster under his influence, but no matter how fast the development speed is, Lu Fei does not want Fang Wenyuan to succeed.

Based on the relationship between Lu Fei and the Chen family, they naturally belong to the side of No. 3. Only when the archaeological team is under the control of No. 3 can Lu Fei have the right to speak. Only when he has the right to speak can Lu Fei truly feel at ease.

Judging from the recent situation, No. 3 has a slight upper hand, but no one dares to draw a conclusion until the last moment. Therefore, it is necessary for Lu Fei to give Guan Haishan a vaccination in advance. He is the general consultant of China Archaeology. At the critical moment, His attitude is crucial, but Guan Haishan's character has always been indecisive, so Lu Fei must help him firm his position. Once Fang Wenyuan gains power, Lu Fei can guarantee that not only will he lose his right to speak, but the Kong family will also quickly wither.

Of course, it was not convenient for Lu Fei to tell Guan Haishan what he was thinking. He could give him a little reminder to keep him vigilant. The rest needed to be understood by himself. Seeing Guan Haishan's reaction just now, Lu Fei knew that his goal had been achieved. .

Guan Haishan was not stupid. After careful review, he guessed that they were inseparable. He suddenly broke into a cold sweat. However, he also knew that at this critical moment, this topic was quite sensitive and he must not talk nonsense.

Staring deeply at Lu Fei, Guan Haishan nodded solemnly: "Thank you Bao Bao Fei, I know what to do."

Lu Fei smiled with satisfaction: "Boys can be taught!"

"Fuck you, uncle, you little grandson took advantage of me."


The two looked at each other and smiled, and this extremely serious topic was easily dismissed.

"Baolanfei, when you talked about the foundation, weren't you joking?" Guan Haishan asked nervously.

Lu Fei looked stunned and said: "Of course not, I have been thinking about this issue for a long time. Just like the grassroots response, the resources in various regions vary greatly, and there are big loopholes in the previous methods of fund allocation. This is something I failed to consider before.

Now that an error is discovered, we must correct it quickly.

We can't just look at performance, we must use funds in grassroots areas that really need it, and we must increase investment. Only in this way can the backward areas catch up as soon as possible. The quality and level of all places will be comprehensively improved, and the overall professional level of the archaeological team will naturally improve. It was brought up. "

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